summertime and he Livin is Eda YOuT OwnHOmelCheck the Want Ad ST 12 TEE BAREIE EXAM THURSDAY JULY 1M REAL pnoleT can our RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS 4ARTICLES 51in SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS PROUD manome TnE NEWS ol the Blessed Event can be announced to yourvtriends and ruativcs tor only $150 Jot telephone PA 82 CARDS OF THANKS SANDERSMr Prank Sandor knn luluin wish in express their sincere flunk Ind cppmiauon to mend and their ps rsrvement in th loss or dug with and mother Sheril thanks to Dr Little Dr in Victorian Order or Nurses nev Canon and Rev Mr Now min boyl Victori Hospitll Nursing stall hales Auxilllry oi the counin Legion sun the Jen Doll Mull Home COMING EVENTS SOUND CAR smvrc xor PiCNwS PARADE SPECIAL Em at ADVERTISING Reasonhie lulu PA boon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver tisernents are insertedan the rnlo ol per word per Insertion for one and two times in per word or three tour or ï¬ve limes and per word for or more lnscltiuns 10 oddi tlonnl charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADv VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CPARGLL PER SINGLE iN SEEHON mans on commons Advertiser no remorse that all phnno lnscrtion order on race ed as conveniencs to you sovurtiscr Thardoro the cusslned Advo Department require ru on to klnoly ruchecil their ldvnrtkemcnl immeulsrely alter nrrt inscrlion in order tht my cirorl or omissions mu be reported below Lbs in order thst sums mly he rccuned or the louowtng days insertion mus We wish to £01m out thrt The nuns mm or is rcspunnbio or only ans incorrectly rmteo martian an lny adul emsni too then in en extent or portion or thrt Involve thi misprint Error wnlob do not lessen the urine or the advert moni are not engibls lor some Liam by DIka BOOKS Elle and MEI or Semi vitrplry clusi cos my be 0D tnlneo through The Examiner lfl vsrtlrlng depnruneut hum mall rim Information rotarde navartllerl using Blind Letter no Nunhen or Replies is bold strictly couï¬u entisl Re lies to Letter boxes will he bed only in day on lust day or pubumlon Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $1150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words 5c per word extrll lniilenloriam No tines $150 lit verso used per word extra All WANT AD copy should he in our oliicb by pm the tiny before publication On Saturday by noon mmhm During Holiday CHICAGO CF total of 509 persons record for summer holidayrperiod died in iralfic accidents in the United States during thejourAday Am erican Independence Day holi day weekend which endedat midnight local time Tuesday Theprevious records for summer holiday was 491 re corded during the fourday In dependence Day weekend of 1950 Accidents of all kinds includ ing traffic boating drownings and Wide range of others among holidaying Americans cost totalllzi lives That all cecded the owner record of 884 set during fourday celebra tion of Christmas in 1956 But lire Injured In Niagara Crash NIAGARA FALLS NY AP Six persons were slightly in jured Wednesday night when three cars of sight seeing train broke loose and crashed into another at Prospect Point near the American Falls The collmion occurred within 25 feet at the giant cataract but park police said the area was protected by heavyduty guard rails The trains travel at about five miles an hour DEATHS By THE minnow pnnss lomnlo Edmund Philip A1 llson secretary treasurer of PeekFreon Canada Limited Winnetka IllDr Ralphlc Hamill 84 neurologist and psy chiatrist Brandon Min Ernest Whitehead 65 publisher of the Brandon Sun after long ill ness OttawaP qunvenne 67 lormci urgoanbatarms in the Home at Commons Voncouvor Jame Wilson Splldlng on toured RCMP depy nty commiulcner Hollywood Franklyn ForV bum