Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1961, p. 22

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AROUND smoos cooer NEW 1105 Mrs Miltigan is out hos pital Toronto and spending some time at the home oi her uncle and aun Mr and Mrs Frank Hami Phelpston Miss Doreen Smith of Western Hospital Toronto Spent three days at the home of her parents Mr and tlrs Harold Smith Mr and Mrs Paul Tripp oi Eimvaie were recent visitors at hir and Mrs Walter Hail and daughters ltlrs MacDonald New Fins school attended the sports car races at Moscort on Saturday Mr and Mrs John Carter and family spent Sunday evcn ing at Allistuu with the lattcrs sister and brotheriniav Mr and Mrs Vander Zaar and am Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bartholm mew and Brian of Hawkcslone were guests oi Mr and Mrs Cline hawn and family Sunday Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and family risile on Sunday at Proton Station with Mr and Mrs Joseph Hunter and family iormcr rcsidcnts oi this com munity Mr and Mrs Alec Finley and family were supper guests on Sunday of Mr Fiolays mother Mrs Finlay Midhursl Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn visv lied in Slaynor on Monday with Mrs Norman Rawn and Mr and Mrs George aowser Mr and Mrs Henry Ponsen and daughter of Toronto were Monday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs John De Gorter and iamily The pupils oi Hulhs School enjoyed trip on Monday to Fen ctang and Midland where they visited the Mnrlyrs Shrine the museum and other mints oi lut erest Haraldimith Mrs Arch ie Smith Mb Margaret limb and their teacher Mrs Loughv heed accompanied them ST PAULS The order of confirmation took place at St Pauls nglican Chuurch Sunday evening June 15 Twentyfive candidates were presented to Rt Rev Sr ll MA lid Bishop oi Toronto to be confirmed into the Anglican faith The church was filled to cap ucity and decorated with now ers Alter the service rec tion was held in the church par lor tor the newly continued and their relatives and friends Mrs Lionel Rowe Wawota Sask has been viiiting Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor and girls Mr and Mrs Pratt and Margot visited illr and Mrs Norman nick and family Dal ston on Sunday The AYPA and St Pauls Church held successful Iiccord Hop in Stroud Community Hall Friday evening Watch coming events for the next dance Welcome back The First Coi umn by Wells Think he should write his Memoirs of Barrie in his humorous style Who knows maybe we too have aStcphen Leycock group oi indies from St Fnuls VA afternoon branch sur prised Mrs James Lawrence at her new home in Barrie in st week Alter pleasant evening they presented her with healltiiul table lamp in recognition of her willing work with the group Mrs Lloncl Rowe Wawota Sask wile oi the iormer rector was planet to enjoy the evening social hour was spent over tea cupL SCHOOL PICNIC The school piaiic was held on Mondaytevening in the form community picnic when over in persons gathered to eat supper in the open air Rev Tranl said Grace After supper the races were held for the junior room To complete the evening the boys and girls challenged their iathcrstovobali game The re suits were very hilarious Wally Barber was the home run king for the fathers Howard Penny was umpire and did an admir able job although the team did not always agree with him STROUD Misses Beverley Ayerst and Beverly howry oi Hamilton General Hospital spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Mei Aye erst Services in the Presbyterian Church Stroud for the month oi July will be held at 930 am each Sunday Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred Mulhoiiand were Sgt and Mrs John Kazoris and chil dren Leslie and Kevin ol RCAF Marville France Mr and Mrs Kezorls were neighbors of the Mulhollands daughter and son inlnw Flt Sgt Biieski and were on their way by motor from Montreal to Calgary where they have bee posted Also with them was Mbs Cuiie oi Mnn treui very attractive prize list has been prepared lor the Womens institute Flower Show to be held August 23 Prize lists may be had from Mrs Rix or Mrs Already 25 Registered For Archeology School The University of Western0n tario Summer School oi Indian Archeology will be held irom July to 14 with its headquart ers at the oilioers Quarters Mu seum Penetanguishene The school has been in pro grass for the last 10 years under the direction oi Dr Wilfrid Jury the curator at the Museum of in dian Archeology and Pioneer Lite at the University of West ern Ontario Thecourse is designed for any man chwv27 RnsBARRIE person interested inthe historic or prehistoric past of the coun try and for students of Canadian history who wish to pursue their historical research in the ticld This years class appears to be one of the largest ever enrolled with 25 students already regist ered An obsessive interest in Canadian history and archaeol ogy is the one iaetor unifying teachers veterinarians ll servants high school students and army ofiiccrs Coming from Michigan Windsor Ottawa Tor onto and other Ontnrio es many of the students will be staying with Penetang families or the twkoeck course Under Dr Jurys supervision the students will spend by far the major portion of their days at the dig This is the sixth summer that the school has been working at the Forget site lo cated couple of miles south east of the town of Wyebridge This year one oi the