Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1961, p. 22

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SUMMER RESORTS COHAGES To BENT ooNalNuI couple will nbuo nicely eitneled Ill lentbed modern talk at Hillel Palms All conveninul Write no 3mi Ixuiilnu or partialn 0an furnishd College II mnude Beech ior reel trnrn lulyltoISeddlolynuntIiLr nor Du Will deep elm person Telephone PA um 11ml BAY so mile north on Georqu hey nlcely mulled thi trimmed In bellman II ieriront college with Ill city uni venieecu stone droolta Tel phone PA as COTTAGES WANTED wANm bedroom eollegt close to nude or week or lub Ms Approximetely soil Write Alinu no use Neptnee Ont =5 ARTICLES SALE EWSPAP ER MATS men or Lining mgI etc his sue until hull ll parcel lneuletor 25c PERDOZIm Beni We serrie enterin TOP SOIL GRAVEL AND FILL LOADS AND TRUCKS for hire JOHN ELLIS Construction PA 84000 OR PA amt BARRIE HARDWARE TOR Tllr our IN APPuANclx wooDs mm in nu it ier in how low price on BEAN WRme Wilsme complete with also or In low BE LIKE Tim am BUY THEwa et 40 BAVFIEu gr PA om FILL YOUR FREEZER with the hum Ind BLUI MEATS ETC 100 fiunrenteed Queilly nudge Telnu en olden $5000 end over Cmplet Lino or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES ere evenole to than who who to porchre their order dhily et your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 45 Turin 5mm BARR Pliom PA wool Free Delivery Open Fridly till liars PATIO STONES mi equere thick WATIB P5001 Oomim rm Sarieant co Ltd Mary Street 4ARTICLES forSALE filmy 055wng HAVE YOU Barrie Auction Rooms and second Hand Store DUNLDP ST PHONX PA sun RETREADS FOR SUMMER DRIVING AT DOMINION TIRE STORE 11 MARY $1 BARRIE Aler DINIWAYI Telephone PA mu nieherPemnd Limited CASH nanrug Sulih Carnal list like now Will cell cheep eiephnne PA Hus BULLDOZING AND Gndinl Pith Pond cenetrnctioo Milly In PA 541 duNl lllClAll singr Golden Glide Vlcuuni cleencr reduced uh singer Sewing Centre at Dudlop street Well henin nmu cubic reetAdnllreI upright tor me In need condl lion Telephone strood ulu drier on lor rorlher deuile TAhPAlJuN or role if li med lust like new will all or 531 Telephone PA Lulu ior lure lher deteille ovum GAMGS noon new riced end up Also CAhln ul was 15 mo Tele wood or Inly in Her eue phone street moron mall lor me so loch loo aendron Deby Gerrire Ynhlu cemcre when an hecue hemehlrwnle II Ido Cnnk noAP sution bagr out its Tallinn THO6W ee work and runs very well 9000 miles nddlebgl cnkhbom turn lenllabwlndshllid Torme en nged App Lu rite Anna tm my ulnar ziliiz fiillll Iliimioolti gum or role in clude rpribg mettrerl bed vul lly dresser end cbet or dnwere Sulllblo or cotton 15 Tele phone PA um umozumn or lc vnung 95 cubic ieet silo ho hhhd Lawn Mower Clemson Haiti yard conditionielepholie PA WASHING MACHINE or nle good working order elro mined Tillie end our cheln ideel Ior coun selling rouounbly Tele phone Comp Iladen lull JUN aPlzclAhl The unions sllc gee vaIeOhitle ngan sewing Mecbine or only $16950 singer Sewlng tentre nunlcp Street West Blme ruNn lPSClALi The powerml RnllOM gic Veeuum aleoer inr the epe el price or 950 singer sewing entre no nunlop strect Well Berrie JUNE sPlchAui Buttonhole look are reduced to la price Alro rev orhl notion items euch er picking ehcnn and skirt mlrkurs Singer Sewing mom Dunlap st CLEARANCE or ell uled Veeeum cleenere All In ilrst clul ehepe xii end up Apply Hoover Slice and service