Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1961, p. 5

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Grade pupils of olly Put lic schooiwcro honored at graduation tca in the new school room last evening Members at lhc Holly Home and School Association spon sored the event and were hosLs of the evening Mrs Williamlcampbeil and Mrs William Little presided at the tea table Above Mrs Oscar Bowman Gradea teacher ii DUATION TEA presents pens to the gradual ing class from the left Eri an Bentley Ken Morrow Glen Crow Vivian Ortt Barbara Hoskin Elena Rodgers Rose mary Johnson thkaminer Photo Thornton WI qun Summer Bake Sdle The June meeting of the Thornton Womens Institute was held at the home of the president lilrs Keith Realty The chsir was taken by the viccprcsidcnt Mrs Marg Dix on Roll call was made interest ing by answers to the question What makes good farmers wife Replies were by mem bers and also byseveral vis itors One good answer given was wife should always be able to look like girl act like lady think like man and work like dog new member was welcomed and an invitation extended to other prospective members Thank You card from Mr and Mrs Speers was read Mention was made thatttu new cupboards for the hall would soon be started liirs Jennett reported that swim ming classes were organized for later in the summer bake sale is to he held at Innislil Park Mrs Beatty gave report from the Guelph Conference and explained that education is only 30 per cent of the col lege work and the rest is on extension etc because it is efficiency in farming that counts nowadays Mr McRuer agricultural re presentative for South Simcoe RESCUE ACTOR NASSAU Bahamas AP Canadian born actor Hume Crnnynand two prominent Nas sau men were rescued by tug Monday alter drifting in small outboard motorboat in heavy seas for more than 21 hours af terthe craft developed engine troubles spokeon Weeds and Their Destruction contest was conducted by Mrs Sierps which was won by Mrs Bourne Refreshments were served by the hostess and her com mittee The date of the bake sale will be given on the bulletin board YOUR HEALTH Alcoholic Beverages Slow Down Brain ny BURTON FERN MD IF ALCOHOL doesnt stimu latewhy was Jack dancing on the piano wearing lamp shade after only few drinks7 Because you get lift when your brain slows down Spinal cord and brain resem bles onecorporation towering skyscraper Top eXecutives enjoy large carpeted offices on the highest floor Down below workers op erate the business under strict executive orders Without dir ections efficiency would disaplt pear Each worker might pull in different direction Executive brain cells ordin iiy control spinal cord activity But when injury Hiness or drugs like alcoholslow down these brain cells control is lushFor no reason at all you feel gay giddy and excited Memory fades and the world takes on happy glow Youre PotLuck Supper Ends Busy Year potluck supper at Spring waler Park climaxed busy year for Barrie Business and Professional club members brief business session fol lowed the supper with Presi dent Mrs Ralph Dawson pre siding Plans were discussed for fall activities Club delegate Miss Gladys Gilbank reported on the 11th an nual conference held is Calling wood May ready to battle three men at time even though it takes four to hold you up Bashful Bruce becomes lov ing Lotharin shy Susie turns into torrid temptrcss Tongue tied at the first toast you may exp nd into Winston Churchill or rence Darrow Man drinkers swear that cer tain cocktails hit them faster than others Perhaps But alco hols effect changes with time place and circumstance EMPTY STOMACH NOT GOOD Even though you can tolerate pint or so few drinks on so you In gay company many people are sailing high before they touch the first drop If you keep drinking alcohol slows down the rest of your ner vous system and puts you to sleep However cocktails cantr place the operating rooms ether and gas The am ount that would be needed borders on fatal dose Growlerlinends WI Bake Sale Barrie Womens Institute an Inual Spring tea and bake sale was held at the home of Mrs Nora Bowles 42 Parlt Street Pouring tea was the presi dent Mrs Cecil Pringle who was assisted by Mrs New rnan Mrs Drady Mrs Baker hostess and Mrs Nora Bowles received at the door Among the guests present at the tea were Mrs Smith Pres ident of Painswiclr Institute and District President Mrs Dawson The bake table was convened by Mrs Simmons and Mrs Ley In charge of the kit chen were Mrs Walsh and Mrs Gardner while mak ing tea was MrsT Smith of Grenfel Mrs Morris was at the door to take the tea tickets draw convened by BC Nurses Up In Arms VANCOUVER KP British Columbia nurses are divided on the question of whether the apprenticship system of hain ing should be replaced by fee charging professional course Nurses wish to be called professionals and dont see how we can continue the ap prenticeship system said Mrs Ruth4Arnaud of North Van couvers Victorian Order of Nurses Thoso who could afford to payfor training might not make the best nurses db dared Mrs Elizabeth Ulnga of Ladysmith General Hospital The question was debated be fore 400 nurses at the annual convention of the Registered Nurses Association of BC The threeyear apprenticeship Vcourss at present pays $10 month at startrlslog to $25 month and includes