Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1961, p. 21

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wwwmdfiwfl Ollie THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE in net 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS IPIARINAI to Royal vutarla Eupltal Rama on nlerd June m1 In Dr and Real Curua Span Ion NAILl ARR IMPORTANT glam he ran plearare and other wlll IAE now your chalco Nam lnl name tor your caud In and aa ulcltly pol510 In In the Inalvldual aaraa III Barn Bummer Blrth Announce DIDLM call our Clullflad no out the laeu lacludlu 15 Land Away auddenly al In Norm Surreyv BC Ay Jane m1 wo rye RCAF beloved humane of Kathleen Freeman and lather at Sharon and Shell DUNIMDRBAl the Royal vl mla llaapllal uarrle on Manda June IIEI Alex Duaamore Illa uad year ueldved huahand the lale allraoela cnwlord or rather or dladya larceared Ia teary Idar broth at Jennll Mre awlonll beth lam Tom and Brown won street name or vlca oa 31mm Junl no rrl Dutarto on no INI John beloved husband or hllrnrat laleea Leltch oI Dall Lwarl and dear lather or Ian Dpullu Heating at me Jeaaelt moorl Rome aarrle Paaaral aerulea Frlday luae an at pan Interment slxta Llne Cemetery laaladl IANDBR At the Iona llosplla mt Monday June 10 Knoll beloved wlla saudenx¢ Royal Barrle or rla oelolp Slime Gurnldlne IMfl Mourel and Karl Schullx aurvlvrd byl In her 7M year vlca Thursday June In Interment llarrle at Unlaa dear al Mary Mrs lehnlrld Neléla erbWEalln haw aa or reuse wllllua Arcnle Dunamorr flu lll ll ml Sleckley Nnenl Homer In erramt aro Ualled Came VIP Onllrlm Ital Esther ltlflk aarord streel Berg rle dear ranl er or Ceell at out eraaemothar or Rods alro 10 arealr hdrhlldrea nulllhl II In Jeaaolt Funeral Home 152 erad Iord slreet Barrle Funeral rer RIlAL ESTATE PROPER FOR SALE CARSON EEALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Null door to Ian Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member or PP and Dumcl HENDERSON REALTOR COLLIB STREET PaoNE PA um NAPIER STREET AREA caarouua Iaree bedroom reach and tlreplare Illa oaIa para tluoo allh tum down ror lull datalla call RIla suadrell coop an NBA RESALE 111900 Larg dva room aolld brtelr bungalow wtlh nu oh lovely landscaped let Raaaea earner Ior tea moalhl lacluelaa wiles Call tha Sca roll Coop SUITABLE FOR VLA no acres or aholee land Imall bara ala room hou upon 51 room hnuu wlth coavalrn cu Kara and erau aerealr oa oulakl oat Arm cara maple buah modern llvlar aooommodalloa call Percy Pom EVENINGS CALL Iler scANDIIm PA Matt Pallet FORD lgtA 07m Ilelaorr ol menu and Dutrlol aad on Kill gt Board TAYLOR IIEALTDII Ia CLAPFERTON ST DARRII PHONR PA all It apeaka or ramp rate lovely room rattan wltrl bedroom elnae lo filnle completely urn laaed wlthvheavy duty now and lar rafflleulnr new heavy duty EAL ESTATE PROPERT l0 ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLAP STREET EAST Pint ml aliensPA ma Dual Dunn nAL Ianre noun Imlthc lrl aarrla PA 85568 area samFonmwt Ia Quality at TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALLI It PA um Ocu CLIFF REALIUR mlmA aw OONNIupPA INN BROWN HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA W1 PA to ameIuPA rural dlrvlyPA em Number the Barrie PRATT no Jean unlPA Real male aoard CONSTRUCTION INSPECT OUR HOMES For Workmanship and Value MODEL OPEN 7930 PM 29 MARION CRESCENT FOR