Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1961, p. 10

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13 AUCTION SALES AULau mud OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL 0R DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE N0 T01111 nsznnlzw or HIGHWAYS broom iriorey anex veneer reneol situated on part lot it eonreasion ll Townsip or West Gwliurnhury county or Slnaroe ailuated on the west side Hun way No1 about miles north or araorord Sale to he held on the prroperty at 1100 111 ns Tummy JULY Ilth 1061 TERMS cash or cheque piua 0000 Perromance head to ruaraniee Ihai wortr wui be com fitted according to 11110 clue allons cheques lo the made payhbia to the Treasurer oi 0n lane Par iurtner rontaet The Auctioneer Mr Ierry Couahlln as Weulnoion Street rail Earrte oniario Telephone P3 HM Automation pleua II Department or Highways inegienai citiso Dewnsview Ontario reiephooa cn trailLocal DEPARTMENT or HIGHWAYS ONTtalc IAUCTTON SALE 01 um class turniture electrical appliances new and load as new RUSSELLMCIIUIICII MOBILE iionEs 170 BURTON IAVE BARRIE No 11 Highway South SATURDAY JULY II AT RM SHARP to sell the raiiowlnp amoralan APPLIch Electric Ilnnscttcs good as new dlIIercnt mlkcr heavy duty humor electric nus good as new large Retrigeraturs dilb cicnt mlktl Knld working order Astral Refrigerators good work Ino order Phillis Naniei nadio good working er Generai Elec trio combination Radio and lie cord Pllycr Propane Gas Stoves good as new Westinghoure auto maiie Washer menu new used weeks Severai Electric Washinr Naonines Electric Pioor Poilsher Eieelrie Toasters and Vacuum Cleanen Phillipe zlInon TV good working order Numerous electric Lamps dltlcront sires Oak Dining suite comrlcte ta hie chairs huiiet ch in hi net Anti ue Utility Tobie Tah es flulicts hairs Dressers cnertr or Drawcrs Several Springs and Maltrcsscs single and oouhie good as new Several continental neds sineie and double Bookcase new cnesls or Drawers new Writan Desk new End Tables Occasional Chairs hrand new necssional Chairs good as new Chesicrneld arid Dnveno Suites good at new Fireplaoe complete Odd Chairs Bookcase Writing Desk Kitchen chairs lclthcn etle good as uowCeiner cup hnard Wicker sot complete with pieces good condition and many other articles too numeroiu to list Terms cash No reserve Bl own er has to have warehouse space Frank Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHLIN Allansz its wonderful the way Classified Adsget re suits Phone PA 82414 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Trustee of ladult Unlltd Church luv instructed th un dcfllucd It lei bzhpuhuc Ine tlun It An Can ottwunn Tunamp on SATURDAY JULY AT PM the lollolinl Brick Vtueer Church lutldJn Luge rranae Shed covered lrl riael sinu Bundlnl uud tor hooua Chureh Seats Pulpit Quan lily oi Carpet Omar Lam aor Stover coat Stove quantity oi chain humor or silverware Quantity oi Dishes Communion get ouanmy or my Wood steel All buildl Nov 106 sale CHAS POSTER Auctioneer Phone 50 Creemore Ont Man Robs Bank Flees Into Subway TORONTO CplA lone gun man robbed central Toronto bank of about 31000 Thursday and police picked up suspect few blocks away soon alter ward The tall husky holdup man tied into nearby subway sta tion when bank clerk Colin Enr low chased him tiring one Shot Scores 01 police searched Sta tions and trains along the sub way line belorc picking up the suspect few blocks north or the bank Canadian Imperial Bank oi Commerce branch at Yonge St and Pleasant Blvd Time Will Publish Magazine Here TORONTO CPiBradiey Gundy Time magazine advere to In removed by Terms Cuh til tising announced Thursday that final contractsl Ior printing the Canadian edir tion of the weekly news maga zinc in Montreal instead of the United States have been con cluded Mr Gundy Said the contracts provide for installation or new presses by Ronald Federated Limited and the start of lull production 01 the magazine in Ronalds plant by the end at this Year Last week by Managing Di rector Lawrence Luybourrte contended that the royal com mission on publications wants it made impossible to continue issuing the Canadian issue either from the United States or in Canada One of the commission recom mendations was that Canadian advertisers be denied exemp tions tor tax purposes on ad vortising copy placed in Ioreign periodicals no matter where they are printed PlifliESSIIIIIIII IIIIIECTIIBY LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROW Barristers Sanction Notaries Puhue convcyhneera etc DulceJ Owen St Barrie Branch oiItcoEiuivhie Out nerve as Soazrana QL Gnrdor Teskey CONDER SUGG annalsmas SIILICITOKS NuTAIuES PUELic CONDER on SUGG 5A 129131 Dunlap St East PA 06491 COWAN Er