Home HuntiIlg Watch Examiner Want Ads lrmonlilincxxnmlvzn romanmnnn HREAL ANNOUNCEMENTS alums PROUD PW THE NEWS oi the Blamed Event can he announced to your friends and realities tor only 3159 Jilt teleplioilc PA 32 14 DEATHS AD the Royal Victoria Bospiisl Barrie on Thursday June 29 Cl Clln Wamneorl Beloved ol Sidney Admin umy dur mother oi Dillll In John ckey or name Richard my and Sidney cl Toronto healing at the rethch Funeral Home in llaydeld Strut Barrie Service tn the cur el Saturday July at pin clement St Pauls Cemetery inbuilt JmmNAt the Royll Vin loria Koypital borne Ontario on Wednesday Juno lid loci John Johnnie beloved husband at MnmRt eeli beilchol hello Ewart and dear lather or lan Douglas Resting at the lcnnstt maul Home Borne Funeral service Friday June at pm interment sixth Llos Cemetuy lorilatll Momssuddenly on Wednec day rune l96i Georg Nor ol Vesprl street lairrte beloved husband or Lulu Nalu nnd den IllDEE 13¢de Mn willlnni Stine oi nelhi olga iuls Cowdon oi barrio Nul ot lilopll and Philip ol brimming sutlon denr brother or Albert oi New ilrunrwick nnti Gertrude lbira Charles llobtrge oi Barrie in bi svtn yrnr netting at the lenoeit rune Homo is nrao rnrd street lame IMHII seen vice Saturday July at Loan Interment name union Cemetery rotor and nebrkrh dry nvenlnl numbsuddenly his home stroud Ontario on Wednmdry June is loci Malcom John svmc beloved bus and oi Edith min beul such and dear rather or Margaret Mn nrvlo Douglas New Toronto and John lionert at home in his 61th year nest ing at the Ienncit nicerl name name mineral service at St Pauls Anglican Church lnolniu on saturd July at pm in ieririeht nlnlog ccmetery Can ket will be open in the church trons pm until time oi service winmotlmsy At Pattons ltcst llomeon Wednesday June 2o ital Bert wmougbb ot An gus in his sour year be oved bur hand or thislate rana couison and dear rather to lira Coutu more or Toronto anti dear brother ol bong and tbs late Aexniku and root Ruti at the leoncttPilneni Home Bradon Street harrie ntncrai service on Friday Juno at no Pm interith Angus Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS niobiumWe MAB to press sincere thanlsa to our rrlenosmtorj gen wklliildneol and rympa ng as our dear Betty Dr Friedrich the nail oi lnnlswcod hospital Rev George Lewingion lehuett merrl Home or theirkllidlless and services Special thanks to the blends and Curtistidal who hnlre hheilzï¬ so many Wm Ill ears oi her illness lloo Bob Eettp and fanning IN MEMORIAM VI MCQUAJLBElnluvinx memory at devoted hunhnnd sull and brother Kenneth pant moun rie who passed away ruddeniy 1960 Hgybid smile lessant Why he knew be band to He Vial kind so generous Ind rue On enrtb he nobly did his best Grunt him Loni heavenly teat Alwoyr in our thoughts will limes Mother and slrtelm mGAGEMENTS hltAuNsrmN mil3min marriage wul take place on Fri day evening June so loci in Montreal oi spades rauortein daughter of Mr ood Mas aroun ateln at Montreal to Cotllnrlnus people Buyer son or Mr and Mrs vrcoh Buyer or shanty Bay This newlypurriedhcoupls will he at home to thei lrlerlds at the home or the grodmst arenu air and Mrs Jacob in or shanty vBly on Saturday evening Co EVENTS LAWN TEA and BAZAAR WEDNESDAY mm 200 500 pm It the home of Mos TYSON lera mil CdNCESSICN VESPRA Isusplce Greniel WA Admission ase UNDER NEW MNNAGEMSEWT SANDSRESTAURANT ANGUS NOW OPEN emu course meal ostesks Chops Homemade pastries In iil pm Urge More Study 0n Oral Vaccine NEW YORK AP Di Joe has Salk lather hi the Salk polio vaccine Wednesday urged= the American Medical Associa tion to make further study bciore hacking mass use of newer type oi vaccine to be tn licn by lnoutlriinsteatl otiniec lion ex However the hem of dele gates of the AMA had already adopted rmolution backing report of the council