ANNOUNCEMENTS Bmlfls nAvmaONAt the Rent Via hospital nustr an hlea dey iuoc PI tool to lie and aim almond Davidson at neu even eon Evmi LACHANCHUIH end Reg ol Eugenia street Bert1c er happy to announce the amvnl at their eon Ileitnew Gelem on nleede lune 21 litdl at the Royal Victoria HmplteL brolb er tor Michelle cone and Guy niuxLDsAt the Rnyll Victoria Hospital nerrie on Wedneedey Juno all not to MC and dire Peter shieldi lot lliulceiter street Barrie daughter EIIGGAt the lloyei Victorie blos iiei Barrio on mesdey iune lm io Mr end hire gene Sugg or in Napier Street panic too brother tor Kelly HAPPY occAsluNThe blflh at your chudi To tell the good newe to dead and neighbors The Rerrle laxeminer Cleutded siell ever as your telephone The dey ol birth tart dial PA Holt The me te only lull DEATHS AnAhisAt the Royal Victoria rlospltel herrte on TIIIIMIY Iune 2s isoi Ciere Wlmnrr beloved wire or Sidney Ademe ol Lelrny deer mother at moe iilrc John Tuckcyhol nerrlc illcherli ol Leiroy no Sidney at Toronto llesltng at the pethick ninerel liorne neyaeid street name Service in the ebe cl Saturday July et pin element Pauls Cemetery looted MARLINAlter lengthy illness at the Woodstock acnerei Hol pllel on Thursday June loci Clara Mend in or Princeton In her may er Dearly beloved wire or the iete Lewis Map tin or Weliend Dc mother oi liuenile Mn Pee Drown ol Princclon Edith Arthur Le mourcux ol Woodhridge iemee or Wcllend and Lewis at liegins aim survived by grand chlidren Resting et the ILW Rumble hincrai Home Prince ton until noon on Selurde Paneg rel xervlco lrom st Peute Ange iicen Church Princeton at pm on Saturday July Graveside Iervice upon arrival at Ponthiil Cemetery Fmillhlll McLIfllGHLlNAt the Peneteng Generei iiospitel on Thundey iunc 29 1961 ihhn Lco hlcbeugh lin ol Phelpslon beloved husband or mieeoeih Shenehen deer hro thee oi Heroldor Winnipeg end willrm at Toronto Hosting at his leie nridrnce et Pheirilnn until it In on Saturday uly then to St Church Phelpstcn lor requiem mes at io sen litter inth SL Patricks aemcle Phelpston MurilloSuddenly on Wedner day iune as 1961 George Mot ris pl 22 vcspre Slrcet Barrio beloved huebend ol Luu Neill and deer lather or Gertrude llln William Simci of Delhi Oige three Cowdeni ol BlrrlcNeli of Utapln and Philip or Minuslg Station dcer brother or Albert at New Brunswick and Gertrude Mrs Charles rtoherge or name in his oath year Resting et the Jchnctt Funeral 30ml 151 Drud tord Street eerrle mineral sci vice Seturdey July et pm interment nerrle Union cemetery ioor end Rebekah service Pet dey evening at oclock brainsuddenly at his home strand Ontario on Wednesday June incl Meicom John Syme beloved husband of Edith niiee heth nunh end deer rather ot Mergtret Mm David Dougiei at New Toronto end John Robert et home in his evlh year Rest ing et the ichnett Funeral Home narrie mncrei service at st Peurr Anglicen church lenient on Saturday July at pm In termcnt edioinlng cemetery cas ket win be open In the church trons until time or service WINTERAt his home Shanty Bay Ontario on Thursda 1961 nary beloved husband or Rose llodson alld hroLheIilvlnw or the late James Hudson in hie 90th year Resting at the Iennett FIInetnl Home 150 Bradford Street Bar rin ninerel service st 17mm Anglican church shanty my on Saturday July lrt at 1030 am Interment adioinlng cemetery HE niRNrEAt ller hom Ontario on Thursday June 29 1561 Annie Inuolle Jenny be loved wile or James Devid Nicole and dear mother or Mary Philip Fraser Redditt Oil terio James David of strand lov ed sister or wubert Iemey at Furl in her 35th year Rent at the icllnctt ninneal Home ls Bradlord Street Barrie Funeral eervice Saturday July lit at 530 pan interment St