OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tcle phone PA 82114 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 loan wrhnlrll Mainly sunny tomorrow Len humid Winds lfflr 10w tonight so High Saturday 75 For full Uh rarer summary see page plane 91th YearNo 152 hcrnrssmmcrrs rvnrrmcs 0K Actress Janet Blair has this wink and 0K sign for news mcn and photographers as she and her new son Andrew left Cedars of Lebanon Hos pital in Hollywood yesterday The baby was born on June 21 and weighed in at pounds producerdirector Nick Mayo The ltlayus have one other child Amanda 2V2 AP Wire photo ounces Andrews father is BRITAIN TAKES PRECAUTIONS Report Iraqi Attack Possible KUWAIT AP Armored reinforcements moved up to Kus waits illdefined northern bur der with Iraq tudayIto face Iraqi armor reported here at two brigades gt British built armored cars with Kuwati crews rolled througll the capital 10 miles from the border during the pre dawn hours The border so far has been reported quiet but officials said Iraqi forces had been strength lened along the frontier since Iraqi Premier Abdel Karim Kassem last weeklaid claim to the oilrich sheikdom of the Pet sian Gulf after Britain gave it independence State department sources in Washington said the department had warned Britain and other countries involved hal sources which could not be ignored had reported an Iraqi attack on Kuwait this weekend was pas sihility The British foreign office an nounced in Londonthat Britain has taken normal precaution ary measures following Iraqs declared threat to annex Ku wait Kuwaits 66yearold ruler Sheikh Abdullah alim AS rSahah held mom confer IN NUTSHELLV ence with John Richmond the British political agent who until independence had been his con stant adviser Meanwhile scorching west winds whipped up desert sand blocking roads and cut you the Persian gulf to 100 yards as big waves crashed onto coastal roads The cityof Kuwait itself was quiet Authoritieshave called mass demonstration Saturday to show defiance of the Iraqi chat leuge Kuwait has an army of only one brigadeabout 2400 men gand the Iraqi army numbers abuut 70000 BRITONS NEARBY But Britain is pledged by treaty to go to Kuwaits aid if asked British troops at Bah rain another oilcente on the Persian Gulf are reported be ing strengthened The aircraft carrier Bulwark is streaming from Karaehi to the Persian Gulf with 600 Royal Marlne commandos Saudi Arabia Kuwaits and Iraqsneighbor to the south also has promisod ï¬r help delt fend Kuwait if the little sheik dom is attacked 80 Feared Dead In Japan TOKYO Reuters At least so persons werefeared killed today when part of milehigh mountain tumbled down on village in central Japan jured First Break In Strike Some 650 persons warereported in TORONTO OP Some 60 workers returned to their labs ion the East West subway Thursday in what may be the first break in the sympathy strikes which have stalled the multi million dollar project sinceere Spanish Line In Distress cannons Ari The Spanish liner Begona with son pas sengers aboard is in distress off Venezuela and is being towed to Curacao the harbor master at Curacao reported Thursday Finnish Premier Resigns HELSINKI Reuters Premier Vieno Sukselainell ne signed Thursday night afterbeingoonvictedby in Helsinki éourt Wednesday in connection with housing scandal No Nuclear Help For China WASHINGNNfCP United States informants said Thurs day they have learned that Red china has demanded more nult clear help from Russia but Russinyhas refused to provide it Canada Honored With Plaque olfAWA tCP big bronze plaque was presented to Prime Minister Diefenbaker todayhonorlng Canada as the first countryan accept European refugees with active tuberculosis Predict War By End of Year LONG BEACH Calif AP National commander William Burke of the American Legion says that unless Soviet Premier Khrushchev is hluffing on Berlin or we surrender we will he lat war bymefnd of this year on variousqioints of an assis On Weekend The other mantles of the 10 country Arab League havecun fined themselves mainly to cau tious expression of hope that nothing will happen to disturb Arab unity But the lrendpoi sentimont among Arab officials outside lraq was overwhelm ineg behind Kuwult Suggests JERUSALEM Adolf Eich mann flared into anger for the first time in his trial here today as he denied giving the order shoot when asked what to do with 1200 