13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON tbOItMAN AND CULWlJ LTIJ PHuNE$BAEIfl PA wins VlClOBLA WOW man Farm Roses 17 Plan Advertising Proimsionat emu Satisfied cu men AUCTION SALE Friday evening July 1961 At pm sharp in THE BARRLE AUCTION ROOMS 50 DUNLOP ST BARRIE complete disposal or good house bold IuroiIure inclndlnr many nnlinurs or the mine or the lots Miss BIRDIE RINDS Terms cssn No reserve an Inn esinie rnlut oe settled JERRY coIJGrlLlN AUCTTDNEZR AUCTION SALE 0t Household Furnituro The underrirned auctioncer has received instructions from ROBERT McFATE to sell at tho Barrie Auction Rooms 50 Dunlop Street West Barrio FRIDAY EVENING JULY AT ii RM SHARP rill FOLLOWING FURNITURE mrldsuo Elke trio humor Range good new General nieetne Rein enter workln order Kitchen ie rod can Bedroom suite unpaint ed chest or drawer to match and Dresser add Chest of Drawcn nedrooni Sullo com piltl Ilh mattress and lpllnl and as new Small Homemade ahlo nookesse rlreplnoe cam rleir cnestorneld with dulr to match Westinghouse 11inch Tv good working order nor nice tric wasnan Machine with qu matlc pump good In new are trlc floater road new rold away slndle Bed with non inst trcar nedroorn Chain and outer Elli nrtlcler too numerous to Terms essn No reserve an own era are snoring nwny lcnRY coucrer AUCHONEER AUCTION SALE or Good nonrehold nimlturo including many antiques The underlined auctioneer bu received instructions to sell Tho iurnliuro belonging to tho late MISS BIRDIE HINDS nt Barrie Auction Rooms 50 Dunlop Street West Barrie ON FRIDAY EVENING JULY AT Mi DST SKART THE FOLLOWING Bross ned springs and mattress complete Iron Single Ded spring nnd mattress complete Antique Dresser Drossor enests oi Drnwens Antique Writing Desk Vashsilntl Antique Tables Antique Clialra Antique om TI hie Antique lilirror Anti uo Drcsrlr Antique Consoln T81 and lilirrnr Anuque Oval Table srnsll Rosewood Antique Livlnr noonr cnir soyorsl Pictures and rrnrnes Antique sword Sovernl Trunlri some Tools Wicker Fasy Choirs Anunue Denoh Anu Ilque linil lillrror Antique Hall Tree with marble top Antique Writing Desk Antique Ash Tray Brass Anlloue riro nox Heintr man Piano with stool in good condition Floor Lunps Table Lamp Antique China Cabinet Chcsicrncld suit with chairs Dining Room Suite ehnlrs 17qu and china cabinet Needle rolnr living room chairs Ten War Eon Wicker riower stand with flowers cheral Trays Antique Rorking chair Antique nookense Mantel Radio strornnerg Carlson Radio cabinet st Io Leannd Re frlferator cool ft good con on on McCilry Electric 511521 burner Frigidaire nerrlgerntor smaller size Kitchen Cabinet good condition Corner Cabinet Kitchen nulrot Kitchen Chaim Limoges onion dinner set utmost complete ror 12 Tea Set or Lirn oges cnlnn Quantity oi other val Ilable eninn Quantity of glassware and silverware xnielt Knacks Dining Room Rug Living Room Rug Ounntily or Linen Quantity or nooks and sunny other smaller articles too numerous to list Torrns cash No reserve as es tate has to he settled Jenny counnLiN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY AT RM SHARP Auetlon sale or ï¬rst class furni ture good as new electrical ap plimccs new and grind us new or RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES AT 170 BURTON AVENUE BARRIE On No 11 Highway South Terms cash No reserve as the owner needs apnea in his ware house AUCTIONEER lmRY COUGHLTN SEIES CORNERS Why Antiques lCanadian Academy of Music Miss Mary Dales ltllrsein training at Toronto General Hos pital is on holiday for three weeks with her parents Mr and Mrs Earl Dales Congratulations to all our stu dents who were successful in passing their exams Callers lastweek with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Chris Bowden Cookstown Mr and Mrs Bill MacTavish Aurora Mrs Hae ry Whitesides Churchill Saturday andSunday guests with Mrs Jack Rumble were Mr and Mrs Jasse Dewsbury Richmond Hill Mrs 0011 Barrie Mr and Mrs Sheldon Walker and family Mr Rum ble enjoyed ï¬shing trip over the weekend in the North Colitis try Misses Noreen and Margaret Kneeshavli of Kitchener and Lon don are