Jellies Ceme tent Strmld CARDS 0F THANKS ï¬g JoltYI wish to thenls all my relatives and triends who sent me letlclscards irult and flew cre and called on me during my stay in hospital opeclel thank you to Dr Delaney Dr Shannon nurses end shit or lnnlewood and Royal Victoria Habitats MEMORIAM LEEll loving memory éle deer mother and grandmother Annie Lee who pelted eway July 1959 This world may yeer to year And lrieede from day to clay out never shall the one we love Peon memory pass away Sadiy missed by the lamily end grandchildren COMING EVENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMEEWT change lrom THE SANDS RESTAURANT NOW OPEN Ftiil course meeie esteaxe Chops Hameinede pestrlee up 11 pm DANCING EVER SATURDAY cAnAm STYLE 4901th ONLY PI NECREST 3250 couple roe tabla rerervedons PHONE ELMVALE 757R STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL WEDNESDAY JULY PARRY milsrONsg MINESING sued flailing to 17711 21 Highway rvlcinlty North CollegihterOwnu ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS STRAWB ERRY FESTIVAL EGan CHURCH WEDNESDAY JULY 530 To PM PROGRAM 001d mutAglGEisplTognfl mu cmumm UNDER Son REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK AND IMICHIE 15 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA 0553 MEMBER EARer ttzAl ESTATE NAPIER STREET hot 61 190 lect Living room kitchen lour bedrooms two piece eih and ehower Pull liee $8500 Down payment 32000 an tth peymenis 73 interest and rtncipe Second mortgage can errneed BIG BAY POINT Year round home Living room kilchen two bedro and beth Tceed lot 150 le Taxes ssll yeer Asking price $3500 NO 11 HIGHWAY SOUTH Living room dining room two bedrooms kitchen end three piece heth sunporcb gauge with workeholp Lot on or zoo leet Texce per year Arlttng price $8000 with tight down Peymenle lo be arranged Attcr hauls phone Paddy MilgsPlt c5200 Bob FlewellingPA 85883 Home Huntin REAL estAir Pitoriiitriz FOB SAL ROGERS CONNEL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP mm EAST First in Barrie Hana SalesForemost in Quality Servlm PA 85568 TRUNK LINES ME MODELFA ROGERSPA N53 EVENINGS CALL mmaolsralm PrismPA M11 CONNnbPA max ml ESTA BOARD CLIFF BROWN driveway gerele teto eels hype Belutlmi brick bungalow in piece bath Pireplec piece bath shown down pvmsnl REALTOR 32 HIGH m1 EARRIE PHONES PA 60201 PA 6020 WILLIAM STREET pedroomhrlae hone hardwood throughout all beet let Living mam dtlllul roan HRMD Ashlee price slim with 000 Thiele Culthlgnli SUNN DALE AREA pl at back turn eppolntlncnt only living main dining ml bedroom mrutlon room with Requires leiriy large BRICK BUNGALOW GROVE ST Lile room 11 l8 hadron burmenl with llundry tubs iy Sett this one me me oh eocoad floor New on mrne with $2500 down close todowntown good view otthe me piece beth lovely idtchen Poll NHA mortgage carries tor we monlh Call this etrice anytime BRICK DUPLEX Living room kitchen bedroom end eunporeh on kitchen end bedroo out living room Price 010000 bey NEW COTTAGE LAKE SIMCOE About 00 lcet lrom Ihnvlkkr rooms nlce lot I50 250 with nice some ï¬nishing inside menu Large colt8 on north there at Lake slmcoe bedroom end lunporcb garage 00 with shade trees with 00 acres working l0 milee lrom home with terms llee large living room kitchen beds pla trees behind coitege Needs Price or qulo eelo $1900 with low down pey SUMMER PROPERTY with Livinl roolll kilclllli new boat bouro Priced at $17000 with to heeulllui iot loo IOO ACRE FARM Smith CampbellPA 072 good cley loam soil lirick bouee half mile mm highway lblle bani Listed Price 311000 John LangPA $616 Pnrgul GarveyPA 07051 Members ol the Barrie RellEitlta Board gl Watch Exclmheriwonl Ads PROPERTY FOR SALB CARSON REA LTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648 blember nl 5min end District Real Estate Doerd CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER $I7000 zMocIern Duplex monthly OFFICE PA 82485 Built in 1057 plaster living quarters n00 bedroom claim with sliding doors bxhupï¬ specially designed kitchcn cupboerds Fantasia sell contained her tour well designed or Terms arranged close to North collegiate ED 470 grove oi It comirtlll ol Linc living and doing Lower duplex hes private ent rooms 340 sq It rents Cenede Lilo munggr $5000 SUMMER COTTAGE south side at Orr Lake 50 watcriron bcvcl siding college bceulllui beach good itching lie on end over we leet in depth 10 altyearnld pines snlldir COUIIS CO OWEN BARBIE ONT EVENING PA 84233 PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MADEL MARSHALL PA 54650 COREY PA um WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS FARMS COTTAGE INDUSTRIAL BUSINFSSES HENDERSON REALTOR lg COLLIER smart PHONE PA 87670 EVENINGS CALL RITA ScANDREll PA M055 PERCY FORD PA 37830 Member or Sarrio and District and onterio Re Est INCOME PROPERTY Alto you LOOKING FOR SOUND INVESHIIIENT LARGE ULlltA MODERN SPACIOUS WELL ovum APARTMENT hummus VERY GOOD INCOME FOR APPOINTMENT PA 84868 UNTIL PM OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE lVY 291111 THORNTON six room brick house plus bath good well pressure system inside HOMES 0F DISTINCTION BY CRQSLEY BERNICK CONST $98700 Down Payment NOW BUILDING Bedroom Homes Attached Garages Part Stone Fronts Storms C7 Screéns Provided Custom Built Cupboards Exhaust Fans In Kitchen FULL mutilation WlTH LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS EVER FOR IHils TYPE OF HOME FOR INFORMATION PHONE PA 82570 conveniences gerden garage On Priced or quick eele Terms COLLINGWOOD DISTRICI acres brick dwelling conveni ences Bern garage chicken house ahade trees In village at Singharaptoa south ol Coiling wood This estate is ingood con dition owing to illness must be gold Asking price $2000 Good ernle Oscar peter Mr Eleanor an PRIVATE SALE Seven room bungalow One and handrail yeere old 31990 down trensterred Telephone PA 68024 For appointment COIN LAUNDRY situated in barn cost end chopping plaza lo washers dryersand everything else that required tor complete 0Prntlan lll laundry has been operating for six months end is well pe roaleed Very reasonable tcrms maybe arranged SUMMER PROPERTIES Atwaodiand end Weeaga beach We have eeverei cottages lots and busineesee all well located end at moderete terms Olrlce on Mos ley Street Weaega eecb GRAYDONV KOHL REAL ZSTATE BROKER WAAAGA BEACH EAST PA um mm BBDIIOOM Bungalow lor Illa vlltll acre lot new from childlvlo Iz ear and uad 50c Paocmdisrmmlpor mornings CHURCH BUneplNa main animal on Caucasian Sideroad lnnllfll A13 tea RR Ice AOBOSS mental manners Tnlentzd 11 Circle 12 Guerra mm meal 13 Bears 15 Any fruit drink 16 Tricks 18 hand measured 21 BRAIN 25 Wild ll Soap loan 46 Nation 47 Barrens DOWN Cor DAILY CROSSWOBO irypo measure By way or Conciude 10 Food grain l4 Out OZ practice Cut ladlend of modes is can 30 3mm mppmya aim 22 Monkeys 23 Jingle 24 Having Chine multiphase ROSE VHMGToronta letter pan ensure BAYVI EW HEIGHTS Barries Most Convenient SubDivision 42 Homes 22 Sold Choi bedroom noun Aluminum storms and Ceramic liio Bathroom Attached solid brlck no solid clay choice Decorator CO All homes with ll Block linemen Payview Height SthivIsIon is located at Johnson and Steel Streets Just north Oi Johnson SlIpet Ptblic School ltlrn north two blocks at traffic lights at the Dominion Store Shopping Contra at Blake and Johnson strocla OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY JULY In 1000 cm to 700pm For Manual all GORDON COUTIS