riivon masonrm Social Crediters Yale it To Chose New Leader MISS UNIVERSE CONTESTANT Wilma Reynolds 19 oi To ronto carries hockey stick on arrival at New Yorks Idle wild Airport Tuesday She is enroute to Miami Beach where she will represent Ca nada in the Miss Universe coutcst AP Wirephoto INNISFIL NOTES Fishing Party Fun But We accompanied 30 members and visitors of the Barrie and District Independent Insurance Agents on fishing trip Wed nesdaY Usually this annual trip goa up the lake for the afternoon ï¬nishing with supper at restaurant However thisyear it was decided we would put some new scenery into the trip and go up the Severn Paddy Miles oonvener made the arrange ments and after fastdrive up the new highway we arrived and headed up the Severn in three boats Gloucester Pool was our des tination and our boat guides had special places where we would stop and fish However the catch was had to get the day was too nice as it was claimed by the old timers who knew how pike and pick erel should be caught that they do not bite on sunny day Wojockeyed from one fish hole to another three boatloads spreading out and often we were not the most welcome people to diose residents who had come to this rsecluded spot to live for the next two months Sometimes there would be just little more noise than is usual for fishing party0ne mem ber could not restrain his do sin to swim and did MEET AT CAMP At noon our three boats collv ected at designated camp site kept up by the lands and forests department There are several at which camping may be done either by the day or longer With the help of our ides and visitors who must ve been taken along or their cooking qualifications we soon had tastyhamburgs sausages gheans and spaghetti on the heat and water boiling for cof fee One would have thought we left bare cupboards at home the way the food disappeared However we did not clean out rthe lockers 7l3y six in the evening we again gathered at another campsite and more food was consumed or course load was not an that was consumed Mostof the boys brought along soft and not too soft drinks and continued There were those and they were lnthe majori who went to fish and did fis We got oneon and lost minnow who had been swimming tirelessly for hours and may he been if was gay party Fishing glad to finish up as he did The on caught were not large ones like those from Lake Simone Typewriters NEW Er REBUILT FROM 495° RENTAL and SERVICE SIMCIIE openings MACHINES so poxinn st PA 34324 lite Hamburgs By but they satisfied the catchers and helped win prizes awarded to all for nearly anything The trip lasted full twelve hours DOG TAG ISSUE Mrs Douglas Fralick who protested to council oi abuse and threats of assault by the township dog catcher Robert Sproule when she accompanied her husband to get tag for dos phoned us Wednesday She and her husband had been invited to meeting ar ranged by the Reeve for Thurs day night between them and the official with the council She suggested that we as rep resenting the public be pres ent Later Mrs Fralick was told that the apology from the offiA cial would only be forthcoming if the council would meet cer tain demands regarding office space demanded by the official in his capacity as assessment commissioner 0n learnin this Mr and Mrs Fraiick ecided they should consult their lawyer They expressed doubt if meet ing with the dog catcher would improve matters They said they wanted an apology in writ ing and had no concern about his quarrel with the council Crown Appeals Conspiracy Case TORONTO CPlThe Crown filed application for appeal Wed nesday against the acquittal of two gamblers and former On tario Provincial Police officer on conspiracy charges Special prosecutor Ford said the jury reached perverse decision in acquit ting Joseph MeDerrnott Vincent Feeley and former OPP gambl ing squad officer Robert Wright OTTAWA lCPl flie Social Credit party elect new nai tional lender today in what may be tighter contest than origi nally anticipated Social Credit Premieis Mane nlng of Alberta and Bennett of British Columbia appeared to be backing different candidates it was learned Mr Bennelt was at least tacitly supporting eloquent Real Caouette 43year old llouyn car dealer and Que bee lender who said Wednesday night he expects to take 30 to 85 per cent of the votes in what shaped up as fourmen race Robert Thompson 47 na tional presith and education lstchlroprnclor from Red Deer Alta had been strong pre oonventlon favorite with the word going around that he had hlr Mannings blessing Voting results were expected to be lmown by pm EDT to day after addresses by the can didntes and their sponsors TORONTO CPlThrentxof general building strike in