SIMCOE COUNTY News CENTRE VESPRA hlr and Mrs Wailwin Ross and itirs Emma Jones motored to Region to visit Mr and Mrs Walter Wallwin and other relatives Senior studran enjoyed bus trip to Collingwood lilonday while junior pupils and preschool were treated to picnic at the school Mrs Ottaway and Mr and hire Gerry Laverne Terry and Janice oi London were recent visitors at Dobsons Mist Harvey unior mom tea cher will be married July in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Mr and Mrs Selling recently bought and moved into the new home built by Pratt Wh on weather permits the hard top will be put on between Coo and Sunnldale Road Miss Lorraino Kidding in home alter recent tonsil op eration in Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital Sid llioney is home alter re cent appendix operation last week Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs Saunders Eileen die and Lynda in the sudden and untimely deaui at lovtng husband and lather cooxsrown LIONS CLUB LADIES NIGHT Cookstown and District Lions club brought another season to close with their annual Ladies Night in Cookstown Town Hall June 21 The Womens institute catered to delicious roast beet dinner lor 46 Lions and guests Following dinner Lion presi dentelect Harold itieKiliican in troduced the guest speaker of the evening Don Downoy or Al liston Mr Downey showed lor ge collection oi slides and gave commetary oi his experiences in Ballin Land When he was in oharge oi weather station there few years ago The remainder oi the evening was spent dancing to the music of Beattys Orchestra ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS At the Parish Guild eonveners meeting the ladies decided to sponsor cold meat supper and strawberry tea on the lawn at Mr and Mrs Wood Saturday July 15 Sunday School at St Johns Church will be discontinued until the month of September VISITORS Mr and Mrs Pinkney and son Robert oi Goderich visited Mrs Pinkney and Mr and Mrs i3 Pinknay during the week end Weekend guests of Mr and CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You are declarer with the West hand at Five Diamonds The bidding has been Went mirth East South 21 Pass Pass Nautioadathoidngotcbibs Bowwouidyenplaythehano AJB Eizomaee no 3343 You are declare with the West hand at Three Nolarlimp The bidding has been West North East South Pass Paaa it 31 P835 BNT North leads the eight or opinion South plays the Idng and you duck Soutb returns the jack of spades NDrth fol lowLog low How would you play the hand ¢AQ4 K5 10 The possible losers are two hearts and club North may have the AQ of hearts in addi tion to the K42 of clubs To over come this danger prepare tor an endplay 462 vnqm enema harass Win the king of clubs with the ace draw trumps cash the KQ of spades overtaking the second one with the ace and cash the jack of spades discarding club lrnm dumy Then play the jack of clubs North wins but is torc ed to lead heart or else give you nllf and discard Lead the ten of clubs and finesse against the que on If North has thequeen you make nine tricks consisting of th spades three hearts diamond and three clubs But if you attempt the dia mond ï¬nesse first you go down it it turns out that South has the icing of diamonds and ace of clubs Soutll would take the diamond and return spade to establish his uitand would still have the ace of clubs for entry The point is that the diamond finesse can be taken just as well late as early and there is no needto test that linesse imme diatciy lithe diamond iinesse is iirst and fails there maybe no recovery But it you take the club lines se first and it loses to the queen you still have chance to tail back on the diamond ï¬nesse and will make the contract it it turns out that North has the king The club finesse leaves you with an alternative play the diamond linosae does not VIBES Tomorrow An odd result Mrs Fiidey were their son Doug Hamilton Miss Donna Barratt oi binder and Mr and Mrs Ken Pildey and lamiiy oi Barrie Mrs McMaster oi Tomato spent few days with Mrs HZ Miller Merwood hurling oi Niagara Falls NY spent low days in town Mr and Manolter Korchttk and baby daughter at Tomato spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs and Carr Mrs Harold Balbert of Alliston visited Dr and Mrs Leadi on Thursday Mr and Mrs Kidd and Mr and Mrs Bertles of Ed monton took motor trip to Nia Substan Sa gain Falls and the SLLawreneo Seaway last week Mr and Mrs Foster Beth Coleen oi Kingston spent law days with Mr and hire John Taylor and family Harold liciniiicanl lton and rian motored to Creighton Mines on nursday evening and returned on Sunday Mrs Molly Dehiontiord is working at the new Chatterbox restaurant at Wabausbeoe tor several weeks FAMILY REUNXON On Saturday June 24 the Kidd lamiiy bad reunion oi their lamiiy with all the children and grandchildren being togeth er tor the ï¬rst time Those pres out were Mr and Mrs Bert LowPriced Window Screen Electric Fans lea Barbara Peter and Paul oi Edmonton Alberta Sir and Mrs William Lam LindsaySus an and Peter oi Wymdotte Mi chilan Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd David and Judy at Toronto Mr and Mrs Keith Cause Michael andSooit oi Scarborough Mr and Mn Bruce McLean ob Elizabeth Dam and Joanne oi Cockatown lhe Cola lamiiy held reunion at the home at Mr and bin Stan Schram Mount Albert Sun day June Attending iron Cookstown were Mrs ColE Mrs Ney Mr and Mrs Wil liam Riley and Mr and Mrs it Coutta BIRTH Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Coburn