INFORMATION PA 676283 NORMAN helswell REAL mrATl ulluhm Dunlap street mu PA 89961 OR 68742 WEST END $1500 Down 0500 rum PRICE 1ch 10 rtorey bedroom home stone alaed hltchea Large nrevlacc lvlag morn wlth ramlly NIIA lhrea bedroom brlolt home clone to Colla au codrlaunll no at laryl acaooh Apply Eu aala st PA Mm PRIVATE SALE daya room Duallow one and oaobal yean old down RANCH STYLE VWatch Exdmi REAL ESTATE RUB OPPORTUNITIES BARBER SHO $1000 DOWN for late caulr Barher none In ll tmlllnt walnut Ioeltlfln 5971 In BRUCE1s BARBER SHOP BARRLE SHOPPING PLAZA FOR LEASE Modem WEI lame lull In th Tdvln of HIIIIIJVILII Ont Good palaaual or almaalve perv lollIR For runner panleulara Dll contact TEXACO CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONT TELEPHONE PA m1 OR PA km FOR LEASE CommaHon aarvlee atalloa Snack Bar who llvlar oaamra Runway No norataa Pal ceuaat opportualty Iar 004 lrlA carat modeet lavealraeal now me her eulara PHONE PA 93301 OR WRI BOX 534 GENERAL 310113 lr late at Boalacnun Beach It paymeala as phone strouo null or ply at lore 0th Concenlaa aad Eldlrol MORTGAGES RENTALS APTSo HOUSES BENT NEWLY Decorated tam mm aparua nub lam elm bath and any Iauadry roam Anly otter pan llareua eImL ulul no bedroom apanmeat wlll ante entrance an and floor ram Avalldala Ju tat ADP II Ifi Campbell Avaaala or Telepheaa PA or detauL mm AND haralahed three 17 Jul room It rut on street or Ielepheaa PA Ida or PA Murmur put uNrURNIaInD lane nun apart mpat nu coalalncd panda and laundry Iactltltra Avallabla July II water and heat nppu ly oeeoralad One ehlld welcome Telephone PA 650 mu LARDI Room Aparuaeol Dflvall bathroom on rrouad flour Prlvata veranda ware and dryer laeludee ere Remap or elm ralapaoaa PA ml la evaal UNPURNIIIIID rour roooa apart meat receauy redecoraled mode Ira oucharm Avallaale Imme dlalely $70 monthly ly Narrlr emu or In nowm plea PA Doalep tan rwo Room ruralaaad Apartmat llaal aydro no water Included In real Neat cleao rad elm lo downlowa Rama rant dull glfillor enupla Telephone PA album th bedroom Ilnlunle laaed lament Ean eaduBaao bdodra and veaauaa bllada Automate aundry Tlluurl Avalllbla July Apply and Napler street Telephone PA am THREE RDDM uhlumlahad Irl maul ltplrllfl entrance can ulaed pllllfll nflllllu wly doednle Avallable Immediately Telopnnna PA um lo linker lnlnrmatloh MON EYAVAI LABIE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATESI lllFE INSURED $l 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 And 60 montbato FURNXHIKD 1hr more human rattan Ra Manlnr ter Hydro lrls of Barrla on Kempanlalt Ba Vlll real reasonably Avall Aha Immedlately PA 84 65 me RDDM Apartment wlth grlvhla ballroom hot water all salad retellrelax aad heavy duty new laeludeo Lou on Elurloln Avenue Apply at Centr tee BOOM apartment ll Vl and Nlrllorllor allpplled II Ill washer Ind dryer Dnnl Illa Att Ih thla one Telephpha PAIlt or further Illlalll nevch RENTALS ms uousee am no lDOM mralebea Apartan hot and eold aler Sal la la ea or In adolta Avallaa aoe remand PA nae evanlan TWO local ruralIhea apartment or real Illh klt¢cnnte Sum able ror one or two adulta Ate Ply at laple Avenue Dame warnInn and alttIa Rum Moon when DP III an In balcony all healed eealru Ao atalaara Apply McDonald czNmAL bullionvuer tam room ruralbed apmmeal ror real ull motalaed prlula eal rarlce and among Anuable JulI Telephone PA