Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1961, p. 6

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November SUNNY SKIES PREVAIL GRENFEL WA GARDEN TEA garden tea held at the home of Mrs Tyson Smith Grcnfel attracted many lo cal residan as well as Bar rlcltes yesterday afternoon Enjoying the pleasant sur roundings and refreshing cup of tea are clockwise PEOPLE AND PLACES Western Canada Is Magnet For Barrie Vacationers The western provinces are at trncflng many county travellers this summer Barrio teachers taking advan toga oilsummer vacation time are Miss Shirley Dawson of Steel Street school and Miss Jean Robertson on staff at Cod ringlon Street school The travellers left the city yester day morning on the first lap of dildomile motor trip through the prairies to Vancouver Highlights of their fiveweek tour will be visit to the Cal gary Stampede and Bnnff Al bertn After brief holiday in Van couver they will return via Yellowstone Park The girls will be joined by Miss Irma Lloyd of Kingston and Miss Ann Morelnnd 0i Gananoque Mr and Mrs Herbert Noble Vespra Street their son and daughterAmlaxv Mr and Mrs Noble of Newmarket Will return to the city at the weekend alter twoWeek trip through the west to Calgary and Bantf Alberta After attending the conven Pioneer Resident Ot Innisiil Celebrates Her pioneer resident of Stroud and Churchill Mrs Irving Nel son Sr celebrated her 90th birthday June 27 Mrs Nelson was the former Carrie Rogerson of Churchill where she was music tea or and church organist The nonagenarian is in ex cellent health and continues an active life in her sphere of church and social activities Knitting crocheting and read ing are her favorite pastimesK Mrs Nelson reveals the sec ret of bar longevityto keep adtive interested in people and up with the times Radio and TV are wonderful she says but not any more wonderful than ears electric pment in the home or the machinery that makes farm work so much eas ier today Mrs Nelson and her late hus band resided on farms at Churchill and Stroud prior to her move to Toronto in 1933 She was guestat many events in boo of her 90th birthday Parties were given by her neighbors the WMS of the church friends in Willow dale and her family Mrs Nelson received many Agifts cards and flowers includ ing congratulatory message from Prime Minister chfen baker Alomilyparty us hold at ellomé of her daughter Mrs Lane Willowdale with all be immediate family pres ent including Douglas of Oak ville Dwight of strand Grace and Helen of Willowdale and tion of tho Federated Womens Institute of Canada at Vanl couver British Columbia Mrs Hurry Dawson and Mrs Eurl Scott of Hawkeslono havarelt turned to the city The five day conclavc was held at tho University of British Columbia Mrs Dawson is president of Centre Sllncoe WI and Mrs Scott is past president of East Simcoe WI Mrs Dawson re ports that the rural organize tlun of Wis now boasts mom bershlp of more than 210000 in its 3000 local branches Mr and Mrs Jack Waliwin RR barrio returned from twoweek motor trip to Regina and Saskatooon Saskatchewan early this week Their plans in cluded visit at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Wigglns of Regina However Mr and Mrs Wiggins were enroute to Ontario and have since visited at the wallwin residence GARDEN TEA Gionfel WA members held the annual Garden Jenat the home alums Viysgn Smith Grenfel yesterday afternoon Pouring tea at the event were Mrs Fred Harris Mrs Jack 90th Birthday MRS IRVING Nelson holds her greatgrandchild Sheri Nelson of strand Irving of Toronto with whom Mrs Nelson makes be home Grandchildren present were lrving Dick Robert and Janet Nelson David Lane and Jimmy Connolly The celebrants only greatgrandchildren Glenn and Sheri Nelson dittdren oi Mr and Mrs Irving Nelson of strand were also present Mrs Nelsons only sister Mrs Martha Wallace of Rex dale and her only brother and hiswlfo Mr and Mrs Dwight Rogerson were also among the guests Leiroy WI Make Fall Bazaar Plans After the customary open ingconducted by the purl dentnMrsSE Curtis business was discussed bazaar was planned for Each lady prosent submitted hcr name birth