Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 524 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 97th YearNo l5l ROBERT THOMPSON 47 centre newly elected national leader of the Social Credit party is flanked by his rivals for the leadership Real Caouette of Rouyn Que left and George Hahn of New Westminster 130 ercphoto ElectAlbertan To Lecid Party Back To Ottawa OTTAWA CF The Social Credit parly hitched its Wagon Thursday to dedicated and energetic Albertan in the hope he will he the star who will lead it out of the federal political wilderness ln electing Robert Thomp son of Red Deer as its new na tional lender the party placed itself under widelytravelled educationist who was one of the original disciples of the Social Credit movement in 193445 at the tender polit ical age of 20 Mr Thompson was one of select group who attended leadership classes conducted by the late Wiliiarn Aberhart Although never elected to pub lic office he has been staunch worker for Social Credit through the years and maintained close touch with the movement even during 15 years in Africa on as signments for the government of Ethiopia He is firm believer in free enterprise and strongly critical of what he considers drift by Canada to ds socialist state ORGANIZED CONVENTION He has bent for organiza tion As president of the na tional pnrty association for the lastyear he had the biggest hand in organizing the current leadership convention and is credited by many members with the new vigor they see in the party across Canada Mr Thompson went to Ethio pia in 1943 with team of doc tors nurses and teachers after hitch as an officer ingthe BCAFs air cadet training pro gram He organized the Ethio pian Air Force Training School and the countrys Boy Scout movement was principal of the Emperor Haile Selassie Seconv dnry School and later director of provincial education He also travelled on special as signments for the Ethiopian gov ernment to other African na CLAUDEIODOIN WARNS TCAs Plans Threaten Safety Of Passengers OTTAWA CP Claude Jodoin president of the Cana dian Labor Congress said today he has asked Labor Minister Starr to use his influence to halt tactics by the Crownowned ranstannda Air Lines intimidatoin and strikebreak federal mediator is in Mont real now holding meetings with company and union representalt tives in an attempt to avert strike of TCA flight attendants scheduled for July The talksin their second day were initiated by Mr Starr Mr Jodoin said that plans be ing initiated by TCA in its dis pute with the Canadian Air Line Flight Attendants Associ artion CLC threatened the snfety of passengers The president of the 1100000 member CLC issued thetext of his letter to the press In the letter he said the CLC is becoming increasingly con cerned at the attitude and poli cies of the Crownowned TCA RIGHTS VIOLATED We have before us clear evi dence that the management of TCA has adopted policies which are in direct contradiction to the intent of your governments lag bor legislation and are viola tion of the right of Canadians to bargain collectively through union of their choice Mr Jodoin accused the com pany of threatening to fire any employees who exercised their legal right to strike At the same time thecum pany started enlisting strike breakerSfrom within and out side the company he said NursHELI Sends Note To lwosumcron AP much point in negotiating premier next week The United States has frameda gt note telling Nikita Khrushchev in effect that there is not over Berlin unless he comes up with more reasonable ideas It probably willgototheSovietf Liberals Wont lions and to lodia Pakistan the Middle East and Europe He returned in 1958 to Red Deer where he has tiny zit acre farm and an indication of his stature in Social Credit coun cils was his election as national association president only two years later HERES ONE The Sunday School teacher was trying to put across the idea of Gods omniprpsence so she asked Now Willie where do you think God is this morning In our bathroom at home was the unhesitating reply Whatever you say that cried the amazed teach er Cause just before left saw pop poundin on the door and hollering Good Lordl How long are you going to stay in there Mr Jodoio said the union has been negotiating with the com pany since August 1960 The company had violated the prin ciple of federal legislation by making the threats and hiring the strike breakers before the conciliation hoard appointed ths gpring had reported to Mr flll Rod Lave Wins Wimbledon Tennis WTiVEBLEDON England Reut ers Australias Rod Laver whipped Chuck McKiner of St Louis in straight sets today 63 61 64 to win the Wimbledon The red haired Australian seeded second succeeded in his thirddtry in the Wimbledon final He was beaten last year by feli low countryman Neale Fraser and lost two years agoto Alex 0lniedo of Peru The Australians po ul service and his strong allround game was too much forthefln yearold McKinleys seeniingly endleSseenergy which endeared to the capacitycrowds at the tournament and two girls were born Tucs LOCAI WEATHER Sunny tomorrow winds north east 15 Low tonight 45 High Saturday 68 For complete summary turn to page two Ellie Therm Examiner BarrieLOntarlo Canada Friday July 1961 Report Birth Of Quintupleis NEW DELHI APlTwo New Delhi newspapers reported to day the birth of quintuplets in north Indian village The reports said three boys day at Dabra about 780 miles south of New Delhi Mother and children were said to be in good health but no further details were given in the reports which were unconfirmed The matemity home where the quintuplets were said to have been borr could not be reached by telephone The worlds only surviving quintuplets are the Diligentis of Argentina now 