harm Examine Barrie Ontario THURSDAY JULY ï¬tPm 031111 Newspaper Savs Time To Leave County From The Orlilla Packet and Times expected to fork up the funds required Recent events have left no doubt that to build registry office where they the time has come for Orillla to pull out of simcoe county For years the dis cussion on the pros and cons of county participation has been continuing and oftenit has been made political isue particularly at election time without any serious study or consideration really being made rho time has surely arrived for such study and consideration As it now ap pears Orlllla is by far the single larg est contributor to county revenues and derives less return from its county affil iation than the smallest roadside ham let It is surely ironicai that Barrie which severed its ties with the county few years agoycontinues to enjoy in increased measure the revenues and em ployment accruing from its position as county town and the location of an in creasing number of county institutions Could anything be more ironic than the countys decision to locate not an other registry office as sought by dis trict lawyers but an addition to the ex isting one in Barrie to be paid for largely by orillia In other words an other building for Barrie is to be paid for largely by Orlliia taxpayers who are opposed to the whole project Could anything better illustrate the county counclls lack of regard for Oril lla interests than its treatment of del egation of Orillia lawyers together with its mayor reeve and deputy reeve asking for time in which to consider the coun cils shocking announcement of its plans to build $60000 playroom for itself as part of new registrypfflce addition Council brushed their objections aside not single member voted with Orilllas town and township representatives As result Drillias taxpayers are dont want it and to throw in an extra $80000 to give county council members rumpus room and snack bar to boot Council already has one caucus room but presumably the new one was pro posed to sweeten the countys approach to the question of the registry office And far from submitting the matter for the approval of its largest contributing municipality county council did not even have the courtesy to delay the pro iect to allow Orillia to consider the mat ter small but significant indication of county councils attitude to Orlllia could be seen at the annual Wardens Picnic at which the mayor of Barrie which is not even member of the county organization sat at the head table while Orilllas mayor and the heads of the other county municipalit ies were relegated to places beneaththe salt The truth of the matter is Orillla has outgrown the county county organ ization is basically designed to look af ter the needs of rural areas and small hamlets and villages its weed control road oiling and similar county programs are of no value to an urban municipal ity Orlllia just cannot afford to play the sugar daddy for these things any longer her own requirements are taxing her revenues to the limit It is time fore special committee to be appointed by the town to assess the effects of sever ence from the county and the steps re quired to achieve it If Orlllia taxpayers are to be required to build rumpus rooms snack bars and registry offices they should at least build them closer to home where they could use themcr see them Why pout more thousands of dollars down the countyratholel Care Maj Save 7A Life Careful driving should be observed at all times but there is one particular reason why we bring upthe subject again School is out For these two summer montlu childlt ren are playing on the streets near their homes or they are going to or coming from the parks and the day camps Little children especially in their joy at being in the great outdoors after long months confined to classrooms tend to forget the hazards of motor cars No driver wishes to strike down any pe destrlan particularly child There was one bad accident on the main street of Barrie not long ago when young cycl ist was thrown to the pavement fort unately not fatal But let us as car drivers remember that children absorbed in play do not always stop to think of danger as they pursue ball that has rolled into the street or ride their bicycles or scooters out of drivewaysinto busy thorough faresDrivers and this includes busy truckers must look out for them const seeing child injured in thoughtless accident We dont want anything like that to happen to us so lets double our pre cautionary methods during thls summer vacation period and make surethat no chlldis injured or killed becauseof driv ver carelessness Some suggestions Drive slowly when passing play grounds vacant lots and alleys be care ful when you see child on bicycle be extremely careful when you see ball rolling in