The Fruits of Faith James preacha justifica tion by works not by faith alone He condemns the kind oi hypocrisy which gives dei erence to the wealthy leav Creemore Church Packed For Services on Four hundred persons regist ered at St Johns United Church Creemore ior the morn ing service June 75 and another 350 at the eveninz service to hear the Rev GEagle BA ED of Sarah give the sermon it was the 75thanniversary oi the church At the naming sen vlce some gilt to the church were dedicated Four brass oi tering plates and two bras can dle holders were presented in memory of William Law rence by his sister and brother Two hymn books were present ed in memory of tumor min ister the Rev George Coulter and his wife by their daughter Mrs Isobel Jackson Muslc hold ers for each choir member were presented by Mrs Skinlr le iormer organist Letters oi congratulation were read root the moderator the Right Rev Hugh Mectcod also greetings from St Andrews Presbyterian Church accompan ied by basket oi tlowers Oth er memorial ilowers were plea ed by Mary Milt Corbett the Gleaners em and Cecil Hayward and the oiilclels of St Johns in memory at the pion eers Other flowers contributed ior the decoration oi the church were arranged by Mrs Dick enson Morning music was under the direction of Mrs Skinkle and the evening music was con ducted by Peter Coatcs oi Trin ity United Collingwood The oldest person attending was Mrs William Young 01 Cree more The garden party on satlnday momma Sonar SCHOOL mason By his the poor an interior poaiv tion domes 224 It brother or sister he destitute of daily iood and one at you say unto them Depart in which had to be bald inside be cause of weather was attended by more than 500 The concert which followed supper was put on by group of singers from Barrie whose leader and direct or Murray ilall used to live in Creemore Plano solos were by Eoettger and readings were by Mrs Mary Newell Hamilton ROMAN CATHOLICS SAY Dead Are Gone But With Us Yet Theres lot of truth in the old saying out of slï¬rt out oi mind Thats why we dont write to that old iriend we were sure we woldd never forget thats why we rarely think oi our deed relatives and friends Why do the states set aside day called memorial Day To remind us of our debt to our departed soldiers and sailors Memorial Day is memoran dum from Uncle Sam to put us in mind oi our honored dead The Catholic Church has one special memorial day called All Souls Day On this day she reminds her children of all her dead and particularly other dead for whom no one prays Her message reads Pray for the departed Assist at Mass Over and over again she puts into the mouths of the living this plea Eternal rest grant them Lord and let perpetual light shine on them May they rest in peace Knowing the huth oi the say ing Out of sight out of mind the Church writes her memor andum every yearand every day Yes every dayis mem orial day for berrln every Mass she has the priest and people pray for all those who have gone before us with the sign of faith and who rest in the sleep of peace She does not want her dead to be forgotten She continual ly reminds her sons and daugb ters of thetruth revealed by God in the Old Testament It is holy and wholesome thought to pray tor the dead that theymay be loosed from sins i2 Mach 1246 The dead FURNITURE THE BEST 1N RRIcss SELECTION SERVICE BARRIE FURNITURE LTD iv Muiehlter St on 841561 le VIII Colonial may be out of sight but they are not out of mind Eternal rest grant them Lord the Churchprays and let perpe tual light shine on them May they rest in peace Adventist Church Meets lit OshaWa Local members oi the Barrie Seventhday Adventist Church are to take an active partih Oshawa in what is expected to be one of the most outstanding conventions of Ontario Quebec Adventists in many years Scheduled to start tonight done 30 the tenday convention located on the churchs campus of EWShawa Missionary Coils ege ends Saturday evening July Representatives from the 745 congregations in Ontario and Quebec are expected to number peak attendance at 2500 on weekends Members will listen3 to international church leaders from the churchs headquarters in Washington DC and lead ersdof Adventist activities in Ca ns Special emphasis qu be laid upon the churchs changing role in an everchanging society Se miners will be held to discuss tlon besides the study of the family problems youth educa churchs spiritual needs GIE BULOVA FINE LASTING SYMBOL or