Til BARRIE WR 11 wynwsnn mm last ANTENMILLS ltalph Howdep has started work on his new home ilamld Wilson at Toronto in spending couple at weeks at Wilsons oer nnd Airs Cole and iamily hits Edley Wilson and mu Cale Mrs Era Carson lit and Mrs Frank Coughlln 4nd Mrs Dell Priest and ML and Mrs Scott attended the Cole Bull weddingjo Tor onto Saturday Several lrom here attended the anniversary services on Sun day at Edenvnle and Mint51g and enjoyed two line sermons lroln Rev Vinet ol Povasran also the lovely music in and Mrs Lorne Holvtlen spent few days with Trenton WA MEETING The monthly meeting of WA was held Wednesday alteration at Mrs Tedilattersons with 11 present Devotional was conducted by Doris Knapp with program in charge oi Rita Patterson it was decided to hold bake giends at sale on Friday night June so at thaBA service station ground in lptm CREEMORE Miss Leona Ellis of Detroit Michigan spending two weeks with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Fred Weir William Dent Caroline Street returned to his home on tho weekend alter spending ten days in Callingwood hospi Mr and Mrs Jo McKee and sons Toronto spent the we trend with Mr amt rs Eel McKee and Mrs Cliff Brown and of Angus visited friends in the village on Sunday Mr and Mrs Brian Benjamin nee Eileen Hanna and boys of Orlando Florida are spend ing vacation with Mrs Benja mins parents Mr land Mrl Thomas Hannon Mr and Mrs lra Coulter ot Deben NS and Mr and Mrs Elmer Coulter of Monoton are spending two weeks with Mrs Mac De Young and iam ily Mill Street CEMETERY MEMORIAL 8E CE annual decoration of grav es and open air memorial Set vice at Creemore Union Cemet ery was held sundAY June to The servine was prï¬lderl outer by the Rev Medley resident of the Creemore sterial Association The scrip ture lessons were read by Rev Douglas Gill and Mr MacDon ald fitment ministEr lad in player 25v Douglas Gill Chair ihe Cemetery Board made announcemans on behall an at or ary pe war ii The ddreï¬ came ijrom Rey Douglas Miller who based his remarks on the inevitable death of everyone and the prom ised resurrection for those who kept the laith Rev Mr Medley closed the hour by pronouncng lha bene diction It tchla has sold his home on Elizabeth Street to Mr and Mrs Hush Hardy Mr and Mrs liltnhie ans taking an apartment in the Sovereign Building Mill Street Lester Methorai he pluchay ad the home at We Winchester and Mr Winchester is building new home on Elizabeth Street amras Mr8nd ML All Redpalh nee Alicechipnhase have an nounced the arrival of their son Richard Wilmnt on June 16 at the General and Marina Hospit al Colllngwnod Mr and Mrs Harold Whitley nee Eena Martin have an honored the arrival of their dau ghter Carol Irene on June an ad the Coilingwood hospital GAGEMENT and Mrs Wilfred Mas on have anno ti Lhe enrage nient of their only daughter Eileen Doris to Ohnn Fairly ome son of Mrs Flora Howie The wedding is to take place July 15 at St Marys Church Sioux Lookout ntario notice PARTY The Greenlone Curling Club ihrough theirWays and Means Committee held bowling and dance party at the Avenilig Community Hall Wednesday Nearly 100 persons attended many as guests or club mem rs Music was supplied ny Angus Sir Morris Mumford and Mrs dna Milllr Many partlripated in the how ag competl ion which was limlt ted to aliveframe game Topsearer was Walter Weath 1311 132 whlle Reg West brouke registered at 121 Ladws high was Edith low as 75 while Isobel Dixon took iowv prize other winners on hidden sco were Maurice Miller Gerli owan Norm anan and Neil etheral The ladies of the Curling Club parated luncheon booth and eporta tidy sum realized for their elforts Eugene Andrew Vargn son of Mr and Mrs Martin Vargn raduated as doctor of medi University lngston Miss Marilyn Melville daught of Mr and Mrs Bruce Mel ille was awarded the Ethel ogaboom memorial prim in bstetrical Nursing Try Examiner Want Ad THONE PA 3+ This family is the Vienna of hot weather stallingon of the troubles that lam strike your tar on sizzling days Super ShallI PP wIYlst Fighthdlflweathér stallswiith super Shells Famous 94ingredient lama LWheIl highways sizzle Slimmer heatcan make gasoline bubble This can stall you dead can also cause hard starting and rough idling Read how Super She ï¬ghts these heat Wave problemslt just might save you lot if trouble this weekendYou can get it at any Shellstation on your route NGINES1lk people canvsuï¬evr from heat prostranon Especiallyin the kind of hot and heavy trailiciyclu min face during the WeekendaheadL Here are some inï¬lriatjng troubles that arccaused hypxgessivegheatTandr what Super ShellsiIot Walther Blénd does to ï¬ght thenn How Super Shell ï¬ghts hot weather stalls If your engine sputters and dies on hot day it may have an allmentcalled vizpour lurk supply Vapour lock strikes when heat makes volatile grade of gasolinestart to boil right inthefuel 1ineThis produces bulghlesxhat can choke off the fuel Shell scientist attack vapour Ioclrlzy1 rewiring Super all 9mgredrent This reduces Thi hot weather blend of Shell thatsnat likely to boil your fuel lineit cuts the rhnncesqfh weather stalling to mi mm 11s Hot weather Blend gt How Super Shell ï¬ghts hard starting Itleres what an happenwheniyou or to restart your car after hot drive With thefan stopped and the cooling system idle intense heat under thehood can actually make gasoline percolaleflin yourcarburetor Justllir ooï¬cemapnt gt The gasoline spills var floods your engineand maka starting difï¬cult SupcrShellls Hat LWeatherlBlend is formulated without perbolating You can get quick startsev after hardghotdri mfli lights Supe Shells Ho Went high temperatures hurrytobdilandbubhleihstilt smooth idling in hotrweather Some engine will ems r7 Shelloantsoive Super LShellfï¬ghtShot weather stalling but cannot curred mechanical da engln Your hell dealer faron performance Super Shells Ingredients for 321 neflorInanoe 151 is TC terpower plug life is car power zis antiknockouwa all dsof knocks is heavy allow to annual hushzswd knock