article PA szles Exclusive Agents or West Point Construction Ltd NORMAN Shelswell DEAL man DROKER Danton street In PA 8996I or PA 68742 MARION CRESCENT Lovely bungalow Orl Marion Criscan Thrse bedroom large rhlped living and dining ece modern kitchen plus ltoms and ecrcene and le decal ed aimoo with low down pey meht Wiu carry or $97 monthly Call ieck Wiillon FARMS We have lame rum 50200 eeru 50m wllh lirems Reasonably priced Cell leclt Wilison EVENINGS CALL Joe bongtln PA 50m Dzerctt shelswe Ore liliv Howard Norrie PA we deal wuieon PA mil in Lemon PA 113 Norman sbelewcll PA Will HAROLD ORSTER REALTOR pa BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 HOME IN The Country lovely roombungalow six miles lrom Norrie Thrcc bed rooms living room and kitchen Ail oily conveniences oll heating Large lot Carries inr s77 er month Totel price $12500 gall ioe Palmer PA 5000 ROOM HOME One block from Bridlnrdslrect in good residential section rooms downstairs Lhren bedrooms up oil hunted house in good rt paIr Only 512000 For runner Willard cl Jun Palmer PA WANT TENANT TO HELP PAY THEMORTGAGE BD No 514 We have duplex lor rain on John Street that consists at three bedrooms living room kitchen end time piece bath on second floor Also has two bedrooms liv ing room and iii eil end three piece bath on ground floor The asking price is 31500To apprelt clete this ad you must inspect For an appointment call Dolory Miller PA 504 FOUR BEDROOMS $800 DOWN Newly decorated one year old home located on Willowdale Avenlle Forced air all heating good riled loL Payments or $00 per month to handle House is Vacant now Immedllte pumsslntl cen be had Call now mary Miller PA 50470 BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY This lovely room home with pic ture window in living room large modern kitchen dining room two bedrooms and sunpornh geragc largo lentkceped lot This home is in immeculeteshepe inside and out Priced for quick sale Call Keri aderebell PA 00917 INCOME PROPERTY 513500 Saver room brick home in nice residential area Two bedrooms living room end kitch en our place bath on ï¬rst floor One bedroom kitchen and living room and our piece bath on sec ond floor Seperete meter for hot water Upper apartment rents or set per month House in excellent condition grounds well looked alter Call Joe Peiener PA dam Number or barrio end District Reel Estate aoard EVENENGS CALL EMORY mum PA pom YDE PALMER PA mad KARI MARSHALL PA um NuuAri RAIKES Oeo old mom FDESTER PA was REAL ESTATE BRDKZB 18 mm 5mm BARRI CALL Day OR EVENING PA 82379 Member at the hereto and District heel math hoard AW SIX ROoltl HausaDD do acres ell conveniences newly decoretcd Large pond cell Moclssac cl EXCELLENT slurry house bedroom Ill new Copper lum blng l5 acres or lend full price 1000 down month qerriei Clribll Real to PA Wllttll PA 66161 In It scigene brick menu ce Lots Some Wooded Still AvailabIe Spacious Plans To Choose From $61500 DOWN TO ONE NHA MORTGAGE nge lourl in and Mil Evenings PA 66164 BOAKE REALTOR Zdl BRADFORD mm BARR PA 35387 OR PA 55533 still eetuog terms to lermere tor teeming alere wakunenPA owl Relph ll helloPA soda members at Berrle and District Reel Estate Board WILLOW CREEK SCENIC FARM 131 acres in arc one mile lroln No ll Highway solid brick two storey home with eight roams good barns and water euppiy 5000 down Cell Miss Norah lleikel On 601 rvplsuntlng HAROLD FORSTER Real Estate 98 Bayileld St PA 66453 MOVING Dont lurgnt lo Irnluler 10m INSURANCE end it high ncod extra coverlie olelly SEE STEVENSONS PA some 80 DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 FOUR ROOM Blmlshed House builtln lBs7 in New Lowell Pull price sum cash close to schools and stores Apply ill