on vacation at the homeof their parents Mr and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw Sunday visitors with Ernest Dales and celebrating his birth day were Mrand Mrs Wil ljam Hunter and Robin Mount Dennis Mr and Mrsliarold Dales John Ronnie and Ilea ther all of Toronto and Mr arid Mrs Archie Adams Westï¬ on Mrs Jack Rumble and chil dren are spending several dqs this week with Mrs Lloyd Pair mer at Barry Bay Sunday visitiirs with Mrs and Mrs Bill Steinberg and Leon and Mrs and MrsHector Porritt Toronto Jnhn Dialescf Tnrunto spent Sunday with his parents Mr and MESH Dales IITOPIll The Salad supper and straw berry Festivai in aid oi St Georges Anglican Church on Wednesday last was success Splendid program by the under the leadership of John Josefix oi Barrie Waller Eiphi¢k of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Frank Elphick and his mother Mrs Elphick Mr and Mrs Eugsan Smith and Mr and Mrs irnnk Et phick spent Saturday in Guelph at an agricultural picnic Mrs Mills Sr spent the week end in Barrie with her son Charlie and wiic Mr and Mrs Prince and fam ily of Barrie visited Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Bur den Jennctt iilr and Mrs Harry ltlcCann oi Collingwood called on Fred McCann on Sunday Glad lo re port Mr lligginson and son Franklin are both coming along well and expecting to be home from hospital soon Mrs Jimmie Leo spent day inst week with tho lligginsons The weather on Sunday was quite showery in the morning but was lovely in the afternoon when around 225 oi the Mchinst cr clan gathered at the Utopia Community Hall for their first reunion plate This is expected to be an annual event Mr and Mrs Clarence Mia Quay held their 25th wedding anniversary in the Community Hall Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Mervin Dohson and family were Sunday vialtors with Mrs ina Dohson Mr and Mrs William Denney and family at Homepayne called on the Exells Saturday Master Ross Denney is spend ing some part of his holiday with Donnie Exeil Mr and Mrs William Gollop motored to Buffalo Saturday Barry Amistrong oi Carlcy and Francis visited the Exeiia on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Jim Excll of Barrie visited Mr Exoll on Sunday William Exeli of Barrie Isit ed Frank Exeli Saturday even InE CBAIGHURST Congratulations to John Read man who celebrated his 36th birthday July Mrs Currie Baldwin is home irom hospital Mrs Sinton spent the week end at Proyton Station Mrs Arthur Snider is pa tient in Penetang hospital with broken hip ltirand Mrs Murray Bell BARBIE NEWS But Activities By RUSS DAVEY Executive Director Though the summer lull in program has arrived there are still number of activities no curring in fact Lite judo club and weight training groups are still roaring along at full tilt Judo meets Mondays and Wod nesdays nt pm with only few attending the Friday sese stons weight training is In progress Monday through Fri day at pm The adult volleyball group meeting at Queens Park Tues days at pm is still rela tively small though enthusias tic We make no pretence about any excellence in the level of Skill so we can only recom mend it on the basis of refresh ing exercise Anyone 1a or over who would like to get in on this activity need only show up at the park Tuesdays in tight clothing and running shoes Attention has been turned to leadership training over the past short while and have shared in sessions with Barrie recreations fine group of play ground leaders and also the leaders of Barries first re Larded childrens day camp The playgrounds and swim ming programs organized and operated by Barrie Recreation Committee have embarked on their demanding rounds and Lorne lticEvoy and Ron Mos sop should be commended for the enthusiasm and interest they bring with them to the leaders and participants The retarded childrens day camp grows from strong and abiding principle of working with others to accept them where and as they are and help them on from there When these youngsters find interest and affection in their leaders they fairly radiate with warm th and appreciation This is discovery