Eight Barrie Boy Scouts left town yesterday to join 3600 Canadian Boy Scouts at the Jamboree in Ottawa for 10day program of train ing competition and recrea tion Four oi the scouts went by train with assistant Scout mnstcr Larry Adams They are lett to right Bruce Rey nolds Mike OBrccht Chris Sheppard and Rick David The other jamboreehound scouts were Bruce Daigle Ken Courtis David liicCKY mant Warren Law The boys who did not take the train went by car Seek $435200 From Area For BDCC Auditorium Municipalities paying into Barrie District Collegiate Board coffers willbo asked to come up with $435200 or new audi torium at Central Collegiate and extra land to hold it The board hosted represen tion of officials from Barrie Oro lnnisfll Vespra Essa and Sunnidale Wednesday in North Collegiate where all were famlt WEATHER Synopsis With no major vea ther systems affecting the dis trict the weather pattern for to day was little changed from the last two days Lake Erie Lake Huron Geor gian Bay Niagara Lake Onta rio Algoma White Aiver re gions Windsor London Homil ton Toronto Sault Ste Marie Sudhury North Bay Sunny vlth cloudy periods today and Fri day little change in tempera ture nds light Haliburton Tmagami Coch rane regions Partly cloudy to day and Friday little change in tempo ture winds light MARINE Marine forecasts valid until 11 em Friday Lakes Huron Erie and On tario and Georgian Bay Winds variable 10 knots Fair becomA ing partly cloudy with chance of isolated thunderstorms over night Forecnst Temperatures Low tonight and high Friday Windsor 50 75 55 75 50 75 iliarized with proposed new fa cilities An auditorium to seat 1100 students would cost an estimat ed $395000 special nudi torium fund started after World Val 11 will provide $19000 to ward the cost Land acquisition is expected to cost $60000 Board secretaryvtreasurer Burton has set out deben FORECAST Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Cathar Toronto Peterborough Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton SS Marie Kapusknsing White River Kills Persons WATERDOWN CF Three persons were killed Wednesday when their car collided with truck on Highway near this Hamiltonarea community Dead are Harold Alexander Fife 63 driver of the car and his two ers Ernest Henry Francis 79 and his wife Rozilla 72 all of Toronto Provincial police said the car pulled out to pass another ve hicle and collided headon with gt truck APIGEON NOT LOST HOME LOST Peacocks pigeon has no manners but around his leg carries the number CH 61 1763 Bob Peacock son of Bruce who operates ser gThe COmmercial Printing Department =The Barri wBE CLosso RPM JULY3 11 JULY 15 Incasin vice station on Dunlap Street West holds hisnew feather ed friend which flew intothe garage few nights ago gob bled up hard corn kernels and refused to leave 0F ronvslfllrlEHOLInlle ture Payment schedule for 20 year period at per cent ln terest with annual payments of $3717090 He said this morning the board expects answers within month from the affected mun icipalities regarding their will ingnessto pay their levy share of the cost The additional property con cerned is south of Central Col legiate on Bradiord Street Its cost will be reduced $6000 by government grant BARBIE NORTH Human munsnar may 1751 BaySwinlmingf Is 0K Except For One Area Barrie residents may swim in Kernpenielt Bay without dan ger of contacting polluted wa ter provided they do not use the stretch between St Vincent Park and Minets Point Dr Scott of the Slmeoe County Health Unit said yester day the last reported case of polio in Barrie occurred in 1957 Dr Scott said the Connaught Laboratories ot Toronto have been conducting survey of Barrio waters over the past two years This survey was discon tinued in March of this year The survey found Barrio wa ter free of any virus with the eruption of one case reported in 1959 Barrio was selected among other Ontario cities for the survey because oi the overflow sewage disposal pmbiem Barrie Lions Close Season Al Orillia Lions Club of Barrie held the closing meeting at the DeLido Hotel in Orillio About 50 attended including members and their wives or partners social hour was spent from 630 to 730 then roast beef dinner was served Following dinner Lion Bill Garner past international dir ector inducted three new mem bore and the new otticers for 1061 president James Mc Lean vlcepresident Vernon Stewart treasurer Jack Sugg Lion tamer is now Bnice Brown and tall twister Joe Palmer Directors are Len Crawford Harry Nesbilt Cy Wilcox and Gordon McColgnn Top Are Revealed Awards to top students at Barrie