on drugs which recommended that the or ganiznlioli support sweeping use 11 REAL ESTATE roars FOB sins HENRY ELRICK AND CH 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 5558 mail nAlutD ANAL mATI NAPIER STREET Lot 100 test living roan kitchen our bedrooms two ostn and Aholrerhw rice own names on tnly purulent iotqu ano ï¬lide second Inorlnn nan ambled BK BAY PomlI Year rnundholno Living room kitchen two bedroom and bath Treed lot or loo eel Tues 60 year Asking price sum NO 11 HIGHWAY SOUTH Liv room dining room Durham kitchen and three pie bllh with And llflll with Form Lot co Ireet area per sumo with siaoiluoown Paylirencts to be arranged Alter hours phone Paddy MilesPA 85290 Bob FlowellingPA BStlu CA0N it 45A DUNLOP ST cht door to tho Imperial Theltro REDUCED yum war the price but the baud er rays Stu Int Canon so Canon In Drop the price to coat minder says okay youre dotIll din ulllnl Cotton fly Drive by thllhome ht llD Ron st and phone Carson tor the price Lkrge down payment Clil Ewell Carson PA Mm altar pm PA Midi PA 66481 Member 01 Built Ind Dirkit Rel hilt Bond CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlap St mm MAM PA do COREY 8545 ON NEWLY OPENED STREET Dont nib out on belud able in get ion to buy this brandnew rllg brick room bungalow on lot 166 test deep with um Coil lu at once FOR RENT Houses and three or our room apartmentr STROUD BEACH lz acres wooded land close to like right all Continual 10 In nisflL Would this or mall noun or other Pmï¬lty AIIACH ED GARAGE Two storey six large ronma in this well kept older mm on Parksido Drive Nice lot Moot central COTTAGES We have line selection i7 sum mer cottages nn Georgian Bay with choice sandy beaches am up GOLF CLUB AREA 1th beuumui new modern And rplclulu home lend libel 9Q Eam Inmllle living Ind graciouren tori Fireplaces in livth room and recreation room Bath room on each floor nawell Is aligninan polwdler roolgédBuntttgg on we lndscl noun with panoramic Vlew WE WELCOME ALL TYPES or LlsriNGs FABMS IMAGE IBUSNBSES HENDERSON REALTOR in COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA P2673 105 SW Charming brick and ltone shaped bedroom bungalow with attached garage ans ed living and room Pin cd Rec room play room Terms o7 under NBA Cau Nita Scandrett LAKEERDNT FARM About an bun with large llouge and excellent barn 700 feet or choice lake trontage also lovely maple budr Thu property has gel Patenttlh Phone Percy MOS CALI RITA scANDllm PA 04535 PERCY Pom PA Sawfly Member or barrio and platelet and ontario neai Eltntn hoards lNCOME PROPERTY Am YOUllOOKlING Eon SOUND MIMENT LARGE ULTRA MOD SPACIOUS WELL BUILT APARIMENT BUILDING VERY GOOD INCOME oi an oral vaccine developed by Dr Albert Sabin lo telegram to Norman Welch speaker of the house of delegates Dr Salli asserted The implication that all of the vaccination against polio al ready applied neednto be re done withnnother vaccine preps oration will be diificult for the public to understandln the face of their own experience and will be diiticult or health officers and others of us to help justlly and to support Dr Salk also deiended vacclne implications that it is not as eliactive as the oral type FOR APPOINTMENT BA was UNTIL PM HAROLD gFORSTER REALTOR BAYFlElil SI PAdGtss Vary room pericctly orlvew lot ilon Ind with hill it hu lb nu lull tabla Ire with retene divided and bu good recreation ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL PROPERTY FOB BALI REALTORS ouncumnrsnmnnsr First in Barrie acaoa suesForemost inquth oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES momma AVENUE Yelll proportioned Hanover kitchen than noddied bedroom includlnl PREITY HOMEPRIME LOCATION riuonnblnrln ve nel bunnlln lull Lune pretty riooetrtmmed brick this summer nhmmulï¬ twinsin lmuzr paved dry bright