HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE no ll MM SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CREIGHURST Mrs Mable Brown and Mr and Mrs Pettigrew and fondly Hamilton are at their summer home here Rev William Newman is visit Inz in StreeLrville Mr andMrs William wu llama at Vancouver nailed on old irienda on Friday Mr and James Fraser of Don put if oil Auncourt were guests oi Mr and Mn Bert Caston Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and baby at Pelcrborouzh viril ed reintives at the weekend Mrs Prince will visit Currie Baldwin tor week Mr Pedllnsharn Mrs Sinion and Mrs George Sheiï¬eld at tended the Wnsi Simcoo WA tliJeanery in Stayner on Wedner ny Mrs Freeland and childlen oi his is limited offer SEE ONE OF THESE FIRESTONE DEALERS BILL BARRYS SHELL SERVICE Dunlap Si or Anno St PA 87128 BURNS GARAGE SHELL SERVICE 202 Blake St PA 83006 non COWDEN TEXACO SERVICE Tiffin Street at lnnisfil Sr PA 85301 EIRMRNs TEcho SERVICE 83 Dunlop Sr PA 35845 ELGIN HRRRIS SHELL SERVICE Dunlap St of Bradford Sf 82872 TERRY HARRIS rmR SERVICE it Callie Sh RA 875M North mrintmunnd flingingm The infant who Mr and Mrs Hardy ol Midhurst was christened in St Johns Church Sunday by Dr Lithlbourn ind named Mark Willllm Allan The 55 picnic at St Johns Church will be held July at Orr Lake Park Mrs Hilda Richardson and Mr and Mrs Ron Richardson and baby at Toronto visited Mrs Hodgson Sr on Sunday The LOL servicewill be held at Dalston United Church July at 10 oclock Try An Examiner WontAd PKONE PA 8H POPULAR DEMAND AT REGULAR No other tires ofler so many Firestories famous rib tree enjoy the long lowCost mile tread compounds Champion with stronger Safety Champions are top value at regular PRICES make thein once in 1i£e CHECKYQUR srzrsjnivp SAVINGS PAIR PRICE SALE PRICE 2693 rv Sale pricesérelbasedon Exchange oivyourjretreadabietradeiii gt ALL TIRES MOUNTED FREE mourn ROAD HAZARD itiliARANIEE The Angus United Church rer vico or the month oi July will he held at 11am while Rev and Mrs Willis are on hol lday July 2nd and 9th service will be taken by Edward Brown July 18 by Thomas Bmlle July by Mr Langman and July so by Wilton Creed Congratulation to Air and Mrs Dale Johnson on winning Caribbean cruise which Dale won at the Admiral Convention at Niagara Falls last week Mr and Mrs Johnson will be taking the cruise lateron this Fall Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alan Dean of Toronto nee 0N5 lg features for so little money You get design to prevent skidding You age of Firestones eircluéiire RubbervX For your extranflietY Firestone builds the Teneioned Tyreva cord rice Special PICKAPAm limb bargain Tyre Inc vougsiive pws LIFETIME enmitng Katheleno Lacey lormerly of Anmonthebtnhoi baby girl June 23 Mr and Mrs Fred Latimer spent day with Mr and Mrs William Dempster Utopia Mn Andrew Miscampbell oi Beeton visited Mr and Mrs Ered Latuner and Mrs Sand lord Dempster June in and also attended the service at the cem titty Gordon Bush is Loatient in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Mr and Mrs Thomas Duck worth Clifford WDuckworth Barbara and Erma visited rel lh olives at Vasey June 25 Rev AZE Willis returned home June 24 aiter spending week at the School at Religion at the Western Umverlity law Rev adirri Robert Lacey and family were guests or Mr and Mrs Eiiom mend Mr nnd Mrs Geosge OCon nor and iarnily Barrie Terrace spent Sunday with Mr and bird Frank OConnor Mr and Mrs George Broatch at Hamilton spent the weekend with their son and daughterin law Mr and Mn ohe rr Ematch Centre Street Bert Wilioughby is patient in Patton Rut Home Shyner Master Allan Gaulher is pa tlent in the Royal Victoria Hot pilal Barrie BUGBE Mrs irwin Judd and children Royal Oair Michigan Ipent new era days with Mrs Juddr por ems Mr and Mrs Thornu Rod gera Several children irom the school took part in the Music Festival on nmday evening It On Memorial Park Mrs Jack Scott Sharon Mia Nylo Scott Mrs Wilfred John start and Mrs Berna Johnston were in Goldwater Saturday at lendingthe weddinp in the Ang lidan Church 01 hiiss Joyce Wal ker and Wesley Adam Mr arid Mrs Orville Hill and family Hlllbdolc Visited Mr and Mrs Earl Robertson William Roberton and Mr and Lira Gordon Moo TheJune exurzre over and the children are looking forward in the holidays Mr and Mn Archie Leigh and iamily Lions Head visited Mr and Mrs iodhopc Several resident of the com munityvaitended the decoration service at Knox Grinch ON on Sunday MKS PUBLIC OWNERSHIP LONDON CPI The Labor party Wednesday prescribed in creased state intervention solution for Britnlns problem The partyl domestic policy statement is nailed Signposts or the Sixtiee In Safety compiling segmeiméaï¬Ã© precision bladed tread used as original equipment tires on Canadas ï¬nest 1960 cars Theyre made with longmileage Firestone BubbeliX and Safety Teneioned Tyrexkcord An additional bonils is Firestones exclu eive Speedwayde construction that gives you protection againstheat and impact damage PickoPair of Canadasinosis popular replacementqu now and get one at half price REGULAR Pumice PlCKAPAIR SALE PRICE 55015 $4150 67o15 4540 35 Imamrm Sale piices appiy exchang fyourlret Wlï¬ um 3300 noon Minew Mikeoblide SEE ONE OFTHESE FIRESTONE DEALERS MIDDELS GARAGE and XIICO SERvicr Hwy 21 South PA 8444 OWENS rmrsERvIcr STATION Ill Bmdiord It PA 5858 Schandiena FINA Emir Anna It otJohn St PA 53311 RUSSELL srRRNRGHRN morons farmaim Si EA Mm snow SERVICE CENTRE Strand of Youngs IGA