Barber its 6th Street Midland Telzphbnb Mkesldn 62510 spur Laval home withbred bedrooms llnlsbed den Double ga ege In excellent residential eree Substantial down payment required Telephone PA Maia tor appointment DIDLEDIATB Possession Largo income home on Beydeid street oil heat double garage nlco lower and vegetable garden Rea soneble lor quick eelc Telephone PA 643515 THREE DEDROOIII Drink BHHEIA low with attached garage largo kitchen combined living dining area petln Near North colicg late Reasonebla down payment gétKA mortgage Telephone PA EIGHT ltooivl Brick Home bed rooms dining room but water oil flrepllcz bay windows lull attic and basement gauge pnuo trees completely redecorated Substantial down payment Four blocks tram rive Obits Telephone PA m7 Oils OPPORTUNITIES LEADING MANUFACTURER of Form Tractors AND Machinery liAS DEALER FRANCHISE 1N BARRIE DISTRICT Excellent pntelitlnl lull Linn of quality agilnliturnltnnlnrl end machine11 Perties or initiative and round business practices WIS YOUR OPPORI UNITY Complete details regarding capital requirements territory end poten tialqu he euppiicdupon enquiry APPLV BOX 30 BARELE mm BARBER SHOP $1000 DOWN For this chair Barber Shflp In an excellent business location ADPIy to BRUGES BARBERSHOP BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA COIN LAUNDRY sttueted in Berrioe Eart god shopping Plaza is washers ere end everythinf else thet rcqlured ier comp cte operation This lnundry has been operating lor six months end is well patron ieed Veryreuonabio terms may be merged GRAYDON KOlIL mi ESTATE DROKmx PPA WASAOA BEACH 154 lid DUNLOP 51 EAST Evmmtas PA passes ATnnnnnr ONTARIO neeutltui eunnner resort on Lake stincoe Ton units with conveniences plue winterized home and geregc Teie phone Marie Cunningham PA 55100 FOR LEASE Combination Service Station Snack nor with living quarters Highway No av Thornton Ex cellent opportunity or good In coins modest investment reason ebie terms For particulars teeeet Landï¬lll Il PHONE BARBIE FA 33m OR WRITE P0 BOX 534 FIVE ROOM modern bungalow lull beechlent automatic oil heel ed gerege Lot to llili Excel lent lodetion heralshlng almost new mly he Opbn 01 Her moderately priced In glettkr any time 155 Clapprrton ee mucx leeee operator required at onto Eur long distance haul Peid by mileage Contrect supplied we have certain units ror nip $5000 tn 30000 ce ital required Hayes Pe mmlllt 250 Lakeshore Road Ea Port credit Telephone 4216 REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED LARGE INSURANCE AGENCY deelroue or extending its operation to Barrie wishes to pinch well esteoiiebed general egedey Wiil continue with present them egement or will puseheee out right All replies treeled in strict conddenee Write Bolt 38 Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 200 FIRST itioRIOAGn wanted immediately to clear up en el gin Apply no Harris Dilem er MDBTGAGESlll and 1nd hutIM laid and xrrepgcd Commerclei and ruidenual alone Olnlfl on existing mortgage rrlo Mm eege proears PA wot IMszIAn Mortgage Loan to consolidate debts pay on existing mortgagee homo mprovemenu etc Discus your problems with ue cell lor appointment PA 50901 lilonglgo Binding over EmpoonsScerg l29 Dunlop St at RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT liUlLDlNO construction Will linile to Knit tenant either ior business or private dwelling Goad spot lor repair men Telephone PA b7250 lor lurtilcr particulars NURSING HOMES NURSING HOME Nursing care tor elderly or com veleecent Reasonable retes Pive Maples Nursing Home Riornton PHONE le 18R DONER REST HOME Poe convalescent elderly or re tarded people lhcellelltKund Clean PIEslim surroundings Open Or Inspection anytime RATES $5 