may ON AND Bourbon meats stave fillfllfl and Iaoaory la Realm rpm 89 mnnlh Phone but PA WANTED TO RRNT APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET Sullabla for llght Industry Cell trally located lnBarrla Write lull detour to BOX 14 BARRIE EXAMINER lPlNDAlLl Couple wlaa to rent or bedroom ham prem ably or rllplnt alth yard aaar acannl downtown aaatal alaruaa July 15 Write Mr Newltt ll Nepaaald Avarun North Ray ROOMS TO LET CENTRAL Dotflan 11mm btfl room and lllchall or real lull mrahaed Runnable ram all oral and neat Included Ideal or paraoa TelehllnI PA ROOM BL BOARD quail PARK nlalrlet Room and board avallabla or three eon Gantlamnl pmemd PA $15 Or lurlhlr dl Vm lulu culqu rale MAth anaar vlclalty Room and rd aanlllmln MelHth WIlI Ir luacheh Home pnvll ea Clo to downtown Iela pfiua PA am or mrthlr do or want 51s RENTALS ROOM la BOARD no COOKING Lulnhtl yanked ll Palm acumen Roan lacybe had arltaoul beard do IllId Ttlephnun PA LIT AVAILAaLI Room and Baud Rumble In geotleloea or two eer to azur room neular baa rerelca Located la tall ead or elty Telephone PA 00611 == SUMMER RESORTS LONGWOOD LODGE Lovely playnaulld rpaclaua room not and cold water Very ea Ilahlor on one Ell to roll and tennis eou We have moora Eumna llll opera chal and all home eoolrlaa Very umble rllea Mull can be urva all llmu or ouLtIn era Week nd luula and rename are welcome CIon to Alladdlll Kou tonne TZLDHONI STROUO It corneasFOR self corrAda ran an or rent twa bedroom alt eoavaaleoeu Wln terlaed laclea at Innblu Parlr eloae to Ialre Apply Petersen at Inan Full CABIN roll IALE Canalsla or two ood alaed roomsv wlred Muat moved on lot selllnz raaaooauly Tole bona PA 01945 or lunhar dill ll IHANTY BAY Pahquana Lara wlnterllrd watemeat collage and heathouae drllleo well oaleroora Small earll paymaal Apply Jo Ironr Cotulz lrt ooaceraloa Shanty my PA mu COTTAGES T0 RENT rulm Illnllntm Colule at Thu dcr Reach hear Penetanr on the waterfront Av lable llrat three weeks or July Tuck 7a Dun dorlald street Dame Try All Exlmlner Want Ad Phone Pa 8201 repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT Hourly caltfis cFrrlANKs III glaumeln porch Nlcaly tread or wlth alreara croealaa rear All III or only $85 month Clll Jack Wlllaea wt ng Installed Thla spacloua aottaue Is an large treod cnruer lot You man are It In Ippre clate ll mu prlee 03000 wlth Vlclnlly North Couerla aunar luaum TELEPHONE EAST PM new modern three room unmmlahefl lplrtment Eld room large llvlnz roala lrltchen mnnONl wlll In thank my trleada aelgaaara and reallvea who mlt rm cards and Ins and vlallcll Ina durlnl In any In hdapllal Speclal than to Dr saaaaoa Dr Realoa and until amt llerb Reardoa IN MEMORIAM THORNTONIn lovlaa memory or Alex Thornton who dlaa maeaa loan Peaeorul eleeplar rerllar al Illa ymry lrlala and Irouolea 1a rllenceho surlered In patlénca ehore rul Godl called hlro horde lo aut er am more Wlfr and lamlly ENGAGEMENTS cocHRANRLowa Mr and lllrs Dnuzlar Cochraae Allen aaooanea the engagement or thelr dallfilllnr llealhur Jo Anne grahddlluahler pl Mrs IL Harrell or llarrle to Frank Lowe ror or lIIr and Mn Thomaa Charlea Lows 01 Toronto The marrlaue wlll like place on Saturday July 15 196 Ill oclock In Ill vetted Chumh laraato MacANNAUDBT Mr and Mn Lea Mecana ot Rarrle wlah to Announce the angaaemcat or Lhalr daughter Patrlcla Mary to Januea Audel