board and lodging There is live year course leadhig to Bachelor of Nurs ing degree offered at the Uni versity of British Columbia Mrs Around 1940 graduate of Toronto General Hospital sald the apprenticeship system often is hard on the nurses health Many hospitals placed work in the words before education Moreover the trahed nurse of the futurewas likely to be primarily an administrator with the practical nurse or nurses aid doing the heckido care dont look forward to it but it is coming said Mrs Arnaud Blance Potts of Duncan 20 year old trainee at Victorias Royal Jubilee Hospital said chores would be good idea but would rule out girls like her probably dont yearn to be the fencharging course with fewer self her campaign to win the May 29 byelectlon is any indication ot the weight she will pull in the House of Commons her Kings CARDIGAN Hill Mrs Macdonald middleaged mother of three who likes to play bridge has become Canadas first woman member of Parliament lrom east of Ontario The pretty brunette is no strangerto politics She herself never before held office but hclpedimr husband John to federal general electbns Mr Macdonald general merchant and farm produce dealer died in January etnry in the 1957 and 1958 Dont Be Dumpy Pull Up Spare Tire BleAJEAfoAIN The diapbram just loves to settle down toward the Waist and the closer the last rib nos ties into the waistline the dump ler you look and feel You height of fashion other things being infinitely more important butevcry woman wants to look well in her clothes So lift the ribcage Get the knack of pulling the ribs up out of the waist Keep supple through the en tire mldseotion and the long wuistcd torso features this sea son can help you to look beau tiftu slim if you are short walstcd it is more important than ever to keep flexible through the middle measure mant Todays stretch bends are doubly rewarding for they not only help to pull out the bulge twixt waist and wishbone but stretching with smooth sidebending makes for supple slimness Start with limhering cross tony movement lts freerig Position Standing feet paral lel and apart arrnsdown and crossed at wrists in front of body Movement Go up on your toes nsyou fling arms out to sides pulling Him through the middle measurement Feel your Firsi woman MP Is Widow if the energy sheishowed in Progressive Conservative empty stomach may overwhelm County constituency will be well represented From the opening of the threeweek campaign she had hired help to look after her village home and herchildren devoting her own time to meet ing almost all of the 20000 con stituents HECTIC ROUND dont drive so had some one drive me We started every morning at and didnt return until supper timevThen there THE FOR TOMORROW Initiative and enterprise will pay off now but dont try to force your opinionson others Any display of overaggressive nus will work to your detri ment Ilse tact and diplomacy in putting over ideas FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your blrfliday your horoscope indicates that you should attack major oldenv tives with confidence between now and the end of moies pecialiythoso connected with your yob Dont expect too much in the way of immediate recog nition but do look for nice breaks in October and De cember where financial mat ters are concerned you will have tobe conservative for mostof theyear ahead This MRS Macnouaan were speeches and meetings every night she said tried to meet everyone including the Liberals pecialiy the Liberals and almost did wish there had been more time Fivefootsix and 140 pounds she dressesconseryatively She STEM By asssauna travagance but itis neverthe less one in which resourceful ness and ingenuity will pay off in longrange terms Travel and social interests and romance will be under be neiicent aspects during July and August Those iiicreative lines should make great strides during the first three months of 1962 Look for some good news of business nature early in January child born on this day will be emotional sensitive and en dowed with great tenacity For Hair Style of Distinction vrsrr loan gnrnck HAIR smrsrs so Maple an PAMaal ed MOther Of marriage FUTURE PLANS casion es ribs lift Come down mross handsswing out again making it free easy motion The trick is to kcepshoulders relaxed and at ease To get the feel of just what you areaiming to accomplish try measured stretch against the wail Position Stand an inch or two from the wall with the left side toward the wall arm raised high against wntl lilovementz Stretch muscu larly from well below the waist line pushing am up the wall Arm action is incidentalcenter the upstretzdi through the middle measurement Repeat routine six times and with each stretch elongate the middle measure ment Add definite sidewardbend Position Standing feet well apart arms upstretched over head right hand ciasplng left wrist Movement Stretching slim through the middle bend to ward the right pulling with the right hand hold Back to centre mange position of hands stretch slim and bend toward the left continuing 10 or times Fit the action to wordsslim supple pliant lissome lithe young Stretch and bond daily in joyous freeing action and you cant feel down in the dumps or look stodgy For PEI cookswell and sews little but her chief interest since in 1941 has hacu homemaking Before her marriage she