MARK ALLAN with his dogs Chifion and Jet figures he has good chance of win ning two prizes in the Jaycee mutt show at St Vincent Park Saturday Open to all children ten years old and under the show will be judged on dill erent classes for large dogs small dogs dogs with long Offer Ca For uly To prevent Dominion Day from becoming just another holiday in the year Barrie Jaycces are sponsoring an essay contest for public and high school students Cash prizes are being offered for the best Soword essays on the subject of what Canadas birthday means to him or her The best collegiate entry earns $10 the best essay from grades six to eight wins $5 as does the best essay from grades one to we SEEK MORE ENTRIES The Jayeeos are anxious to have more entries in this can test and urge all students to for ward their entries to Dominion Day promotinn chairman Clinr jndging gets underway at 10 am and registration is half an hour earlier Dogs must be on leash Ribbons and prizes will be awarded and $5 grand prize for overall best dog Mark is the 14 monthold son of Mr and Mrs Don Allan Rose Street Barrie sh Prizes EssaYs les Surgenor Box 106 Barrie to I7 North Park Road Barrie All entries must be in by June so and number of those sub mitted will be on display at the Dominion Day Festival at St Vincents Park Saturday They will be found in the philatelic display being presented by Ken net hKearsley of Dorrie This display will feature number of original documents pertaining to the history of this country and particularly to the time of confederation The Dominion Day Festival program composed of day long list of events will commen ce at St Vincents Park Barrie at It arri July TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by ll Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrio musmlal Asbestos Abitibi Algomo Steel Aluminium Alberta cu Atlas Steel Bk of Montreal am or ivs Bell To Brazilian rm on 1311 Power CdnJIk orcoin Odin Breweries CPR Canada Cement Can Chemical CID on Con inn Srn eou Paper Consumers Gas Dis sun Dom Tai Gt 1an Hornu Pit lnterprov Laban Noranda can Husky Camp Chih CenDclRlo Con Dcnlson con Hull Sullivan Falconbrldga deco Mines Gunnnr Hollingor Lamunuu Normetul 0pcmlska rive iuosc La Dom Found Dom Stores Exquisite mi Famous Play Gal Pow Huidon Farm Home onn Hudson Bay niu lmp Tobacco Im on In hcce inland Ntl Inter Nickel Jockey ciu lilac Powell mv Mushy Ferg KerrAddixnn Long Lac Maritime 56 Nor Ont MG Mountain ObhaWI Pacific Pet Pem Pt Que No on on Rothmana Royal Bank st Law colo sma Shirrlfl Simmons Stafford Steel oi Can Steiohorg TorDomBk Transmittal Trans hit in Trader Fin Texaco Union on is wulkel cow Pro huttiNG Quemont sner Gordon steep Rock United 011 Ventures WW slursPraia ESSSBESS cnvn STOCK some More Steel of Canada Ninth Gate mdexsrinuaca nowoorres New Your avmcns Industriala up 12 Rails in 22 Uituiin up 15 momma arbcn Industrial up 25 Golda down 18 Metals up 05 nxcnhuon mnax on up STOCK MARKET leuine fFromï¬ Thursday TORONTO CWThe stock market moved to the upside after earlymorning uneasiness inllight morning trading today No definite pattern was set in the industrial climb Financial institutions advanced Afbltihi and Consolidated gained iraciionally among pa pers Steel Company on Bridge Atlas and Algoma all took fractional losses on the exchange index indus trialsrose $25 to 58606 base metals 05 to19565 and west ernpoils 14 to 9403Golds fell 36 8196 day lubase metals Falconbridge dropped action while Hud so Bay Mining andï¬melilng Go swore qu The market showed signs fol making late day recovery Wednesday but slipped hack and eridedon therdownsid wasextremely light Aided by decline In Iohds and steelsvlhe uidilstrial index nosedived early in the day and stayed down One outstanding NE EARNINGS By his common races Blue Bouncilnï¬acewily Inc year ended Feb on 1961 $7162 10711960 $200057 Brown Company mos ended May 311 i901 $379236 15 cents shore 1960 $305452 12 cents ling aspect was the volume1711 ooo shares compared with 2053 090 Tuesday Steel Company United Steel Atlas and Burlington ware all Loblaw Loeb and Canada Packers were also oft Among papers Price Broih was the liquors On index industrial fell 69 to 58581 golds 10 to 8232 and base metals 79 to 19560 West ern oils rose 92 to 4969 Noranda had the biggest min ring loss down to 4d Inter national Nickel and Ventures each fell on bridge reached new high of 58 Gold trading was light with Kerr Addison off fraction mus oerosrr simianJ 13 Dominion Fouodries and steel down while in foods Weston ers fell as Another losing group Top Pupils Named ill Hillcrest School Awards for outstanding work during Grade it were presented to Siaron Moor and Gerald Yates last nightlduring gradua lion exercises at Hillcrest School Sharon daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Moor 33 Grove St West and Gerald son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Yates 