the street it is usually followed by running child We all want to see our families intact when we get home from work Other Edilors Views main means FLYING man Christian Century Each new day seems to spawn another right wing organization or publication But we had no idea of their number and variety until we discovered publication of the University of Illinois school of li brary science Its recent Occasional Paper No 50 written by Ralph Ellsworth and Sa rah Harris carries the name Tho American Right wing Readers will be surprised to learn that there are ap proidmately thousand voluntary or ganizations in the United states today which may be called rightist The positions they espouse range from responsible conservatism to the kind of for right radicalism Which is currently being exposed Some are short lived small organizations little more than single dedicated individual plus or minus comma smvaa REFINING The Saturday Morningsof June 11 1011 told ofxtherflrstsilver being refined The Barrie Examiner Authorized second onu mu on Department DRIWI Sundays and sututory anuduy excepted wasps Publisher am smear omen Manager nmmasmv Matilda sailor anans In wanna snsinnu Mina aoancvsnmsn scum Mum man nouns cecalnon Munr all 111 carrier 35o weakly an By man in Ontario man man 1100 Outsld cm only igggscriptlol run year or or two month do no 120 lumbar or tsunami ushers wonum Th Audit sure 94 Ir nu dilllltcllnd in moim loyal wife Others have as many as three million members along with hot tomless purses The south has more than its share but it has no monopoly on them The occasional papers analysis of the mes sage and purpose of these organizations is succinct and accurate Two ideas mo tivate the extremists of the right Anti iederalism and anti internationallsm Positively they are utopian methodo logically they are aggressive particular ly in the matter of publishing and writ ing lettersto congressmen The authors end their analysis of right wing poiemlcal writing by declaring Today there is no comparable body of political writing from the left We would not dispute this statement but it causes us to reflect on the irony of situation in which the right win gerslacking really effective oppos ition feel so insecure Down Memory Lone at the mills works of Canada Refining and Smelting To mark this Manager Almy and Superintendent Daniels were presented With loving cups made from the firstsore by MayorFrost on behalf of the employees So successful has been the operation of the smelter that the company hasbroken ground for erec tlon of additional buildingsto double thecapacity obalt ores are treats aosr BY NOSE in 93s The flower show ad been of great success and few nights later Coun cillor Jones who had Lgperformed the opening cétemony was reading there ins antly Nothing is so heartbreaking as MIRROR QUEENS PARK Mayors Cari MIRROR Expect ll Code Of Ethics By DON OEEABN TORONTO The provinces mayors and reeves dont want code of ethics They aiso dont want pro vincial board of ethics Well gentlemen you will probably be getting both in some form or other There was one bright man at the mayor and reeves annual convention York Township Councillor Philip White said to the dale gates What have you to fear if you are honest and honorable Gentlemen what have you INSPECTION SENSLBLE The tender feelings of our municipal representatives are getting to the stage of the ri dimilous They would give the impres sion that they believe that they of all things on this earth adi male and inanimate are per fect The proposal that there should be some inspection of municipal adminlst ti is completely sensible and practical Your average local councillor is man who has landed into the nowand complexfield of municipal air probably from behind store counter an insurance office or some other rather limited and specialized business life REPORT FROM 11 The normal council usually has few men ofsone years orrsws REPORT Raising in Funds New Party Problem PATRICK NICHOLSDN Even with the massive sup port of the millionmember Ca lm Timcmam arty is culiy attaining its target to raise 3250000 to pay for its founding couvulion Some who voling delegates from all parts of Canada are expected to gather in Ottawa July 31 for this fiveday conven tion at which they will formally adopt nconsliiutlon and elect their first leader They may also gin the New Party new name The New Party Founding Fund iobclng collected on the basis of voluntary contributions nf by individuals or through BIBLE THOUGHT Call to me and will answer you and will tell you great and hidden ibingsJercmiab 228 Our Lord wants to do far bet ter for us than we sometimes are ready to accept Just call upon Him sincerely Elflï¬mézpiliflihfiï¬t $2 Eating Habits much And it is not by any means unknown for com pletely new council to be elected