Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1961, p. 4

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lliitrrir Examiner Eubiished by cameln Newspapers Limited idvaayfleld street Barrie0ntsric rumsr sun runm Come On Stroud Ontario Get In There Today were promoting an interna tional bricktossing competition of all things But its not as silly as it sounds In addition to our own Btroud On tario there areplaces called stroud in England Oklahoma and Austraha Our Btroud has been invited to loin them in an international competition in which nobodyd have to leave home and results would be exchanged by tele phone The people of each of these communities would enjoy bit of ath letic fun promote international good will and gain valuable publicity for their community There is possibility that the inter national Brick Throwing Match which is scheduled for July 22 may fall flat it cannot take place unless there are sufficient trained participants to at least make showing inthe fourna tion cumpetitloan which the district of strand has been challenged to com pete it is not that we have insufficient stalwarts who with some practise could heave fivepound hrick ahun dred feet or more It is just that to do this the contestant must get the knack of how to go about the heaving An American team located in stroud Oklahoma last year beat the strould England team by its excellent throw ing with three of the six man team throwing 1046 14034 and 100 feet and others close to that distance In the story that hit the press they stated that intensive trainingwas given by these players for the last weeks pre ceding the contest stroud Australia is new contestant this year and they have written that Pitching they are busy training now and hops to have special field day July 22 Innisfli PoliceChief Brown chairman ofthe stroud Ontario team hasnot been able to coax any contestants to turn out for practice outside of some members of the force Bricks winch have been donated by the Cooksvllie Brick Company are available inthe correct size and weight and ground on which to make the throws can be measured off anywhere court is ready at the Btroud shopping area and the market is offering basket of groceries for the first throw of 100 feet which has been witnessed by an other participant George Young will take entry of anyone who feels he can enter the contest Btroud has been entered in the In ternational contest but unless more contestants enter they may come from distance of 16 miles Canada will have to withdraw for the reason that there lust were not any sufficient ly interested enough to participate In recent interview James Ross who isa program director of the CBC has arranged to contact the interna tional department of the corporation to try to arrange coverage on the day of the contest so that Canada will be on par with the others making their throws on the same day All this can be done but unless we get stalwartnien from the strand area with strong right arms to come out and practise for the remainder of the time left Canadians will not be among the winners Bricktossers of the world unite You have everything to gain and nothing to lose Pomp And Circumstance Soldiers in scarletand blue with tra ditional hearskin headdress performing the Changing of the Guard ceremony on the trim green lawn of historic Par liament Hill will again thrlilhundreds of thousands of visitors to Ottawa this summer In what hasbecome the Canadian Armys most popular annual spectacle the 2nd Battalion The Canadian Guards will perform the ancient cere mony in front of the Peace Tower daily includingsundaya and holidays from Yulyz toSept at 10 am At the conclusion of the helbhour ceremony the New Guard will march off the Hlll and proceed to Government House on Sussex Drive the official rs sidence of the Governor General where it will relieve the Did Guard The ancient military ceremony of Mounting Guard was carried out for DOWnMemoxLLaneg conrmz Brennersle mam On June 18 1938 reported was meet ing of Slmcoe Beekeepers Association with 185 present at MidhurstEoreatry Station Officers returned by ecclama tion were James Smart Elmvaie president president Marwood Cooks town secretarytreasurer chairman of the Canadian Federation gaye talk on Queen Raising and addresses were also given byrwiiiiam Gardiner of Giiford director of Onta rioVBeekeepers Association and Lemaister of Guelph on beekeeping and honey marketing After discussion it was decided to adopt the standard sized con talners musry on DAKOTA Montreal Star Its small