enjoyed by more and more people as they become aware of the simple unquestion SHOP NOW IN EVERY Luil In Ys Slimmer Program Pressing 0n ing trust and joy these children offer to those who take the time to get to know understand and appreciate them The other pleasing feature of the camp is that it has been made possible by wonderful blending of community resourc es Mrs Jean Gable and Sqn Ldr Ernie Baxter of the lie tarded Children Miss Louise Colley oi Simcoe County re creation Ernie Petrlmcaulx ot Barrie Recreation and the have all had hand in work ing out plan of action and all lour groups have made worthwhile commitments in el ttler finances organizations or supervision to see that the campis successful other leadership training plans which are occupying our minds and time are training courses for our own large hand of volunteers leaders courses to which any people in or around Barrie who are inter ested are invited and course for the leader in the Hills dale extension of the which will be operated in early September is time consuming as these projects are there are few areas of work that are more stimulating and satisfy ing There is hoys horseshoe pitching group meeting at Queens Park next to the Arm oury at pm Tuesdays under the sparkling leadership of Max Morris and Maxs junior and senior chess clubs are meeting days at the at pm and pm Guests and prospective new members are welcome at all these programs These are the recent and con tinuing activities that add varv iety to the day Several stand ing committees of the board will also have to press on dur ing the summer months be cause we are again looking for Flflllld to more program in the EANs DEPART MENT or EATONs sronn ron MANv wLY SALE EXTRAS slMCOE COUNTY NEWS and lgann the woollen Emit Mrs Max Craig spent few days in Ottawa ltir and Mrs Fraser Carr and baby oi Toronto spent the holiday with their relatives Mr and Mrs Douglas Read rnuli of Tomato and Mr and Mrs liollia Redman at King ston spent few days with James Readman Congratulations to all the high school and public school pupils who were successful in their examinations The schoolchildren irOm No 0m enjoyed the Pied Day in Oro last Monday Mr Ketchum the student to charge at Knox Church is start ing Bible School July 10 from 930 to 1130 am for one week The Explorers are all asked to attend and any other child of school age The class ses will be held in Knox Church The Explorers will meet ev ery other Saturday Next meet ing July l5 ELMVIILE The long holiday weekend sow hcavy traitic on Highways and 92 Uniortunotcly weather conditions on Sunday morning with pouring rain dampened the enthusiasm of some who had plans for the day On June 18 the family ol the late David Beardsotl held their picnic at High Park Torr ont0 with 35 present for this happy event SILVER WEDDING On Monday July Mr and Mrs Duncan McColcman rice Veronailowat or Stayner celos brated theirzsth wedding anni versary Those attending from Elmvaie Mr and Mrs Beardsall Mrs Wallice Cliite Mrs Rowat Mr and Mrs Herb Ritchie Melville Rit chic Mr and Mrs Malcolm Ro wat and girls Mr and Mrs and Mrs Roy Rowat Mr and Mrs Paul Rowat Mr and Mrs Gordon Rownt Lynn and Dons aid and Mr and Mrs Claude Parkinson and son Hudson Best wshcs are extended to Mr and Mrs McColemnn To many more years at health and hop piness from their man Elin vale friends BOND HEAD Mrs Warsell and Miss Jean Watson were recent visitors with Mrs Smith and Miss lda Smith Visitors with Mr and Mrs Brooks at the weekend were Mr and Mrs William Lewis and Ross Brooks and family all of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jim Brooks and iam ily of London Ontario Misses Velma Smith and Mar ian Sutherland attmded the 4H girls conference in Guelph last week Mr and Mrs Joe Noble Vs ited friends in Detroit recently Mr and Mrs Ron Grimshaw and Gordon Bradley spent the weekendat Mrs Grimshaws Streetsvilie spent with Mr and Mrs brothers cottage at Cobucank Mr and Mrs Herman Har vey motored to Kirkland Lake for the weekend George Iluvies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 83186 lireSeason Special Offer ECO