Can such men and such groups possibly know it all her ioNonrm The great weakness in he msyurs and reeves thinking of course is that it ignores the fact there is an Ontario Municipal Act The fact there is such an act whlch lays down the ground rules for municipal administra tlon here has responsibility to the people of the province for the couduct of municipal business The other important weakness is that with their tender feelings the mayors feel that any pro vincial supervision implies sus picion of dishonesty or at least criticism This of course is false it is both natural and sound that the province with its staff of ex perts should keepan eye on municipal administration and where advice is needed to pass it along totbe relatively in experienced local leadership This is the real point of mu nlcipal supervision Any dis honesty uncovered would be only incidental Km Fennel Charters Train To Move by MclNTYRE noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner STEVENAGE Hertfordshire The growtbsof the new town of Stevenage has encroacbed so much on agricultural land that farmers in the area are look ing for fresh acres farther afield where they are less like ly to be afflicted by the march of modern progress This was the reason for wholesale move made by fermerJohn Fr 42 his wife Beryl and their two children from their Hertfordshire farm to new lo cation in Wales In specially chartered entire train they moved their household belong rings farm equipment and their enage to their new form at New er machinery weighin livestock overnight from Stev Quay Cardigansiure Wales it was alargescale opera tion taking train of 33 coach es and freight cars On it were loaded all their furniture 30 Guernsey cattle 20 pigs 12 cats two dogs 50 ions of new moyvn hay and tractor and oile nearly 20 tons BUSY LAST DAY The last day on the old farm was busy one All the ma chinery had to be dis ailtled ready for ship The last job of the to carryhoutme aftï¬moon vs an taket em fogtbettralnfl Themthe family moved Tallerfs Farm Aston which had been their home for the last at of their dwelling at motleytrainload arrived at the new farm ofilio acreson the Welsh coast And the first thing to be done on arrival was feedthecows and get on with the morning milking Not single working hour of opera tions was lost by this allinone method of removal from one farming area to another The Priceshave been losing acreage from their farm piece by piece to Stevenage New Town for several years On the last occasion when the De velopment Corporation asked for more of the land Mr Price takingadvantago of section of the New TownsAct rnarle ihe corporation buy the whole farm and then announc We lore clearing nu Mr Price SH We do tJeel bitterabout it but it is virtually impossible for farm to operate next door to new town My farm has be come more like park with people trampling everywhere breaking down hedges tamper ing with machinery and letting means the government rtlie cows out of theirfields gtWe have ggood The Pilces children Vaii essa 19 and Tony 17are bot going to the University of Wei ES to take degrees imagricul Ille in move for our own ow FRIENDS WlNNlPEG CplA reading club started in 1910 by six young brid is still meeting regularly her The Searchlight Reading clu in its sist year has about members The old estscontlnuing member Mrs Archie McGillivrsy wh joined in19 Are Changing BANFF Alta CPD Ca nadians are becoming more educated in their eating boh its says man who daily su pervises the preparation and serving of about 5400 meals William Grauwllcr 47 chef at Banff Springs Hotel said When started in this country in 1947 eating was rushed affair Meat endpo tifitoesor hot dog and then But there has been dis tinct improvement in the last six years both in what peo ple eat and how they eat it although hard liquor still seems to be the rule With the meal rather than wine The influence of European immigrants and increased wealth among Canadians are two reasons Mr Grauwiler gives for the change The Swiss born executive chef of the 11 Canadian Pa cific hotels says his own fa turtle soup and lobster with vorlte meal would ost about $1Havlar with sh real Rhine wine beef tenderloin with dry burgundy sea soned salad and rum par falt as desert No liquer he insists aftera rum parfait Delicious as it sounds Mr Grauwiler wont be eating it for whilehes fat 185 pounds and on diet Government House linnounCes Honors UilAWA CF Govern ment House Tuesday announced the nanies of 134 Canadians honored bythe Order of St John of Jerusalem The predictions and new ad mission to the ancient order ali approved by the Queenin clude persons from most areas of the country MaiGen William Henry Pfe rlnger Elkins ofKingston was promoted to Knight of Grace Premier Bennett of British Cplumbia was admitted