it Dunlop art PA BICYCLBS or nle two glrlr Boys Motor Bike dim hp eleclt trlc motor with gen rntnry pump All in good eondi on Tele phone PA mu BICYCLE boy threvspeed cm with kink stud Also Higgins Cebln Tent 570 Both In excellent condition Telephone PA 31510 mil SPECIAL menu new sin ger round bobbin onqu with reverse stitch Spec II $4950 Ely singer Sewing Iihcbine uniop street west Derrie firms Portebler or low 53951 yllr lulmiee Tenn $4 down 83 per week stu dent rentele re elm star writer con 24 redierd St $659 NEARLY NEW Furniture Chem tcriields Davenhs odd Choirs chests or anen Bedroom Pur niture also lielrlgeretore and Stores Apply nunsell church um glileflflamu Burton Avenue COMBINATION Clsh Register end Adding Machine McCullough mil chain saw Armsirong let pump almost new Electric welded 90000 BTU grevity Iurnece nuke on litter Apply at 99 Victoria street or telephone PA M414 Floor Covering and Rugs SANDRAN in ix reel width $179 SQ YARD GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM WE in 12 mt whine TREAN AND HlARiDENCr GAME IN ROLLS end 12 reet wide Well to weu cupetr leld let tie quote you our contract priceI CLARKS ME FURNISHINGS or ELDSTREEI QNE PA 82343 Collage Specials In UsedAppliarlces and TVs OnlyGeheroI EIectrisIRefrigarator Only NorgeElt=ictric Refrigerator Only WashirigfMaclmee Televisions from 5900168995 ColemahlSpdce Heater ohe only with fan suited rooms Only eNaturaI Healer good forlaverag Brooms Reg SI 50 for EATON for average to Sipacel 31995 co up sr nelr end us Telephone two FRUIT do VEGETABLES lmAT rolt lulu wont build CAR TOP BOAT ARTICLES for SALE comma Guxe Conicl Anten ne double itecked on not it rcon melt guy wiree end in Excellent reception on HM MOPPAT RANGE in old Belt otter Deelty We good condition liohner Accordion bus like new Best olten es moving Into Ipmment Telephone PA 60560 VACUUM CL never med wu em no ilb lilo one without mettreu very good condlllon Double neel bed no Inntlxess sis and rolliwey bed with rpriog hurtfullire men months ml new no Telephone PA mod DOGJ PETS TOY TERRIER hcelthy temle two yem old will tell lot 10 Telephone PA PUPPIES levels Gemini shep herd Puppier or rule six week old purebred All mule Telephone PA mm or Iurther lnlormeuoo APPLES THE APPLE BARN Nonlmsil V7le VArumls Bring your own container HERMAN FETCH HIGHWAY ll scum PA moi BOATS at MOTOR new mholllll Plywood runbout siIneh beam Iio Telephone PA 61357 or iu er inlormetlen meet strip dherllns covered $75 Mgur ml hpx Dumbol ergup oeIA 37 Ann street BinII pp oioTollllOAT root lnhoud motorboet with six Iinder con tlnentel motor end in irr in good condition For qulelrvreie selling or 3450 Telephone PA emu law mnon Delcnfl Coupe Top Bent 75 hp Iolmxon Motor 20 Glllon Permanent Gel Tank Snotflthi Speedometer Complss Pike Pole Puddles Lire Preserve Ladder Anchor Cnbin lighnl Phone PANQIS 32 like new ARTICLES for SALE BOATS ac MOTORS cAsn LOANS400 et it month Telephone PA harm svrexzual fillrice nunlop at ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE Call McFaddens FOR PRICES PA 89288 noAT TRAILER immedlntely blunt be nlmnlhiy rined Tolephone PA $2173 elter pln WILL PAY email or good uicd nirnitule or my good uied uflcle Individual or content into Plioin PA 54421 DAlumz necrcetlon me Guerd lug whntl to buy rent or borrow two net bottom row bond Tele phone Hanan PAIGWd CAMP cols wented Two you boys would like in buy tum cots melee