its Veteran movietheatre MM £5110 REAL ESTATE more you SALE ANGUS Pour room house lot is too cum to bus Ind store near nirn wly $1500 or but niicr APDLV JOHN SMITH ANGUS HE 95554 CARSON REALTOR ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS onnouumrmmnrwr First in Barrl nun SaluEnlunosi louusliiy oiqServloo PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL ROGERPA moms mm It DISTRICT POSTERPA H10 comm you EM ISIAH BOARD CLIFF BROWN PHONE PA 6M REALTOR 52 HIGH STREET BARRIE 45A DUNLOP ST Smith CampbellPA emu Perm annoyPA 37051 Muaben of tho Burl Real Elth loud Nut door to tho imperial nutr PA 6648 ileum Skil1 and Dorrie Real arms Huang CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St ABEL MARSHALL PA Mao COREY WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS MOVING Dont larger in rrrnsier you INSURANCE ou oceduxtn coverage an SEE STEVENSONS PA 3529 us Dunlap St BOAKE REALTOR anADronn 5mm nAnurc PA 85387 OR PA 85833 still ulung rum laxmm lor arming Clara WakumnnPA 61451 Ralph El llonkePA soon Members or Barrio and District Real Estate Board MOVING Por compiois movm xervlca nler unrl enter all COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD yous ALLIED VAN mes AGENT £3 Essa Rd Bum PArkwry $5575 PA 68175 ROSE REAL ETATE nnom 13 mm 5mm BARRIE EAST END ROOMS $11900 iuu price ior this outstand ing room brick bungflow only years old separate dining room lull lomlly sire kitchen exhlust run bedrooms luu boscment nicely lnndscspco lot in 165 locried cllsu to schools and shop ping NBA mortgage carries or $77 per month including taxes CENTRAL COLLIER ST 1350 square root brick home only about months old This is large wcli built brick bungalow located close to downtown In turlng llrge bedrooms shape living room and dining room spacious work kitchen plus large dining area in kitchen stone ï¬replaces one in the living room and one in the recreation room car bulliin garage paved drivewly Terms Large down pyv ment required OUT OF TOWN Painswick three bedrooms living room kitchen tiled piece bulb tiled lull basement forced air oil hentlng Equipped with slu minum storms sno screens gnu sgc Thlsls the nicest bungalow that have been given the oppor tuniiy to sell for some time You must make an appointment to see it now you are in the mar ket for this type of home Down payment $1000 and the balance on on mortgage SHANTY BAY ROAD brickbungslow six room full basement recreation room laxcell sir oll heating open ï¬replace garage lully landscspcn lot with paved drlvzwly Terms CENTRAL storey brick home locnled very central in one OGE area bed rooms and both upstairs Large living room And family size klt Chen downstairs basement all heating new roar This home is in exceflcot condition both in side and out Fully landscaped lot with planter at from of house VFull prlcs only $10900 ALLANDALE 13 ROOMS BATHS Income home The upstairs rents at $106 monthly leaving room merit for the owner down kin Famed air all heating Large garage 70 as This prop erty is located very central to garage and bus lino Bliiflprlce CALI DAY EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Barrie Ind Diltricl Rel Eitltl Eolrd NORMAN ySheIsWeII ml ssrnla sham nunlop smutnest PA 89951 or PAS8742 inseam Honour VOILDVJDW PA mi PA Hill Joe Longtin Event Sbolxwell onward Norris lack willsan HEN RY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen St Barrie PHONE on $583 unicorn BARR HEAL LsTAiu NORTH OOLLEGIAIE AREA Brick bungalow lsndsespeo and decanted ltrtu use kitchen plocs balls 57 cluoing lint yearn nld down payment some BUILDING LOTS These loir located It Tollendrl lrontngo planned lubdivls lau ranging mm 60 reel to 90 lest COUNTRY HIDEAWAY Very sccluiird location Stucco lnlgr pressure Double This 515000 NOTE Terms We arrange