date and anni versary date to the secretary Mrs Jackson so that the Sunshine Friellds could be drawn Mrs Reid and Mrs Donnellywere appointed lead ers ofthetesms to compete for points during the yen Tho losing team lsto treattha otherat theend of ye Mrs Gilmore ondM Donneliy gavoan intern report of the district an nuulmeeti Miss Donneiiy convonerJor Agriculture Canadian orous reading and the Farmer garden tips Miss Donnelly dusirles then took the chair she commented on the motto Plant seed of kindness in the home addwatch it grow in the community reading stre the value of cheese in the diet was read Mrs Reid gave an excel lent reading ifwiist is fan ily An item telling about latively new industry in this area thagrowing of Merlon hiuogisss was read by Mrs After giving some timely barnsrmsrs as Maple an Mrs Sid Bosch Mrs Garner Mrs Lloyd Little and Mrs Albert McFadden Ez aminar Photo Sulley Mrs Charles rimls Mrs Edward Howard Tea hostesses included Mrs Frank Head Mrs Harold McMaster Misses Noreen Ford Cheryl Colo Pauy Harris JcanIVcen sire and Joan Smith Mrs Rus sell Harrls Mrs Harry Parr and Mrs Willard Wheeler Wm in charge of the bazaar table Kitchen conveners woreMrs Clifford Ford nod Mrs Clifford Harris Receiving guests wors Mrs Charla Cole president Mrs Victor Howard vioeprer ident Mrs Garnet MoMaster Mrs Frank Holmes and Mrs Ross Harris were bake table conveners RETURN TO WALES Its the end of an era for Barrie antique dealers Mr and Mrs Charles Jones who have operated an antique shop in Allandala for the past eight years Mr and Mrs Jones will leave Montreal today aboard the Empress of Canada forthelr native homeland at Cardiff Wales VISIT UK The British Isles is the vacc lion land chosen by Mr alfl Mrs Rowe Owen Street Mr and Mrs Rowe left today for Prestwick Scotland via ICA for months holiday MONTREAL HOLIDAY Miss Heather Dixon left Mal ton via let airliner yesterday for Montreal Quebec She will be guest of her grandmother Mrs Helen Dixon andreturn to the city the end of July Mrs Fultbn Buried Today KAMLOOPS 130 CPlFu neral services will be held in Kamloops Sacred Heart Catho dral Thursday for Mrs Winni fred Fulton daughter and niece of two former 30 pro rulers and mother of Canadas lemme Minister Davie Ful Mrs Fulton 82 died Tuesday in hospital where she had been taken earlier after suffering heart attack Mrs Fulton was prominent civic worker since she moved here from her native Victoria shortly after her marriage to Frederldr Fulton in 1909 She had lived in Kamloops con tinuously since except for the period 191721 when her husband served as MP for Carillon rid ing in Ottawa Haz husband served in vari nus posts in the provincial ca binet of Sir Richard McBride between 1901 am 1909 He died in 1935 Mrs Fulton was the third daughter of thelate Hon Davie BC premier 18871889 Her mother was the former Ca therine Stunner of Constance Cove near Victoria member of prominent BC family An uncle fheodore Davie was 130 pronliter lionloos and was later appointed chief lust iceof the province One of Mrs Fultons sons Wing Cmdr John Fulton died in second World War bombing raid Three oops survive FURNITURE THE BEST lN PRICES SELEcjrloN SERVICE Igm BARN WEITHUESDAY JULY Holt Family Unite At Annual Picnic On Saturday June as members of the bolt family helda reunion at Springwatcr Park Mldhurst Ontario The wore descendants of three bro thers John Jacob and Joseph Roll who came from England more than 100 years ago There an now six generations of this faintly Many came from Stayncr Barrie Thornton Colllngwood and number came from T0 ronto with one family travell ing all the way from Palawawa silver cup which was don ated some years ago by the late Robert Holt of Barrio was presented to Mrs Jennie Bow man This cup is pmenled annually to the eldest member of the branch of the family having the most members pres ent at the picnic lot of interest and fun was cronch in Family Tree Con test Miss Jane llolt for many years missionary in West China but now living to Stay ner won top prize in this con test when she submitted 751 homes and addresses of llolt relatives Unfortunately she was unable to be present as she