MEN or rm Canadian Polar Continental Shelf pro ject at lsachsen onEiiai Ring nes island coo miles from the CANADIAN and United sun as flags fly near the joint weather station at lsachscn WOUNDED FOUR TIMES LARAMIE Wyo AWJohn Kastner 35 was wounded our times by single bullet He was fishing with friends Tuesday when hcdroppcdvac cadcalibre DO IT NowlquLE North Pole prepare to fly out onto sea ice in this helicopter to study Arctic Ocean water Such muttered helicopiers are also used as ice trucks to lly doepwatcr pack ice back to lsachscn camp for water sup plies Ice must be at least three years old Io be free of ocean salt CF Photo 6hr martin hammer FRIDAY JUNE II 161 Surrounded By 2Water But iDiclre Not Drink In thin story Willi Preu reporter who vuuu the Canadian Polar Contin al19th Project In the Arctic tell of the problem of gotting drinking water for the Winn mp By JIM WELLY Canadian Press Sill Writer VISACHSEN NWT i0 Ncstled on the anowcovercd shore Elle Elngnes island and looking over frozen bay of Prince Gustav Adolf Sea to ward the Arctic Ocean thewu man Canadian Polar Continen tal Shell Project is Iurraunded by water But theres not drop to drink Obtaining fresh water for NWT Scientists of the Can adian Polar Continental Shelf project have established base camp near the station sidearm The pistol much rock at Kaslners feet and dis churged Th bullet struck the call of his right leg grazed his right thigh nicked his right wrist and struck his upper right arm 77 THE WEATHER is WARM ANDIDEAL for oursmeoRK This is thetlme of year beget out and make all the necessary minor repairs around the house There are many things to be done such as paint ingthe fence or repairing the screening Be sure to dropdn and gettdctalled information uniall your hood improvements and repairs We will be only too nappyibhe of service in your plans for brighter more cheerfulland attractivehome You may arrange for merit loan to help you low cost home improve carry outall the needed repairs now and you pay later LOOK TOVUS roam KiND SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT ouR Be Sure or Complete Stock of crown DIAMOND PAINTS The UtmostQuoliry Insial Thal Your Builder BerIrcm BrothersPioducts hydrogemfilled balloon is being released from building at left Slated boxes have equipment to Mord temper Punusn CHARTER ACCRA Ghana flamers The charter of the Ghana Guinea Mali Unionnucicus of United States of Alilea will be published on Saturday President Kwame Nkrumah an 77 W7 atures that fall In 55 degrees below zero and winds that blow at 80 miles an hour in March tCP Photo nounced here He said the Un ion would be open to all states and federations in Africa which wished to data Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA2flh men during the proicct March to September opera lion is an enormous undertalp Although the surrounding mow could be melted for water in an emergency it in not practical on large scale since barrel of mow melts to about onetenth of bang of water An alternative is lo melt some of the sea ice three to nine feet thick which lose little in volume chunk the size of barrel melts to about nine tenths of barrel of water Scalce isaometimcs used carried to the base camp from out on thebay by caravan of sledhauling tractors but its age must be determined first Oneycarold sea ice is far too salty for human consumption when melted lwoyearcld ice is better After three years enough salt has been leached from the ice so that the water tastes perfectiy fruh FILLED WIT BRINE During April the 15wugnllon tank installed at laudsons eight man ioint Canadian United States weather bureau and used by the polar shelf pro ject was accidentally Iiiicd with ice that was too young Coffee tasted as if it came from leaky ships bold those who washed their hair found it standing on end for days it was impossible to whip up shaving lather but any codfish would have been quite at home in the brine ef the camps four wash basins Notunurasthaualca but still cloae thumb to had sen in one of the Lbrcctiny frc water lakes of Kiel Ring nes an island the size of Cape Breton During summer heavy tractor pull water from this lake over five mlch of barren rock and footdeep mud in coo to mgoilon tanks mounted on wooden sleds But summer makes the water problem more acute at some field station such as the pro jccta Decca radio transmitting sites on tbexnorthern tip of Elle Eingnes and the Meighcn island about so miles northwest of lsachscn Aa summer melting and drift ing begins at the southern edges of the Arctic ice pack pressure throughout the pack relaxes and the ice moves out an far as 40 miles from the shores of the Sverdrup Islands T00 MUDDY For the Decca sites far from any lake old ice in the off sbore pack becomes the nearest source of fresh weler Some fresh water streams flow from the snowcupped law hills to the ocean passing quite near the sites but they are far too muddy for drinking As result the projects char tered helicopters are used as flying ice trucks carrying old ice from the puck to the men at the radio stations at price which would probably exceed that of the best imported cham pagne FOCUS ON HEALTH Pills containing billions of dried but stillliving bacteria look promising for treating diarrhoea caused by virus in fections or by antibiotics The pills supply new colon ics of lnctobacillus acidophi his friendly germ nor maiy existing in the human intestine Through compell lion they help keep down the numbers of other germs which can cause illness if they becometooprevalmb But some germs which cause diarrhoea knock down the population of lactobaeciil The pills are designed to restore the balance two Chicago 1111 sicions report