Victoria and Grey gargo Trust first mortgages After hours phone Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bob FlewellingPA Haas HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 96 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 BEDROOM HOME This home lssitunled in very nice residential section city eel 511500 Close to downtown neot tidy Good lot so its has six rooms three down and three up wth sunporch Rec mntlon learn in basement clli os Palmer PA doom $500 DOWN Nest and tidy two bedroom home on 99 Highway Olk iloars ln liv Three plcce bath on wall iulnsoe owner 60 per month lug room tile in being transferred Cull Elnory Miller othcrs WORK SHOP well built workshop or hobby shop on good lot close to Little Luke Electrically wired Lois of outlets only months oldhlust $500 down with payments or $50 price sumo Call Joe Pllmer or per month good buy inspection Total BEDROOM HOME This home is only one year old in freshly decorated Living room rooms and uiu ity room downstairs kitchen two had No in rooms upsirlrs four piece bs Erasure system situated on the flMeiliiiE or city with $1500 down or Must sell Call Jns Primer PA been best alter Member or Barrie and District Rubi Note Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLEB JOE PALMER KARL MARSHALL NohAli RALKPs bedrooms garage in area appointment den Substsnllol down phyment required Telephone PA 59340 or well until living room with dining area bedrooms mums payments only per month toxes Pull prloo $12500 iv ltorcy ilVlill room will rtohs nrcplsce dining room kit chen muin floor level rec room bedrooms sud bath on second noor Water is rtoslrn well on cucls orive Grounds nicely lrnosupon home is sliugled on prved run our beach on kilo slmcos No the V111 Only For Iurthcr purticulors Only $10500 PA H475 PA com PA Devil cm 4023 wow rousing PA was SPLIT LEVEL home with three llnlsbed Double excellent rcsidentlnl 50242 Jun LintPA To HENDERSON cflizrm PHONE PA mm mm CALL RITA SCANDRETT PA pmcv who PA Lmo Mam at ï¬lm Ind Dillï¬e And ohmic nun mm nouns PRIVATE BALE room Bung law yeah Principal tercst taxes bloom monthly um down VleLnll North cou eglste Telephone Him or Appointment noAT EDDIE or sale on Kemp cnlslt buy at Nelson square sbeb tri inched so loot water trout Ble xel Plld Telephone PA 55107 or apply to 115 Bluko sh Currie H500 FULL PRICE Bargain Wlm ierlzeo waierlroni college boni huuse 5111 mums anew Pumcu ons use on conuslonPanunns esst Slnn lay Village PA 6671 bedroom bungalow urge Iivlnl room kitchen and three olrco bulb Wlil consider mm or com menial lot our nrrrls Dab ill pnymrnt Must be rolo Belt otter Telephone Strand unit ior pmiculsrr EIGHT noolu brick Home bath roams dining room but water ll lireplscc bay windows lull son bnument gargs patio completely redecorated subsume down payment Four blocks Tom Fivl Iolirltl Telephonl PA 8447 me noon modem bunglow mu basement rutomotlc oil besi ed game Lot so no Exceb lent lacnon Punishing almost new mly be lml deslrlii Open rar orlrr moderate priced in rpectsny time lilyperton Street FARMS FOR SELE ha $19m DOWN Highway 35 Mint ring 100 sores solid brick house on inside conveniences isms burn lovely orchard shout in Intel mlrknl gurdculn block onus acres oi bush oooo Scotch pine so ycurs old One mortgage ror brlrnce For ntrthor netus ll or wrllo Senkus MILE 1117 moor st war Toronto elephant no uisl or HIrria PA 5555 BUS OPPORTUNITIES nTnnnan ammo seruilrul summer resort on his Sirocco Ten units with conveniences iIu winterized home and gangs ele phwr Marie Cunningham PA so mucx loose operator required at once for long distrncs haul Paid by mileage Contract supplied We have ccrtnln units or sale $5000 to 3Eooo cnplul renulren Hlyes Paramount usnLukesboru Road East Port Credit Tsiephon 27mm