Serbian Jews He was confronted with prosecution document bearing marginal note that deportation of the 1200 was impossible and adding Eichmann suggests shooting The former SS lieutenanbcol onel sitting in his bulletproof glass prisoners box before an Israeli court raised his voice and said other documents would show he was not involvedin the shooting order He added that the other docu ments showed that Nazi foreign ministry representatives were involved and were reprimanded because their action was un diplomatic and arrogant Eichrnann asserted declare once again that did not give this order QUUIES DOCUMENT The matter of the Serbian Jews arose when Eichmanns West German lawyer quoted froma prosecution document It was message from FellxBenz ler Nazi minister to the puppet Serb government It claimed that the camp for OTTAWA CPt Drought prospects worse than the dirty 305 will send thefederal and Prair es agricultural ministers inio urgent consultations Su daydn Winnipeg Saving the bulk more th 5000000 Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba cattle valued at 5some $750000000 is thE main objectives if disaster strikes That includes preventing mor keting panic DDay for disaster will come in thenext 10 days drought and searng tempera tures continue crisping crops beyond recovery More fields are written off daily These facts emergedThurr day os Agriculture Minister George Hutton of Manitoba and federal minister Alvin Hamilton reached agreement in principle DroughtProspects lire Worse Than Dirty Thirties 0n Prairie Barrio Ontulo Canada Prldly June 30 1961 Not More Than per Copy2 Page 120 ForestFires Rage Across North Boys MiSSing At Camp Two 15yearold Bowmanville Training School Cadet Corps boys were reported missing from Camp Borden this mom ing They are Edward Vincent of Penetang and Ronald Smith of Windsor The boys departure was dis covered at 230 am today They were last seen wearing light khaki work trousers wblto Tshirt and green army shirt RCMP and OPP detachments have been alerted The boys were to have left for Bowman vlllethis morning They have just completed twoweek trades training course at the Army Camp Camp Bor den spokesmcn said thIsmorn ing that both boys showed en thusiasm for the course and were cooperative Ronald Smith received the highest score in marksmanship He scorcd 80 out of possible 84 Holiday Weather Appears Hopeful By THE CANADIAN PRESS Weather prospects for the Do minion day holiday weekend look little better for the east ern sections of southern Ontario than farther west where warm lhunderfliowgrs will continue rough Sunday Cooler weather that moved into southeastern Ontario Fri7 day causing thundershowors will spread farther east Warm weather is expected to return to southern Ontario and the vacation resort area Sunday bringing more thundershnwers Eichmann Denies Shooting Jews at Sahac endangered the security of German troops in what was combat area and demanded their immediate evacuation The Jews were alleged to be membersuf rebel bands operat ing in the area Appended to the document was note of explanation of the origin of the marginal noteas given by Franz Rademacher Nazi foreign officer Jewish ex pert to the prosecution at the Nuemberg War crimes trials Rademacher said he had tele phoned Eichmann about the evacuation of the 1200 Serbian Jews ondwrote down the key words of Eichmanns replies SHOUT REBELS Rademaeher ad ed EichA mann said the military people wege responsible for order in Serbia and they would simply have to shoot rebel Jews When repeated ray ques tion Rademacher said he simply repeated the word shoot and hung up Earlier in his testimony to day Eichmann said he was sent to Denmark with special 00m mando unitto calm down the troubled spirits after the fail ure of Nazi deportation plans against Denmarks 7700 Jews anee plan during tlzhuur talks Mr Hamilton said these points will apply to the er two provinces as well General Prairies help will fall into these categories press conference was told Save the dairy herds and breeding stock it Develop plans to prevent sharpprice break in beef prices through arm sgtunloadil1g herds Prepare for alternative fod der resources perhaps even by shipping some cattle east to Ontario or using abundant US 1stocks of feed grains Prime Minister Dlefenbaker announced Thursday that the some assistanceprovided in 1958 and 1959 has been order election campaigns