wonder that the ancient DC3 onDakotais still nosing around the worlds airianes This durable old bucket was once sleek airliner of the mild19303 Inthenormai courseof iThe Barrie Examiner Authorised unease tin muv Poatflfllco Department Ottawa Dally Sundays and sututoryi lIolldayl ucepted more wanna Publisher Bmvshudmaa Manual nuznr cum sums Managing lslror ensues wanna BusinessMush noanar smuhn Adverdslu Manager John human circulation Manager suexenerlen ra con 70 By null 111011 so three months ifililjear outndo Fred Miller Bradford vice the first time in the history of Canada at Government Houseby the lst Battal ion The Canadian Guards during the visit to Canada of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in thesumrner of 1959 It was continued for six weeks after the departure of Her Majesty and quick ly won the interest of citizens and tour ists During the summer of 1960 in re sponse to public demand the Changing of the Guard was performed daily for more than two months Last year the ceremony Was carried out by the and Battalion The Canadian Guards which had retur ed from services with Can adasNA Erigade in Germany the previous winter we rather like the idca of little pomp and circumstance on Parliament Hill Theres certainly enough iesa seemly behavior there menu Nnasns Gnsnuarn On June 18 1988 The Barrie Exa rminer had group photograph of the RoyalVictoria Hospital graduation class of fivernurses front row Miss Gladys rM Ealbert Miss Marion Rush Miss Glenna Downey gold medallist Miss Letitia Bell and Miss Margaret Loucks Behind them were Miss Helen Shanghai assistant superintendent Miss McArthur superintendent and MissRusseil night supervisor Théaudi torium was filled on the occasion ands profusion of flowers made the stage bower ofbeeutyBe kindly be syrups thetio be courteous be firm werethe concluding words of Hon Dr Jsimp be of the graduating class Other Editors fViews aventsshe wouldlhave fetched up on the scrap heap years ago As it turnedxout the Douglas designersfound they had put together the moat serviceablever settle and economic macldneinwavia othing to match her son minister of Education to the mem In war and in peace there JlleWivesDying In Georgian Bay Hymnroan Owen Sound vector so ago alarms were noted in comatose or dying condition in the harbor Reports In the pnu indicate that file alewlvu min thls sad slats tillcumin Bay andwladroweof bavsbeenuen walked up on tubecites indeed it is said that tone of these dead fish have been removed from the sands of Wasgs Busch Aiewivsr are an Miaallccoalt fish They run into the fresh water rivers to Ipawn from the Gulf ofst Lawrence south to North Carolina MEILID 1th are stroll migraiory duringI liiespaw mas and they ave entered the Utvpll Great Mug way of reel ei land Calls are supposed lo have been nsl to Lake Oui srlo where 90 years they wsrerepcrled to be dy and lying in windmvlr along the shores of Toronto island There is some evidence however that suggests thatlbeu fish colored Lulu Ontarioafter lilo av Law rence Canals were built before 30 The entered many lakes in the hi no system about me for It was only after that dslo that lliey were reported from that location other isku notably the Fir er Lakes oi New York Stet have stocks of landlocked wiver The late Dr Reed and this writer worked on the dis eases snd hscerlolngy of fishes at Queens University in lilo late thirties We were investigating the red sore of bike and we found that the bacteria presum Inierest Conflict Rejected By arrows ChiPrime Minis ter Diefenbaker said in the Commons Monday that there waste conflict of interestxln ScnaiorHenri Courtemanche PCQuebec holding the post of director with Jean Talon Hos pltsi in Montreal while he was cabinet minister Mr Dlefenbaker had been asked win It Mr Courte manches position with the hos pital was not at odds with the prime ministers statements in user views STBOUD outshone mam Explains Origin Of Contest El NOTE Following are excerpts from letter writ ten by Harold Hughes of Siroud bldahoma president of the International Brick Throwing Association He was explaining some of the history and handling of the contest to Examiner col umnist Sunfish localbooster for the event Dear Mr Simpklu was glad to get your letter said to know that you were in terasled in the noble sport of brick throwin which was an by elimination on July at our celebration They in turn had picked their team on June is at 104 even sixthplece was 925 We won handily but will say Lth for the British dontbp iievs they put in his