District North Collegiate were announced yesterday The Rotary Club of Barrie awards for top boy and top girl went to Alan Moilat and Els with Cameron the Greer Trophy as outstand ing girl athlete while Garners Sports Trophy for outstanding boy athlete was won by Laurie Barron other awards were as follows Barrie Venture Club pro ficiency in Grade 12 Commer cial Judith Owen MacLaren and Co highest standing in Grade 12 Mathematics Leslie Jolliffe Ladies Auxiliary to Barrie Lions Club highest standing in Grade 11 Commercial Shar on Hayt Student Council Scholarship for cuntndninn to school life Linda Marshall and Brian Cook Barrie Branch of Canadian Legion proficiency in Grades 11 and 12 Science Anne Pat terson womens Auxiliary to Kiwanis Club highest average marks in Grade 12 Latin and French Leslie Jollitfe Major Hersey Award leading citizen Laurie Barron IODE Award to student ob taining highest mark in Grade 12 History Anne Patterson The Charles WilsonAward to student obtaining highest mark in Grade 12 English Leslie Jolliffe Senior Pin Laurie Barrow bar Don Burton and Allan Moifatt Senior Letter Carol Agnew Leslie Jollitfe Linda Marshall Anne Patterson Bon nie Taylor Pat Walker Bar Donna Bowen Christina Cam eron Carolyn Cox Leslie Cox all Frankie de la Haye John Hamilton BillJannings Robert McMartin Donelda Nsh Junior LetterfBnW Joel Andersen Astrida Berle Shar ron Blakey Linda Bradley Bonnie Buffey Wayne Clark and winners Examiner Linda Marshall was awarded Ken Cnurtis Marilyn Eigen huis Mary Jane Garner Don Garner Mary Gates Sharon Hay Shirley Hunter Terry ldeson Jane Quinn Susan Mac Laren Jerry McClelland Jean McLean Connie 0tte Jane Eooke Douglas Smith Carol Spark Elaine Sponagle Carol willer Joy Winger Marilyn Wortley Leading students in General Proï¬ciency Grade Rumble Grade 10 Stanley Walker and Donald Garner Grade 11 Tina Cameron Grade 12 Leslie 1011er streets as set forth below 553an Street ravnvo 2461 Laneway Dunlop STREET OPENINGS 2336 Queen 2410 East 2408 Henry SANITARY SEWERS 2468 Tifiin 2463 N0 Road goo St Vincent smnwaurs 2390 2490 2403 2414 2414 2414 9114 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 m4 2414 2414 2414 2414 2415 V2415 2434 Wellington Wellington 1E Davidson orsey Ross Napier Napier Ellen Grove Dalton Ross Wellington Sophia Sanford Holgata thn Grove Newton Bothwch and Bothwell Cumberland Vancouver Cumberland Victoria Codrington WATERMAINS 2466 lifiinand No Sidemad 2508 St Vincent DateJuna 80th 1961 Barrie Ontario gt Diane Owen 290 Ely Brock Jonathan Fssa Guon ornevlslonwlu beheld at 1000 purpose of hearing complaints againsttha roposed assessments the complaint which personslnteresled oy desireto make and wide isby mm Karens brother won llkato climb mountains siliday long to rec wildianimals on my vacation Following are lists of prom tions at Barrie District Central Collegiate for Grade 11 GRADELIA First Clas Honors David Wilson Second Class Honors Ger maine McFadden Wayne Rich ardson Donald Amos Gary Fralick Frank Price Shirley Terry Dianne MCQIIW Carol Smith Herbert Shaman Tom Smith Third Class Honors Corby Hamilton Geraldine Weather head Richard West Mora Jaunzemis Ken Cook Heather McPherson Marilyn Smlgarow ski Lillian Paquette Lyn De Bruin Lynda Lyons Credit Sandra Lockhart Promoted Conditionally An drew Dykstra Bill Pratt Gall Pethick Malcolm Blakeman Judith Anderson Elwood At kinson Leslie Greenhalgh GRADE 113 First Class Honors Bruce Henry Pamela lneson John Pelletier Mary Larkin Baden Grifï¬n Nancy Mills Janet Ough Peggy Botter Linda Stephenson Donald Crows Second Class Honors Marie Hoggarth Eleanor Canuthcrs Sandra Gracey Janice Frank lin Jean Black Paul Thomp son Margo McDonald Orlllla Arson Trial Adjourned Week OBILLIA The trial of Leo Francis Red Hill 29 of Orll lia charged with arson was ad journed for one week nlesday hy Magistrate Cameron Hill was arrested after fire lastWednesday in Carters Res taurant Loss to the restaur lawnmowerrm ASKS BRENDA mus Gelwould like to go to Hamlitonjo visit my Allth R050 Third Class Honors Sherry MeNutt Cami Graham Susan Moore Barbara Carson Credit Douglas Anderson Promoted Conditionally Ro bert Bogardls Kenneth Brock Patricia Scruton Larry Levlck Cheryll Emms Linda Corrigan Paul Kelcey Gregg Clcmmens GRADE 110 First Class Honors Mar garet Cowan Jean Fisher Pet er Humphreys Will Rogers Marie Goodyear Carol Middle ton John Baxter Sherry Rich ardson Gary Maw Michael Barnett Ross Spearn Caryll Cumming Second Class Honors Mur ray MeMaster Marlon Gibbons Barbara Snow Ethellynne By der Arthur Roth Don Camer on Victor Hayward Brian