in theflou T0 morn rhxrlwrns PROTESTS MORE MONEY BIG FLATS NY AP lurmer William Smith hopm taxpayers grow angry at his new $6100 Cadillac To make sure hes placed this sign on the car We bought this car with money we received for not growmg corn Thats the way Smith is pro testing the federal govern ments croprontrol program paying taxpayers money to tumors to keep land out of production is not morally right Smith says Smith owner of 1200 acro dairy and poultry farm in south central New York stole has received $3049 on for and is to get another $3450 for keeping 104 acres out of production The payment is under Pres ident Kennedys oneyear vol unteer program dcsigncd to cut production of corn and sorghum thereby reduc ing government storage of feed grains The money is payment for diverting only no per cent of his cum acreage Smith di verted the poorest acreage and says he expects to have the some yield from the re mainder that he had when all his corn acreage was in pro duction Scores 01 Angolans Flee Terror Seek Refuge In LEOPOLDVILLE The Congo AHAfrican rebels and Portu guese troops are turning great swath of northern Angola into desolate battlefield on which the future of Portugals west Afri can colony isbeing decided Refugees by the thousands have fled across the Congolese frontier leaving thousands of square miles almost uninhab ited Except for the aid and the sick Scores of villages have been evacuated and many razed Farms and huge plantations have been burned UNlow dvllle estimate men women and children have reached the Congo from Angola About 400000f them are eking out grim existence in half dozen mudhut villages in the lower Congop Often the refugees trek for three weeks before reaching the rugged frontier They rive exhausted often sick and emaciated REFUGEES CROWD HUTS The populationof the Congo border village of Kimpangu is swollen to four times its normal Congo Villages size by the influx of 20000 refu gees Some are living 30 to but and have to take turns to lie down on the floor to sleep Most of the refugees live on daily handful of rice and dry fish The United Nations now is shipping 200 tons of food week to the region The refugees bring graphic accounts of thEbitter war against the Portuguese repris als With rumor that anAngolan village isharboring rebels or is antigqyernment Portuguese troopsswnop dowry Africanvuppcr clasng and anyoneiblho has any edu cation are shootings and frequently the vil iage is bombed by Portuguese planes the refugees sayp HERES ONE Customer Yhy isnt there tax on this perfume Clerk 011 that stuffwhy the type of man itiattracts isnt considered luxury lfltYearold Has illleinories 0t Confederation Day 1887 MORRISBURG CP John Crites already husky nine yearold the day Canada was born marks his ward birthday Saturday with vivid memories of the day 54 years ago when Confederation created the na vtion Mr VCrites oldest resident of this St Lawrence River town 45 miles southeast of Ottawa can remember fir horse races parades bulldog fights and cock fights which marked July in the early years of nalt tionhood He remembers Sir John Macdonald first prime minister of Canada as cute uld fella and asmart man guess My ath took meto see him one time Sir John was speakingto large crowd and was making quite fuss about joining with Quebec Some yelled Go backto Quebec and Sir John pulled an orange handkerchief from his pocket towipe his brow he said witha chucklei LIQUOR PLENTIFUL His clearest recollection of federation wasthat there was lot liquor going young toydriok but ng during an election campaign there were always pails of liquor with tin cup to drink from On election days he says party workers wouldcall atthe farms in buggies to ve vot ers to the polls Near the polling tions groups of Toriesand ï¬r hide behind trees with for the Prairies They would pass pork out to the farmers before they went to vote Then the farmers would go up to an open window and tell who they were voting for That was before the secret bal lot BOUGHT VOTES The campaign shenanigans in ciuded votebuying My brotherinlawwas work ingfor the Grits Hed Walk into mans house and put $5 bill on the mantel and walk out without sayinga thing That man voted Grit Mr Crites was born near Cornwall and moved to this area as boy Until retiring from farming he had never ta ken drink butnow take small onenow and then He hegan smoking pipe at 65 in the