on the birth at son at Stevenson Me morial Hospital Alilston Pri dal June Donald Smith andAlian Pow TOS sleep in cool oomtort ohts summer with one or those worth while items Deni ed to draw in cool air and when reversed to remove stale air cooking odours ebo Easily moved from roomtit room tits sash windows 22 cord EATON Special Price each 5014 Quii Ride EAT spool RETREAD to 37 Wlds Complete with No Tradein Tire Required Tubelem Blackwall tires made from the finest casings and designed with longmileage cold rubber treads Guaranteed against road hazarda or 12 Months With full retread not reeapl EATONS Specials on SummerFun Barbecues and Housewares Special Purchase 24 vMoIo rized BarbeCue with Warming Oven and Side Table EATON Special Price eaeh Deep bowl about 24 has Chromiumplated spit and iorirs adjustable grill ished body hood and side table Easyrolling wheels About 46 high 24Bnrbeulle illustrated Similar to above but less hood sideiable spit and motor About 29 high Barbecue Covers Beavergaugmrvinylrlastic in colourful design med barbecues Sale each 24 fits 24 mo 25 lbs briquets Compre dvhardwood char floatt lor an intense even ea Copperione Sale each 799 loam any Sale 25 the 199 30 Elvi othen troy scalloped edges and llbulieflb Arid rem motll on an afl White atlpple back ground Braas colour edlegr have plaatic 899 serves as stacker or gifEisjrnllr ulosrosiirunlliiv no in Special Purchase SEO 01 King Size iy my Tobias have my ordlna 1295 EATON Special Price set tipped toet One tray ell passed their year at hereon Toronto Don will be returnm in the Fall Bruce Edgar apublie who teacher from Camp or del spoke at tho Preilyierian Church last Sunday Rev Me Carroll at Hamilton will be the guest speaker on Sunday July WONDER VALLEY Delno Jermey has had his arm bulldmga tresth painted on the exterior Joe McLean has moved one oi bis barns closer to the main barn and is having them remod elled Alvin Smith has had hi1 barn and drive shed painted 0n Sundal June 18 the intent daughter at Mr and Mrs Part ridge was baptized There were our generations oi the lamiiy Save 32000 Ranch Wagon Barbecues with Hood Spit and Motor Ordinarily 5995 EATON Special Price each 39955 Designed with ChromiumpII ted adjustable slanted EH11 so grease can drain into trout trough spit and forks atalnl steel body and hand Ru stainless steel nldetablu and accessory tray Deep ï¬rebox rubber wheel and Carter for aslymovlnz About to 44 Barbecue Covers Heavygauge vln ll Ranch Vagonypameheocoif oiliflll design stei Price each Adjustable Ironing Boards Sturdy metal board ltliltlis to positions from 14 to so in height Eu peflflrk ted surface for cooler Iron tog enamelled ï¬nish the Chrom iumplated re nrorced lep have rubbertipde eat colour of Co per Ordinarily rstl Pad iii Cover sets iron Beat rubbercushion pad with San ed in iorlzed er navy cotton irTinl Iiunflll Fits alistndard atno present at Oren Eltobe aer vice Mn Gentle Atkinson is under the doctorI are Bliss ltubldse and pupils at Oakland iiiil School attended the Music Festival at OrePark on June Mrs Grapple is visiting her son in Sudbury Congratulations to Jeanette Jermay who passed her Grade theory mm with honors The Crown Hill WA catered to teachers banquet Monday GUTHRIE Mrs Mason arrived last weekend from Salisbury Eng land to make her home with her son Sgt Maior Mateo Mr and Mrs MocCuaig have announced the larrival of baby boy on June is hit and Mrs Gilchrist 1111 Bertmo huntad Mrs Campbell Edwards oi Hawkestone andJ Mr and Mrs mid Walker oi Barrieattended the diamond wedding anniversary oi Mr and Mrs Walker in Tomato June 17 Severallrom here attended Junior Farmers Field Day at Guelph June Toddler is Killed By Gravel Truck CHESTERVIILE CPt Ka ren Dyan Droppa iourycarold daughter of Mr and liar lion aid DNPW was killed Tuesday night when she stepped into the path at gravel truck in the community 30 miles southeast of Ottawa COMMENCING THURSDAY MORNING ALL BUSINESSFROM OUR ORDER OFFICE DUNLOP STREET WEST WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO THE CATALOGUE SHOPPING CENTRE INOUR STOREAT 114 DUNLOPSTREET EAST ukmunm mmwznuunavamnul Farmer Killed In Havaaier mummu CPLEA district turner was killed may when be war dragged through hay baier George Wm 35 at Capetown was pronounced dud at the wane lie knight bandrinthamachtna andwar dragged throuxb nocx srsaM earns OPEN DAILY Ian to pan PA 8711 Outstanding Sale Savings on Tough EasilyCleaned Linoleum Tiles oider these ir teltbas domestib tiles iriuaiuu is torn or Summer cottage need an attractive Inlnld marbleeffect ammonia childrens qum whereier you Kerksaving flour sillfleet mourn cocoons MANY olsconrmueo lle narcome mm Stainless Steelwora Gieaflllnl cooking uieii ail iiesiznedwltn cut bon7aiivy corel rnr rut even hinting All pieces hava navmimel rim niumitunz lids altar composition linear and handler with em up rum ordinllfl 1° nan0N eelni Prion eae 179 zamn alilaecm Price ere 199 cow Double Boiler ear 748 saucepan 595 of nan0N Spock Price each Rex EATON Special Pri neh 39Piece racowmn Dinner Set mm Border Pattern 15 nolirr EATON Solo ea more 155 onosnn so 5va is Melamine to Melamine rlutlc dinnerware resistant and lb colour are baited right in or year oiuinl Flat pieces in pattern hollow placesvln solid Blue on our includes each lo dinnm covered roeor broad and butters cups and nuts ileum bowiayceo elrnowla cream lnd 13 onto crack and bruit nelulu 2435 slurolrnnecllI Pflceench Enron oo LT BARBIE ONT