tirlhe order with ilie rankof commander brother OntarioPiovlncial Treasurer Allan and Alberta Haiti Min face Mask In Boys Drowning HAMILTON CPlThe poor quality of face mask and snorkel were blamed Tuesday for the drowning of Gordon Histad 11 at Hamiltonsmunlc ipal poolJune 17 Divingexperl Jack Bathurst told coroners jury its rlminalillat this type of uipv ment can get on the marke but theres ho way of stopping Hemaaid iho snorkgl was moulded in the wrong shape and was useless and the mask was also of low quality Pool manager Jack Thompson found the boy onrtbe bottom of the pool the mask intact and the snorkel in his moulll He saldn rubber band used around his head to hold thesnorkcl wa around thevboys throat and his band was tangiedÂ¥ln proportionate contributions by locals of labor unions The confidential cash report of the New Partys organizers show that with less than two months to go there was only $13436958 in the fill and money dribblng in at the rate of about 320000 per month UNION SUPPORT STRONG Up to June the New Party had less than 2271 individual supporlers lathe whole 3i Can ndu who had proved willing to back their convictions with buck lint unions had contrib uted $13209851 Of this Slll 0985l came from locals while national and international union headquarters had kicked in 321000318000 from the United Auto Workers and the balance from the Hotel and Restaurant Workers This large lump sum donated by UAW puts that union at the top of the list of supporters of the New Party since as Cav nhdian locals had together con tributed further 323346601 Next came the United Steel Workers whose Canadian locals had contributed $30730 third was the Woodworkers with $8859 and fourth the Textile Workers Union of America wiih Fortysir other unions colt lributed sums ranging down to 31015 by tho Printin Pressman and $10 by the Bar rs Whilst union members might contribute willingly or otherwise there is permission to con tract outthrough their locals the indiv ual on ibutions were not limited to $1 Thus the fatal of $2271 collected from individuals and groups under the heading miscellaneous in cluded $l00 from Charlie Millard former Canadian Na tional Direclar of the Steel Workers Among those who gave 51 were Claude lodoin presi dent of the Canadian Labor lest Supposln Supposin the man in the moon changed one of his quarters too soon The world would be bet With the order upset And comment out loud Silly loan Counter and prominent oil industry capitalist whose name shall not repeat from the New Partysconfidential list Do GIHS CARRY VOTES it will be interesting Waco if the massive financial support of the unions gives them equally massive influence in the coun cils of the New Party if so be big contnbuiors of the UAW will have big say Among these are Local 212 Oshawa which has made two gills ol 52000 and $1000 Israel 439 Tomato which has made three gifts each of 81000 and local 707 Oakvillc with four donniions ranging from $1500 to $1150 and totalling $251150 Thirty ï¬ve other locals have contributed includinglncal 121 Chaiham $250 Local 275 Welland 3200 Local 450 Ssroia $850 Local 636 Woodslock $55650 Local 890 Cbufham $112 and Local 1075 Fort William 3308 Geographically the money support comes from On tarm which contributed $81977 of the total of $134169 80 stands with 514724 Saskatchewan thrd wln 338 question of considerable in Iercst being pondered here is whether lTornmy Dnug lns now premier of Snskalclre won and the leadership candi date favored by the backroom organizers of the New Party will have his candidacy sup ported from this fund if so will the farmers choice forleader the present parliamentary chief foin of the CCF Hazen Argue also be helped from this fun so predominantly contributed organired labor Veterans Enjoy Music Birds VICTORIA CP Eighteen birds in freshly painted aviary filed their lungs and screecbed while veterans of or tona Hong Kong and Vimy Ridge listened with pleasure The budgies canaries and couple of cockatoos were doing their hit to lighten the convales ccnce of patients at Veterans Hospital here Theyve worked wonders on morale said hospital of fleial lve seen men down here on the main floor who had not previously left their wards for months The newly built aviary whose population is being incloased lo 87 birds of eight varieties is the idea of ambulance driver Lio nel Speller Avlaiies have been his baby since youth and he thought one at the hospital would provide diversion for Patients gt Firms and individuals do nated the material and birds Work on the project was done by volunteers An anonymous donor has promised to uzld weavers finches orioles and Java temple birds to the col lectinn Please yourself With Malsnns Export Ale BANADA lARGEST SElllNll MOLSONS BREWERHONTARIO LTD moeeeaoemjsaewsas snce 1785