is convalescing in Toronto Western Hospital Mrs Art Brown formerly Rosina Holt of Pctawawn was givcn prize fdr having come THE STARS SAY ny EBTRELIJTA FOR Iomonnow This days stars warn against carelessness in business and fi nancial matters Written and legal matters also call for cou tlon In the PMiofluenccs are more pleasant and main of the days problems lb ul right themselves not can enmmav if tomorrow is your birthday you have every reason to be optimistic during the next SIX months look for an uptrend in business and financial matters during this period also during November and mid December If you are single new romance is in the offingwith the possi bility of marriage sudden or otherwise before the end of 1961 in job matters whidi in the case of Cancer are more often than not found in the creative field you are currently in fine cycle for ca ltalizing on original ideas and cycle should last for many months to come How ever youll have to work hard to capitalize on your ideas You cant expect immediate gains September should bring excel lent results for your efforts along job financial and property lines however also late Aug ust midOctober and December With the end of 1962 unusually good planetary aspects will en courage new ventureA tuly auspicios beginning for the new year child born on this day will he endowed with fine imagina tion originality and inventive ability When youre SHOPPING never Mumm roll an In is ex com old PLUS DIPOSI the longest distance Letters were received by the secretary from many bills of Canada and these were read during the business period After an early supper the sports committee hesdedi by Lloyd Blawett and Ken McCul cheon of Toronto were in charge or games lilting cli max was reached when large circle was formed and prizes awarded It was generally conceded by all present that this was the best reunion The dew executive for 1961 are Mrs George Holt Thornton president Bob Holt stuyucr vicepresident Mrs Amy Holt Wiggins lbronto secre tarytreasurer Wylie Bowman Stayner and Roger Evans Staynor sports committee YOUR HEALTH Navy League WA End Busy Season The Womano Auxiliary to the Sea Cadets and Navy Angus Cadets held their final meeting stfroz thRSurgmcr It Agnes eel evening Elena members enioycd tur key supper before the businss meeting After the reading of the mln uies and the maturers report nominations were held for now slate of officers The liew list of officers in cludes Mrs Marguerite Old hsm chairman Mn Janet Lo gan vicechairman Mn Cell cits Miles secretary Miss Doris Farrier remIanin office as treasurer Mrs Snider expressed thanks to everyone for their coopera tion while she was in cities draw was made on raffle for chaiselounge and also for barbecue The first was won by Mrs Hurray Anlersen of shanty Bay and Bill Swan ER Barrio held the winning tic hst for the barbecue The next meeting will he held in September at the hamlet Mrs Oldhnn Tl AW Street Barrie After the adjournment of the business meeting social evo nlng was enjoyed The Alnrii iary personnel hope that fall meetings will see more cadet mothers as active members Spasm In Arteries Slows Blood Flow By BURTON FERN MD Every hot puff turned Joes feet into ice cubes lilo trouble Tbromoonuglills obliterans TAO also called Boer ers diseasel Its victims usu smoke and shave TAO rarely strikes women Inflammation erupts in larg er arteries and veins usually in the lags Their lining rough ens and blood pardons into clots to block each vessel forever Inflammation triggers spasm in normal arteries and blood slows to trickle Toes tingle and burn but feel icecold Joe bought arch supports be cause his fooE and ankle hurt But his doctor recognized the trouble when his trained fuiger tips couldnt feel any pulse on Joes foot ARTERIES VEINS CLOGGED Eventually clots clog most arteries and veins Short walks bring on sh pain in the call But few to nutes rest works like soothing balm Sometimes though even rest wont relieve muscle cramps Then go to bed Raise the head parton blocks and gravity will help blood drain down into your legs Wear only wellfitted shoes Loose rubbing breaks down fra gile bloodstarved tissue Dont