BRAIN RADIOS tiny radio transmitter is successfully broadcasting the brain waves of cat to re corder 100 feet away Placed under the skin of the animals head the thumbnail sized radio permits free nar mai movements with no in tcrference or stress from elec trodes plantedin the head with their wires dangling off to the recorder Tulane University research ers who developed the device hope it will prove useful in studying reactions of human mental patients And they said the transmitter could be designed to send electrical Uses rennin gnnoyuns unlit SI Sunliggrntï¬anzu or FRIEND EXT REPUTATION We Rent OOl an Want to ï¬nish of your atticor basement reï¬nish your floors 9r do MlM other poison Ramuï¬o daemon eaten can men on Ebert manna MM rowIons mom mniuiprkessy Farley undiot more amino This Is to cerllry hat Dow on Is 1le lay lha arduslve v15 mnllnually lasted thereby ensuring uollorm high quality Diarrhoea Pills impulses into the br to burn out selected nerve cen tres and thus kill severe pain of canccrpr other diseases it could aka be used to re cord brain wava of birds swimming ls and treeclimbing animals ANT nunroars Ants are attracted by the sweet taste of poisons distrib uted about in the form of but tons or cups Butso areyoung children and household pets Connecti cuts poison informationccn tratells of five babies and young children poisoned by them in single month and urges parents to take precau Lions EAR TEST small patch of rollyour own cigaret paper serves well lo pin point damaged car drum as cause of deafness if the eardrum is at fault the patient bears better And he learns how much better he could hear by having the bar drum repaired surgically if the to thin paper doesnt work hen it is clear the trouble lies elsewhere neat part of the test report University of Michigan spe ciaiists is that the paper costs only about onetenth of cent Cool Control process Tlrls prdetsu CHARLES Crane 55 blind and deaf since infantry and lztyearold Peter Sinclair who lost both leg above the knee in train accident five years ago have developed deep bond of friendship and mutud aid through their handicap The two Illve with Mr and MrsuG Roy Phllpot of Vanlt couvar and their three sons and daughters CPszoiol Handicapped Pair Help Each Other VANCOUVER OP Peter Sinclair is 12 years old Ha walks on artificial limbs the result of accident five years ago in ich he lost both hk legs above the knee Charles Crane is 55 blind deal and virthlly dumb the re sult of an attack of meningitis at the age of nine months The two met for the first time four years ago when Peter embittered by the loss of his legs when trapped beucaih train arrived at the home of and Mrs Roy Philpot in North Burnaby Mr Fhilpot garage me chanic and Mrs Philpot matron of Fargo tution for the blind have three sons and daughter of their own but decided to care for the youngster who lost his logger father in an accident when he was five HIKE FATHER AND SON They theyve found the experience of having the two handicapped persons has made theirown children more bumble andthankiul for goodness to them introduced Peter to Charles who has been ith us since 1953 and they it off straight awa Mrs Philpot said They became almost like father and son but the bond be tween them want even deepl than that Théy seemed in gel strength courage and confl deuce from each other Within few day moving into his new home Peter was learning the twobanded sign language used to communicate with Mr Crane He picked up the hand to hand alphabet quickly and when anybody wants to talk with Charles new Peter generally is there to in tcrpret for it iJIULrlaueunmo After each question Mr Crane who has learned to use typewriter with accuracy and speed hands Peter slips paper with his answers type written an them in an interview conducted in this manner in his tworoom study in the basement of tha Philpot home he said his only income is $74 monthly blind pension have many difficulties but am happy especially when am with Peter be typed out He has made it easy for ma to live for the future and ha helped me no end dont know what would do without him Each night using sign lan guage Peter reads poems to Mr Crane and frequently they play chess when anything really senra tlonal happens in the world read newspaper stories to char lie Peter said One was the Russian space flight When he is alone Mr Crane spends most of his time reading or transcribing Braille books which he receives from the National institute for the Blind in England He has more than 1000 works all Emilie in his study Mr Crane said ha hopes someday to visit Englandnnd Europe Pater intends to bc come surgeon Hell be good one said Mr Crane He has the heart HECKLER WAS HUBBY LOS ANGELES APJSiuger Joan OBrien was bothered by heckler during recent per formance at Hollywood night club The heckler she testified Wednesday was her husband She won divorce from TV writer John Meyers 39 softhe mosivaluahle yeastsiralns iniho wail it master blending of aslgreat brews brings outihe bastin beer makes Dow the easiestdrink ing most dependany uniform ale aver brawsd aLanEn Horas Only amaslsrfuiblending oflha best hops can bring uuttha best in beer Dow selects prime hops picked at the fleeting moment at perfection and blends them carefully to givayou that true beertasta you enjoy in mm aLanEn IARLEV MALT The best in bear demands the best ingredients The special blend of top quality Canadian Barley Malls used inbrawlng an Ale calls for the very best barley Canada reduces Noth inglesswiilmee Dowsiandards smear vzasr special highlyprized yeast is another secret ofthe fine quality of Dow Ale This exclusive Dnvyr Smooth Ale Yeast has been carefully developed from some