rehsanhhie Telephone PA 5FARMERS MARKET hivesrocx AberdeenAngiIs Bondolierol Wynyales 2nd 161419 has come to stay at Rock and Roll Ranch ER Thornton Ontario He is Mr £556 himself Come and see Dr Edwin Wilson and Son HEREFORD BULL registered for la manlhsiild Apply Don mmoed Ivy 185 1106 Poll 3A one you old Lendrem Ind Yorkrhiru Tele phflone PA dlhod Inr mrther do Pros everging about do is ceeh Apply to Geo McGldley gigIntuit opt oy elepbene Ivy 34995 BOAT uan Plywood with hon Ltdliel had 1111 Viklnl mb tor very good condition slat complete Mercury la hp motor control included eieo lint bottom punte excellent condition lied wnnhle Telephone PA New EAVTO Used BoalandMolor Baum cow or and live your old vnccinnted due to Ireshen Jul ApPLV Keith Keii Gllioni Te ephone Lelroy luRlz Tr All Examiner Want Ad I4Cedar$trip Hull $21000Long Deck I6 Cedar Strip Hull $6900 Long Deck 15 Cedar StripHull$I75v00 Long Deck IZfiMoulded Plywood CarTop $I2500 75 HP Evinrude with neutral end reverse with gallon tank lzij reyo r56 $900 rig with neutral and re verse with gallon tank 15 HP Ivlnrllde with neutral and 16900 Ahoye More Carry A90 Day Wdrranfi OnlyNEW so IIP EVinrude 1959 Model Monuol Start $46900 90 Day Warranty SEE OUR STOCK or NEWVVIKING AND EVII INRUDE MOTORS 3ALSO LONE STAR VIK ING FIBERGLAS AND ALUMINUM BOATS FORMOTQRS FROMITIe HP TO 70 HP TV EATON co LTD l7900w srAltMElls MARKET POULTB minds BARRED ROCKS mill bud lobei roe cog end meet eel penoul nine mwmvwmhfi DAME MM flock leby enleke started thick end Im TOM KENNY SEAN BAY FEED 5m GRAIN to Ann or Choice or nit mil Telephone PA time enlau Ivy lulu BAY tor nix mover thy end Almn intending the brie APPLY In Dore pm dole telephone mei mint Amlumxuflllldr nit lien or holed lineted In Wu And 511131qu Keillor PA m7 will noon HANDth my rcr n12 grown iron permennt pictor mixture Apply to lrliellly ludhurrt Te Bnhonl PA was tor rerther Information FARM MAW DELAVAL SALES Er SERVICE Get your line end puhetore elm ed new some on III milkn HANK BROWN RR BARBIE HOLLY PA 60338 CHARLES cm FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE one New name nevid Brown putty Fern Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 TIME FOR IIAIING EQUIPMENT Ellen lidken Mowerr Hewerterl bod wunnr SPECIAL ON nAums MIKEYHAITI No 10 on yeuold Oliver No 50 in See LII hmoul New Holland NO et tutti ALI AVAXIABLB Now CASH TRADE TERMS New Inn ilry Nechlncry new end Illed Peru Ind rervlee Ap 1y to Henleyi nroe Schnmhum gutlie Telephone ioow Open pm M1me MACHINE two In ieyelllnu RiiLWy Milking lie cblner Also one internetlonel cut Milk cooler in good running order Telephone are 62 mums the shin two with lierll boxed Tires 510 15 Both in eucllelit nondillon novel been used Telephone PA 37396 or tux Lher ImamLinn TIEESEWG MACHINE George White No Threrhlng ilechlne Ior Ilia liw lllusey leril roet Power Binder Apply nerelt Knerslnw ml landlord or lair phone PP won CASE moron Driven Deler lilo Cue Power ole er one side hello urcd two throne Reuni ebly prlcnd Also ma Pord Wi ton Truck 3m Telephone 1mm undertone AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS VlAU LTD RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN GOWAN STREET PA 56488 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy It Now with LowCori LireInland SGOIIA PLAN wAN THE BANK or NOVA scam HAROLD JORY MOTORS mum STANDARD 13mm hepellr tdyAli Maker 011 uid NfirTOmSml 1o dump gen