Whiteshell forest reserve indiscriminate Barrie and Sergeant And and drive at reasonable rate Situation Critical In Ontario lls Flames Chase Fireï¬ghters gtBy THE CANADIAN PRESS Hundreds of firefighters la bored throughout Northwestern Ontario and Manitoba today to contain about 120 totes fires raging over rich imberlands The siluution was declared critical Thursday in bath prov ince Troops reinforced forest ers nnd local inhabitants ill dnl ens of skirmishes against the flames Fires in tinderdrv forests in five districts of Northwestern Ontario ripped out of control be fore ï¬mileanhoul winds dou bled their acreage and forced firefighters to fall back in sev and areas More than 60 tires were re ported burning in Northwestern Ontario and more than 20 of them were out of control Most of the uncontrolled blazcs were in the Sioux lookout area and woods travel in the district 175 miles northwest of the Lakehead has been prohibited About 150000 acres of Ontarzo forcst burned in the lost two weeks More than 2000 men and 50 aircraft fought the flames SIZE DOUBLED Every fire advanced to al most doubie its acreage Wednes day with the exception of the Leonacre blaze at Wesley Lake reported Bray re gional director of the depart ment of lands and forests at Port Arthur Manlfoba reported more than 50 tires including major blaze area as miles east of Winnipeg Almost loo men 15 bulldozers and ht government plnncs formed firefighting squads The only thingJeft is rain said wearyllfnnitoha forestry service official early Thursday If we dont get it dont know what is going to happen Were extendedto the limit now in equipment nd mcn Manitoba forestry officials said 25 soldiers were sent in Whilosncll to join 50 arrry men and 125 civilian firefighters al ready lhelc The Vhtlcshell blaze leaped CrawDucn Lake Thursday and wall of flame advanced into Ontario The Sioux Lookout destroyer sent flames 100 feet into the air above the timber Lands and forest department pilot Bev Cloif reported the flames were rolling literally through the air as they leaped from tree to tree Smoke from big blaze near Kenora turned the sunset Ihurs day nn eerie yellow 30o miles away at Sault Ste Marie Setoral firefighters were In hospital in Ontario with burns Three trained Indian firefighters escaped from blazing trap by covering themselves with mus keg and blankets and letting the flames possfuver them Elsewhere forest fires were reported generally under con trot Rain helped contain more than score of fires in northern Alberta and British Columbia and storms also brought relief tolfirehit areas in Newfound land and the Maritimes its Warn Motorists Will Clamp Down on HolidayDriver Stern but wellintended warn ings have been issued to local and district drivers planning on taking to the road this holiday weekend Police Chief Ed Tschirhart rews Barri detachment of the Ontario Prov cial Police have warned thattheir men will be on Constant duty with instruc tions to clamp down on delinlt quent drivers Chief Tschrhart expressed the hope thatthis Dominion Day weekend will duplicate the re cord of last year when not one accident occurred locally We again anticipate the fullest co operation from local citizens he said meeVei accidents can and do happen and none of us can he too carefu The chief advised citizens planning on using the highways to try and get their driving done during daylight hours if possi ble Leave for your destina tion in plenty of time be said of speeddepending on weather and traffic can ons encoun The chief also advised against driving overthe holiday if not physically fit Sergeant Andrews urged driv ers to obey the Traffic Control Act at all times as sure way of avoiding problems with the traffic control officers on duty He too was emphatic in stat ing that posted 60 mph was no licence to drive that fast if weather and traffic conditions were not satisfactroy After all he said the maximum speed allowable is 60 mph andJs not recommended as steady pace gt Inspector John Clark released the following figures for the 1960 Dominion Day weékend in Duf ferin and Simcoe counties and Muskoka district Injuries38 fatalities4 Examiner Will No Publish Saturday Barrie Examiner staff joins the rest of vacationers this weekend and there will he no newspaper published tomorrow Saturday The Examiner presses will roll again Monday witha com plete wrapup of news of Dom ininu Day activities