was school teacher for year in her native East Chezzetcook NS and worked as secretary in Halifax it was there that she met and married John Mac donald of Cardigan then an of ficer in the Prince Edward Island Highlanders who served oversensand became the rcgi ments lieutenantcolonel Oldest daughter Judy Ill plans to take nursing course at Prince of Wales Coiegein Charlottetown this fall Heather 13 and John will continue in school here if federal electionis held this iaillf not they will go to Ottawa with their mother Living in Ottawa will be new toall of them although they have visited the capital on on With hired help Mrs Macs donald plans to keepooou the family general store in this small community inthe ea tern end of thezlsland But her atc husbands producedealing busi ness will be dropped and there will be no time to keep up the svegetnblcrgardenehe developed at the back My first purpose will he to carry on the work my husband started she said That would include eflorts to get construc tion of causeway from the mainland to Prince Edward Is land increased public wharves and morefederal concern for the countys farmers STARTS FIRE FUND ST JOHNS Nfld CF Premier aliwood Monday launched provincewide drive to raise money for victims of Newfoundlands fore st fires Honorary treasurer Bell local manager of the Bank of Montreal will begin lmmediat ely to accept public subscrip tions to help lire suffers HURONIA DRIVE1N Miss loyce Margaret Gibson became the bride of Victor Rus sell Waring nL St Andrews Presbyterian Church Saturday Rev Ross Adams officiat ed at the afternoon ceremony The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father She chose traditional gown of white silk organza fashioned with fitted bodice softly round ed neckline and short sleeves Appliques of pearls and sequins enhanced the bodice front The bouffant skirt fell to chapel train Her headdress was crown of sequins and seed pearls which held her elbow length veil of tulle illusion She carried bou quet of white rosesand stephany otiscentred by white orchid Bridal attendants were Mrs Jurocko Windsor matron of honor Miss Mary Ann McNutt Detroit Michigan and Mrs Zshoruk Toronto were brides maids The attendaan were gowned alike in street length frocks of watermelon silk organza over taffeta Their gowns were fash ioned with scooped necklincs short sleeves and bouflant skirts French rose of matching material centred the cummer hund waists They carried hand clusters of white carnations and pink roses CHARLESROUX DIES PARIS Reuters Francois CharlesRoux BZ who quit as secretarygeneral in the foreign ministryiinr 1940 iratherthanrm operate with the Vichy author ities died here Monday Toronto and the late rpm by have VICTOR RUSSELL WARING Joyce Gibson Wed In Organza Gown Edward Geden of sudbury was groomsman The ushers were David Gibson and David McCurdy of Toronto Raymond Daniels was organ ist and Miss Rositta Pitt was soloist The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh Gibson of Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Waring of Mr War mg gardcnreccptlon was held at the home of the brides par ents Sunnldale Road The mo ther of the bride received guests wearing an afternoon dress of champagne pure silk Her cor sage was green orchid She was assisted by the mother at the bridegroom gowned in blue stractr length dress with matching jacket corsage of pink carnations complimented her ensemble Mr and Mrs Waring will re side at Willowdale How Christian Science Heels rv samss for Everyone TIES WEEK PRAYER CAN sown nusmnss rnoaLaMs East Adar acanmv momrues noun mm wrunv murn Best Supporting Auras SEMI ms WWW nonhuman autumn SUSANHAYWARD Input tofivez wanmun ADULT mm nwanns THEATRE filAllKSlllAlilA llllllllh ilEEll iirst Supporting Artur last Supporting Amen illEllE l0 HEBllIlY noumnnzuunmmnunnnnmn aourt cumulmorm mu cvanama SAINT mm importing Adm Mrs Jane Campbell took place at 415 pan when Master Ian Smith drew the lucky tickets First prize ofa blanket went to Mrs Hatker Burton Ave Second prize went to Mrs Beaulieu of Wasaga Beach while winner of third prize was Mrls Drady of Ferguson va whole period discourages ex GRAND OPENING ALLSTAR pANca APPEARING IN PERSON BILLBLACK DRAMATIC fashioned in to smartly An Italian fantasy print is simple party dress with multl petalled skirt satin cummerbund complements the design perfect short for mal for party If Youre TIRED All THE TIME New and than everybody gell Iired ut feeling and may he botherl by bltkldllla Perhaps noth in Iirloualy wannpiul lllnponry condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder draconian Thala the tires to lake Dorida Kidney Piilr Doddl help xlimuiIa the kidneys to relieve this condition whirlnay oitan mus husk achs and tired feeling Then you led better rut halter work better Gcl DeddsKidney Pills now Look for the him box will the red head II All drug availJon can deputation Budds mum Eve Show At 100 and 900 Elihu Ill sunInAv IanKlilhlflifll gonnamm gt mumautumn MudMW summon MukllfllflIM fifswnMEosoum aucssphsslnl NOW PERI ahulllantl lamp snowmc non srnonns MARY ANN sir JULY and His coMBo LONDON RECORDING STARS PLUS um Mimics marunme PETTIFORD anmssron up uncar Nsvm roncm ammonia Studded 3icanrmswsnos Fckllnmm summons Fradllrrillmy noun immutan

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