IO HELP WANTED SIMC unr Dunn leaeru outta Io arirr children bison IXPKIILICID Home is to look uier one or two ratiana marl duumol II mild Ieit nhoaa PA toolI WILL LOOK altar pro moot rhu drea In in on home Vielni oniey mod reared in yard PA ma nail is mu put looking or work or any kind for iurazaer month Telephone PA em or lurth Inlnmltian smut maintenance than quire employment Will aeeept any kind ol work Cln on any kind at heavy vehicle Telep neeloh new or nmvmrt rk In tuna part lull umr can re aIr Verona iwaIer Ilan Soon Flint etc Very nuan ahi raIra Telephone PA em noolxnnn Accountpt urad on ennui aim so vurf some out local our seeking lull or lrtetlml ampipymul John max High Strut Telephon PA sum count tor hummer worn Eur band could talie iuii charge or maintennnco wile or homework and plain cooking Husband rpealu rumh nuenuy Airo one child earl old Apply nor narria emitter 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE MONDAY EVENING JULY 10 AT RM SHARP Auction rate at iarm Stock impia menu hay iumhar and some house old eiieet tor CARL PEEVER lit in ii concession ii Tecum reth Township ilA miles roots at Cockatnwit roller rtraintt west at Highway 27 Term cash No reserve aa tIIa Iann in said JERRY COUGHLIN AucTioNEER AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING JUNE Nil at sso pan rnaro Auction rain at aood used household iumiture tor MRS MILLER At zoo Dunlap Street wut harri Terina carh No reserve as Mn Iltllerl home is Ior nle JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTIon AUCTION SALE will he held at KmNs FURNITURE STORE iz WEST 5mm NDRTlI ORILUA on FRIDAY JUNE 30 COMMENCING AT PM and continuing on till on or until rtoeia Ia iold Antiques Mile sate rangett ppiianrar china beds rpringa ano mattres us other iurnuhlnu and many when doing or viii innit Telephone PA other articles No reierve as the has been sold TermsCash CHAS it THORNTON Aucriom Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 EGBEBT Mr and Mrs Bruce smiley Spent Sunday at Wang Beach Mr and Mrs Iiarry Korea and Ianlily Toronto spent the weekend with Mr nod airs Clifford Campsall Mr and hire Cecil Whiteside and family spent the weekehd in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Rog er Heive Visitors with Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns on Sunday were Inn and Mrs Ernest Gosley oI Sunnidaia Corners and Mr and Mrs Herbert Terry Alision Mr and hits Boyd Arnold Donald and Sharon of London spoilt Saturday with Mrs Broiley Egbert United Church straw berry and cold meat supper will be held Wednesday July up the church lawn VASEY Miss Faye mac and Joan and girl friend oI Toronto spent the weekend at the homo at their parents Mr and Mrs Bill Iin noy Lyle Edwards has returned to Toronto alter spending th weeks holiday with his porcnu Mr and Mrs Roy Edwards Mr nnd hirs Earl Edwards and Murray spent Sunday at the home of their son and daughter inelaw Mr and rs Donald Ed wards in Midland Donald Hawko is spending his holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs George Hawke Mrs William Collis is the guest or her son and daughter inlow Mr and Mrs Eiswnrth Collins Vyebridgo Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards Clair Whetham Orr Lake and Mrs Alex Spence oi Elmvale visited in Toronto and called to see their father Eloy ththam who is patient in the General Hospital Mrs Whethatn has been in Toronto Iora week Miss Thema PenthiII DI Mid land visited at the home at Mr and Mrs Frank Smith1m during the weekend Jonct Stewart has secured position in Toronto Mr and Mrs Charles Brown and Lorna spent Saturday in T0lt ronta and attended the wedding l3AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERSw ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CULWLJ LTD PHONESBARR PA aooas VICTORIA HARGDUR 505m Farm Rater 25 Plus Advruling Protessional service Satisfied customers TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TnunanAit JUNE 29 400 Popeye ano Pals no iunior Roundup L1H Roy Rogers am News Headline rtaiph Snelgmve nenortr Farm Market Report non Jamlesoh Nawr Warmer snort Gunsmuitr The Robe LIV BOINWIO Checkmate Summer Circuit Country Iunction Peter Gunn