brindle PA was 1555 FORD Conch lul Ihll two Ian hills color iil ndln Ind new Flint job In good condition Talephimn PA 3855 or nerlher momLion 1951 DODGE four door redn for nie two tone hiue nutometie in A1 condition Finnee can be on ranged Very flmflllfle New tires Telephone PA 35117 isss DODGE lmmecnlete tnniLI tion with new photo creellent tireo Ternls mended or tredo Telephone PA 60701 ior timber informallon 195 CWOLETSIIHOII Wegon for nle kWhtune null white walls 55800 miles one nvmei Teiapiiona Camp Borden 13M or lurthcr dehih MUNBGYULH Triumph 350 do win new paint lob good candle tloh Priced rusonebly Telephone Sgoud zmnldor iurther Lnlnmi on gt Issz PLYMOUTH sedhn 9150 Good motor Need rome body work Cen be reen pt Wnnley Street or telephone PA Hm hi it Mn 1255 DODGE Sedan good body motor and tire arhllto radio including 5500 without redio Telephone PA mm or ply 175 Drydeld lgsz BUICK Roadrunner euteme tic udlo signll good tirer body and interior mo Worth plus more Must cell leaving oily Pri Irhy Phone PA doses 1950 CHEVROLET Sadln dirk blue good lllllnlnl order new battery nlw mumel Ind first else Ural ms App to 143 Reevle lile Ely 1359 molt Rench Wegon our door VI lutomldl did Ind new tires In excellent condition Telins élli he unmixed lllivpiiona PA Mood otter pm m1 canvnonwr Sedan inr tnle brend new under mil wrmniy Customized pleetlc rent eoyerlngr For rurlncr plnloulsn telephone PA Hfli reel good condition ii new itrer Trude EOl pnplxly BArrie arch ridminer loss mnutrr Domnihe dtrtlou anon ideel economy err lor mopping cupping Ind other used Excellent condlilnn Cell Prr com or up he Feel It lululoo Crescent drier din pin udil liAMBLElt Sillioll Wegon or beetoiler rol cull Telephono Goldwater or Fax 32 Butler AUTOMOTIVE ml Mann It or atomhem ml MIDIcon machniceleme ditlee mr tine beeoqu Herd Telephone uw mule or new intonation use rerun deer in good endmen £1 11 PA out ern Izzy sinW1 cons wm To null mmmuzmnfld on Wetredenpordon AI hnaul Iatnn nil Hold Bu HAPAIHIL muons mm uclmnllcxiunk mer hf momma nouns mm some on item II CABIN lnllet Elem two Blink bed eleclrieel wiring Priced kt ms Good rieen eon diiliiis ilIflhanl PA MEL detl lH rré ydiiiuli For lulliii final phone 3an border m1 noun non Ier uh lcel No dewn Pumeot required completely coulpped hoeted two mue put snooty Bey lebool lildn heed cAIiIN mm 15 ikalnnll eluinlnuln Iurnlebed oil neuter electric hrekei exceuent condi iion 000 Alan Ill hp lyinrude Emmard Roll Conn PA PERSONALS Ninlcl The Ienet smith Betty Sitting MEIR Will Do closed Illi ul Iortner noilce Juiet smith LEAVING P03 Winnipel donut July Would like iedy cdmvln ion eble to drive Prentlce Thornton Sin WORKER CHIN X14 dilly lo Cum Bord Work It Am and II in Iliemlil ail232 Telephone corned COUPLE telling motor trip out west the but two week in Aux ult would uke enoilitr couple to Jilin them Telephone PA lblm otter pm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING hm now in thh government chertered rchooi when on thoroughly tnlned in ell renebee or bceuty culture For lnrormedon write Drown mmnhlssma scuaab lo mum mm OR PnaNl PA tom hum Inor Coldw etc by ccrttucd helroresnr in your own home Phone Benilu et PA Him or PA N551 FEMALE HELP RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN To svacE AND 5m NEWS PAPER CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS ING TBIS INTme Post1 TION WARS ERSONAI COM TAcl WITH LOCAL husle