MORTGAGES MORTGAGES1st and 2nd balfl sold Ind arranged Come and residential moneys lolnud on existing mottogen Barrio Mm sign Bmkm PA 68504 rumours Martsgs Loans to consolidate debts phlvmoll existing mortgs as home provenrents etc bscurl your problems with us Call ror sppolntment PA oml Mangan Funding over glampsanssem 129 Duplop st RENTALS NURSING nOMlas DONER REST HOME For convalescent elderly or re turned pooplc meeuent load Cleon pleasant surroundings Open 102 inspection myllme RATES $5 PER DAY PHONE ammo71 DAILY CROSSWORD amass Ottawas lieutenant anthems medium 1mm nlnitho tool mm Arabic Egon 3mm charge llamas an asthma 13131138 ILItalihn rlvor ZLGod 51mm 60011361011 matrongwlhd bro Eye moibusty Careso 11 Even pocL 15 Ghosts 16 Smoothad no clothes 18 Prononn 233w of smoun Alile Newly huut iwo PROPERTY you mix ulLD cu L0 or rent owe Ind ugbu immedi maxim ply Hamid Elli nib Sr an or iclopholu PA $21 AND Paint shop or not led an Kory Street immedk pollution Par lurther pm urulars ly to Harold Hill ob gAnnl et WisL Telephon OFFICES STORES km um re it or sre on floor rul critics contact Hill 55 DWOP Wen Teib DISOIII PA H61 mix Ion eel nnml lmlion Heated Putin Suitable or Iny UPI of mail bullpen Rent up per month Telpann PA born or minus APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown iocltlon stove and re mgerlor best and electricity ru lira Privsls entrance Avail ably only one per month TELEPHONE PA 83588 Arikn lug AmAmv one and two bedi room lplnmanu Waller and or included Adults Avuunba July 15 Telephone PA mm or lurtbcr particulars uAsT into main loor or modern brick bungalow Eva moms best so sloo mouth Availbis flux lieiophnnu PA 7565 or Mu LDVELY THREE Bedroom Rug Brick hunglow larg uviug room and kitchen outside patio class to schools Teizphons PA 56621 alterA pm llme DUPLEX spacious three ï¬lms 211 If so luv ng rc decorated olephons PA will meal hours or evoninn Two wrunmsnsn orchelor sprruncnis tor rent Relrigmtor Ind glove nip nominated duwnr town Avriirbc immediately Teb isplinno PA pom anytime MODERN two bedroom apart ment stove and reillflerllor sup plied Laundry rnn parking incul uu Jlnltor rsrvlcc Availhis July Telephone PA 36091 AvAlLIullI July 15 fluted darn unmrnlsbeo two bedroom urtmrnt tn Strum apartment house No nhlidren or Pets Tele phone Shroud la Eamon Apartment rclour three rooms with bath uutln cupbomll Parking Central loc tlob Class to new ahflppinp Apply at so Boole street Noun mm nannoolu House IDIO lous uvlng room with muralu Cenlruy lacten on Brenton st Avusbl July is Apply no Vlclt tori Street or telephnno PA um APARTMENT or rent two bed mom llrie iivinz roam ll per month bested Apply 15 Em noun or telephone PA eeln lor runner particulars slx ROOM house with two in rooms largo runroom Ind yarn newly decanted Lirecw ThaiDion Apply Queen at Thornton on Highwny 27 TWO noolvl lornlsnen comment not null cold wsier soluble ior one or two nouns Avrilbis now Telephone PA um evening or further particulars mm Doom El helor Apart ment lurnisben bested parking facilities Apply to 74 Titan street or telephone PA 55205 ior turther lnlormnunn Pours 300M winterized cottage rent for $45 per month to and space heater includedAvsii abis July 11 Apply 146 landlord street or telephone PA 514 UNFUBNIEEED our room span meat or re Hosted and sell conirlneo wl prlvlla bath Poo session immediately Telephone PAmoo lor lurther information MODERN sell contsined three room unlurnlshen sprrtment pri vlte entrance son nstb Close to downtown Wrter son has sued hundry Ind psrlrlng foil tics Telephone PA sum GROUND FLOOR three large room Ipllimeni unhirnkllld prilt vats bum private entrance and min campï¬re PAW 85513 cmAnLY Located titres loom unmmlshedIpmment with rive sts bsthroom stove and star supphe Parking