Gus Furntlgé with safety and Designed and styled exclusively for EATONS permanently lubricated ball hearing hiowergan special burner control sys tem that ensures bllrner operationinJiIe event of potter failure Slim lowdesign allows for natallation Green bakedmet this furnace has Tiushvto=lhewall allic enamel iinis First Payment starting in October odei ACtWGLE IECO Oil Furious9 This Taco unit is designed with an ousted welded construction permanently lubricated ball bearing blower Wrapatound radiationEllsures on and quickheating Has Green baked metallic enamel finish and modern complete cam spacesaving design Model ACSloNV First Payment starting in October WN PAYMENT Swimming lessons commenced informally for play nn Thurs on Tuesday with 55 ddldren ai rolied Hrs TL Jackal and Deb orah left by plane for Nova Scotta where Mrs Jackson in tends taking summer course Mr Forgaa oi Toronto cai led on friends here last week Congratulations to two of our bowling teams the Daredev its and Hunters who won pri tea at the recent tournamentria Toronto Mr and Mrs Gordon Land crkin have move while Mr and Mrs Robert 14 TEE 3m EXAMINER WAY JULY ï¬g Kerr and family of llfltna have home Mr and Mr Kclcy Dreedon and family have moved into Mr Greens apartment large crowd attended the Strawberry Festival on Wed nesday evening Bond Head and Gilford boys played ball very enioyable musical program was provided by Rev and Mrs Jankson Rev Jackson oi Stroud very capably entertain ed with his many tricks of magic US Employment Hitsrliecord High WASHINGTON AP Emv ployment in the Unicd States rose to record high in June but because of great surge of teenlagers into the labor mar ket unemployment also in creased sharply The labor II rtrnent re ported Wednesday that total cm ployment rose by 1900000 to 8700000 from middle to mid Juae The latter figure was few thousand larger than the previous employment record set in June and July i960 Unemployment increased by 900000 to 5600000 The depart ment said this was about the expected increase for this time of year ARMSTRONG HARDWARE FOR BETTER MERCHANDISE AT LOWER PRICES ALUMINUM PERCOLATORS ITWO CUR SIZE were 269 for 195 FOUR cur SIZE were 375 for 299 stx cur 5le were 325 for 225 EIGHT cur SIZE were 330 Now 269 ELECTRIC FANS from $795 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES GE AUTOMATIC TOASTERS PRESTO STEAM OR DRY IRONs 975 1695 ONE BURNER HOT PLATES green $225 60 WATT GE LAMPS WHITE ENAMEL DISH FANSSolo $110 GREY DISH PANS are only 89c ALUMINUM BUN WARMERS $249 COTTAGE CUPSandSAUCERS for s1 00 llelMAc DINNERWARE SETS OF 16 PIECES 688 BROWN BETTY TFAPOTS Cup $110 10 Cup $135 12 Cup $169 PC GRASS TABLE MAT SETS ASSORTED COLOURSser $195 ORNAMENTAL GONvEx MIRRORS HANDSOME WALL PIECE $795 SALAD SETS Pcs for $575 52 PC DINNER SETS $1795 SWIM FINS MASKS GOGGLES TENNIS RACQUETS AND BALLS BARBECU ES AND EQUIPMENT ADJUSTABLE IRONING BOARDS With FOAM PAD AND COVER $995 only for 888 SALE OF WHITE PAINT SATIN FINISH HIGH GLASS ENAMEL HOUSE PAINT MADE BY TRY us EOR VBELTS s299 Gallon ALL ONE PRICE Eon YOUR GARDEN PEFFERLAW PEAT 50 lbs Fine Soil Conditioner $195 NIAGARA ANTAND GRUB KILLER $225 TOMATO POTATO DUST lb $100 GARDEN ALL FOR FLOWER AND VEGETABLES $125 Duerr Spray POMO GREEN FOR ROSES $125 sTRAw MATS VARIOUS PATTERNS 27 54 93c 36 60 $1249 For Porches Patios Veronduhs LAWN CHAIRS $499 $695 CHAISE LOUNGE $1195 $1395 MELNOR SPRINKLERS $425 to $1395 LAWN HOSE POISON lvv KILLER $169 $395 $498 $795 $135 Never in our history have we been able to purchase so advantageously hence we can now Offer Our customers better values then ever before HARRY 93104 DUNLOR ST EAST EATON Special Trice each 169 Furnace installed NO Dow PAYMENT Install Now EATON Special Price Furnaceand Burner Furnace and Burner installed Complete with Tank and Fitting Controls onTO Tu ICES STRONG PA 82441 82442 STORE HOURS MON runs THURS SAT arn 30 pan WEDNESDAY 915 am 12 Noon summons aim 91mm canon your HEATING UNIT Now HAVE rr REPLACED AND SAVE Enquireabout EATONS srnnn PAYMENT PLAN 10 Down with First Payment Starting in October on Oil Heating Equipment EAN 09 BRANCH STORES