188 Sunnidale Road were adjudged most proficient from among the graduating class of 61 Gnlshed carpet pile can be restored with hot iron over damp cloth being careful not to press too hard on the iron SPEED DEMONS By ROBERT MacBAIN Examiner Reporter If accident statistics inllow normal pattern little girl may be knocked down over the week end by speedcrazy young driv er lean picture ldm driving up Bradford Street at 930 pm car radio hanging out the big sound speedometer hovering at 44 miles per hour He is slung around the steering wheel like real rook should be His bangedup car is blasting north towards Dunlap Street leaky muffler trumpeting his ap proach Each time he passes girl his own age he revves up the engine to get real deep sound Then little moppet darts ac ross his path He is still looking in his rearview mi ro He brakes too late and there is sickening thud The little girl lies crumpled in driveway 50 feet up the road STANDS AWKWARDLY Ho clambers out of the car and walks slowly to her slumped figure The childs father arrives and he kneels by her side The youth stands awkwardly shifting from one footio the other The ambulance walls down Dunlap Street When it arrives the attendants carefully pickup the little girl and rush her to the hospital RESTDRING FILE Police Radio Network Simcoe County Plan Police Flooded Innisfll And Join Operation Domestic Trade Por Canada Ships mAWA CP Policy re Ierving domestic Great Lakes trade for Canadian ships was announced after the United Kingdom govennment said it could do nothing about compe iitan from vesels carrying flags of the British colonies Transport Minister Baleer said Tuesday He replied to Janet Chevrler Montreal Laurler who asked in the Commons whether the minister was aware of British House of Commons re ply do the matter This said Britain wasnt consulted before the new Canadian Great Lakes policy was announced BC Liberals Oppose Merger VANCOUVER CPlA spokesman for the British Co lumbia Young Liberal Associa tion said Tuesday the associa tion is opposed to any alliance or proposed alliance with the New Party President Mike Jelfel was commenting on report that Ontario Young Liberals think an alliance between them and go New Party might be good ea After the ambulance leaves the father turns to the youth He will restrain himself The police have arrived and they will settle the matter in the accepted way The youth gulps betore saying Im awfully sorry mister just didnt see her mans 011 GBIEF The father fights back tears of rage and grief and then staggers to his to tell his wife the news WEATHER Synopst There are indica tions lower lakes areas are probably in for the first sus tained heat wave of the surruner season Very warm air moving across the lakes is expected to cause temperatures to rise into the upper 3105 Isolated thunder storms may develop during the hottest part of the day Lake Erie southern Lake Hu ron Niagara regions Windsor London 11 11 Mostly hot and more humid today Chance of brief thunderstorm this afternoon little change Friday but with higher proba bility of afternoon or evening showers and thunderstorms Southwest winds near 15 Northern Lake Huron Lake 0n nrio southern Georgian ronouro or Toronto tuxil dnver testified Wednesday he was told by man in crowd 21 to mind his own business and not complain or he might get an iron bar over his head Edward DeMarco testifying at the trial of four men charged with assaulting gambler Max Bluestein said he had just re fused to take Frank Marchildon 40 and Jae Weaver2 to hos pital and was watching police cruisers arrive at the tavern when the unknown man spoke to him Marchildon andWeaver be said had run out of the tavern andjumped into his cab order iinghirn to drive to hospital He was about to do sowben crowd burst out jof the tavern and ordered to stop IleMurco said one of the men in the taxi then struck him across the head and ordered him to drive on When he re fused they ran from the car He said he could not identify who hit him seams seventies COMPANY Divialonvof BevanUp Ontario oriiiiu Mldlnndand Pelletang Phone Barrln Zenith 77700 outside the Town Tavern March 859271 Cab Driver Tells About Threat Near Tavern In Bluestein Trial other witnesses were equally reluctant to identify any otthe four accused as bein directly involved in the brawl in which Bluestein suffered severe head wounds and Marchlldon punc tured lung Wayne Russell 20 employed as bouncer and doorman at the tavern testified third ac cused man John Papalia 37 of Hamilton was holdinga 10inch billy few feet fromflwhere Einstein was being struck me peatedly by otheririen with billies but said he did not see Papalia strike Bluestein Russell said he tried to inter vene in the fight but was grabbed by the arm and or dered by Papaliu to stay out of it Mrs Eva Anderson whose checkroom was several feet away from the scene