COWAN BARRISIERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitors Collier st Eam Ph PA 68407 WILSON MOORBY EnnuIsTEn tr IsoLiclroii LAW OFFICF AT 102 DUNLoP ST PA 5013a SMITH McLEAN aeeer Smith 00 Arthur IIIeLean times Upper narriatera soueltors etc 20 Owen St Phone PA 8590 GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Barrister and Salicitor Law oriiees at Wlisen auiidtnp Fred Grant street aorrie outerlo Telephone PArkw com FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST CONVENIENT TERMS so Woralev st Earlla on 0655a REIDS TV SERVICE 125 DUNLOP 51 EAST OPPOSITE EATONS srnvics CALL ANTENNA ansrALLATIONs hNI REPAIRS 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTRONICS 21 PICTURES TUBES INSTALLED $3500 Guaranteed 12 Months OverhouiAny Make TV $750 Plus Parts 10 or All Tubes SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED 0N moron REans USED lVs 1N PERFECT CONDITION mom $3095 TV RENTALS $500 PER WEEK Complete For Immediate Service Call ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM C7 WRIGHT Certiiieo Puhue Accountant Toronto Ind Barrie Barrio Dirieewuson BIdK Peed Grant Square PHONE PA 03397 Neodhhm CPA Resident Partner ROSE Cr HARRlSON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 69 Collier St Phone PA H915 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher at Piano Siam moan Puplla prepared to examinations or the Royal conservatory at Music Toronto in grades and AncT Modern methods studio 77 Bndlord st PA H1111 IRE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO nnAiiut 117 NAPIER ST BARRIE ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher untrue tion Plano Theory coaching in frcgcb Latin other school sub ec 01 Ross SL Bun1e PA 05775 PTOM ETRY ROBERT SMITH gt R0 Optometrist to 530 closed wanes arternoen or Dunio st East Birth 82586 NOEL STEPHENSON RO Optsotnlkrlst Duulop East ems Phone FA M201 $250 PA8175728LL CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North dealer Neither aide vulnerable NORTH AAK urges 1110 EAST aqua go 512 OK 41076 49542 SOUTH 17 xnosz qua qu Thebiddtug North East South West 2m Pass PL lv PM 6U Opening leadten of spades The study at card conthina Iiuns and how to deal with them properly is project that pays for itself many times over For example suppose you have situation where the dum rny has A4090 and you as declarcr have Qxx of that suit and suppose also that in dependent oi the rcstm the hand you must not lose more man one trick in the suit to make the contract One way oplay this combi nation is to lead low to the ace and return the too It the ncxt player plays low you can either duck or go up with the neat started with Jxx you queen If your righthand oppo shouid duckbut it he started with Kxx you should go up with the queen You can be pending on how good guesser right or wrong either way doe WEST 100 75 you are Another way to treat this combination is to lead low and play the eight mm dummy it you lose to the jack you later take another finesse and hope that your rightshand opponent was not dualt the KJ The second method at play Is better because the odds are about to that RHO was not dealt both honors whereas it you play the ace first you are not likely to be successiui much more than 50 per cent 01 the time However this principle is not to be followed blindly and its application may depend upon other circumstanceh tho are present in particular deal For instance at todays hand it would be wrong to play the dia monds in the suggested order without first taking certain pre lirninary steps Declares wins the spade lead TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE FRIDAY JULY 430 Caravan 530 Cannonball 500 News Headlines 001 Daredevil non 020 Farm leket deport 614 non nmiesnn 515 News Walther 100 Father Know 720 11oVe Lucy 800 Red ltiver Jambore 030 Perry Mason 91m Danger lieu 1000 Have Gun Will Travél 1050 Tightropc 1100 CBCTV News 1115 The Weatherman Today 111 spam Community News Movie The Steel Trip asst 1105 SATURDAY JULY Test Pattern News and Weather hiospert 200 Water Surety hiovie Range Werl Boy Scout Ienahoree Bugs Bunny All Star colt News Weather Sports Goir could Dennis The Menace 110 tn smnpwwrss SEESSESSS CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO FRIDAY JULY 400 Protersora Hideaway s00 Whirlyblrds 040 Magic Moments In Sportsv 645 News Weather 700 Outdoors 730 Leave It To Beaver 800 Theatre at Eight grim Done It sail pantry style 1030 1100 1125 1715 Friday Nllht Theatre Jae Iltdseth 155 Epilogue SATURDAY my Proiessera Party sports College Eova or Gtrir Hausa News Weather Sporir Social credit Program channel Nine Theatre Showdown At aoot iuu Baseball Wrestling 111 Time Sparta Magic Moments in Weather Man Into