little Barrie girls will be plfymg with svrt of dark Pak islnni children near the Khyber Pam West rakstao shortly They are Ruth and Joan Free man daughters of Mr and Mrs Reginald Freeman of 99 Dnny 182 no girls will accompany our mother Mundane PM man to Pakistan August Reginald Freeman then fallAer will fly from Malian July 16 m5 Freeman has obtained leave of absence from his posh toinas meter and relay en gineer with the Ontario Hydro Commissinniuardertoworkon the Colombo Plan Warsak pm lect lho Warsak project com bined hydroelectric power irrigation venture jointly flll anood by Canada and Pakistan through the Colombo Plan ngmcmonts GREAT OPPORTUNITY We believe it to be great opportunity Mr Freeman said ight to expose ourselm ally the children to ucutional procms that not easily otherwise be We intend to immase ves in and learn much of dian culture and way of We will gain new of Canada mid western is 10 and Joan is eight es from the Ontario Delt ent of Education as they bably he the only white in the community Many of the girls present playmates have indicated do sire to go with them The girls prospects and are taking of games with them They eir only disappointh is th liinkie lheir eightvmonth chaired trrricn will not stay one year at the pro they will be taking most ir household effects with excluding furniture They allowed totake 2800 pounds item on their list is years ply of bleach and detergent nearest store is 20 miles will live it an aircondi MEP BORDEN CaptAl Bernard McRae who served in Roman Catholic Church in is until the Japanese occu fun in 1944 today celebrated hi 25tb year as an ordainet Army Chaplains Corps burn in St Raphaels Ont ut 70 miles from Cornwall lie was educated at farm Acad wiil take correspondence priest At Borden arks 25th Year atner Mamie 45 Royal Can Ehr Thom Examiner CITY AND COUNTY NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNE 1961 Locctl it Girls Parent lan Pakistan Ve nture wmnormn Boomn To RemOVe BCIIS From Reformaiories To remove In many steel bars from reformatories as possible is the goal of Ontarios Mlnlsier of rn institutions Hon George Wardrope The min ister made this announcement while inspecting the Ontario Training School Cadet Corps at Camp Borden yesterday Mr Wardrobe bnped this would be accomplished after the feder WEATHER Synopsis Warm weather has returned to Ontario and for the next few days woshuuld be able to look forward to more auxinoer like weather than we have been experiencing However two wrair storm centres in North ern Ontariomay cause few showers or thunderstorms Lake Erie mthern Lake Hu ron Niagara regions thsor London Hamilton Sunny and warm today but with cloudy in tervals this afternoon Chance of shower or thunderstorm briefly during the late after noon or evening Mostly cloudy warm and humid Thursday with scattered showers and thunder storms Winds southwest 15 Lake Ontario ilnliburton re gions Toronto Cloudy with sunny intervals today Scattered showers with chance of thun derstorm this title noon but clearing in the evening increas ing cloudiness warmer and morrhumid Thursday becom ing overcast with showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon Winds southwest 15 Northern Lake Huron Geor gian Boy Timagaml Cochrane regions Sudbury North Bay Variable cloudiness today few showers lhismornhig and likely again late in the after oon and evening Cloudy warm and hinnldfhursday with scat tered showers and thunder storms but clearing in the AKISTANBOUND BARlIIE ii POSE STEPS tioued thrce bedroom home electric power is available mvsver they will have to take transformer 35 the installer tions are 50 cycle over there Their house on Drury Lane has been sold and they moved to their cottage at Calthew Bay this morning When they returnto Barrie next year they should have much to tell Mrs Freeman said and st Augustines Sem Bishop of Alexandria Bi Felix Courtier ordained Suffiocr for the Scarbord Foreign Missions on June 28 that St Raphaels 37 Capt McRae left for ietys Mission in China re hï¬ining there until forced to evv ateinthe summer of 1044 en the Japanese occupied th vince of Chelciong church was making great gross unfortunately due to mmunism all priests and min ers were forced to leave and ï¬ve up their missionary endea vjourn Capt McRno sail on of the first of the Scar issionary Fathers to take workin Japan Father Mc spent four years in Tokyo on his return