Family Features on executive tooktoo nut in performance but an untu III Urinal was urea $1 means $2975 STEPHENSONS JEWELLERs Dunlop st peaca 75th Year tin 42Iu notwithstanding ye give them not thosethingt which are needed what doth it proï¬t James 1546 James exhorta the weal thy to search their muscled Czech Exhibition Is Top Attraction HAVANA GP One of the top attractions in the Cuban capital is Czechoslovakian ex hibition featuring products rang ing from heavy machinery to bloode models Members of Havanas diplo metie community went to the show by invitation Thursday Alfred Sav rd commercial counsellor at the Canadian em bassy saidLaiter the tour that he found the arrangement of the gt exhibition excellent He was pressed by the array of pro ducts On view are many types of farm equipment and motor ve hiclesa mobile derrick bus trucks tractors cars and mo torcycles There are sports rtv lies machine tools baking equipment and household applr ances textiles plumbing equip ment drugs books paintings and records OSDPHER PH 54 cos Your riches are oomph ed he asserts and the rust oi them shall be witness against you and shall set your flesh as it were ilre demo Ya have lived to plow LondOn Flaming Pedestrian Mall whom propos ora our block pedestrian mail on down town Dundas Street received cautious welcome Thde gear merchants and civic oil The proposal in to build new city hall across Dundes Street which is part of Highway and have it overlooking srnali stretching from Ridout Street East to Wellington Street Fred KingrmtllJr president of the Downtown landon Asso ciation said merchants would ilrst want city council to give no direction by accepting or re lump 33121 its lit THE ANGL lilired Buescher are and been wanton Behold the labourers who have reaped down your ï¬elds which is of you kept back by trend crleth James GOLDEN TEXTJames 217 jeoting salient points proposal The plan will be considered by city council Monday night oftbe ADOPT CODE WASKESKIU Sank CP lha Retail Merchants Associa tion of Canada adopted na tional code of ethics Wednee day at the annual executive con vention here The code will be implemented voluntarily Gen eral Manager David Gilbert of Toronto said the code is da slgoed to promote integrik in meats oimitalise advertising mis represen on rice manl ule lion rimming promo on and that unscnrpulcuo prac tices DIOCEBE OF TORONTO Bars Hré Leose ByGrace Of God By REV GEORGE ROG Alliance Church Mantras been akiiiiui enough to harness the power of men animals water wind steam oil gasoline electricity and ato mic Howtgvcui IIlsaakbsn never equal oi harassing the power of his own no Since falling into sin man has been dominated by the follow ing dissectuinlcs sexual im it ttfl mat on jealousy bad temper witch craft worship at also gods rivalry envy est mor bldnou discourageme inter ifly complex and its counter Itilmanlclnlmthathalsl tree moral agent He can do what the pleases when Ia plea ses This is broad statement and requires qualiï¬cation Ev ery men is bound by habits of life which restrict and dictate his daily conduct He has con thin discovers to his chagrin that he isboundinsprisonoihiaowo matting ICAN CHURCH OF CANADA The Rt Rev Wilkinson iiiMa DD 113 Lord Bishop oi Toronto TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next to the Post our normals par 500 pm Holy Communion 930 un Holy Communion Sermon Doorman on rm Sheriint 1l0tt am Holy Communion Sermon comma nav The Rev SEEM 700 pm Evhuong Sermon Mr Ralph mm All Art WHOM THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Barony and outer Streets Gems Rm PItor Ms pintSunday School 1100 amoth Country God 700 nanEvanselistie Samoa summonm BARRIE ELECTRIC morons AUIHOIIIED OElxlEt MOTOR SAlES SERVlCNE PA82206 53 OWEN Sl TIII CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Imumnum DAILY mwsmu Goad Reading for the whole Family euews Facts onNomayseagrtq15Mm mmmmaxmmtm WWnnsmqu mwflyitdlf Iyserszon smogmu smmssn LUTHERAN CHURCH or TIIE soon SHEPHERD Steel St Dfl wau REV leAN BABEL PA 61631 110o nan DIVINE WORSHIP Sunday School 945 am Church of St Giles at cm Street ms 13 Rum rs TRINIKY ma aonvcomrumon 1th norms PRAYER Um REDENWTNE rowan or nova Everyone Welcome Roman Cathoti as more CHURCH 06 MULCMTEB ET PA 029 SUNDAY MASSES an nan 1015 on 1130 am EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pan Wednesday at 730 Our Mother oi Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 130am 1115 on 800 pm