run or Mr Mra Aatotae udet Quebec Clty The raar age la In take place at SLNI July 19th at 10 am WEDMKENNINGTON and Ma Harald Webb or alt Ray erInl tvlah to anuounca the an llKemenl or lhelr daughter lrla deaevlevc hula Io lIIr George Lorne lteaalagloa sun or Mr and lvlra alleaael Kannlhgtnh Rama rhe raarrlage II to take place on Saturday July at oclock lh lxlnlty Anzllcan Church CAETBfipNEwSON ltlr all Allred Carter III Cobourr enrage Mra Oatarlo announce the meat or thalr daughter Margaret Emabeth Anne to Donald wullam Newaan aoh at Mr and Roy Nowaun Barrle Mra puny July Btll 19 COMING EVENTS CHILDS NURSERY SCHOOL CLOSED UNTIL SEPTEMBm Mn ll DOG IDDDIENOE CLASSES pear the Ra statloa Perlarormalloa jelloNa RAJ6911 STRAWBERRYTEA WED JULY loel at tha home or MRS FRANK DINGMAN LSHANTYBAY 230 430 pm AUSPICES IWOMJINS FEDERATION LZION UNITE CHURCH SHANTY BAY sown cAR SERVICES 101 rlcmca Pampas spac AL Dvmls olt OARAOR Is there anythlng there you or cash Hundreda of and and Roman CAUIOHU Chumh Mr The weddlnfl la to take place In Trlalty Ualted Church Cohourll Ontarln at twf Dallda up now reruma Im 11 per month payments or 40 quarterly Jul Iva ua call Large borne la lb heart or Bah 110 rnnma In xclllcnl condl three pleca balh on lrlrlecolld Iloor Newly lartalleo Idlehea wllh lot or on board apace dla lax area wllh replace large uv room alao aclr coatalaeo apartraeat coaalatlar or two rooms and bathroom New luraaca and garage Only 51500 down pay ment wlth my terma Murry lor thla one at Vlaceat atreet year old two bedroom brlck buhaalow on may reaeed lot Thla home la lrl drrt clan eoadltlnh wlta extra room In basement and wlll carry Ior 860 per month or wlll eachage Ior larger home In or around clty llmlta Evenlnla call FOSTERPA 64555 NanaPA Malls MOOREPA 1160 Member Toronto and Onllrlb Real Estate Irfla AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 86901 CENTRAL ONTARIDS LARGEST REALTORS MADE FOR EACH You and tlala very lovel hed mom Stellar built home 05 than one year old large apacloua In room with raised heartah fart plaee cheery auallt utchea that ha eyerythl tor coaveal once lncludlnl bullht atova and oven and even garbrater In the double rlnk Basement II ax ceptloaauy huh and dry and la Prcpared or three or our more room Iustrealloa room haa the Place and theres ran heIl la second bathroom All and lunch morerormmll EAST END BEAUTY Three bedroom llvlnl room with dlalag and and hltehea hlgh and Vancouver Strut NBA payable 38008 per No lot on Weat rlrle ot Hithwa Pl 1t Ilolly Hr x110 tear Prlced $1000 each or slow tor pa SUMMER PROPERTIES THREE LOTS older roamed turmer wllll one or the lvtaJIa real rlallt oh the water Ira Reach on Laha EllMlle hall way between Barrle andorlula 000 dowa wlll bay Ill $7000 mus EVERmIINO GEMINI boas motor wlnch Lot allpram how rlaerator lo the cottau loll IIl 6B AGRES And our room eottaae wllh two apnnx panda la and the roman =nt two more oads call today or urtlut omltlon ea thll zaltelunz property COMMERCIAL PRO ERTI ES 107 BRADFORD STREET Ideal apot tor buelaear be lot xx loo teat oa Illfo Ihh 131 x169 orrEl lea street adrolal Only arm mower 142 FEET On Catapult Avanltl Snuth Drflo bummllfll x351 on two floora Sultablelor atothE fistafial fell atc rAaklIIK pflce $0010th THE Cfitpilate aloekflxhrru and and small Jewellery Itore oa llama la la atrret Rent very reaaoaabl