PER DAY PHONE SFAYNER 17 under RENTALS ms lioness 103er LUXURY FURNISHED APTS ideal roe human people not town Wu SIMMGIH IE Dunlap St lotion and pie tuee overlooking latte Purin er orrnettoe cell ilr Hue PA $090 NE AND Two 50de Apert mun stove trignip ienilor wall end ie Renting tron up phone Leech PA rUitNlailxD three room mmmei cottage iterrigerelor etou sper heater hydro included Outskirts or llerrle on ite all any that reasonable ble Immediate Iy PA win etter no nix ROOM bouee with two beta room large pontoon end IIIf it Fsï¬efe3llti 0r Thornto Highway 27 Tints imam room Hr 10 and hell Email Good park in Avail In Allzlul llt Neel bu up l5 Bu Road llr Telephone 5637 LOWER DUPLEX lplrlbul lrLl contained hfltrd be duly Ito ve re eretor supplied geese llund fly central mnnlh ly Avellable immediately Adults Telophblin PA H289 VERY CENTRAL tarnished an lrleht peer lake and perk rce rooms lreeh all clean lullable or adult Private drillMo Allalstllhlo how Telephone PA CENTRAL Location Lower tom mom tarnished apartment or rent loll contained private ent sane and parking Available July Telephone lyt m1 UNrulmismlD three room apert meat lell contained parking Incl ieun ry lecitliiee Aveueble July in Wetcr and heat luleled New ly decorated One child welooma Telephann PA WA THREE LARGE Room Apartman Private bdlhlOam on floor Private veranda and dryer included rrec peeking Telephone PA 50901 or PA 6103 in avonlnu uNlURNISRED lour room eperl merit recently redecorated mod ern kitchenette Avllllbia imme nletely 70 monthly Ap ly Kerrie Flown phone PA or Dunlap Eest Two ROOM ntrnlehed Apeetencnt heet hydro end weter included in rent Nest clean end close to downtown rteesonobie rent Suite Ibizfllor coup Telephone PA TWO DEDROOM heeled epertmcnt kitchenette bathroom cnre cg parking No is drop End Plan flclcpho TnitnltpOOil unturniebcd apert ment and sun room lour piece uled bath stove and rclrigeretor supplied No children Central lo ceilon Available iuly 50 main thly Telephone PA owl or Eng lnd Rail Estate PA 5057 MODERN two bedroom unlurn lshnd apartment East end Ram Imp drapes and venetian blinds Automatic laundry laciutlcs Available July Apply 163 Napier Strch Telephone PA Mile THREE Ronni unlurntshed apart merit separate entrance rell coil talned parking facilities Newly decanted Available immediatey Telephone PA 02770 Ice iurtllS inlormetlorl APTS HOUSES TO TWO BEDROOM cottage or apert ment to relll year round Partly tarnished Telephone 32811 wall ego Deecb NEWLY Decorated three roam apartment with three piece bath and private laundry room Apply alter pm 52 Marcus Street Pumassz Apartment tor rcnt three roomy and bath heated $60 month Available July Apply at Woreiey Street for tumor par ticuierr mg ROOM House lol rent eu conveniences Available iuiy At Minete point close to watertrout Ilent reasonhie Telephonn PA silo tor inlarmatinn FURNISHED three roomepart ment or rent with kitchenette ï¬replace large lovely grounds parking Apply d1 Darcey street Telephone PA scsdo altnr pin EAST END main iiooror modern brick bungalow ave rooms beet ed ston month Avallehie July Telephone PA arses or PA 66481 PURNIsm Apartment spacious three rooms with bath builtin cupboards Packing Central loca tlon close to new shopping plaza Apply at so Eccles Strent North Plvr ROOM Apartment lor rcnt with private bath Heated Down town location Modera Parking space Telephone dayt PA 02556 alter cell PA in 40 TWO UNFURNISHED Bachelor apartments or rent Retrizuntar and stove supplied Located dow town Avaliable llnmcdletely Tc EphonniPA 33752 daytime THREE ROOM sell contained apartment withxlovo end relrl gcrator Located in the east end Available immediately Telephone PA 51093 urpnlz DUPLEX