this area seems to be over Union leaders Wednesday called off sympathy strikes that tied up commeran construc tion projects but will continue their battle to help immigrant strikers in he housing field The union heads had intended to call general building strike if mass rally Wednede ï¬lled the grandstand at the Co nadian National Exhibition Only 10000 workers turned up half of them from the striking housing industry About 16000 men attended similar rally 10 days ago gt The lenders proposed instead that commercial construction workers contribute an hours earnings week to support the 40day strike Housing locals of the unions have aclmowledged they are almost out of funds Charles Irvine vicepresident of the Bricklayers Masons and MIAMI BEACH Fla AP dues increase and broad new powers today helped James it Hoffa consolidate control over the international Brotherth of Teamsters Hoffa dealt his minority up position series of setbacks and cleared the way to new fiveyear term as union presi dent Hoffa scored his biggest tri umph in gaining approval of $12000000 annual increase in does at an allday and night session of special Teamsters convention Hoffa rammed through the convention amtpercent raise in his own salary to $75000 year from $50000 It made him the highest paid union official in the United States But he IMPERIAL Other candidates are George Hahn 49 of New Westminster gtBC onetime Alberto school leacber and Patterson 50t of Abbotsford BC national Partyorgamze All aspirants except Mr Thompson once were Commons members HAS SOLID BACKING be big delegation which Mr Caouctte predicted would swell to 331 by voting time was regarded as almost solidly behlnd him He addressed surprise Que bec caucus Wednesday night after telede banquet speech by Premier Bennett Mr Caouctte left it up toeach delegate how to vote but urged Quebecers to vote as Canadians rather than Frenchmadluiis He was cheered frequently and enthusiastically There can be live voting dele gates from each federal constit uency in provinw Most of the Plasterers Union CHE told the workers on the eastwest subway Boll telephone and hy dro construction projects to re turn to their lobs Scunnnig the emptyrows of seats at the grandstand lllr Irvine commented We had to gt separate the men from the mice or should say rats He had harsh words for the trades union leaders who dis couraged their members from leaving their jobs to attend the rally He said he knew the rank and file would takecare of them Major repercussions within the Toronto Building Trades Council which sponsored the rally is certain to result from this lack of support Absent from the rally were bricklayers carpenters plumbers and oper ating engineers The vigorous steps of man agement instructing employees to stay on the job wu believed one favor in the poor response Hoffa Pushes Through Measures For Pay Hike Increase In Dues said he duerved it because he presided over the biggest US labor organization with 1700000 members The dues increase would boost Hoffas headquarters rev enue to abï¬lét $20000000 year It would member dues re quirements by $1 member month Dues vary from to so month Milton Lisa president of tho Nwark NJ Local 470 and Hof ias only opponent for roelec tiop lost series of convention floor battles to limit his pro gram ths and others argued that the dues increase and other Hoffa proposals would limit lo cal union autonomy and the right to serve as national union officials and convention delelt sates How SHOWING EVE snows AT 700 meson THE DANCE OF THE1WEEK13 Appearing in Person CLARENCE Frogman 1H you ALWAYS HunT THE ONE YOU10V ENRY LSATURDAY NIGHT JULY Enioy Dancing to the stars Aiso of the Hit Parad non sviuoNos andlHE ATLANTics FEATURINGMARY ANN PETIlFORD panama 845 pin T0 ivnnNIGHr NEXT ATIRACTION U5 BONDS N0 ON THEHIT PARADE QUARTER To THREE delegates are from Quebec Al berta and 86 Quebec has 15 federal mnstituencics and one candidate in the leadership race while Alberta and BCl with combined 39 rldings have co fared three candldotcsbetween them The leadership convention was made necessary by the res lznetlunlnst fail oi Solo low 61 who had been leader since 1945 He now is juvenile and family court lodge in Alberta In keynote speech Mr Man ning invited Canadians to turn right and set our feet on new path that will lead this nation and its people into new era of prosperity of freedom with opportunity and equity for all Mr Manning speedily set the tone for resurgence of the party wiped from the federal election mop in 1958 when all the Progressive Conservative 19 MP5 were defeated in sweep Threat Of General Strike In Metro Area Seems Over from the estimated 75000 work eia in the commercial construc tion