rcuiucs 65 or month Tele an PA rur mriher list siso MONTHLY New is room home 15 minutes rrnm Barrie stone urcplsce trout stream wooded lot hilly decorated com pletely mmlrherl FA 47034 alter AmiACTIVE self contained on bedroom apartment Suithie or business couple stove and refrig erutor supplied Peneungjlld Si Vincent Strlzu $15 monthly Telephone PA soars CHEERFOL room lphtmeni with both self coneused but we ter belied hardwood floors Re irigerrtor and stove availhie Ten minutes Walk from downtown Telephone rs woos 21 Domes so Oom is shim 31 Smooth and sins Isuzur can 19va bud 321mm auditor HI Hi ï¬ll one nun Vain Quanwï¬iy 383ml all or was Gimum comm We iiiiï¬ ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚lllfl lflflflfll Iflï¬ï¬llll fllfllflï¬ï¬ï¬‚x Illlï¬ï¬‚fl HIll ï¬ï¬ï¬llllfl innIzaa llï¬ï¬‚Hflflj HaganII lflflï¬lll llflflllflg CENTRALLY Located tour room apartment sell contlined unfur nished Avonbis July Tales Phone PA H737 for further pari ticuilrl Tm noolu Aptrnncnt with ï¬rmtn bstbroclo hot water on eaten reirigerator and heavy duty stove included Located on hnrion Avenue APPLY do Centre Street BUNGALOW located Aurnlinle excellent condition ourre gal den spree nice lawn Tensnts must reliable business ciguiln phons PA some ror listus FUENTBEED three room lparta must three piece hath helly duly stove Ind ruflieninr Elide floors Sal contained Avlilnhla July Apply Amslrcnln Hard wan HEATED Apartment or rent Largo livln room bedroom din ette and ktcben with stove and reirllerltol Central Business cou pls prelerred Available immedi elmTellurium PA mo mï¬ murmur new Two bed room apartment Stove rnd relrig rrstor supplied Lsundry burning rscnliles soo lrnltor lervlcu sins monthly Short term Avnll Ible August PA gum snLr comAmen two bedroom lowsr duplex ueens risk trlct Front sins entrsnc loui piece both glove Ind rollig nnnr alsoflbmcmcnmtoiw more In no PA WI alter slim LARGE nco Sitting Room 1nd Kitchen stove mrl erotol Main floor Basement bu aundry tIlbs Se Into eutnnce Suithits lol but elcr or tennis your child wdconie Alla mrnlshen bc room son kitehan skins in Dunlap st Welt ms HOUSES 10me canAL loeltlon room spurt ment with two bedrooms unu wood noon puking spur may unable lent Avallnhlo luly Telephnla PA 64775 Poul soon Aliment or rent our piers tiled barn rim and remgrntor ru plied Cullnl lo miumin SF rim ugul mun es one PA um MY lurolrheti ari mcnl nu like Ind puk ru room run and clean lullabln In admin Privrin entrance aAllanbio now Telephnbl PA mu ROOM unlurnlsbed ground liner nplflmont or rent Hydro and water included Parking nu Adults only Telephone PA Hm alter or lurtbor lnlormnllon AVAILABLE Immediately one nunished rprrtmeni one unturn hhea Both sell contained one child welcome Dun hobs PA 58210 Ivenibu PA LOVEY Vlzvv with obesrlul cur roundings Three room roll con ulned Iplrunlnl stove and res trueror supplied Louled in the can end Availlhie immediately Telephone PA 540 CENTRAL Furnlshed three room apartment with bath ground floor lepanla coirnee hr modern kitchen launory month Available July 1le phoon PA Hoes Two nxbnooli healed upltnlrr opurtrncnt in triplex located in Last and Laundry facilities Avlilnhle soon 85 monthly TelL MonnlA 5920A or luriber pun Uruilrl mng knoll unlnrnlshcd npnrb wsicr supplied Lion and Dunlop Avrurbln immediately For nirtber inlan mnuon Telephone PA Him or PA 85677 THREE AND rolm noom Apart ments stow and rolrigenlor lup uen Use of washer and dryer cc ihue Ipanmcllu in ht Ttlcï¬ione PA M150 lor lurt or dull sluALL newly lumlrhed sell contained nprrtmeni Cicnn Ircsh decontco modern bedroom ylng room kitchenette uno hath Suitable ior hurlnrss woman Owen st Telephone PA Neal Two LARGE throo room spart ments private bathroom on ground floor Private Venn WI sber and dryer