intensive practice thatwo did for the last two Weeks just before the con test Next you itrnaybes different story GOOD chowos Next year the British intendto throva pimpandwe intend offshootiof one of mans fhstmthmprmThdeeak competitive sports probably having been developed firm the Stone Age before the advent of the spear and the bow and ar row No doubt Ung and his conmades used to meet and see who could heave fiverpound or illpound boulder the greater distance It all began when wrote Clark general secretary of the Sirnud Annual Show Society Stroud Gloucestersbire Eng last April suggesting some sort of competition between the two Stroudslluit involved strength and inili And believe me mt ma Cm at that brick throwing does take skill We had fellow who weiqu 175 pounds who oulthrew lot of our 225 and 250 pounders In fact hetook second with 1044 In the eliminationa he threw only as feet But you sure can perfect style that will give you that extra fact with that end flip that you give to brick Mr Clark cabled me back that they had accepted our chal leogc to brick throwing no test such he badoutiln However they wanted several changes stipulated in the rules We bod no chance to fbsck out so wagot together and ganlzed the international Brie Throwing Assoulatlan5which was composed of members of our Chamber of Commerce our Retail Merchsnis Associa on and our Lions Club Quite an organization We may even have membership cards Jusr srx WEEKS dolly by carrier are weakly Mentalm Coding 15 an at as republic Imln alrl alsoresa dualcitizen nomo ages equivalent of kc in Strand England had sched uledlhe event during their an nualshow on SaturduyI July 16 So we had six weeks to ork up something We decid to have our First Midway from Show and the is like the loviug cup that ding teem ea crowd is at pm andwe can get much larger crowd at as we have lighted field andhigii school stadium Mr Clark suggested that we invite Stroud New South Wales Aus tralia to join us next year on July 15 1951 and that would ex tend the contest right across the Englishspeaking world We said we would welcome them to pal ticipate in the coolest so Mr Clarkisfomake all theat rangematts with Stroud New SouBiWal At halia toward their pan pa ion We of course did not know Lime and less noobjectious to fourway contest on Saturday July 15 196 We had writer andjpholo gopher from Life Magazine Paramount Moviloue News pho4 tographer 1UP and AP wlre services Hid all the TV sla lions NBC CBS and ABC affili ates covering the event Next year with four countries on three copulation1 it should pull wide press appea Nowliar9 is ibegistoftlls rules We throw fivepound brick by by it is called patio brick here It is solldibrlck with no holes in iteud it weighs five pounds We throw from isfoo ewllh ton heard to prevent foot faulting The is 15 feet in diametergWe or three judges on wlth flag he holds up whitelflag if fair throw and red flag if it is foul which does notcount and cannot be rethrown You must throw on level rid cor points than total of 25 points rust six rial es to count points Medals an on first three places silver and broom A32rln¢h teem trophy is gold colored goes tethewmt ehyesr Must be won three jilmeswnsecutively to retain permanent possession for grabs each year We drrowwith one Whirllike afdiscus or course there are sever styles of throwing We have sever5d things in the talking siege here now to add to the attraction next year girls 17 lo 27 lblon and red heads to award prizes to our athletes Now you may have some other as on events to schedule thatwouid be of interest ioa crowd If so we would ap preciate any suggestions We of course want to keep this world championship brick throwing as main event The metropol itan premsseemfogo for it and we kavebadwlde publicltyyn the event Scents like munlung that isrentirely differed always catches the public fancy Cordiain yours HAROLD HUGHES LETTERS T0 EDITOR TAX BASE ltRlMMED Hanover June 25 1961 Dear It is said that his American companies wouldnt know what to do with the money if they sold part crest in their Can adian subsi cries We allow industries to plow back profits whisk benefit the shareholders without paying personal income tax In view of the predominantly foreign ownership we are playing fight into their mitt one of Mr Coynes budget mule was to change our corporation tax rate from 50 lo 40 per cent on profits distributed mad 60pm cent if retained Mr Flemings budget allows further erosion of the corpora tion tax base by providing for the surplus funds of met fabricators