ALL cannon muons MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON The church of TVs This Is The Lita THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornelia Boos Minister Phone PA 6402 SUNDAY MORNINGI 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP in English 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Jro be held in St James chard at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME 0N mansions FIRST CHRISTI REFORM cHuac st Vincent Street Rev Jae Gauzebroek pastor Phone PA Male 157 Shanty Road mo 311 anvn nos Georgetown Ontario 11m pm new Jae cemhroék Dutch no em scaoor ammo HOLIDAYS on Church of smooths new Radio Program 51 ANDREW Owen and Worsley St VPRESBYTERIAN cHURcH Rev sum as Minister Raymond Daniels sr anDREws than srthcEs Director or Praise fin riser BAPTIST cannon DURING MONIIiOE lllLY it The MRItell Churnh ST GEORGES WADE Burton Avenue etGranvilla Street Rector Rev Waiter Dyer Organist Mrs Shaw AiCM Choir Leader Mn ll Smethurst DOMINION SUNDAY The Lord is Nigh Unto All Them That Cali 900 mm Holy Communion mm HOLY COMJWNION invite on to come ms on Null Cllllin tho RID Haltin noon WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH Steel street Pnbuefsmm film namson Minister 1000 am Lova Navancotgnemrs NURSERY SCHOOL at 10am NEW cannon sanvme It NEW nismrcr amorous Warcoma CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 comma so Services Sr Sunday Schoo nm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE on premlsu Wed 24 pm All Vara welcome CHECK TIMEAND CHURCH FOR UNION SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clappertm at Wonk Ear Gordon Walker Pastor Mill Ellie Chub Director oi Music 10 to 10 Sundoy Church School 11 mm gt GARBUTI SMITH BA DJ Guest Speaker om gt iour aournrsw ARMY The Friendly Church with the Wilma Welcome Applied science has diremvar ed and invented may wonder iul and powerful things but sci ence has not ya compounded enmit whim has power to deliver buttinan irern lust need hatred or and in my one the like Psychologists and psychiatrists have succeed ed In helping many dlshllbed min but they too are very ted in what tbs can do But there is wisdom which lvpareedeo the wisdom oi flay oychla and power ter mater than atomic power refer to the wisdom and power oi God He understands the complex na ture of your personality He has absolute knowledge at you your £2le and your sins lie ws bow sin has degraded your body and soul He sear ches the recesses at your mind and knows more about you than you know about yourself be cause He made you lie und erstands your troubled heart He perceives your discontented state and He sees the cornrp tton oi your heart which peri odically unites your miserable can ioï¬ghcgtirusclence cor rup on condemn on to eternal hell An ior the power of God just space must to our dead spirit when lie en tern in with Hi salvation Do you know Him whom to blow night lrtlie eternal US Dollar Closes lit High Premium MONTREAL CBThe US dollar closed Thursday at its highest premium since Finance Minkter Flemings budge speech last week The Bank at Montreal laid the US dollar opened IFS cents higher and closed at 1182 cents higher than the Ca nadian dnlttuz This shows gain of ot cent since June 21 the day following the budget speechsoda gain oi Vs oomlt pared withWednesdnyr close The pound sterling also im proved Tbursdey it gained Vt at one cent closing at 288 ior one pound sterling tieh UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA diallitr ior EIIIIttD QEiJuIri tliInli in mm In and tunu 1qu UNION SERVICES Cotlior St and Central umna Churches COLLIER s1 CHURCH during the month or July French The Rev Gardiner Skelly MABD gt BABY SITTING 111011le AVAILABLE VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS CORDIALLY WELCOME EMMuEL earnsr 61 VINCENT 81 CHURCH OUTDOOR CHURCH St Vincent Park No 11 Highway 11 lashWORSHR SERVICE 945 remrattan arena acaoon nears PRESBYTERIAN UNION SERVICES ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH 1N Burton Avenue Church am REV BELL BA mom Is Gone conceals 930 amChurch Sunday Schools 1100 sangNursery Kindergarten viamas our NEW insomnan moons PRESBYTERIA CIlURCH SERVICE JOHNSON as sonoon STUDENT MINISTER Mr James Panto 13A no Ian MORNING WORSHIP 930 Inn SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME The Salvation Army Citadel oo Comer Street Sr cumin Gillespie smavisanvlcas 11 am ann7 pm Sunday School 945 can welcome swan