SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS GUTlTRIE like Isabelle Gilchrist enroute to her new position at Clinton and two Iriends Misses Alison Reid and Marion Waddull vis ited here on the weekend There will be no service in the United Church here next SundnyI July owing to enni versnry services at Howkeslone United Church The allowing Sunday July 16 Sunday School Therm will be at the regular hour oi 1130 but the regular serviw will be withdrawn because at the Guthrie cemetery decoranon service in the United Church here at pm that day The Minion Bond and Baby Hand picnic will be held at pm on Thesday July ll at 0m Memorial Perk The moth ers of both bands are invited to come and bring their child ren ll transportation is needed plenty DontgetStuek pa call Mrs Howard Campbell or Mrs Howard Caldwell Those attending the YPU weekend at the Simone Presbyt ery Camp at Midland June at July were Misc Shirley Ag nes and Dorothy Ann Campbell Miss Isabelle Gilchrist and two Iriendr Harold and John Bert ram Deepest sumpothy ls extended to Mr and Mrs Hugh lilach stock in the sudden death on Sunday at Hughs brother Dr Ronald Blacksth ot the stall at St Michaels Hospital Tor unto Lulle Pate Egg lnmoll an ELMVllLE Mrs Armstrong ot Bred Tord is visiting Mrs Emerson Adams Mrs Henmono and son Brian at St Catharines spent the week with her grandmother Mn Joe Adams Congratulations to Misses Sol ly Campbell and Karen Thomp son who sucoeulully completed their second year at University of Toronto rnoM Newt scam Mr and Mrs Leonard Coco er of Dartsmoulh who are on their wedding ter spent couple of days with Mr and lira Thomas Cooper and other relutivu Mrs Robitlulle ol Pene tang renewed lriendships here on Thursday Mrs Rutlarld Elrlclt returned at the weekend otter visitmg ger sister Mrs King at Don on Benrdnall attended the IOOF assembly at the Royal York Toronto Mr and Mrs Paul Beardsnll and children of Chathnln visit ed his motho ns Lawns Beardull who returned with them to wood owple ot weeks airs Cavanaugh oi Bar rie was Saturday guest oi Mrs Terry Mr and hire Cecil Townes oi Elliot Lake are visiting Mr nnd Mrs Nell Room Mr and Mn Bernie Pilon and daughter Sherri have mov ed from the Gilbert apartment Yong Street to the apartment above the balls shop on Queen Street On Wednesday allcrnoon June 28 the cliiie Anglican Church THE BARRIE mm THURSDAY JULY held their congregational plenltz at Orr Lake Approximately 75 sat down to delicious supper The children enjoyed swimming games and took part in the races Rev and Mrs Leckle who recently moved into the rect ory were present The wealth er was ideal for the occasion IN HOSPlTAL Mrs Silos Locke and Albert Henley were admitted to Pane tang GeneralHospital Their Mend hope to see them home won Mr and Mrs Oscar Srigley Betty and Billie at North Bay spent the long weekend with Mr and Mrs Mending and Mr and Mrs may Srlgley Mr and Mrs Walla Draper miss Dorothy Draper and Mr and Mrs Archer an visiting relatives at Smith Falls Mr and Mrs Claude Parkin son and son Hudson LOWEST PRICES IN TOWNon Brand New TWINPU TOP QUALITY DOUBLE STRENGTH VIII of WIITTLE SAlE EDUNTS MIer allowance for the unused mileage on your on tire SODIS 64015 Bro177501147 ANOTHER cl new but only mm Cauldiln Tire SUPERLAST TWINFLY NYLON ls priced to low boeauxo Idd only small ommisxlon In the iaetory mt and the consumer How coco ARE TWINFLY NYLON nrAnoNl so SAFE that millions of miles of driving on over year have not produced single lepofled mo blowout showed bruise damage an driving mull mugllm tong TWINFLY NYLON mum by weight but by being twice his DOUBLESTRENGTH DuPont Nylon Tire Cord rerulting IIIbshnTTIJ uving pulsed right along to you Superlame TwillFly Nylon Tire 100000 of them ï¬re in tho put test And Tex thin TTOO of est roads tllo same amount of the ï¬nest ll twice as many the line card ured NYLON ls resilienrh roslrr heavy of tire youve been riding on GET IANTRET Tryingtosqueeze the laSt miIe out of llllW on EASY BTIDGET TERMSAT GANATTIAN ckindly mt can my Routine Kl boomers RRIE ONT PAR WAY 664 worn tires is failse economyand dangerous Tire troublewhenyoure on trip can costyou ying high List Prices If youregoing tojn ed new tires iGETITIEIM TIBES WHOLESALE nlscoullrs