included rco parking Telephone PA 64ml or PA 51011 in ovcnlnn FURNISHED three room healzd nparimoni Central location Ground lloor Private entrance and Strung Heat and light in rlude Telephone PA 411 Limes three room sell rootsto ed apartment with private ent rance and heavy wiring Nell downtown Childrenwnlcnme Gar lka Ressonsble Tole hone PA Mia tor inrtbor culrn CENTRAL Location Excelenn lily clean throu rnbm unlurnlsh ed heated srimeui including stove and rel gcntor Good park ing Tel hone PA H120 or run ther ieuirs NTCELY ï¬nished Apartment very central Available rlow Sull Ibln loi aue nl iwb adults Alr silinen Stove Millgzrbtol but non wster supplies Apply 126 Baylilld Strut vCDMFOllTABLE turnishcd honi ed apartment with living room bedroom and kitchenette Kellig erator supplied Central location so monthly Avrilnblc lmmedl rtcly Telephone PA 564m cmRALLY located ans bed room unlurnlshcn ground floor Apartment New kitchen and bulb roo Hut and water supplied supornis entrance $65 monthly Tolephanu PA Moon mas noon unfurnished npnrtv ment and sun room lour piece tuen bub stove and rerrlgerstor supplied No children Ccntlnl lo cation Available July 50 mon thLV Telephone PA 32471 or £an lnnd ncrl Estate PA Hm THREE nooM unfurnished apart mcnt separate entrance sell con tained parking facilities Nowly decorated Available immedlntniy Telephone PA no or lurther inlormuuon NEW AND Modern one and two scenic Kcmpenlelt Buy Rent wa ter nrldng run Janitor service lnclu ell Automauc wume fl cultion PA 51992 ROOMS TO LET mmslmn room Centruy lnlt cnted $6 weekly For iurther pur ticulnrs tclepbonc PA 35634 PunNismm soon or rent Very centrnL Parking scallions Tele phone PA c7142 after pm lor rurther inrcrmstlon Pulmst boom to let Has refrigerator llnseiia and linens supplied Apply to oi ery Street fordetails E4 runrrrsunn bedroom or rent Ln quiet hunts with home privilegcs East end location Telephone PA 4137 Avnlisbls now Amncnvs Single Room in pri vstc hum ultnble larwcmsn or business girl brooms non lunch can rrongetl Telephone PA E9911 or amber particular Pumsman bright hnusekucpinx room for rent Located close to Barrio Plan stuvo and reirlgeru tor included Ample parking specs available Telephonk PA 66301 Pmunslnsn housekeeping room use or refrigerator and Bendix Centroll located available im mediate Telephone PA cam for lurthcr detulls CENTRAL Location bright bed room and kitchen or renr fully furnished Rcrsnnoble rent with heat and light lnuluuco local or flag person Telephone PA ROOM EBOARD NICE BRIGHT Bedroom Central ly located Lunches packed if de sired For runner lniormution telephone PA 31557 Room AND nonnn ror genlle mun Board optional Neu Gen on Electric Will pack lunches ll neuron Apply seal Sanford Si or telephone PA sous HOME COOKING mufï¬ns packed ll desired Pnrkinz irc tics lioom run kitchenette may he had with out board if desired Gentlemen pralcrred Telephone PA 76 AVAILABLE tor mlddl Iged or elderly business woman room and board in comfortblah summer cot tlge aro struon summer months or longer Would require car Box Harris EX er MARY STREET vicinity room and bond Gentlemen prolcrreo Wlu pack lunches ll desired Home prlvuogcs Close to downtown inletmillion Apply bedroom comments overlooking or rent rangetie llsn includes WANTED TO RENT SEEKING RESIDENCE T0 RENT loving to Burn ml Seplcmhu ill Mmied couple Milo nu dense No children minimum Inna rooms Box 43 Barrio Faminer MODBBN tam bedroom bung low wanted to rent Will leuo ll tietired Submlill rent Wkoied immediately Tcllpbonl PA Lasso or PA L75 in OR In Room House Elma largo ylM cpllid Wanted by business ouple about Allnut Is Earl supply references aAnubis to Box liarsic Exam or SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE CABIN roll BALI consists ol