lleld STARVING BIRD FORCIBLY FED VANCOUVER CP Billy the Stanley Park Zoo fla mingo went on starvation strike Monday and it almost killed him The sevenyearold bird was carried out of his indoor pool in semicome after being spotted by visitor stagger ing weakly around the bird house Curator Alan Best said Billy is scheduled to leave the com fort of the bird house for one of the parks duck ponds He seems to sense it after seeing other birds being transferred and he doesnt like the idea Billy now is undergoing spe cial treatment Every hour or so he is being forcibly fed wilh condensed milk and vita min pills he doesnt like that either said Mr Best iiEiisouiinir PRICES BUDGET TERMS APPOINTED Mrs Ginette Tmponlu of Quebec City was appointed to the Canada Council for threeyear term in May 1961 Mrs Glnette wife of Quebec City magistrate was president of the Quebec Association of University Women GP Photo Laundry Owners Battle Damion TORONTO CPI The Tor onto Coin Laundry Owners As sockitlon Wednesday night dc clded to fight to stay open Sun days as 80 members drafted plans for the battle Patten president of the association said the owners are not out to defy the Supreme Court of Canndo but will take legol measures such as petitions Io keep the automatic lnundrhs open Sundays Supreme Court decision ln Sarnlo test case June 20 ruled coin laundry operation illegal on Sundays The association decided to clr culate petitions throughout Mo tmpolltan Toronto and to sub mlt brief to the Ontario gov ernment seeking revision of the Lords Day Act Mr Patten said the ossocio tion iamerely trying to show the inconsistencies of law which permits burlesque shows on Sunday but not ooln laun dries TIE HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY Appoint Coniinitteeï¬To Examine Aspects Of Gambling In Europe TORONTO CF Atlorny General Robert Wednesday an nounced appointment of two mon factfinding committee to examine legal and moral as pects of in the west ern world Speculation began almost It once that the Ontario govem meat is taking new look at the feasibility of some forms of lotteries or betting pools in the Province The committee will be headed by Desmond Morton profasor ol criminology andavldence ot Osgoode Hall Rolf Eng an eco nomlrt with the attorneygen erols department will work with him In recentyears there has been pressure from various park of Canada that the federal govern ment legalize such forms of gambling or the irish Hospitals Sweï¬pstokos and British soccer P00 FEDERAL MATTER Only the federal government can legalize any form of gambl ing but if the new committee strongly supported legalized lot teries the Ontario government could petition Ottawa for change in the Criminal Code The announcement first was interpreted as meaning there would be survey of Ontario gambling but department spokesman said later the com mittee wants general picture of how gambling is handled in other countries it is expected the committee will turn its attention to the On tnrlo situation after the mira pean investigation is completed Mr Roberts said in his state ment there are two sides to the story of gambling Investigating committees particularly in the RUSSIA BUYS FISH REYKJAVIK lceland Reut ersRussia will get 5000 tons of quickfrozen fish fillets worth 75000000 kroner $1960000 un der deal slgned today with Iceland FAMOUS PLAYERS mum new Sinime HE BIG ONE FOR EVERYONE FEATURE ms AT 630 910 pm FACTORY BUT EVERYONE is INTERESTED IN ALL SUMMER Dont siran this sum imer small invest ment in ZONOlzllE applied by yourself in the attic and added ventilation by using louvres can result in cooler days and nights indoors Your carunll garage next winter the long summer even inzsiare an excellent time build it yo self sav money on protectthe Screens of nonrusting fiberglass allow long lasting sinnmer venti lotion for relief on hot summer nights These canbe doltyoinselt project or ordered cone plete Privacy fences about the patio complement the houseami allow the privacy for Unitedï¬utes have pointed out that mania obtained through gambling activities are some times dlvertul by criminal ele ments to serious cruncs 0n the other hand to such place as the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian oountria boob lotteries and other forms of betting have wider re spectability and legality than pertains in many jurisdictions in the Western Hemisphere HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE TONIGHT AND FRIDAY in Allfllfllil FRANEIUSA SHIRLEY MicIAINE CAROLYN JONES mm ADULT YHRILLS OF WORLD 700 HIGH ue 100 Fan our Hst CARTOON mova summo ll sooner or ouiiiiaiirsroioiiiiiiiriaiioniicrs iii Mosr wrrii Mimi ADan FREE steamers WITH tip To vs YEARS102