basement and Ilnely landscaped and leoeed all add up to excellent hill or your monryi Call Ir Porter PA DOWNSVIEW DRIVE NICELY SITUATED AMONG FINE QUALITY Ham 316500 Very litrlellvl long Idnab bmllow ol solid brick cmltluov lischsd garage The whole property is neat and won Invountelrllu ilvln 4an combination with cove ceilings and builtin vslalrccsNd room Hanover kitchen in bikini birch or nsvlllneel Th basement in lily H500 down in minired end you ran bava quick penceion SD li Now Phone PA SUNNiDALE ROAD CUSTOMBUILT BRICK BUNGALOW 111000 Do mgnlnccnt lot 3bedroom home hsr been cool with mot cm in combinauml with Areplaco Lula 5000 One ol the bell in ranch in Berril Ivth yulorunlc VlB thin custduhllullv trusted hlxhest grads materials and ll Kill very ltlnctivn Udalllulu plus rearlion mm attached Inn Ind lirdrxnwu Clue la Elucrut School rarelywilt this ll most tartidionr For mil particularr phone PA also having dreplace Ind If paved driveway homo to pleuo tho $5563 200 NAPIER STREET FOR THOSE WHO LIKE AN EXTRA WIDE Wi In onelosed breeflwn connecting to root Ind res bed kitchen boo real nvelslre master bedroom in Poured wnu buemenl planned interiors at any vaedlunm bungalow ter clapboard with natural atonl tselnl and the tuna Tliennoplnh windows large perfectly plan the setting or the house oh wait lot all add up to home of charm and comfort Cooperative mung ROGmSPA Please can PA NM or oppoirltment to View EVENINCSCALLs MOOREPA 187 58581 rosmPA Hm CoNNELLPA mu BARBIE DISTRICT REM ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARREE PHONES PA Mm PA 50242 lull CIletaIlPA $7359 nembe as INSPECT OUR HOMES Fugur olrvcyLPA mm in Benin Real Eihlo Bond PRATT roan hagPA uni LTD CONSTRUCTION For Workmanship and Value MODEL OPEN7930 PM 29 MARION CRESCENT FOR INFORMATION PA 66283 NORMAN She Norman sheirwell MOVING Dont or to INSURANCE nd you need of mu Had SEE STEVENSONS PA bezel ooDUNLoP ST SUITE mo RANCH STYLE NBA hirer bedroom briok noose ciora to Couéglate and so Marys Schools Apply 91 Engenll st PA 5315 THREE hmnoolvl Brick hungo low with Attached EurZr lame ldtcben combined area patio late illml ESTATE BROKER ouniop Street Bare FAB9961 OR 68742 valNGs CALL PA sous Oro 2m PA was PA nasal PA solid moi transfer your extra coverage Codrlngtoo living dining Near North Comm ltersoosble down nail NBA mortgage Telep china ayment no PA OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE lVY 291m THORMON six room brick hours plus brtb good weu pressure system loside conveniences grrden garage On 21 Highway Priced roe quick sale Telnu GOLLmGWOOD DISTRICT borer brick dweluog conveni ences Dbln garage chicken holuo shade trees in vlusga ol stnghsm ton south of Coilingi wood is estate In in good conlt dltlon Owing to illness must he old Askng prics $12000 Good ems Oscar Bates Elinor Maw ROSE REAL NATE BROKER 73 mm 5m BARBE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member oi the Ekrrle and llirtxlct Dell list to Ronni MOVING For complete mov servth Inter Ind easier all COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT lmrr lld Borne PArkwny $5515 PA 69125 Members or hurls and Dlrtrict Large mull Cliosswono 5017035 Cuttle ï¬sh novella Waldo 12m MSG earth Manon oi naturelopuiriet Neal latto hoard illminds CALL Eldonv hum igneous Jon PWV Mud mm mm PA slim NollAn hams on ma momnemMstm flank 63mth 11le 8am mzpn $13GC Real lactate ottice PA REAL ESTATE BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE liedrd twobl Service station in till Town of Kunlfllflk Ont flood menul or My pm sonallty For titrth psriicuisrs pitas contact TEXAco CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONT TELEPHONE PA soon on PA ems FOR LEASE combination service station Isnltk narwlth living quarters vvay No 27 Thornton ce cot opportunity tor good