Space Hart of the Matter News Weather Sport Better Late sports conviuced that country will dysentery he Said When you sce them you want to help with the ace takes two rounds of trumps carries the king spada and rutls spade Theo he Sasha the AKQ oi clubs discarding diamond from dummy ter which he leads low diamond and messes the nine East wins with the luck it is true but the slain is rmide pe cause he is eudplaycd There Is no card he can return to pro vent declare from taking the rest at the tricks Tomorrow nighcqu dcleiue Predict Laos To Turn Red MONTREAL CPIA youngv Toronto doctor who spent nine months working at the late Dr Tom Duoleys hospitals in Laos arrived in Montreal Wednesday turn Communist within very short time Dr Rob Winlmp 20 went to Laos to get an idea of what human suiiering iS all about Almost every one in the country has malnutrition or them These people dont under stand politics he Said They Simply want better dealbet tor food health and education for their children ll they dont get it Irom us theyll take it Irom the Communists That goes for the rest of Asia 14Day Sentence For Strike Violence TORONTO CPJBruno GIIlt bert 35 was sentenced Thurs day to 14 days in jail on charges of creating disturbance and malicious damage arising out at construction strike violence May 30 No other men Adelberto Di mauro 12 and Domenico Vai ente were sentenced earlier this week on similar charges Deience counsel Arthur Maid nay said all three convictions will be appealed Evidence showed Gubert was part at flying Squad at about 50 strikers who tried to persuade 16 workers to leave construc tion project gt Job iorcman Tony Guientil testified Gubert ripped wires from hydro panel in con struction Shack kicked two workers and started fight with third ETIA KETI IJII Tho Peoples Chnlca 000 Sgt Blitio 030 Sea Hunt 000 Great Movies llllr Deeds Goes To 1080 Juliette 1100 CBC News 1110 News Weather sporta 1115 600111011 china Twila hill Biz Goodie Turn The Key sortly sUNnitY JLlIY 15 Test Pattern 200 Popeye and Pals 215 News Weather Sports 210 Good Lire Theatre 000 Empress or Canada Country Calendar 400 Holiday Edition 500 New Maguzlno S30 Naked City 630 110th flood 700 National Velvet 7107 some or These naya 000 Ed Sulllvan Show 900 GM Presents 1000 Bringing Up naddy 1000 Background 1030 aleet hchraw 1100 cm News 1110 News Weather 1115 ltiovie shanghai VTownl sports story 130 Klfll Guam ShUW 830 Two Faces West 900 Naked CIU 100 Film of the Week 1050 Johnny flaw show 1100 News Weather 5P0 1116 Saturday Night Theatre Letter To Three wives 105 Epilan SUNDAY JLUY 1030 Youth and Religion 1050 Storieaior Sunoa 1100 For Your Enterta nment 1130 Around the World 1200 New Poeirara 1005 Bravo Theatre Douglas mirheniu Pruents channel Theatre Great means or an Times Int League Easehau Believe It 01 Not News Weather Sports The Real aiccirya The Donne Reed Show Academy Periormanea integmlasitptfl ea my enhance Part Palladium News Weather Sport Epumzuo ILL TAKE Iranawrpol nit rr mail Now Is 130 200 330 400 500 sail 700 730 000 000 005 1000 1100 1135 BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON tn III HLZER WANT TO EOMETO Am 1151 10 FEW WIT IISNIYE IO THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY use HE MIGHT LEARN SOMETHING OF HIS DAUGHTER FROM the OBOLOV 00R FRIEND WIMLIER Is My III ENGLAND REPORTAGAIN vou CAN BE REPLACED BY MACHINE MEDIWERS YOU CAN NEVER fiEPLACE mutinykibble car if DROP ME AT THE STOREIM WAI PAW DUE FROM LUNCH wowlwsm THEY BlTlNG SPESH PLEASE DONT MENTION FISHING pear KNEW WHEN Saw THAT BIG CONVERTIBLE warmer Mm we 04ml on Wi WY CONECIEME 170 com or FRIENVfi 0N flirt gas or if fiéltfiflumfll CENTURY AUTO PA end of Duulop at Femdala Rd rebuilt generators as low as rebuilt water pumps as low as Westinghouse sealed beams 6V radio aerial piece DONALD DUCK auz svarIt p01townlis set or autoiloor mats as low as brake liningoue axle set as low as RTS rebuilt voltage regulators rebuilt transmissions as low as heavy plastic seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper white and black sidewalls Inurl chrome wheel discs set of Ex newized batteries 6V 12V year guarantee BA 66416 BARRIE $375 $4990 ex $350 $395 $695 5595 ex $4335 ex 5395 ex All new and rebuilt parts IuIIy guaranteed lower overhead and lower prices iIE lNVENTEDA MACHINE No NEWAG rrwaIzIltsonnIEAI112LD COMPLICATED A5 rr SC IT JUST 50 HAPPENS SEEMS ELIE Ti cum memes menu THE 500111 10 liltile sill kubm ItL tE SFROMitlEIiltLGRASS FELLSTIIELEADINGSOWIERWITH iiiélrié films 03m gay HIDDEN pronouns Iilsrtrlitl RAKEnlE Followers mars MUGGS AND SKEETER NDNSENSE IF IHEIP ONLY STOP WEARING THOSE SMCE HELMETS 015K THEIR EARS

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