Films OF ALL TYPES You NEED NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER ExleIENCE As Win Win TRAIN YOU PREFER APPLII ANT RAVE TYPING AND BE ABLE To DRIVE 11 You WOULD LIKE CHALLENGING Posi TION wrm coNsmmAaLE OP PORTUN TY Foil ADVANCEr IIIINT LV IN WRITING To SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE 3mm EXAmNER deNOGEAPm required or putrqu employment In Allin ton Telephone Alllrtori 57270 or iurther iniormntion HOUSEKKBP wented ior light homework on um All conveni ences Apply Box as Norrie 1hr emlner 25 FEB WEEK Plus robin Add and lor glrl wth good etarem ter to do housework in Elirid home Apply Enx ll Berri Ex miner TxKNAGm WANTxii mothers did in summer months helping with hnhy diehel beds etc train 10 to APPU to Box 15 Blrrll Exunlliel stating all address end telephone number 0mm REQUIRED lul housework college II strainlien Woods JulyAugurt One to IIVN in penenced young 5le Or week 12 Apply Box 19 Banimam Bl CLERK min or loan retell etore emce Typing hung etc Permenent position with oil until employee benefits Apply in writ ing to Box Berrle Bumirler giving portioning oi educktion end pest experience MALI nxLP MECHAN ICS Required hnmedlntely for Ilflill dhy or night rhlItr ie erperienced lneohnnlol 1mm Wlth Ford truck endor plmn get em holding their Povinclel licence Geodworlrlng condition Ind bencdla Centct oir oD Clughoy or ISelhl ELGIN MOTORS COMPANY LIMITED 636 Bay St Toronto PHONE EMfi7494 ROUTE SALESMAN si utlon tor on niob ueiiedy rgute Mull be minled All to 35 with and 10 edu citlon out MR BROWN SUNSHINE UNlmnlM SUPPLY co 143 JOHN er FLY 10 FflmAY lumide Anvzommo Agency reéuiree rinert men with creative ebiutier end uleo experience APPll to lie herri sr mall SCHOOL student or young men wented to help on or luminlply CO no Elwin Examiner MAN WANTEDKIillIsi be experb onced Ind copole tn wire ho ei Telephone PA sadder er inrormeuon inland MANr noon to drier ughtilrmdlluel leaner mr rmeu lteble withonol on prlvte alt23 close In Metropolitan Tull Thll lelian Elliill no onto generil murt he nut good worker end ebslelner excellent living condo ileni and elery lor right nun Apply ho ll Denlo nilminer iI IO HELB WANTED lo HELP WANTED min on Ilium Irmmm memwewm =1 20 Soul Dunlap Bulk mflmmmm Wattlm Bonn mil If FIA unu No one no nursery WW II admin no ruet loom ll ounce mum WANTED °° dnn in Vulnlg OekIey echoel rented be Ind PAFM nmuu EllL Il 15 Dir In runnin emploan Duh mull hmudnrl mmni help Telephon PA belie II mu put lein Mr wort at all tied lor maid momII Telephone on weed to runner Idiomlion GNNnAI meintenecce hurl re oulru employment will eecipt my kind oi work Cen drive any kind of beevy vehicle Telephone lieton new or inlernuuon WAGE would children hbuw mum like lob min limer holl worlt tie dill IHIDI Fluu kl blinds in MW wenilwurk kind pm or out um Con Elir VIIend Aldohikl hull con print etc Very reuon Telephone PA uses mmcm The Driver And mvlee rutlen Iiiadept require my type or work Age to Cell supply ntereneu Telephone PA 1114 enytlnle 300mm manipulate rv tired on tented nlter it ylhrl unite in Iocel iirln rekllu mime employmen John High street Te epbone pln lbll ntel noun or enmmer wort sun bend could take qu cherge paintednee wile Ior homework end pleln cookie Kusbend ipeelu trend fluently lso one child i2 veere old Apply Box Belrill hummer Il LEGAL NOTICES II CAMth Limited ennouncee tint MR AIKEN or so ADELAIDE 5mm marrow