sarcrnross LAUGH Eichmdrm Portraij IIISelf As Mere Clerk JERUSALEM Reuterst If hushed courtroom burst into laughter today as Adoil Etch mann characterized himseli as mere clerk unable to do any thing about the transter at an Italian Jewish woman con centratlon camp despite pros tests by itaLys iascist regime1 The court was silent as the former SS lieutenantecolonel told in his own words the tragic story at the ltalian woman idcn tilled only as KoBi But laughter erupted among the spectators including for mer concentration camp prison erswhen he said myseli did not order the transfer at the Jewess Kotzi to concentration camp only transmitted orders 1th was in keeping with Elchmanns steadiasl theme in his testimony now in its second week that he was mere cog in the machinery of Nazi hu renucracy ihe iormo head of the Ges iaposJewish department who De Gaulle To Withdraw Troops InStep ToEnd SevenYear War By JOSEPH DYNAN PARIS AP steppedup drive by President de Gaulie tor quick and to the seven year Algerian war was under way today It includes bringing French divisions back from the North Airican territory to the conti nent resuming suspended talks with rebel leaders and re newed threat to partition Al geria into European and Mos iem sectors it negotiations tail again be Gaulles aim according to informed sources is to break the Algerian impasse in three monthsone way or another in order to make French forces available by all or the loom ing crisis in Berlin The bulk of Frances armed forces an estimated 500000 men is tied down in Algeria Their absence has weakened the North Atlantic Treaty 0r gonlzntlon detence position in Western Europe De Gaulie disclosed his new Algerian drive at garden party at the presidential Elysee Palace mosday night in In iniormsl discussion with report ers said he had issued orders tor the return of one division trorn Algeria Without iixlng dates he added he would order others back as well French division is about 15000 men SUMMER SERVICES FOR YOUR CAR Tuneup fllrokes Cooling syatém Complete Sélcty Check Prepar tor Cares tree Summer Motoring DA GERFIELD M0 ORS LTD inIce Centre es quller so on our was RRAGEMBARGAINS ARMSTRONG How is charged witlt complicity in the killing of 6000000 Jews de scribed how the woman was transferred to concentration camp irorn the ghetto in Riga Latvia and reiused release de spite persistent appeals by the italian government the ltallan iasclst party and even the Nazi foreign ministry It was all in vain Etch mann said and my depart ment had In lniorm the iorelgn ministry that the Jewess Kotzi had been sent to concentra tion camp He added that Nazi SS chief Henrich Himmler had ordered that once Jew has been sent to ghetto there should be no question of his release Eichmann said the Lodz ghetto for Jews in Poland was turned into mncentration camp on orders oi Himmler Despite his presence at tho mteting where the decision was made Eichmann denied any part in making it toms srsrr JabnFisher 41 native of Sackville NB was scheduled to join Prime Minister Dieien bakers personal stat in 1961 Mr Fisher is iormer execw tiva director oi the Canadian iotnlst Association CF Pho to swanr srurr Preserved fruits used astop pings or spreads are olten called jams but may include preserves conserves or mann alndea Hopes For End ToStrike Dini Despite Commission Of Inquiry TORONTO ICPZ Brighten laghopuioranendtothe mammoth oonstruaion strike strangling Metropolitan Tomato iaded Tuesday night The hopes dimmed despite plans for settlement by union lvders backtowork appeal by Premier Frost and the ap pointment oi commamen of inquiry Even as those developmml brought optimism to builders and workers the shutdown apiend even iarther and strike le ders shelved one oi the most promuing prospects ndvanwd since the waikouts began The leaders declined to dis cuss settlement terms for brick layers and laborers because ad vance iniormalion on the peace planwas leaked to the press llnlon leader Bruno Zanini told more than 1000 workers stunned by the last minute manoeuvre We regard the disclosures as an act of bad faith We are not going to dis cuss the