long hous es of the preconquest Indian villa go will be uncovered by careiul troweiling and digging All iinds are meticulously exam ined and catalogued with mats and maps recording the precise spot of discovery Although the practical exper ionce oi working in the iieid is emphasized the importance of theory is certainly not overloOk ed Noted authorities in iields relating to North American arch eology and Indian life will be on hand to lecture to the students Mrs Jury will introduce the course by giving two lectures on theVIndians of North Amer icnNarrowing the subject slight ly is Miss Roma Stnndefer who will speak on Indinnroi the Plains and the Kwnkiutt indiana of the Paciiic Coast figure well known to resid ents oi the area is Dr Boyd superintendent of the Ont ario Penetang Dr Boyd will be lecturing on the nonrnaterial culture of the Hun OHS Morley Thomas noted climatlt ologist with the Meteorological Services of Canada will be dis cussing the physical environ ments of early man in North America History and prehistory an address to be given by Fred Swayze chiet inspector ot the socialsciences oi the secondary schools at Ontario will summar ire the theoretical aspects of the course OPEN TO PUBLIC The oiiicial opening and closv ing of the school will be given by Dr Jury These lectures open to the public are held at the Oflioers Quarters Museum irom am to 10 am each week day As well nsrattending these classes any tourist or resident in the area is invited to visit the dig at the Forget site Aside from the regular sched ule of lectures and digging the school will tour Ste Marie St Louis St Ignace and the Mar tyrs Shrine CUSTOM BUILT HOMES TOYOUROWN SPECIFICATIONS of one ofthe models available in and Mrs McGee ol Midland with lhnmpson Get one soon and start planning forfyour entries Class isopen to everyone Mr and Mn Warn of Barrio have purchased Mra Leslies house and taken up residence here The lovely afternoon oi June 24 attracted large attendance to the auction sale of household goods and the residence oi the late Miss Minnie Bond The res idence was purchased by Fred McCarter Rev Jackson conducted anni versary services ah Homings Mills on Sunday while Cliiiord McIntosh conducted the church service here and at Leiroy Next Sunday the sacrament of com munion will be held at the morn ing church service here Recent visitors included Mr Mr and Mrs Alert Black Mr and Mrs Thompson at Sudbury with Elev and Mrs Jackson GAE 49 CLUB The Gae 49 Club met at the home ol Mrschlcn Mulholinnd with so members present The visit to Princess Merger ets Hospital Toronto is sched ulcd for Sept Roll call was answered with bring or wear something to represent song The October meeting will be or Mrs Riz The meeting clo sed with vote at thanks to pres identL Mrs Horton for her work in making the evening out to be remembered SHANTY BAY The LadiesvGulld of St Thom as Church meta the home of Mrs George Simpson June is Final plans were made for the July tea which will be held on the rectory lawn Mrs Campbell Mrs Wortley Mrs Sutton Mrs McCrncken Mrs Simp son Mrs Sutton Mrs Bowman Mrs Flynn Mrs Itickling and Mrs ii Sutton attended Garden Tea at the home oi Mrs Rivett East Ora June 21 Funeral service or the late ROLS SIMPSON Hour Service PA 82659 Barrio Mrs Frank Hale war held from Peltink Funemi Parlors June it The senice was taken by Rev Concert Pallbearers were Charlie At kins Ralph Blotting Neils Love Walter Sutton Tea and Ken TeaL Interment was in Union Cuneteryharrle floral tribut es from relatives neighbors and iricndr also included tributes from St Thomas church Guid and Shanty flay WI The iSth annual spring school concert was neld June all at Oro 1953 srunr SEDAN RADIO N0 Ill 1957 BUICK aurorarm nAnro 7N9 1956 rrrnourllf nanro No no 1954 liliEll RADIO AUTOMATIC NO It 1953 roan SEDAN RADIO no Portunderthadieflionoti manimmanennmlmmim it Dempsey The Shantyaay Rhythm Band smart in their new red hats donated by the Shanty Bay Home and School Association playcd two selec tions by utopia Marinas Hymn and Prelude solo The Fast idious Sapent was sung by Bil ly Darby of the Shanty Bay School shield was presented to the teacher of No School which won firstpriu at the Orll lia Kiwanis Festival Much credit is given to the Shanty Bay Volunteer fire Dc partrnent especially to Sandy Bowman and Bob Fisth who stayed for three hours helping to light theilre and saving adjoin ing buildings at Barrie Terrace Wednesday Mrs Roy Patterson spent iew days in PEi recently shower was held in the hall Saturday night for June Fisher and George Collins mu mar riage will take place Friday ev GENUINESALE OPEN LL DAY SATURDAY The Greatest Values Ever littered The Public oi This limo Wide Choice 0i Makes and Models s1049 $1095 $749 s549 $149 1958 human SEDAN RADIO N0 637 1957 rennin RADIO N0 19 1955 tillv enlng June so at Zion United Church Shanty Bay George Sutton will be attEnd in ilydro School in Niagara Falls for three weeks The renewed Canadian Book oi Common Prayer will be used in St Thomas Church Sunday July Anyone wishing place booksinthechurchforamem orial please get in loodi who the rector Rev Noam ty any or phone Oro 4t s345 131095 s695 RADIO N0 201 SEDAN N0 708 r1952 METEOR SEDAN RADIO NO 284 $1953 urnw $199 KRAMER CAR IS QUALITY CAR BRADFORD ST PA 66652 I45 BRADFORD sr PA 82449 new tryo case of anndos fastest grOwingclé

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