ONTARIO emu1y or Iii celuer street Burio Onihrlo iiu VIIIUIII house hold goods end other erucles lo itonge with them Ind ulndeht ed to them or thelr outrun lel notice tint Mr Alkene good wlll he cold It public ulc uoo by Mr Gerry coung lie on JULY ii 1961 at to WHENA 5mm BARIiiEr antrib or et ruhreouent flies ll neeemry prov deli under the Werehhure enr Lien Sliu Act or anteriounleu the the gel ere peld nl lull bdon the id dete IS AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CULWIuL LTD PHONESBARN PA 66085 VICTORIA BAIIIIOUR 5mm relm lute 17 Pin Advertising Protessional service Satisfied customers AUCTION SALE Willbe held ll PW SIDES ll WET 3mm NORTH oluLuA oh FRIDAY JUNE so COMMENCING AT PM Ind continuing on till pro or until itoclt ll sold Anthuu omen rile reogetler eppurncer chine beds rpriog Ind memes ru utherjumlshingr Ind mrny other mlelcl No reserve the property has been sold TermsCull AUCTION SALE or flood Uled Household arrinure The undersigned euctloneer hir received inltnleuonr rrom MES MILLER AT MDUNLOP gr WIST zlArduz ON FRIDAY WINE JUNE Both AT 530 PM SHARP D5 to sell the renewing turnitore Sunshine Mime electric renge good condition Wesunz holuii elecine iterrlgeretor on It good condition Matchmd Dll Burner 5px Renter good condi tion Croeley Electric Roirlgdrhtor to on it good condition Hui Weve burner electric Rough good condition Hotpoint Deluxe Rdrignntor en rt good condi tion williemr sewing Mechlne entioue Drophehf Tehle end chhln to metals Werhetendr lieu Tree Diaperl This shock lng chem durerent denim centre Round Tables Iron rpdng end mattress comple hCA Victor electric mench rndlo electric dresler lumps Waste Paper Blsket Dresser with mirrol ahere o1 Brewers tloue Kitchen Chem Bed PrincessTIt Cookinx nenge in good eondiuon Chrome Kt chen Table end chairs to match studio Couch in good condition wine oninb Kltnhen Buffet mid Topics Utility Tnhin smell drop iehltnhle odd living room eneilu studio couch green tin leh Antique sore mobind Arm Chuml antique Desk Lump smellelcp stool Ironing Dem Megzine Rink Chesterfield suite with chhln to inltcb come lamp odd ermrhrlr enunue ror living room Quentin or plcluter rrnmer Ind 1pm cushlolluQuui tlty or dlshee quantity o1 Silver were Quentlty or Jen onenuty or tools This steed end mhny abhor mailer rtlcles loo humu all in lill TERMSCASH Dchnitely no re eerve Mrs Miller home in for rule Nothing to he removed ulr til Milled tor rrnnk Webb Clerk mm COUGmmAumom PHONE BARRIE PA Han YOU WOULDNT DISCQNNECT your PHONE COUPLEIOF DAYS WEEK Id discontinued Ilm WDIKJVAIJDIIGIIIC by because your advertising In discontinued Steel llble brnnd new linesock Floor becauseyou kllow that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during those periods when your phone service CHIEF BUCKS LAW NEW BEDFORD Mass lAP Nantucket Police Chief Wendell Howe say be wfll not en tom Massachusetls controver dill Sundayqu laws Hodes In the untidy allies in the this to refuse uuliiglil in WPPOI the Ancient statutes barring moat Subdey business except salu ol necessities like bread and milk BULIS PANIC CITY OPOBiOPortugol Reuters Eight built on their way to xihughtahouse broke loose At the rhflrodd station lien Tues ddy night and char into streets packedpwilh pie In the panic more than me were hurt seven rev Tho bulls roamed or obtain dam aging three cars belorl they were recaptured DISCUSS ASIAN CABLES KUALA LUMPUR Malaya Reuters