to Canada was ttached to the societys promo ion department Iii the early days in China cm McRAE Since October of 1953 Padre McRae has served as chap lain in the Canadian Army at Kingston Korea lorou and presently Camp Borden WILL VISIT CHINA LONDON Reuters Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery said Tuesday night he go to Communist China in Septem ber for one month visit Mybgbmsmmmawu Vessine chinofftho old bloolclfll1y ragul already sothghlsmoneysohocan gotoootlego Thats right Yes slr chip affine old black Wouldnt be surprised It toe gets to be big tar on the football team Heslust like the saving your money Speak up boy old maribNovy boytelt em where youre new meaï¬mt or mud scam sweating from purple colored liliM NEWS From the INFORMATION BRANCH ONT DEPT AGRICULTURE Lawn burn may not he rec ygnized by the medical pro sssion but the Field Crops 3ranch Ontario Department of Agriculture confidently fore casts an epidemic this year it starts as burning sensation in the stomadi and ends in violent forehead These symptoms are accompanied by slow mnsn which rapidly becomes gibber ing shriek People most susceptable to thiSv condition are those who have spent between $50 $50000 per acre on topso ilizer seed and blood sweat and tears in an attempt to start new lawn and see gyowing instead Crabgrnss is an annual weed cgahgrass faster than Junior can wreck new toy Crabgrass seedlings have purplish tingehand rap idly send out branches along the ground These root at the joints and form mat that smothers out everything other crahgrass seedlings spraying with crabgtnss killers raldng seed heads up and clip ping them off close to the ground and following directions given in the 1951 id to Chemical Weed Control Fertilizing heav ily and letting the grass grow taller set the mower as high as it will go will help in smother ing out crabgrass 1321 MM We use only the Mofop leaves and the bud to give Saisrln Tea Its finer flavour Youll find onlytheflnestlngredlents for better flavour In all saladsShirrlffHorsay food products Evs Sands Shin tenancy product is ounh guaranteed by gossgnlnn ym Eitcellsnco which can take over new lswn Control measures include afternoon Winds southwest 15 to 20 becomin gr northwest 15 Thursday afternoon Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Thursday Windsor 60 80 St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharmcs Toronto Peterbnrough Trenton Killsloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Esrlton Kapusk White River Moosonee ssgnnnncsn Sunglasses sass Tshirt $395 Dock pant $593 Shown Shoovlnu Hst $398 32 belongs sr Mnldoursx arnlo pm branminor on no lingerie VCXOrsetry Closed Wed Afternoon al government assumes custody of all persons serving more than one year This will leave us with only what might be called minor of fenders and it is my intention to cure them not cage thorn he said Maximum security units willstillberetalned in the re form institutions NUMEROUS CHANGES We have abolished whipping improved meals enlarged ath letic andrecreationni programs increased facilities for vocation al and academic training and made numerous other improve ments he said Mr Wardrape said that the cadets he inspected are living proof of what can be accomplish cd with kindness and freedom Our instructors are being trainlt ed to cultivate friendship and exert constructive influences on their charges who are mostly cm JAMES GAYFER ErrBorden Officer Gels Post To Navy CapL James Gayfer of Tor onto director of the Canadian Guards Band since l954 and for merly of Camp Borden will be come an instructor at the Royal Canadian Navys Band School at HMCS Naden Esquimnlt BC early in July Capt Gayfer is graduate of the Royal Military School of Mn sic London Engfan vwhere he obtained his diplom as Licen tiate of the lioynlAcademy of Music andAssociate of the Roy al Collegeof Music Since the war he has held ap pointments at Oakville as Direct or of Music of 1st Canadian ln fantry Brigade Band at the Roy al Canadian School of Infanty at Camp Borden and finally the Canadian Guards Band at 0t tawa young and imPNSSiQHIbler he said Rather than emphasizing pun ishment the department intends to operate preparation denim equipped and staffed with per sonnel to help offenders face re ality and llvehsppy productive tivesrhe said Mr Wardrope was accompan ed by DeputyMinister tiraham and the Rev Martin Pinker chairman