mama or The DA 1R AND mantlet REAL BSTAT BOARD EvaNlNutl CALL Merv Gouldgra 25 hour NuttyeolabeIA 05901 EIGHT ROOM Brlelr Home Dad rdoml dhllnx room not water drape hay wladowr llall atut all be mentl traea substantial bloekurom Plve Pal PA m1 CODRINGTON ST $2500 till down heautllu rleat WIllIaa aymehl SHANNON STREET slmo ruu paler ueautltul Ilva room bllel hunllt low wlth fireplace and many ex Iteaaoaabla down and earrlea or lead than mouth laeludlag taxu Doat mlaa trad IL Call Joa Loagllo Everett Howard Jul llm Lumoh NDImIn Howard Norm avRNles CALL Ehalawall Norrla lllaora shelaweu OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 29ml Slx room brlelr houaa plua hath weu preaaare ayatem laalae mnvenlencfls 21 lllahway aale Terms good THORNTON ltd Ell E4 lrleed Iorl OOLLINGWOOD DISTRICT Priced raoala ea ertl tloa Ila tour large bedrooms and ly dreamed and rally and am Dont mlaa lala beauty call Jaclr aymeal film one Pa tom Oro 29 was pa gum PA 6011 FA On muck PA 68024 For IWnlntmlnI ROSE REAL STATE BROKER 10 THIIN STEM 3AM CALL DAY oR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the and Dbtrlct at La Board TBIVAIE SALE 000 lull prlca Ior room Iralila ban plm oalh tomd aIr Noll button Located amend street Thornton TELEPHONE IVY 291m BOAKE REALTOR 261 BRADFORD srRmRARRIE PA 05307 OR PA 00833 stlll xelllaa arm to heater or mini clara wahelaaaPA Meal Ralph BeanPA WED Malabar oI Barrle and Dltlrlat Real Ellato Board aerea brlek dwelling coaveal eaces hauae shade treea Slnalllmptnn aold Aalrlag terma Barn garage aouth ol aroar Ralaa Mra Eleanor Maw HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 90 BAYFIELD ST llve room modem bu mllel from Cam url ayateln alumtaunl acreelaa comer Tor mouth 153 lot can Jae Palmer PA PA out $300 alow 11 OUT OF TOVIN Two lar try Thla la room Largo lawn at the atreet SIlbatantla ed For further JpaPllmor PA Member or EMORY JOE yeara od modern bunga ow tour and the haul thread at heatlaa Int Olly hum roe rurther dea mow =Mtuerl PA 60 DELUXE HOM full one or the bette bathroom an Jaellltlea clnu to dawn MllaLm PALIIIIIR KARL ltARaaAlL NORAH AMIGA HAROLD roasm PA M405 CORBY REAL ESTATE PHONEPA 824l9 93Dupl9p St BROKER ABEL bums IALLPA MINI La COREY wbwawolm ALL mas céllvlnll Lar PA 00 01 LISTINGS noaa gland oronto It chlclrea In VIIIla or Colllnz wood Thll Idle Ia In good curl dllloa uwlnlz lo luneta must be prlca 2000 Good two em and Nina bedroom leca tel aaement eaee tloaauy coun contact class hornet one to bl proud MJfllhll dlnlnl 0m fluke three bedroom attAehed on room ll la basement lvld own dam yaaaat menu rtlclllara call MOVED May 16 15 TO 113 DUNIXP STREET Next to Brown Go STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE IMMEDIATE Poalearloa Large Income home all Bayaeld street on aeat double para aloe flower and vegetable ga ea Rea aonabla or quick aale Ielaphoaa PA 5851 mas RRDROOM ereh Iauura low wlhh attached lune lama lrltcbeo aomblaed llvlh 41an area patln Near Nort Collea la Reaaoaabla dowa aymeet EINHA mortgage relao oaa PA PROPRRTP Port and on RENT mo aanaoom all heated home In centrallocalloa Oceuoaal leav lllg aarrla maa do Ir not told by Thundly June as wlll real ror Iurther partlmlan lele hoaa PA woo 530 to tall Monday through rode gt PROPEIWY WANTED WHY LIST WITH JAIISON Here are aoma at tho hauler re clml aold Lhrou CARSON ll MAT pler Sm II