paint blisters with ilr dine or burning chemicals And please no bathroom surgeryl Let the surgeon do all curing Keep legs comfortably warm at room temperature Hot water bottles increaSe oxygenneed faster than they speed up blood flow The net loss may be your foot Heat your abdomen chest and back This warmth rolaxes blood vessels in arms and legs Exercisei Raise the too until ltwbltens lower until it red dens then rest it horizontally for minute Repeat Special tilting beds can do these exercises for you while you rest Followyour doctors advice Hell prescribe drugs injections and perhaps an operation to re lax large blood vessels in your legs Smoking is out it lenses ves sels Medicines can preventncw clots from taming WOMAN ADMIRAL CARMARTHEN Wales CPI Mrs While nowlyeleoteo mayor of Carmarthen has be come Britains first woman ad miral The title of mayor hero carries also the honorary title of Admiral of the Port BARBIE COUPLE The engagement has been announced of Miss Nancy Claire Ferguson daughter of Mr and Mrs John Clifford Ferguson Castle Drive to William Millet Salter Jr son of Mr and Mrs William Millet Salter Bayflcld Street The wedding will take place at Trinity Anglican mulch July 22 Senior Citizens Club Members Begin Rounds 0t Busy Summer The senior citizens of Barrio have an organization that lna quiet way gets around They have also reporter of their own in the person 01 Sidney Rowe whose home is in South Barrie the former Al lnndale at the west end of Al fred Street He enjoys the fresh air right at the west bor der of our city recent report was re quest to the womens editor Allow me space in The Bar rie Examhierfor news of the senior citizens of Barrio These last few weeks we have bad wonderful wealher for an out ing more so for the senior citi Women Establish National SC Aux OTTAWA CPlThe National Social Credit Womens Auxili aries of Canada was founded Tuesday at meeting which mixed business with something else dear to womens hearts hats The feminine arm of the party to st in the promotion of the Social Credit movement throughout Canada was estab lished by women delegates when they adopted constituv tion The national council of the womens auxiliaries in the prov inces is to meet at least once every two years at the same tlrne or prior to the convention of the national party associa tion Provincial membership on the national council will be based on mmhnum of ab auxilia ries to province each consist ing of at least six women frivolous note was added to the session when delegates pa raded before two judges wear ing zany bats Loaves of bread tobacco leaves and oil zoos who made trip to Col ilngwood by bus last week Although the day was chilly Just the same an outing is good for folks liks the citizens An other outing is planned for July with trip to Shanty Bay by bus to the home of Mr and Mrs Prfssltk two of the club members We all hope for good crowd its also wrote lm sorry to announce the passing of one of our members who resided at the IOOF Home on William Street Mr Brown who had been sick for some months Such things are and happenings in our everyday life wells were some of the more outstanding examples Officers elected included Na tional president Mrs lan Smith Calgary Vicepresident Grace Gough Manotick Ont CLASSROOM MOIIVE MONTREAL GP Compe tition in classrooms should be eliminated said Toronto psy chologist Dr William Blot during lecture here He he lieves tee true motive should be the joy of learning and all deeds should be motivated by thoJoy of doing Bedding Plants Vegetable Plants Garden Seeds FEN DLEYS FLOWERS 14 Blake st IPA ssm Situyraréwmqfi¢vaiorarflwrurxularuKan ALso Mama GAS or THIS LOW LOW PRICE 1500 ooWN 1000 on MONTH 259 INleFlcésr suntan Big Big value low Low Price ilungo has many loniine features Seven Mentauflacs Elements Croslcy IllSpeed Elements Special ProHeat Oven Control nutm noni For Elsie Oven Cleaning Removable Porcelain element rings Nodrip Recessed litangeTop King sized oven Appliance Outlet Drip bowls and Full Width Storage one EVEN AT THIS Low PRICE we CAN ACGEPI TRADEINS lsrnlcr ionop sAknlr 5553

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