of the training schools advisory board This first official inspection party headed by minister spent the day with 79 cadets The boys will leave Camp Borden Friday Thu corps has been in exist cues for nine years and with the cooperation of the army nulli nrllies has attended the cadet corps camp annually At first the camp was held at Picton PE but for the last few years has been at Camp Borden The co is one of seven which for all ation and inspection purposes come under command ing officer of the Oshawa regi ment The period of training at the sdiool is under the direction of the area cadet officer at Kingston The camp is the cli max of the annual training pro gram TAKE OVER TRAINING In camp the army personnel take over the training of the corps iusuch matters as drill rifle training range firing and first aid Coupled with this is program for rams swimming and conducted tours of Camp Borden Certain of the staff from 0nt ario Training School Bowman ville are also in attendance to look after the cadetl outside parade bum At the end of the course tro phles are awarded to the st troop the best cadet and the most improved cad et in the corps Each cadet completing the course satisfactorily will receive certificate andthese together with the trophies will be prev rented by the minister July it at Bowmanvllle Plan PlayReading Through Summer Weekly playreading semions have been scheduled hero throughout the sintimer spon sored by the Barrie Droma Workshop committee The pub liels being invited to partici pate in the sessions being held each Monday at 8lSpm at the me of Mm Boos 55 Drury Since its formation less than year into the comm line has sponsored 12week course in drama and more recently night of oneact workshop pro ductlons Kiwanis Hear 0i Work By Club For Crippled Children Dollars rounded up by the Soo icty for Crippled Children stretch long way toward sending local children for holidays at Blue Mountain Camp Mike Winder chairman of the crippled children conuniltee of the Barrie Kiwanis Club told club meeting Monday the three week holiday costs about $8 apiece toward which cost Kiwan is club and Harrie Venture Club contributed $620 last year about onethird of the cost More than four dozen local children have recently received assistance he said involved are the several communication prob MAY RESIGNT TORONTO CF The Tele gram said Nesday there are growing reports that Hon Charles Daley Ontario labor minister since 1043is prepar ing to resign The newspaper said Queens Park speculation has Enery Minister Robert Macaulay 40 succeeding Mr Daley 70 vlems associated with such eid like telephone calls letters and personal calls This year further 16 children go to Blue Mountain sponsored by the Kiwanis Club committee Camping is considered an im portant progrnmjor these child ren the chairman advised The campis served by past president Jack Butler is board of directors executive member for the sec iety Main St Vin Btayner 25mm for your everyjsunini The Swiss Nursing Home Otto and Elizabeth Hunzlker nurses are pleased to announce the opening of their Nursing Home Nursing Homelvfor Elderly People and Bed Pat ients Reasonable Rates Male ridFemale Nursein Attendance Telephon stayrier 550 1961 Gran GrantAlbert Snow was among the graduates of tho 1561 class of the School of Med lcine University of Tomato Graduation exercises were held June 14 Dr Snow who is alsoa graduate of St Andrews College Aurora is interning at Wellesley Hospital Toron to Hels the son of Mr and Mrs Snow Downsvlew Drivennd is married to the former Marion Ferris of Bar ne MABINE Marina forecasts valid 11 am Thursday Northern Lake Huron Georg inn Bay Southwest winds 15 to 20 knots becoming westerly at is knots Thursday morning Scattered showers and thunder storms this morning nnd again tonight Southernlakc Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Soudrwcst winds 15 to 20 knots Fair Jiniii weather but chance ota shower or thunderstorm this evening LEFT 8000000 OAKLAND a1 AP Henry Kaiser Jr left an es tate estimated at 8000000 most of it in trust funds the in dustrialists lawyer told court Tuesday The estimates were made by Paul Marrln in seeking $5000 monthly allow ance from current cash assets of the estate for the widow Bar bara Elsie Kaiser Kaiser died May STAYNER Ontario Hat $393 Timepiece plsynuii 1493 Shoes $298 Shown at Resort Hot 5199 Fontop 93 Jamaica Shut $395 er activity