Malrou AVEMII mg Street SI Bothwull Crelflnt coma street RR Damon Ban1e ror tart actllmeall Carrra Real Betate omea PA H401 uter spaL PA Ian BUS OPPORTUNITIES LEADING MANUFACTURER of Fgrm Tractors Machinery HAS DEALER FRANCHISE IN BARN DISch Exaallerlt patarlLIII lullllna ol qlullly agricultural tractor and machtnery LIPrate or ltlatlva duo auala praetleir HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Com le dflllhxallrflnl capltal uremen tarrltllry and pate tla wlll be auppllad upon eaqalry lam Paoxrao BARRIEEXAMINER Amflfllall ONTARIO Beautiful aualmer raaort onLa almo IIn ualu wlth oeavaalaac wlnterlled hnml And In may Marl Cuhnlnlham PA entrance parklhg l4 DunlopSt PA 66477 zlaoo Plan Monaaaua wanted ouaedlalely to clear up ah ale Apply Box demo lzxarn nth Mammalslat aad Ind ballth aol and neon Commtrelal realdea al aed oa ealatlaa hearing alert ar ll 01 505 IMMBDXAAS Mortgage Loan to Cunadlldall flnbta plant exllllnl mortgages home oroveaaeata etc Dlscuaa your pmbleraa wlth us can or appalatmeat PA oml Ilorlaae Fuadllln over lSilmplonaIlaln 110 nulllop at an RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT RDILDIND uhdar coaatruetlda wlll Anlsh tn ault tenant either tar bualueaa or prlvale dwelllag 000d spot or TV repalr mall rele hone PA 07250 Ior 1urlher plrtcllllra NURalNO HOMES NURSING HOME Narnia care or elderly or cah valesccnt Rnsonabla Yales FIVA Maple Nurtlng Home Thornton PHONE IVY TERI APTS HOUSES T0 BENT camaALLy Located Foul room artment aelt coalalaed llatura In ad Avallable July Telephone PA M737 for furuur particulara rultNlaIIBD Apartment Ispacloua three room wlth hala bullbln cupboards Parking Cealral lamIA tloll more 1o new ahopplag plaza Apply at so mm street North FIVE ROOM Apartment or not wlth prlvate bath Heated Dowa town locatloa Modern Parklllg apace Telephone daytlme PA 02566 alter call PA 941 TWO BEDROOM uarurulabed hnuaa la Aagua to real Tor July and August 1105 month ldclulllall hydro Telep one Hemlflck M415 Ior Iurtber paruculara TWO UNruRNlaHLD Bachelor apanmeata tor rent neulaerator and atove aap lled Located down town Avallabe mauled ately Tale ephnha PA M751 dlyt mar Room aelr coatal ed apartment wlth atova Ind reel aeratar Located In the east ead Avalluble Immodlltaly Telephnnl PA elm DPPRR nurLax apaeloua three room apartment wlth balcony heated heavy duty wlrlae All re decorated Telephone PA out lneal houra or ayaolaer CENTRAL Loeatloa Sta ALIolaIIed house Ior rent Garage avallable Avallable lephoae PAMIT for turlher laroralatloa MODERN lwo bedroom apart meat stove and retrlgerator au plled Laundry an parking trell tlea laaltor lervlcc Avallable wluly Taleplwna PA dam earlmu elf cootalaed and un mmlsherl apartment beat and wa ter laundry traya In meat Ile ecntly decorated sea athly Aplt ply Peal Street Apartmentfi 0N aItDItoultt artoleat Ior root heated and urallled elude prlvata entrance and PAIR lng For mrther detafla teleph oo PA um am uh ms BOOM unlumllltlfl Iplrla men wlll DillIt hathrnnm Ilavl and numerator lupplled lang Kacllltlaucelllul loaatlan 65 per month rele hoha PA Hutu ol tanner datala excamoNALLY 10013 naturalabed meat laeludlag atnv arator oa rrouad mar central locatlml dood arlrlaa Telephone PA elm torn arther partlellare TWO BEDROOM apartaaeat ltehaaotle bathroom Avallahla July 15 cloaejto tad PI flelephaaa PA hl1a1 HOUSE Port RENT