DBGiV Nawa ihe Weatherman Today In Sports Communqu News neeoy Lila JODAY JUNE 3t ii Test Pattern 1145 Sacred iiaart non Popeye ma Fall 1225 Noonday Report Newa Sports Weather Fem Report Coming Events Movie Hts Eamuy Trel Womens Show Open House Tna Verdict Ir Yours POPEYT and Pill lILniaI ttuundup Cannonball Naws floodlit Daredein Don 1250 aortass 33 n2o Prrm Itlitrkel tteport 574 Don Jamiuaon A25 Nowi Weather Sport loo rather Knowa Beat Isa Wyatt Earp aoo Country Hoedown 530 Parry iIiaaou no Danger Man iono Have Gun Will Traval ioso Tightrope iioo cach Nawr iiis The Weatherman Today in Sport Community New Movie The Jolson story aATanAY 1th Test Pattern News and Weather Lelvlanr Grand Prix United Church Ordinatinn Movie Thunder Glp Bititronement of Amhhlshop of Canterbury ngr Bunny All Stlr Gnli Dennis The Menace The Peoples Choice SgL Bllkn Hunt Great Movie Northwest Passage Juliette li CBC News 10 News Wellhdr Snnrtl 1115 Georgian Chin Twin Bill The Barefoot Contest The Promoter into e22 222 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO THURSDAY JUNE 29 400 Professors Hideaway oer Alrican Patrol ono garrisneat so News Weather Sports tut desl the Post no hourIn aoo Theatre At mat Scandal Shentl The Rebel am at the Matter NEWS Weather Sport Better Late 1145 Aiistar Perlarmnnn The napalm Bay 1215 News Weather5pom IZJII Epilogue FR DAY JUNE 10 ii Free and nary Channai Theatre No Sad Songs For New Protesrort airieawry iten Into Space arts College ewr Weather and Sparta outdoora Leave It To Beaver than moo ioso iioo 92 SIRS ESE PwflrlFl 828 The Third Man series Brothers Ennis ea not Iwo Pater West asnCount Styia man Now eathar Ind snort ll0l Batter Lata not News 1105 Friday Night Theatr The Gunï¬ght 1255 Ennorno SATURDAY JULY Prnlessors Party Spam College anyr Glrls Hour Ryan Reports gt Social Credit Program Channel Nine Theatra Last of the Comanches Horne In Indiana Int League Baseball Wrestuniz News weather Sport flfn Inst Space as am Show No Faces Wart Naked City Fight or the Weel Johnny now Show NEWS Weather Sport Saturday Night Theatre Tripoli Epilogue SS==S outï¬t Hon 8232 Peps 832 ltltltililt Miss Your 14 your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone TAXI pawsYouths cAIts AND rancxsi non no at Mn Browns son Mrs 0r val Edwards accompanied diam to Tomato Glen Dixon is spending few days with his parents Mr and Mrs Jack Nixon Madeline Stewart working in Elmvale The WA and WI are altering to the OMB picnic in Midland Wednesday ALLISTOII CRYSTAL CHAPTER MEETS On June al the till annivers ary meetingol the Crystal Chap ter Allistcp Lodge was held at the Orangeiiall with good at Iaodanco of members and sister visitors lroln Allandale and Bar BY JAY South dealer NorthSouth vulnerable room K7 QIOOI ADBB 53 M31 AQIOES UAR cameo soiIm AArai 72 AKQJ 10 84 The bidding South West North East 14 Pass INT nhlo Ronnie Pass Pass Tana Pans Dole Opening leadnine oi spades it does seem rather odd but the ilnai contract at both tabla in this hand from team at four match was six clubs played by South Also at both tables the open ing lead was the nine oi spades heart lead would have been more clevor under the circum stances hut both Wearschose to open spade Easts final dou hie was conventional and Iorbada diamond lead but both Wests guessed wrong in choosing between spades and hearts At the lirst table declarer played low from dummy and won with the jack He then play cd seven rounds of clubs and this became the position PilotEssillltlt LEGAL WEST Aao voaoa errth A972 OE COUNTYNEWS rie No new members were lav itiated in an impressive cere piooy An auxawn birthday cake centred the table in honor of the event and the India were very pleased with the recent rel ovatioas which the mens lodge had completed on the building Mrs Mary Irvine an honorary member oi Provincial Grand lodge oi Ontario West and member at the Alliston Chapter or some years was able to be present after lengthy illness hits Lila Melville to Church Street has suIIorod minor disposition and is home on weeks leave lrorn her position at Stevensons Memorial Hospit al Allistnn Her friends wish her better health in the near Iulure CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER Declaror now led spade to the king and cashed the ace oi diamonds East had to discard before declarer and was in trou ble Ho could not alien to part with spade so he discorded lhe king of hearts South theren upon discarded the eight of spades led the ten oI hearts and made the last two tricks with thence of spades and queen of hearts At the second table declarcr won the opening lead in dummy with the king of spades cashed the diamond ace discarding heart and led back spade and tinessed the eight Dealnrer then run seven trump tricks reducing his hand to threLcardsthe AJ of spades and seven oi hearts In dummy he kept the QloS oI hearts East had to come down to three cards also the oi spades and ace of hearts Declarer played heart and East won with the one and re turned the ton of spades South Iinessod the jack and that was the end at that gt So six clubs was made by South at both tables Tomorrow Trump control butternut ACCOUNTANTS BOYS SEAGRAM ah Row thflnon Soiieitora Dulce1 Owen 5L Barrio nrnnch olflcoFJrnvnic Ont sugrnm QL CnrvIoI Tesitey CON DER C7 SUGG BARJUSTERS stlLiuiTuRs at NOTKRlEs PUBLIC UONLER nA sUGC IA mlai 11le st East PA 471 COWAN COW3N BARRISTERS Ross COWAN 53 COLLIER 51 PA M521 LIVINGSï¬JN MYERS Barrirteis anashueltora Collier st Barrie Pit PA own WILSON MOORBYF aARnisTEn soLiaiToR LAW OFFICE AT DUNLDP STW PA sum SMITH Er McLEAN Saber smith QC Arthur McLean Bruce Owen Elirifle solicitors etc so Owen st Phone PA asvtn GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 Sarrirtuano Solicitor Law 0mm tat Wiiaon auiidlng Fred Grant street Sirri Ontario Teiephon PArlrw own FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEW HOME SUPERIOR satiric Ago MODERATE COST so Wonley st Barrie Notaries Public conveyancesa etc to not closed Wenner utternoon mars PA use HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Ccmoeo Puntic Accountant Toronto and Carrie Blnle onionWilson slop Peed Cnnt square PHONE PA 33397 Naeohnm CPA Rutdant Partner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 69 Collier St Phone PA 34949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher ntrirno Singing iheory Pupils prepared tor examination or the Royal coucrvatory ni ï¬ns Egrgnto AIm gades and cm me 27 Erldlord5t PA B4718 sum THE DAVIES 0F CANALA VOICE PIANO DRAMA NAPIER sT BARRIE ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher inst tion Piano Theory cfllnhmgmi Jecta oi Roar 5L Barrio PA asm 9PTOMETRY ROBERTIH SMITH RO Optometrist 53 Dunloï¬ st EastBarrio azsas NOEL optomng DuiiIop St rant Elana PA worm 111 French Latin other tehooi nih STEPHENSON go 14 iIIE 8mm 2W1 THURSDAY JUNE 19 ill me RUSSIANS luvs me rim comm Pmth ASWE no II it MAKING as bTEEL 1147 HAVE AmekApeoF LIGNIIE III we uRALS Alto Mva BEEN emunus To CONVERT tr mo coxe Is This WAY DKMLZEK ii Msneiitvckxmeou 25 ITS WWW COUSIN COAL BURNS BADLY AND IS PRACTICALLI WORTMLESS PLENTY OF IT AROUND Um WITH 5M5 SUCCESn LL LET TOM OKEIL THE $TEELIMN WE ARE GOING TD 5E5 tN HAMILTON TELL WMORE ABOUT IT LARRY BRANNON Manama mason wmaxaunsswovw cave MEA PLAIN wnresasugaek BLONDIE powuuaMsMeazww EggEMT wanl UWERESUPPOSED IMPoeesmewuwnH moseraemvww JULIET JONES VAQSILYl STOP 1w zoootgogmsau PARK Morons 1961 METEOR nit RIDEAUS 32 TRADEIN 0R STRAIGHT nEAI Ioo BRADFORD s1 BARRI FREE AUTOMATIC WITH MERCURY COMET CASE on TERMS THEI2E USING OUR PHCNE ITS lTs OKAY coerNG SIADQITIIej EE SWIMMI THE BOYS EVERY DAY86 MONEY owe HOUSE curlwe THE ends r4 IF ANYfHINé PIKE 0K ï¬ggsmz rogemmag soap whoa midi NW3 EINCLEHANFEF 6M maven so mi SWANT 10 ONE My 010 mg momma IALWAYE WAEACOOO rcME V55 RIDSJ wouLD LIKE WATCH BUTIVE BEEN woakltt LIKE some CLEANIN NOUSEALL WEEK iM SQALLTUEKEIZEDOUT CAN MARDLY MGVEAN meat Thliitn FOR SNAMEI III IIOI TWO MOONS HAVE uxnowmnincé 0212 PASSED SINCE you HONOREDUSWinl GREETINGS AND TIIIS is MLSAWYEEJIIE Ins III no wait IMIIIII MIRnos PLEASANTSUILDIISE BUZ SAWYER YOUR masher nlls Utlwogrw NEWle WAS MADE TD FEEL UNWELCOME IN YOUR House HONORED ANNIE IRICKITS SIMC YOUR HIDE HONOREV MEN AMERICAN CKDPDUSTER toMEIN luv You even seen some mewsmr THAN mart youve BEEN WATCHINGA LOTDF reams mews MUGGS Np SKEETER are aï¬ntséia Jr