two good sired roanu toilet and basin Wired blur ho moved on lot Bert alter Telepbnnl PA $296 lor dslcur COTTAGES TD RENT 0R0 TWO sznooM coitus lor ren including kitchen living gooym lnrl llksidontolllgi TAnLlabl to ugu as oro am or lurtber pertlcuhrs cornAGx To KENT on Lak Silu the st Moons bench Just bulging nrillln Three brdrums all corn venlencu in or man boat Avrilbio suytlmv Telephone PA um WELL runNTsnxD two bedroom coitus mile rum barrio at Leonards Bosch 40 weekly Available July 115 mount 11 Ill labour Du PA 54497 alter pin concur son um mg my Point lllrrin only lo miles New with modern cobvenlenccs ms brthlbg buch Available in is August l5 Telephone PA ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YO TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 32421 PATIO STONES 15 square in thick WATER Pooorsn cowun FAST Sarieant Co Ltd Mary Street NEWSPAPER MATS lacl rnr union hen nuke garlax stc insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The nurrts laminar some Ontnrio VACUUM CLEANER SummerCottage SPECIALS Used Machines $5950 up Also other types oi machines from $20 upllanver Constella tion or Levvyt PA 83482 user name lorwule threa years old in ucellentcondiuan Selling lor slso Telephone PA 39955 alter pm ior ntriber purtlculsrs NEARLY NEW Furniture Cher tcrnclns Davcnos 0nd chslrr Chcsts ui anelli Bedroom nir nliuro also nelrlg Slur earls houses pcrieot enters 1nd stoves Apply liusseu Church lilo léllclllomes l7o Burton Avenue arr VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 RERCERATORS $9500 McFADDENS i28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 Em BEAVER LUMBER CO LTD PA Low Odd noon kit sub Odd burn on out each warw beam 11100 or 3i per loot yuugspmce rhl lxlDts 39ng kind $89an leDl mount mill mprrbi llIODi 689er zooo pieces sz spruce 51 our ll or no etch steel Rooting sue rhors New rv cabinetl reg am new use Odd Aluminum 39 FILL YOUR FREEZER with the ï¬nest RED Ind BLUE MEA IS ETC ioor Gnumesa QuallU Budget Term on order you son our Sample Linn FRESH MEATS AT THE Lownsr Phicns rvsuolo to thou who to purchus their orders only kt your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE us TIFFLN smurf Minus PHONE PA wool Free Delivery Open lrluu flu on Slam Wind 95 ELECTRIC liclriguainr Mid air for Ille lug in and con dllion Agply Stewlxl Wisilcr Avenue cllo hurt or lelcphnnl Lenny175 lor iurthcr particulars USED TARPAULINS and Tents vsrlour sues Used mom cent per square loot Come to Barrio Tent and Awninl Co Lid 34 amino Street DEEP numb lor shin Cold deluxe 15 cubic tot mo kc ncw Aim uscd Vanity and chest or Drawers Telephone PA 84611 alter pm BED SPRINGS double Sofa Bed with matching choir excellent condition also quantity mens clothing smsusixo Eoyl clothing tile to Telephone PA 689 RANGLTm burners and out mntle oven excellent condition prlced at slit also cistern Pump new $4 sand point nest olicr Telephono PA 55196 Frilly July flamencoloo servol Propan gts reconditioned gunrrntsco year cubic feet can ho convertco to natunl gss 50 Telephone PA slim or PA cross TENT Largo German rioneer Wigwnrn nt sleeps or in ruhbcr locrell sleeping com psrtmentr end with zippered laps and mosquito netting living area top gusluy complerciy wt erprool also Ivo Idlustabll sleeping cots $9 each Childs Tri cycle rult t4 years$4 0n als nloy Sundly rt Cedar Crescent none or telephone am Camp bornen EATONS WEEK END on Tradein Merchandise RCAvZI IV Tobie Model 7995 is Admiral 17 Tvconsole Model 7995 Apex Refrigeralor qurtmeni size LeonardRefrigernlor Frigidaire Refrigerator CGE Refrigerator Westinghouse Automatic wnslier Coleman Spaée Hedter 12 Elm Moulded PlywoqdnHuII 4995 My Fool Cedar Sirip Hull 16 Foot Cedal Strip Hui EATONleAs AVAILABLE Telephone PA om or lurther UDGE DES ASPECIALS