aaveu roomm hath 15 mlnutaa drIva team rle lawluage or aluadale Avall alIlly we month lh leaae Cln be 521 aytlala ginnlnll PA Manor Oro 59 alter la Alum Ialephoae PA wllh dlalag re threa pIece bath room aelr eo ad heavy wllv the PA men AVAILARLL launedlate two bedroom Irlmenlp talnaa alove aad romzcralar allplt Ilad Laundry and parklaa MIA tlea Ilalt and Telephone PA M151 lIaArall Apartment Ior Large lelna room bedroom run and kltchan wlul rloye rorrlrcratdr Clhtral Dualaeaa couple pmlarletl Avallaola July Ll Telephone PA 0am HANDY Dflwnmwn loclllan Ayarhllanl Ior reat cooaletlua ot room and bath healed with or wlthaut alove and relrlllerator Adult only Apply Harold lllll as nualop West THREE ROOM Basement A11an meat Illrnleaed nr uaturalabed lulled aell coatalhed Hell for bllalbe couple WIIl decorate In ault leanInt Apply la Newton st er CLEAN llal rn rent dl ad hell three muml apartment0verlopklng bay Clare to hul Iml Llama Suitable or eouple or bachelor Avallabla at once Rent 51 monthly Tele phone PA runmllutn three room apart meat three plcca bath heavy duty alave and retrlaeraler Hardwood Iloore aelt coatalaea Avallahla July Apply Mmatrlmla Harde were CLEAN QUIET one apartment llvlax room hltcheh and bath ualu alahed healed wlth aeparate trance Illaaha able rant Wu and lbcallnh Tel phone PA owls TWO BEDROOM upstalea Iplrtr raeat tor rent natalmalted Cell tral locatloa la Allaadale Heat and hydro lnclImMl III now 15 per moat Telephone PA Dealt CENTRALLY Located Upper nup lex ror real two hedroarna nar alshed Dr unlumlshld heal and eleclrlelty aupplled Avallable Ira mcdlately Telephone PA 07062 atter pm AmACTlVE three room unlur hlshed heated aparlma Redo curated selr coalalaed wlth prlv ate balhronm Slave aad rerrlgar atar SUPPUEH Sultable fur hust heae couple Telephone PA Mlsa mun ROOM Apartment unturn lshed heated prlvatc bathroom Iroat aod Backrantrancesrhelvy wlrlaa laundry room chlldrea welcome AVaIlable July Apply Eelnguyfilld St or telephone PA bedroom MODERN roar large room Hyatt meatheated Three large cloleu gatoVeL remaerator araa atoraga space garage and sputum yard AlIaodale Avallable July Add monthly Telephone PA Mm remap ROOM oll heated uarur alrheo apartment up In heavy wlrlag 55 monthly plul Ir hylt dro 31am Ahrlalom ple Apply aayaelo Ill Telephone PA we caNPltA nlrnlshul room Apartment with lb round lldor Reparate entrance hrfll modern hllarlelllamdry too month Avallabla July rele pboae PA 85002 NEW ml Dal une Add MRIL plan Ice am tee parhlall and Jamar nrvlee lthuded Automatlo waahlnl euluea PA wen 11m llonM II tealnew c0 tuned lrtmarlt nfludlnl mm and rel aerator Sltuatad la be end Avallahle Ilmmeflllllly lele hoae PA 6409 tor rurtber pa lulara mEBVROOM unfurhllhed lvlfle mam heahzw tar uppllefl Loca IodIhI DumapxAvllllblt Yr For mrthlr Into mum Telephone PA 809 or PA 85477 AVAILAELB lralaadlataly mmlahad apartment oaeualurll lahed But If contalned 0n Dlya halal PA 110 avaalara PA at What 0N tilliDRDOer Dlflmenl In men lollatldh aratal and heat Included wlth Elmago Prlvale ratraac finally uvarIanln 5g three Lhroom wrartaaeul room aroun Ilunr parllaaa wlth outalde door cum oaclr Iawn unable or eo ple wlth oh la bedroom eultable BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yea Telephone PA 82414 DDILDlNo llousas ANDANUILDINGS 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