in come modest invcatmcnt remn solo terms ror particular PHONE BARRIE PA bml 0R WRITE PO BOX 584 BUS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED REAL ESTATE STOUTT mim LIMITED COLIJER 8mm PA 55901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALNRS CHOICE 23 ACRES bolt on at nhfh fan 35 Bartie Total prie $9000 zmv down paymant CITY HOME THE COUNTRY vlith av convenience Plump ca garage no mo through PEPE Xfllll build lnl OI on Girl Ii liZIIII About It ind PALM BEACH COTTAGE gm Luxurioug slimmer homo om or ink slmcooa nicer gin coitus 70 Int ion with pans gs turns urg li Noni wl lion libel llru bedroom Ind provision or or mm stain Modern lib alien And Mm screened atio with stone loor heauurul Inches on the expansive green lawns Paved circular drive Au iiunlahlnu 1114 gas hot water hutdl included hiay we show you till lovely lion um unions BARBIE AND Dmcl REAL ETA BOARD mas CALL Merv Gould00 3515 Doris NuilysombHPA $5901 Edith GouldOrb 11117 SimonPA m7 LAnon INIUMNCI Amer do show ct patenting its operations to Barrie wishes to immune welL utnbflelisd local lonerl may will continue with present man agsmont or win porpoise nub ME We tonddom Wrilisvbox 36 narrl nominee REALTOR aoi niuinlonn 5mm nARlllz PA 85387 OR PA 35833 BARREAPLEA Large on slow All conveniencen Ideal leca on on and acre or iron on bated hlgbwsy commercial suit anyone interested in motel service station or snack bar bush near Investigate this one soon ESSA ROAD Four bedroom two store home in nrrt clara condition ow gar turncc Pour picc hath gangs Priced to sell Pommlort Telnag PENEIAN 5mm Being transterred torces Us to Tell three bedroom home on Peo etaog street niake otter ANGUS ARI EA rive room cottag all eonvanien cu good water heating Nea lon or null health Make idler In MORTGAGES MORTGACE MONEY AVAILABLE No news menu insured Izlinst Cement LicknlIl death CRESCENT FINANCE humor or wasr on com 31200 msT MORTGAGE wanted immcdi ly to clear up an or HA Blrfld blur MonroAGesirt and and bought sold andrealised Commercial and residentlu men loaned on oxiitinz moflguu onto him ga brokers PA wot IMMEDIATE ortgsgc Loans to comulldltn deli pnï¬noll ennuill mortlllu home grovemeptr ole Discuss your pro lems with us Clll lol sppolntment PA 60901 Pu din over smounANEA mmmgmum tun st so nrres close to highwsy Seven Earl room brick dwelling on convenien nu new on mug burn an silo Extrapond terms RENTALS 000K550 AREA PROPERTY FOR ltENT 150 Icrel choice land with stream Bflck dwsulng good hum llrr nUlLllan under construction wul ï¬nish to suit tenant either lament used an good road ms tor humus or prlvlle dwelling Coed spot ior rv repair man rel hone PA 57159 or mrtnav culur NunsING nonms NURSING HOME Nursingcara tor elderly or con vslucent Reasonlbil nth Fill lid319 Nunln Home ï¬rmnich PHONE IVY mu APTS HOUSES T0 RENT CENTRALLY Located Four room aparnslent self contained unfurn ished Available July Telephooh PA H7 ior further particulars WEED three room mute ment tor rent with kitchenette are lace large lovely grounds ar ply l7 heresy strut slepbona woo otters pm BAH END main floor of modern brink bumnlow ï¬ve room heat NY AREA 100 ham or choice lalldi vdih barn and crop Priced to re Pos ulllon magnum AREA 50 hers good lend Close to his Good house ink bum Owner wishing to rotil Make offer HOLLY AREA lbfl acre Rood Mil not too hr trim Ham on road Priced to rel UIHERBIOSEIL rour bedroom house iv storey on rent immedirt possession still ulllknl lamb in tnrmarn or Clara WokernanPA Hui 3119 SnakePA HID Rnnl Estate Board six hoolu Hours on no acrer au conveniences newly decorated and cm is niaclsrae In Most orootn after not 5100 month Available month Pouassion Large lneome homa on Blyfleld street welth up 875 on beat double garage nlca flower and vegetable nlden nea mms sonabie