18 Four of the five Dionncs born in Callande Ont are livin Theyare 37 Emilie Dionne died in 19 ROBESON VISITS LONDON Reuters Singer Paul Robeson accompanied by his wife has arrived in Moscow for vacation CRIER 0N WAYTO The British uircrnft car rier Centaur moves through the Suez Canal Egypt yesterday cnroute to at Ismailia of the British force sent to the oilrich desert sheikdom to bolster its defences against possible aggression by Iraq AP Wirephoto Kuwait The carrier was part Nazi Asks ewsiTo Understand gt and air and sea forces into the mens tennis championships Extermination F0 JERUSALEM AP Adolf Eichrnann begged Israel today to understand that his role in the Nazi extermination of the Jews was thrust upon him against his will just as millions of others had to follow the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler Before the start of the prose cutions crossexnmination the former GestnpoTiffFertdld the th specinl israell tribunal had no luck Eichmann said society is bound together in system ti whereby state exists on orders and obedience and could never survive on spies and traitors alone He who has good sovereign to lead him is lucky said Eichmnnn had no luck The head of my state ordered these deportations of the Jews to the death camps and my task was to carry out these orders from the top ETHICALLY GUILTY The man charged with major respons ility for the death of six million Jews refused to plead guilty legally but said from an ethical viewpoint he cer tainly was guilty like l1 themselves to escape orders He tried to divorce himself from the job of transporting the Jews to destruction ceeded reed Upon Him The legal guilt is to be home by those responsible for the political decisions to order deportatinns Eichmann said But ethically in ones attie tude toward oneself the sense of gullt applies to concepts above the law Here condemn myself Iv beg to say herel have regreLs and condemnation about is extermmntion of the Jewish people ordered by the German NETS The court theprosecution and audience were held almost spellbound as Eichmann enunci ated his true feelings He said lieutenantcoloncls imself could only kill but never suc RULE SUICIDE SAN FRANCISCO AP coroners jury ruled Thursday that the deathplungeof million aire George Vanderbilt from the 10th floor of the Mark Hopkins Hotel June 24 was suicide dur ing de ency over ill health SzAirica Moves Troops Planes To Stave Off Invasion By Angola JDHANNESBURG AP South Attica has moved troops huge territory of SouthWest Africa to guard aga any Negro revolt or invasion from strifetorn neighboring Portu guese Angola At the sometime South Af rica which rules SouthWest Africa under an old League of Nations mandate4has baned entry to United Nations com mittee instructed to investigate charges of racialdiscrimination The UN investigators ére touring other African countries to interview available refugees from SaudiWest Africa Thecommlttee in telegram to UN SecretaryGeneral Dag Hammarskjold called on the UN to getit inloSouthWest Africa and unless South Africas to policies in the territory are alleviated gravely explosive ac tions from all African peoples are bound soon breaking point UN REBUFFED contends that tion policies idea as well as South Africa are cern er theUnited Nations to reach the The South African government its racial segrega in SouthWest Af domestic matter and no con SouthWest Africa was pro First World War German col ony1t is 317725 square miles in area and has populationof about 4150u0 Negroes and 50 otlowbites WEATHER SUNNY FOR WEEKEND TORONTO CP The weather office says South ern Ontarios weekend W9 ther should be mainly sun ny with temperatures few degrees below normal for early July cool at night and comfortable humidity Isolated afternoon show ers are possibility Soon May Be Able Prevent Diabetes LONDON CP Dr Charles Best ot Toronto codiscov erer of insulin said Thursday night that one day we shall be able to prevent diabetes Addressing the annual meet ing of the British Diabetic As sociation Best said believe mat in 10 years we shall have an insulin that can be absorbed when taken by mouth Best was honored by the as sociation of which he is vice president during its celebration of the 40th anniversary of the discovery of insulin Will Gain Kuwait By Peaceful Means BAGHDAD fAPiraqs Pre mier Abdel Karim vowed Thursday his country never will use force to gain Ku wait We will never use any means but peaceful means We will never resort to aggression he declared In his firstinterview since anuouncing Iraqselaim on the oilrich sheikdom SundayKas sent told reporters Again must assure youKu wait will return to the mother land but we donur live in barbarian ages when brutal meansare to defeat the wellbeingofinan Not More Than do per Copy12 Page Face The People Pearson Dares orrawn CPlPrlme Minis ter chienhaker sounds like man spoiling for gcneral elec tion None of his opponents seems to be quaking at the prospect Opposition ea Pearson last Weekdnred the government town on election HV Herridge deputy CCF leader threw out similar chollcngc Thursday So did Robert Thompson new leader of the Social Credit party though the party has no representatves in the Come mons The only group which appears to be on the spot is the Liberal dominatcd senate whose mem bers are appointed for life There are 72 Liberal in the upper house against 25 Conserv atives Remainder of the membcr Senate is made up of one independent Liberal two independan and two vacan cies 1n the Commons there are 204 Conservatives 51 Liberals eight CCF one New Party member and one vacancy for total of 265 anLLENGE ro SENATE Mr Dief nbaker declared Thursday that the Senate must retract an amendment to the Conservative governments Cus toms Tarilf