of the heating was declared hostile witness by Magistrate Joseph Addison after she testified she remembered litileabout the in cident and could not ide tin any of the men involved Wilh Protests Oi Open Stores Barrie police departmen was flooded with telephone oath yes terday from citizens complain llu about lumber of local stores remaining open Wednes day atternoon lt la believed the stores re mained open in view of the Dominion Day holiday to be ob served Saturday of thin week City Clerk Bod Straughan has pointed out that their action in remaining open contravenes municipal bylaw Bylaw mo speciï¬cally details the hours of closing for stores selling mims wear ladies wear electrical appliances hardware shoes dry goock sports goods and household immunities The bylaw makes no provis ion for the stores to remain open when holiday falls on day other than the Tuesday or Thursday immediately preced ing or following Wednesday Another municipal bylaw gov erning the houroof closing for grocery and fnlitfstorea does allow them to remain open on Wednesday afternoons when hoolirliayfallsonanydayoftho Its Not Too Late Yet To Upset Statistics The police put the youth into the cruiser As they approach Sirncoe Street two youths roar around the bend on burning rub ber They brake at the sight of the cruiser slow down until it is out of sight and then turn up the big sound as they hurtle down Bradiord Street in search of thrills Anxious parents sit on their verandas and listen to the youths roaring down the street They sigh shake their heads ronacnsr Bay Halihurton regions Tor onto Sunny very warm and more humid today and Friday Cloudiness with few scat tered showers and thunder storms during both aiteraoons Winds southwest 15 Northern Georgian Bay Ti magami regions North Bay Sudbury Variable cloudiness with chance of shower or thunderstorm today Mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms Friday Not quite so warm Friday Winds becoming northwest 15 today and south to southeast loto 15 Friday Mnrlne forecasts valid until 11 am Friday Northern Lake Huron Georg ian Bay Southwest winds 15 knots becoming westerly 15 this atternoon and variable If knnts tonight few showers or thun this afternoon Wind gusts briefly above 40 knots in thim deratonns Southern Lake Huron Lakes Erie and Ontario Southwest winds 15 to 20 knots Isolated evening showers and thunder storms Wind gusts briefly above 40 knots in thunder storms Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Friday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Wiugham Hamilton St Catharines Tomato Peterborough Trenton Kiilaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuskasing White River Moosouee assassssussss eususssassuaassaos nation of Mr Coyne derstorms this morning and late polieeradio network with Barripasthehuhisbelngset up in Simeon booty Innufil and Tiny townships have al ready joined and it is anticipat ed that Penetanguishme will be clianged over soon Barrie police chief Edward Tschirhart is coordinating the operation Chid Tachlrhart is hopeful that the commimities of Mid land Orillia Bradford and Al liston will also agree to partici pate in the network and negotia tions are now in progess to thk and For Bald Head TORONTO CF former directr of the Bank of Canada Wednesday night made public letter to Finance Minister Flem ing stating he did not inform the minister that special pension provisions were being planned for the banks governor and deputy governor six months be fore they were approved Bryden of Toronto who submitted his resignation April for health reasons said how ever that representative of the deputy finance minister was present at the directors meet ing Feb 15 1960 when the con troversial provisions were ap proved In conversation with the minister more than year later the letter adds Mr Fleming was surprised to learn of this you did not know of it At Ottawa James Coyne governor of the bank of Canada declined Wednesday night to see copy of the letter He told reporter No Im not interested in it tonight thank you Im in bed Finance Minister Fleming could not be reached immediat ely for comment The pension issue was factnr leading to the governments re quest this month forthe resig Mr Brydehs letter dated Wednesday referred to letter io the finance minister from Mr Coyne made public by the governor Monday CHARGED CONCEALED Mr Coynes letter dealt with the pension provisions for the governor and deputy governor and added You Mr Fleming were told by Bryden about possible change in these provisions six months before the directors acted inrebrualy 1950 and you have letter from Mr Bryden to prove it which you persist in concealing Brydens letter says The letter addressed to you on April 1551 gives in chro nologioal sequence the meetings and discussions relating to both salaries and pensions which led up to the approval by the board of