or quick sale Telephone mm 553 Aï¬ï¬mï¬mlï¬fï¬ï¬‚fl 55 tinphonrds parking Ceouul loca tlon Close to new shopping plus 532 MM mfiï¬zg gm Apply at so Eccles Street North all MUNICH boy wlndows mil mu mm or near it fE€ihlf trees completely redecorated substantial down payment Poor °° Mwï¬ï¬rngf blockr from rive Polntr Telephone 565 mu FA PA 54431 PROPERTY WANTED mg Aflffli itsomrmlotg and August $65 month includln WHY LIST WITH CARsouz hydro Telephone Hemlock nails Here are come at the houses re for inrthsr particulars 23 ï¬ng p353332 Two mammal Bachelor npuhnentn or rent Refrigerator gmÂ¥e1imgvlviimï¬ctg 57 and stove supplied mutedjwvm Gowni Sheet no barrie tip town Avstubte mmedintely an Fill In actioncoil It OHIO PA 751 daytime mm ROOM sell contained apartment with rtovs sod rerrb space Telephone dual after pm PA H161 gerator muted in the cut end BUS OPPORTUNITIES 04 mmz npn zpmm nuh lllflflil llï¬ï¬‚ill lï¬ï¬‚llll IE Avnilnhln immedlltaly Telephon PA 61093 ppm numsx spacious thyes room lpnttlncnt with balcony belted heavy duty wiring All rc decorrted Telephone PA usio meal hours or evenings LEADING MANUFACIURER of Farm Tractors AND RENTALS APPS HOUSES T0 RENT Nun Decorstsd thre rocns rim dry thugi via no room ARI 7111 52 luau 821 rummhpkrenent tor rent tnraa rooma and bath heated no month Available July Apply st Worvlcy street or turthar par tlcuiant um Two om Ipamnent with pink me on floor garden Avaushla Jlily in Army It hell Avurno or Telephone PA or drialln mun AND ltlrnlnhll Inn rwin spsrtmsot also ona bed 33 $7 rimas°° no or PA and ampl 95 nvn stools Hob tor not All convenlenceo Availabl my At Illnqu Point close to wotmoot Nant reasonable Nephonl PA oliin or intormrtlon CENTRAL MINI Lower three men milked apartment or 33 Soï¬k itl 53 race Telephoto pit in tumu$ rl man as con par In lnuniry abilities Availbl July ll Wlter and but lip lleti No ly decent one Weldon Telephone PA 8901 mun MIG Room Aplflmln private bathroom on mull floor private venndl Warrior Ind dryer included Fred Partial Telephone PA ml or PA 61052 in china WIRED our room Rpm meat recently reticentted no so on Flows phono PA Owl or Dunlap Int Two noon Iurnlabsd Apartment Heat hydro Ind water included in rent Neat cleln and clone to downtown Reasonable rent Sult gie tor couple Telephone PA Two BIDRDOM numrnlrhed billed npnrlment living Din kitchenette bthroom Panto entrance farting No children Avsuahls lily 15 close in West Phld Plus Telephone PA mm mm ROOM unmrnlnlied Ipln ment and Inn room our piec tiled hllll two And runnertor run ed No children Central lo no on Availbl July 50 man thly Telephone PA 71 or DIP land near crtate PA solII MDDKRN two bedroom unmm inhed rtment Kart eiitl Dnrn hon dn Anti ventilln blinds laundry Iocllltiu Apply in Nlplu Street Tele ona PA Mm ml BOOM unlurnuhed 111m roent separate entrance sell oop hlnrd SIIHUE facilities Newly deconto Avlllnhlt llnmrdlltlly Telephone PA 047 or further intorma tlon NEW AND Kodnrn on Ind CWO bedroom apartmcnu overlooking scenic Kempennlt Buy Elli WA ter parking Ind janitor min included Antoninle rubbing 1a Bllluuv PA THERE ham Apartment with grivntn batbrn hot water oil oiled intern or and hosvy doty rtova included Located on guxtutll Avenue Ally 48 Centre reo boom apartment rtovo sod reidgerator ruppued ot Liiiuilli one rap one am tor rurther datnl EAST END new molllfn thrcn mom llnnlmlshed ï¬tment Bed room large living ooln kitchen with dining ores three place both room self contained heavy ib 1115 PA m0 AVAmAnLl immediately Largo two hedraqln apartment rel con tained stove and reirlgerrtor lup plled Laundry and parking ineli mars Em end Telephone PA to cm aell contained one bed room uniumtrhed meat heat and water laundry trays basement Recently decorated $55 monthly Apply Perl street Apartment DRAM