Bill or an election will be called sooner or later on the issue of Senate reform Election talk petercd out like brook in the Sahara after the $650000000 deficit budget was presented June 20 But it was spouting like geyser on Par iarncnt Hill Thursday night It may get an even higher lift today when ltfr Diefenhaker relt sumcs the debate on the govern mcnts bill to sack James Coyne as governor of the Bank of Canada The prime minister left up in the air what he meant by sooner or later or by Senate reform But on the latter point be indicated he has in mind constitut 11 hi amendment to prevent the Senate from deal ing with money bills The measure in question is money bill but the Senate did not amend its financial provi sinus specifically 1ts amendment would insert in the bill designed to provide stronger tariff protection for certain Canadian manufactured goods the right of appeal to the Tariff Board against arbitrary decisions by the minister of new tional revenue The govern maintains this amendment would affect revenues and therefore infringe the sole and undoubted right ofithe Commons to impose tax isaqiflremier sure Arab People Support His Claims To Kuwait BAGHDAD AP Premier Abdel Karim Kassem oi lraq says he believes practically all Arab peopleexcept the sheik support his claim to the newly independent sheikdom of Ku wait But he pledged once more not to use force tovget Iraqs tiny oilrich neighbor to the south Kassem gave his views Thurs day in his first interview with Western reporters since an nonncing last Sunday that he regards Kuwait as historically part of Iraq He appeared in excellent spirits We will never use any means but peaceful means he said We will never resort to aggression Again must assure you Kuwait will return to the motherland but we do not live in barbarian ages when brutal means are used to defeat the wellbeing of man HEDGES 0N PLEBISCITE Though Kassem told corres pondents he was sure Iraq would get Kuwait without going to war he didntsay how He hedged onthe question of plebiscité among Kuwaits 320 000 inhabitants The Kuwaitis are Iraqis he said There are some non Kuwaitis Would it be fair to ask the Indians to Mecca if Mecca should he Indian or Arabic If you eliminate the foreigners the Kuwaitis would like chance toreturn to their homeland Kassem said that except for number of sheiks be de nounced as corrupt playboys practically all the Arab peo pies support his claim He specifically excluded Saudi Arabian sbeiks from his de nunciation although KingSaud is the staunchest Arab backer of Kuwaits independenceand has sent troops to the threat ened sheikdom In Kuwait ruling sheik Abdul lah asSalim AsSabnh has used part of his $3000000adsy all income to give his people the highest standard of living and best educational and medical system of any Arab country British Troops Are Withdrawn From KuWait BAHRAIN Reuters vSome British troops have beeniwithx drawn from Kuwait to Bahrain and others will be moved back here in rotation it was an nounced today Air Marshal Sir Charles 151 worthy Britains commanderin chief in the Middle East said the Coldstream Guards have beenwithdrawn and all British military units will be rotated in accord with policy of mini mum defensive force In answer to reporters question Elworthy said there is fnothing to suggest that an Iraqi attack is imminent ApproveCNRBill Until Gordon StatuslClariiied CmThe Liberal ooqpoo in 1961 on capital proj opposition lfl the Commons aid ect Thursday it wont agree to zip prove algovernment bill auth izirigthnew capital RCAF Search Missing Helicopter HALIFAX on lt The RCAF said today an air search in foggwas being continued for helicopter owned by Okanagian Helicopters missing lorLabrador since Monday Oxford Veterans Win Henley HENLEYONTHAMES England AP The Leander Club ofHenley group of Oxford University veterans feated the Thorn ing Club eight by one length to go into the finals for the Royal Henley reguttas premier trophy the Grdnd Challenge Cup Two Youths injuredin Chase VTRENTDN CPD Two Toronto youthswere seriously in lured here early today when they crashed in car while being chased by police Mr Gordon CNR president for the last years now is continuing in this post on day today basis The government hassnid that when an appoint ment is mad ill bean pounced We are entitled to obtain this information before we vote these large sumsof moneyMr Che vrier sat Who Is the president of the ONE at this moment mhgssgipgams erICLrsiuiisH LEAVES nrsrliurnnr annotations authorized some weeks ago by An 11yearoldv girl was were nopntrons imtlte reslt ofvtherroad The accident iuissiie Takes 9054Mi1e rgngn CAPE CANAVERAL AP The United States Air Force Thursday night fired an Atlas missile onarecordshattering 9054Amileflight past the tipof th an into thelndian legislation He was speaking on aprelim inary resolution introduced by Finance Minister Fleming whlc Wasnpprovednt the night sit tm The bill would authorize GNRfo Opposi tion Leader Pearson asked pm Surprised that the leader oftbé opposition is not that Donald Gordon is nt Mr leming said Mr Pearson sleeping within 50 feet ofthis sign whenrlt was snapped off by loadedgstake truck thi morning She is the daughter dinkarch Scbanifec proprietor 1116 restaurant accident tnuraht at the time of the The truck would have gopc right involved twocars and truck The truck loaded with ee ment blocks went out of co trolafter colliding with car spewed blocks for hundred feet along the highway galH lidedwith telephone pole snapping it off knocked down the large restaurant sign hit the retaining wall at an orna mental garden andve edup inthe ditch on theother side ofthe road Story is on page two Examiner Photo

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