WestgarthTaylor Anne Parker Mike Byezko Patrice Charpen tier Jim Brady Rosemary Jonah Third Class Honors Pickering Promoted Conditionally Tom Rankin Ralph Zinger John Jonkman Allan Sanders Bud Gooderham GRADE First Class Honors Heike Schroeder Second Class Honors Jim Wilson Allan Campbell Al Chamentiar Third Class Honors Davies Charles Harris Credits Larry Badley Promoted Conditionally Lar ry Newton Ralph Coo er Bry san Campbell Dorothy aterer Ken Britnell Ruth Cole Sylvia Gable Nancy Rockwell Eon Camahan Jon Lucas Gary Jason Brian Banting Nancy Baker Joe Jennett Jim Sproul Jim Badley Waynes Ayres David Michie Larry Bob ant and damage to adjoining buildings was estimated at $300000 From To Owen St Lane CollierDunlap St Vincent Clapperton Creek Berczy 3275 Easterly Limits of No Road IiHin Grove 722 Ely 1015 Sly 1500 my St Vincent Oak Bothwell House No 276 Ciapperton Sunnidale Puget Puget Victoria Toronto Mary Sophia 115 Elly 65 630 Sg William Ellen Owen Bose Melrosc Barely Botczy Grove Innisfil Toronto Nelson Nelson Vespra Maple Mary Eccles Eccles Brooks Bradford Davidson Grove Strabane Reid Bothweil Davidson Innisiil Victoria Burton Reid Codrington Reid Vancouver Northpark Wellington Nelson Ellen gRobort Grove Eccles Perry Cumberland Napier VVllliam Nelson Grove Berciry House No 105 von the 1101 day at any GRADE 11E First Class Honors Ruth Clark KAREN KING of Angus would like to spend not more than week swimming at Wasaga Beach GRADE 11BDCC RESULTS Second Class Honors Gladys Cooper Marlene McArthur Kathleen Arnem Kathleen Hick ey Helen Hlebka Donna Wood ward Barbara Morris Third Class Honors Alan Cameron Kay Robinson Don na Gilpin Alida Schaly Betty Snow Promoted Conditionally San dra Carson Betty Inn Hodgson Vicky Saunders Barbara Leid tke Carol Varey Karen Wil liams Gwen Kellman Faye Conncll Nah Local Boys 0n Breakiin Count Two local youths have been arrested and charged with breaking and entering the prem ises oi Barrie Golf and Country Club John Meyer 19 Alfred St Maple and Barry Lemayl7 Avenue have been charged with the offence and were re manded until July 15 in magir tratcs court here yesterday The offence took place early Tuesday morning and num ber of bottles of champagne cigars cigarettes and $150 in silver were taken Extradite Agueci For Trial In 05 rononro CPMagistrnte Joseph Addison lilted the last legal barrier to the extradition of Albert Agueci to the United States Wednesday when he with drew at the Crowns request charges of illegal possession of narcotics and possession of dangerous weapon Agueci 39 of Toronto faces trial in the United States as oo cons in $20000000 drugsmuggling ring CORRECTION OF ADVERTISEMENT 0N MON JULY 38D 1001 JULY 14in t96l Toto Cost Owners share 218666 Z186tï¬ 939614 61404 258109 1105440 00490 Allce 258189 019497 1700645 764372 1053270 599432 500723 448008 376052 293901 206750 1127460 1116911 2m77 192172 2s451o 274141 421008 375317 416410 404299 106227 77007 104035 34703 109624 70420 48888 37570 24234 234020 149570 175020 434465 341065 127090 130468 119140 305416 37570 22075 229556 120208 106861 272565 337594 125900 356025 99100 438632 211156 273742 175308 199623 427953 091 Citys Share Footage ecuracy ofthe frontage men cognizahlo by the Court 00110 01 Cfllllll 0EllEVlSl01ii 100M lMlllflVEMENTSV TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the CITY 01 BARRE ha constructed as Local improvements the following works in the Rate Per Foot Frontage 11180 104 4295 550 257 Collier StreetBarrle for th meats and any other WAYNE KING would like to go swimmin and fish in in the Queens Park pool all summer 85 Barrie Citizens Given Summonses total of 05 summonses were issued to Barrie citizens yes terday for failure to register and licence the family dog There is no way at knowrn yet how many will be effective as it is possible number of these citizens no longer hava their pets White Youths Attack Indian WEST VANCOUVER EC tCPA 15 year old lndian youth wrapped in chains pad locked in five places said Wed nesday he was attacked by two white youths near the Capllano reserve Tuesday night Joe Baker Jr told policelt took him three hours to crawl 100 yards for help He said he was frightened by the attack but not injured Confused about details Joe said the youthstwistod his arm chained him then left He was tumble to explain the attack FIRST WOMAN DOCTOR SALISBURY South Rhodesia Reuters Miss Vida Mung wira today became the first Afrlcan woman doctor in Rho desia when she received doc torate of medicine from Englands Bristol University Hus 5qu noworn nae nowarn enzuucu counties out model an