Aplflment or rent Luge Uving room bedroom dim site and kitchen with stove and refrigerator Central Businerr couple gunned Llnblo July Telsp one PA 53575 HANDY Downtown location Apartment or rent consisting ol room and both heated with or without stove sud refrigerator Adults only Apply Harold Hill 55 Dunlop West CLEANInleshEd three room apartment overlooking bay Close to bus sod stores Snltlhld tor cnupla or bltJillnr Available once Rent $5750 monthly Tele phone PA 59193 pomsnlto three rooln apart ment three piece bath heavy duty stove and renigerator Hardwood floors Selr cnntsined Avauabie Apply Armstrongg lsard VI CLEAN QUIET one apartment uvhls room kitchen and bath unflirnlshed lietell with separate entrance lierob nbld rent West end location Tele Phone PA 60009 Two Bhulwolu upstnlrr apart ment for rent unfinished Cen ill Allandale Heat included Avllhbln par month Telephone bedroom ml location Ind hwyosro now r4 mu cmmALLY Located Upper Dup iox for rent two bedrooms iur ninhed or untilrnirbed heat and electricity lupplled Available lm mediateiy Telephone PA was otter pm MUDEBN two bsdroom apart merit stove md ranlgcrntcr rup ileo Laundry and parking tactil es janitor service yuiy 1rcisphona PA 56092 ONE BEDBODM Aplrtmeht rent heated and tarnished in elude private entrance Ind parks tog For outlier details telephone PA um Machinery HAS DEALm mANClUSE 1N mm DISTRICT Excellent potential roll line of quality rgrlcinuirsl tractors and xiichina rartlu oi iniflnttveand round business practloes pour ltoom Apartment tor rent HERE IS tour plefo tiled lingo cltotvnd till en YOUR OPPORTUNITY 335 if tiller mum Com letc detour regarding capital Augurt to monthly Telephone Wm ents territory and poten PA mil he tied it ully on 30 Alma can II W0 in en x80 apartment in stroud nprrtmant hours No children or sis rele phone stroud it tor her iormatiop Tum MOM uniillnlrh apari merilt witiiprivats bathroom stove an tactutlea Central location 55 per manthTelephnnI PA Mm or turtbor details BXCBPTKONALLY an three room unturnlnhed ll ted apart ment including stove and malt enter on ground floor Cantu locltinll Goad partial Telephone PA 51 for further particular nous Pox RENT seven roomr bath is minuter drlva lroln Bar Tie in vulsga or lllllidrie Avail IBARRIEEXAMZINER BARBER SHOP time oowN this choirElmer Wimp in so dweller hunks loclttttll ADPUin moons BARBER suor sigma snomq PLAZA GENERAL inns Flor role at Bonsecoura rs aymen as rent Tel Stroll SillAl or Ply It on Continuum And Eider ll Amour ammoufleluulul llllnfller resort on led simcos Ten units with conveniences lua able July as month with wintaruaii home and Hum sict lease Can Do lean rnytime it phona Mario Cunningham rA impinn PA soon or are so am with Available refriaentor supplied Parking ATTRACTIVE three room untur nirhed heated apartment Rede corated roll ebnlnined with priv bnthroom stays and rdllxeh ator supplied Suitable for busi hes couple Telephno PA Miss Im ROOM heated con joined parnnent including rtove Ind relrlgerntor Situated in to But end Avlillhle immediately Telephone PA sited roe mrther purl10min AVAILAan Immediately 0nd furnished Wittmerit onenun hhed hotb self contained ono child welcome Dlyl PliouI PA 34270 evenings PA 34808 THREE BOOM unlurnhhed Illlfl spent heat water supplied hm ted Bllkn and Dunlap Avklinhlo immedlstely For outnu inlan mutton Telephone PA 8WSLnl PA 55677 WANTED TO RENT Its Pin RENTALS Am HOUSES TO BENT Two hoods rprnlnbed artnut lot In Cold Inter Sui hid or one or two sdnlta Available now Tclephnna PA was evening Two loos lmlnhed smell or run with manual suit able or one or two adults Ar ply at no lull Avenue Norris must location six room ulr gurnlanm boon for not on hub log Gmgn available Available July 17T pnona PA Men or limel omrtion bloom room bungalow