The Commnn wealth cable oonlerenoh sited his the Southeast Asian section began here Tuesday Taking partwere Conrado Britain in dld Pakistan Australia Ceylon Malaya New Zehllnd Ild Singapore mm lARM COMMUNES VIENNA Reuters More than 700 Hungarians were ar rested Inst year allowing in creased opposition to farm col Iecllvitiillon was disclosed to day by Dem Nemes mem ber oi the Hungarian Commu nist party Politburo in the partys Ideological magazine Tanodalmi Szemle FIND DISMEMBERED BODY LYON France ReutersA molariéthunlilig or lost hub cilp in roadside ditch near here has iound bloodsillined suit case conlailllllg fillItll head and severed limbs poice said today It washot known whether the remains were those man or wolnon they said AUTHOR LEAVES MAYO ROCHESTER Minn AP Emest Hemingway Dolleilst and big game hunter who had been under treatment liar hyperten sion by Mayo Clinic doctors since spring was discharged Monday and leit for Sun Valley Idaho SPARE VICIOUS DOG ST LOUIS APAdly judge ruled illesdrly that trained watch dog is victim at his en vironment and shouldnt be de strayed tor biting postman The owner was titled $100 Post man Robert Kroter was bitten at used car lot operated by Sheldon who was charted with harboring vicious dog UDdEl Lily drilinarlce the dog could be destroyed Kroler took rallies shots Rostal Employees Get One Day Oil OTTAWA CF ilmell who ordinarin work Shthrdays nbd get holiday July will have to make up the time Post masterGeneral William Hamil ton told the Commons Ellesdoy Hfi said otherwise such postal ernp oyees would be getting two days off this week while other civil servants got only the hull day itself Postal employees who work Saturday gel another day off to make up forllt he said Mr Hamilton was replyingvto George Mcnraith 1L Ottawa West CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisemellts are inserted at the rate of is per word perinsertion for one and two times per word for threeIollr or five times and Wet per word for or more insertions 10 ML tional charged not paid thin 10 days ATHEJWJNIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT is 950 F0 14 worms MTEENIO DAY on $106 Foam 24 worms Ir CEARGLE PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS or commons Advertisers ere reminded tint ell phone insertion orden ere locality ed convenience to you the Idvemsdrslhereiun the Cl ed Adycrtildng Department red or ell edvortieerro letndiy ree cl their advertisement rimmed otter drst insertion Ln order my errors or ominslourmylmh reported herore no murder thnt some my he rectified tor ihe rollowlnx day lmertlon order Wo wish to point out thnt Im Derrle moraine respue ISLE 32 midi end then onlyuld the extenter milllion or no hint involve mupnnt Errore which do leucn the veins mine have ment ere noreligible or to ltlonl by moire goode linter and type llylee Io elni classifieds may he tnlnc through The Bunker Dd rvertislng department cum om ms it linrormetloo regarding edvertlrere unngT Blind better dox Number for ED ennui Der to Letter boxes will he hold only in dry alter diet dry or publication Coriling Events 5c pe irlillllmilrri charge $150 and Death Notices for wordstbver 25 words word extrll in Memoriaml ilces$l50 verse used lie word égirdl Elli WANT AD rally eilnnld in our oIIIcellly lbcdny beiore publication On Saturday by noon It 113 held strictly rmhflu Jur

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