spacious three room apartment with balcony heated heevy duty wiring All re decorated Tcl2pholle PA 04510 meal hours or evenings MDDERN inept stove and refrigerator sulr piled Laundry and parking facili ties janitor service Available July Telephone PAFeeotiz Pour norm Apartment cur rent tour piece tiled hath stove and relrlguntorsuppllcd Central IDlt cetlon No chlldreh Aveueble August $75 monthly Telephone PA 32411 FURNISHED housekeeping room lor rcllt rengette also include use or rnlrlgerator and Bendix Centrally Ioceted available im medlately Telephone PA 55032 or further details AvAiLAau August Modern uniurdlebed two bedroom heated apartment in Stroud apartment house NO children or pets Tele phone stroud to toe amber in tormntlon ruling ROOM unturnished upset ment with veto bathroom etove and eetrlger tor supplied Perklng raciiities Central location 555 per month Telephone PA oiooi tor rurther details two bedroom spart ldotislsrort RENT levee roo bath is minutes drive from rle in village or Hillsdele Avell eble July $45 month with so Can be eea anytime atelllllilgi PA 55573 or Ora oi eltcr pan KBMPENFELT DRIVE two bed runmlpartmant stove and remg erator supplied laundry perilan facilities and Jnnllarsnrvicu tins inï¬rm lhllltllen lielee AvieA ugust cep one 84149 NEW AND Modern one And twt bedroom epapmeets overlookln scenic Kempcnrplt Bay Halt fer parking and janitor aervll included Automatic washing cliitlcs PA 82502 THREE lioaill Apartment with private bathroom hot water oil eeted refrigerator and heevy duty stove included Burton Avenue sum Pply Centra retilgeretor su lied Use or washcr end dryellzDont this see ing this one Telephone PA 4750 lor lurther details AVAILABLE two bedroom apartment dell con telned stove and relllgelator slip plied Laundry and parking Iecil itlcs East end Tel 357 cphone PA anTttnL eel contained one bed lme Iilnfunglshed an we er eund basement ilecently decolflytedfzgï¬ monthly Apply Peel street Aparteneot HEATED Apartment for rent Large living room bedroom din ette and kitchen with stove end EranDuplicator egonCKALu bEuslnlll pre err va Telephone PA 68576 1° July HANDY Downtown location Apartment or rent consisting at rooms and bath heated with or without stove and retrlgnratar Adults only Herold Dunlap West Hm CLEAN untumished three roonl apartment overlooking bay close to hue and stores suitable for couple or bachelor Available at once llent $5750 phone PA 5919 11an me FURNISHED bran room lut ment three piece hath heevy Sub Stova Ind relrignrntor Hardwood floors self contained Availabin gin Apply tail nerd CLEAN QUIET one on eperunent living room Right and bath unfurnishnd heated with nqlaravte entrance Reason no nod phono PA 50009 he Tab TWO BEDROOM ii merit to Ten asthma trai locationtin Allundalti Heat end hydro included Available now 75 or PA 34Lp month Telephone AmACTIVE three room nlshc helefted tapinrtmallt ltnefll ec con anedwlt rt at bathroom Stove lull rgfrTgolY stor supplied Sultabln lorrbusl n25 couple Telephone PA BSIES ruling ROOM hested talned epertnlent lncludilseguetcgtlre east end Available immediately Telephone PA was pamculexs AVAILABLE llnm oi iurnished dpartniethlt¢thIg om lsherl noth sell child welcome 83210 evenings PA 534003 CENTRAL Furnished room apartment with bath Heist heightï¬le lno ere cm In month AvailabioyIlIil phone PA cdoaz THREE ROOM unturnlehed eper meat best wete rted Blake and EuilImjum immediately For further intop ibree PA 354 MODERN room bungalow eluding all cuilvelll one 22 it in Garden Aveilthle M106 lorllmg apartment and rcrrlgcrator Situated inthe Avellebie July l57 close to West nePA 64157 Located an ROOM apartment etova end Immcdlatcly Large mltlon gelepieona PA890Iii or