in cloning su conveniences Nicely situated mm muev noln Elms Garden Avallahla August Tele nons PA solos or rnrthvr pm indiu oNl BEDROOM apartment in nice location Relrilenlor stove and host included with an Itorlld Print entnlice Parks lug Balcony Walloon Bu ultl Telephmu PA room apartmvnt stov and erltor suppulsd laundry parking Isculiios Andrianilor services 3105 men ano tenn lease Avault lle um Telephone PA POUR noon Apartment unturm lined nested Private baihrouo trout knd back entrsn heavy wiring laundry room dren welcome Available July Apgx 33 BI deld st or telephone Furnillied inrea room apartment with bath ground floor separate entrance large modern kite olrundry month Ava nhlo July Tele phonl PA one WANTED TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET Suitable or light industry Cen trally located in Barrie Write iulldetnilo to BOX 14 BARRIE EXAMINER DEPENDABLE Couplo wlah to rent or bedroom house urethra ably or Iplrtlndnt with yard our school and downtown llental starting July 15 Wriih Mr Hewitt Mellonid Avenul North any ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED bright nourckerplng room or rent Located close in Plain Pllu Stove nilqu tor included Ample par avsuahle Telephone PA 33 bright bed caNmAr Location room and kitchen tnr rent ruilv mmlsbed personable rent with neat Ind light included ideal or algal person Telephone PA ROOM or soon Howl COOKING Lunches packed it desired Pnrklnx flcllltilx Room msy be had without board it dc rlred Telephone PA com AVArLAnLn Room and pond Suiubll tor gentlemen or two pm to share room lterular bus service Located in But end or city Telephone PA um Ea QUEENS PARK District noon and board available or three per sons Gentlemen presetred Tele phuolno PA 57165 or thrillr de AVAILABLE rllomn sud Board 10 on gentlnman hullbl July near General Electric Perkin spun Apply 38 Sanford lizeet or telephone PA 53155 SUMMER RESORTS LONGWOOD LODGE Lovely pllymui mlnloln rooms hot and cold water very good oshing Only one mil to pelt and tennis cum We have intropun cuisine Eur opelh chat and an home coeklnr Very reasonabl rates Meals can be served at all times for outsid eil Weeliend guests Ind Imlllel In welcome Clare to and go course TELEPHONE smuun mm cannons FOR sans snANTg nay pahquana Larg winterized waterrront cottage and boa nre drined well bathroom sma cash payment Apply John stons Cottage Lit concession east Shanty ransom COTTAGES To nENr CONGENIAL Couple wili khan nicely situated well turnished modern cottage Mlndla Point All convenience Write Box as Barrie Examiner tor particulars comnï¬y Furnished Call at Leonards Beach or rent from gnlynl to iï¬ucnixlezuly glint in or lay on clgh ers Telephone PA 54497 °u mmrtlm BAY 30 roller north on Georgian Bey nicely rltuated well turnlshed three bedroom was tertront eottage with au city conl venlences stone phone PA 39933 Palm nannomvi Cottage at Thom der Broomhear Penetang on tbo pistoltrout Available ï¬rst three weeks or July Tuck 7313151 donnld street Barrie LAKEFRONT C0311 or rent Will sleep four Impaled It Dru Belch Sale belch hlld sWimmanv good ï¬shing use of boat weekly Telephone Org COTTAGE Port RENT Big Bay Polot Elrfle only 10 miles New with modern conveniences snie bottling beach Available July 15 August Telephone PAWI ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED areplace Tele Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Siére 55 DUNLOP sT Wm PHONE PA um WANTED 170 ohm but its trucl We have to move Our honh has been sold Yolnuoiiecuttvo end who with large young Amity require or bedroom home with nanvnnlmeel and good play ysrd immediately ilslerences ii desired naot should be rolsonllile Wiu consider npflon to by errligament or possibly purchase with ripp pomwwmmrn luttahln An otters considered Phon PIA um