agreement because the papers are full of what we are going to do He added When its settled it will be ior all the trades our committee our ot PLAN Now To ATTEND THIS SEPTEMBER BARBIEgBllSlNESS contrar YOUR GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY nsraamsnnn 1397 55 TORONTO STREET BARRIE COMPLETE COURSES FOR GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT PLEASE SEND ME FULL ABOUT YOUR SCHOOI WITHOUT ANY onthrron ON MY PART DATE NAME ADDRESS BARRE aosmnssoonnnan as TORONTO stnnnr BARRIE HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL 24 ADJUSTABLE COLLAPSIBLE 19 licers will tell youno one else It could be any hour But Zanlni said the campaign aould still be waged against nonunion contractors aiter set tlement is reached with the others We are going to spend thou mils to beat thembe prom Zanini told the meeting if Premier Frost otticially as sored unionthc workers would be protected against exploita tion the unfons would instruct return to work The extent the strike ex panded Originally startingamong immigrants on housing construction projects and spreading to major com mercial construction tabs in the Metro area Tuesday night it reached Ontario Hydro and Bell Telephone projects Ilnother Convenient Payment Localion Effective 1st Gardiner Expressway Melton Airport and the Toronto Tram sit Commrss ions eastwect sub way extension rs Marianne In urging mumptim oi work as prerequisite oi set tlement Premier host said he felt lot oi these poorvwork ers have genuine grievances He said he did not like to use the word awaited but there was no doubt many workers werebeing taken to town He added that management many problems or the workers The premier named Carl Gol denberg Iiiontreal lawyer with long experience in med iating labor management dis putes as head of his inquiry conunlssioni Mr Goidenburg did not share Mr Frosts optimism that are port would be ready within two months is not the kind at you can solve tho day omorrow he said FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE lt TEE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNEDAY JUNE nu Give Universiiy $39475 Grant For Research TORONTO OPPThe Univer sity at Toronto has been granted 339475 by the Ontario govern ment tor Great Lakes rdsoaroh this year Sdentists aboard the univer silys research ship Ports Dau phine will continue their studies oi Lake Huron started earlier thlsyear and will investigate Lakes Erie and Ontario and take preliminary samples in Lake Superior Studies will be made of cur rents temperatures water cir culation sedimentation shore erosion harbor and channel silt ing and oi how sediment ailects municipal water soppllrs telephone accounts may be paid without extra charge at SPRAIT HARDWARE Borris LTDI BAHEIE SHOPPING PLAZA This is payment location Please ent your bill with payment only May we remind you about your account telephone business Way 84401 You will be that to make enquiries or to discus any other matters please call PArkv connected with yourI Service Representative who Will be happy to help you MuDONALD Manuelt hit one nilnous mm or tum Cool as summer7 Breeze Short Sleeve White Summer Shirts by ARROW in Ines Coolest sine manmade tee Pretend rot1c or long wear iuxInlotu feel one CLEANERS Eolia 950 cleaner REVERSE STITCH PORTABLE $4959 EWiilti CENTRE oid Bo in 87960 STMVIP WhARBECUES floundcrlnlrrlniawmnrrnnll roof 77 REGULAR 1295 now CHARCOAL LBS sAGs FOR REGULAR docrm BAG handsome short sleeve shirt In Iar Priced ï¬iï¬yufiffl ur$owï¬$5 rHAm $1315 clinic sorts Ill 95 $400 spartanten by annow 21 98104 Dunlap St PA 82441 DUvmm 81 vrhe manila onelttr Paul nOWNTIlWNtlI wrrrrun serum AlNaw Jaine Quality Product LlIld lusltionetlliooiths HOLIDAY WEEKEND RITAILERS 1o errrv SPECIALS FOR HOME OR COTTAGEJMPROVE YOUR TV VIEWING AT THESE AMAZING LOW ANTENNA PRICES 45 cauamausl SPECIAL57 WADING POOI ring ethane vinyl wading phat mean for the children canbe set up easily in the back yard Just rightior those hot summ days that are coming Zeiler thrift priced gt 388 Gold iiond STAMPS COMPLETE CHANNELS CHIMNEY MOUNT 50 LEAD STAND OFFS RABBIT EARS FOR LOCAL VIEWING