amendments to the pension fund bylaw continue to re gard this letter as confiden tial nication At Mr Coynes request subsequently Top Quality Low Price AVlSCiIllNT returns CHEST TYPE in likeahaviny rtore in your own bome Inch market at your alumnus Youll euioy grehter conven lance more mealtime var Ioty and Increased minor And If you buy now you will be taking advantage or coopl low price Come Barrie Golf and Country Club WARNING TresPnssers wil be Prosecutod Due to vandalism to the course and club equip ment which has been recurring this year the dlréctorslofthe clubwish to announce that trail passers will be prosecuted So much damage has been done on the course that it is necessary to take this action Parents are hereby advisedvthat you will be liolbln AMTstev3naon President Mallobinson Secretary in and see the superiorK construction and the many modcm rum cu so LB canacrrv 27999 2800 Down 1300 Per Month 259 INNlSFIL sr PA 66531 Inntsttl Township was the first outside continually to join with Barrie It made the trio nearly two years ago Township joined the net about month ago Penetangulshene is expected to integrate before the week is out There is no definite date as be when the network will ex Pand to the other makes but it should happen soon Both Midland and Oriliia have police radio setups but in the case ot Bradford and Allistou it would require installation of an attire radio department Letter Re Pension Provisions Is Controversial sent copy of this letter to him in his capacity as governor of the bank since was still technically director of the written had two conversations with you with respect to pensions The first was in August 1959 when in very casual conver sation said that subcommit tee of the board was giving consideration to the banks pen sion fund and to salaries No re ference was made to the spe cial provisions dealing with the pensions at the governor and deputy governor and in fact no details at all were mentioned because at that time the boards subcommittee had bar ely siarted to owrk The second conversation with you was on March 21 1951 when mentioned tnnnottler connection the action taken by the board on February 15 1960 with regard to the special pen sion provisions for the governor and deputy governor You were surprised to learn of this and was also surprised that you did not know of it Mr Fleming charged in the Commons June 14 the governor was lacking in responsibility in failing to inform the govern ment at the hoards decision to increase the governors pension to $25000 year from $12000 Earlier in the letter Mr Bry den says the board had an op ion from the department of pension fund by laws were within the powers of the board and did not need the approval of govemorincouncil The changes were unanim ously approved at the meeting on February 15 1960 Inasmuch nance had representativeat that meeting atleast took it for granted that these changes would be brought to your atten tion through the normal chanr bank at the date the letter was ties that amendments to the as the deputy minister fi ll 04 Atkinson 21a Dunlap Street Barrie My pet bed the steep incline of driveway ramps on Dunlap Street This may seem like minor beef to some people but assure you matitisarcalboneotwntcn tion for as am concerned The aim from the roadan to my paved driveway is so steep that the newer cars can not use it without dragging the bottom understand that ii any change Is to be brought about then will have to pay the com of the work myself realize that live in one of the older districts in the comma ity but still think that the town should be obliged to recti fy this condition without addi tional upense to the taxpayer My neighbor was forced to have this type of lab done by the city at considerable expense to him self and dont agree that this is right believe that the city should plan in do the work at no cost to the taxpayer GIRDER CDLLAPSES TOKYO APlA oiltan con crete bridge girder collapsed Thursday plunging lo construc tion workers in death in 90 foot ravine near Hanmnln OUR 6A5 YOU KNOW BURNS STEADILY AND HEATS HOME 60 READILY mi mumsKs Mat580 ROPA NE PM WESTON HESbl43 CHl3390 serum THEATRE nus EXCURSIONl for Matinee Performnnca of Choice orchestra seal Return bus to Barrie centre and see the only hit by popular demand 195 YONGE STREET tickets at $995 ea for the July12 NAME ADDRESS cm Add it oxchlnl WEST SIDE sroiiv outstanding Musical Drama at the OKEEFE CENTRE Wednesday JULY 12 Private has direct turbo contra Lunch at the Lord Simone Hotel lnrrorontu for the performance the some day gt Alltoronly $935 perpersonw Do miss this rtimity to visit Canadas finest theatrical FPO show ever to return to Broadway nus leaves Barrie Gray Coach Terminal 10 ameuiv 12 Tins courmv TODAY TICKETS AND FULL maximums CARLA TICKET SERVICE ronouro our Enclosed ismy cheque or money orderlfor rpdcial theatre If remitan by oheou