io bypass the corporationtax by allowing them to claim exploration for rating ex pauseth asoll drninln companies have beeu doingfor sorne years If the little man wants to take chance on mln lug yentures he doesso alone with personalrincoma tax cash The corporation Lax raw pu the governments contribution in such speculative investment at The portion in the ice only onethird becauSeoI the effectof depletion allowance outhe tax take it that Mr Coyne does not approve of th depletion allowance Pro dent Kennedy andleadlng no sis in the 115 Yours truly the Comqu that all cabinet ministers had been sskedio give up company directorship when they joined his adminis tration Mr Dlefenbaker laid fireholfi prtal post was not in the same category as company direc torship BIBLE THOUGHT Our God whom we Ienb able to deliver us handle their Trinity Fete our ihree Abeauty contesttoaelectMlss hnrnlng new furnaceDaniel best throws were lots 1044 and BrickTop coldest limited to 313 Days of miracles are not past in God of miracles still lives in deliver those who trust Him Says Naturalist ed to be responsible for lheso sores was Proteus Hydrophuu This bacteria wu wider ad throughout the Wllllfll ll dssu waters Lain Ontario and the St Lawrence We found um it was curring red is disease In frogs an fnflam livers and kidneys In ldfisb and suckers it caused lnin realm and laboratory mice and laboratory mlaer Even the warm of certain lakes filmed docks of hydr lhl Finally we tied it In with the widespread dyioaolf of the lie wlvu of Lake Ontario However wedidootfiodacureorevtoa suggestion as to how the bacter ia could be controlled There is quite profitable hid ya for bacteriologist but wouworklng on grant found many getting for further lnvcsil alien This so often happensll our lnller hi can be found on record in the Csnsdlsnlournai of Re searcb moot lea nor VALUAELE Alewivu have little economic importance particularly been that are landlocked The lake trout may feed on them Ind they may be taken by other pre daceoul fishes but illey do not seem lobe of any valuein the markets Alsvllvss along the coast are taken with the her rlng and the two fishes are eit sn raid together Its Latin lllme ls Alon pseudohnreagul lil erai translation of which is shad that looks like herring lnuy descriptive term for these fish HERRINGLIKE Aicwives are hcrrin llke silvery fish compressed la ersl ly lhey seem lobe deeper with more belly than has lhe lrus herring They range in length when adult from five or six in char to eight or even more and the average weight ll seven or eight ounces They are blue black on the dorsal surface and sdvery on the sides and under neath Their scales are compar atwely large and silvery and are easily removed Spawning lakes place in the fast waters of the rivers lbavs watched them at this time and have aesn the female start from the bottom and go straight up to the surface accompanied by rev erai males Eggs and sperm presumably are emitted during this upward rush for the fish torn following this run seem to settle back on the bot lNMILLIONS The young alewives looking like darkcolored thread about tlreeelghlhs of an inchin length appear in uncountable ions in about 11 days Ale wives may spawn more than once for there are number of yearclasses as shown byline scale readings Alewives are often celEed shad but this name is misnomer Shad are larger fishes found on the Atlantic coast And while they resemble the alewife when small are different in many ways Aiewlfe is the com mon English name of our Great Lakes fish REPORT FROM 11x ey Mcmrinn noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner PAGLESHAM Essex The county council of Essex has problem units handsthe yiiiage of Paglesham near Bumharn allCrouch lherproblem is that the villagers have refused to elect parish council as re quired byilaw No nominations were made for the recent parish council election Even if there had been nominations none of cheese people in the village on titled in votewouid have gone to ibepolls To man the village is sol ly against having paruh co oil The residents declare that it is just waste oftime In Paglesham there are Village Produce Association and Womens Institute These org noise the social activities loe community Such things as street lighting and playing fields which are normally the respon sibility of the Parish Council cause no concern at all There are no streetlighta and at night thelstreeta remain in darkness There isno recognized playing field but the children have nev Ver gone short of places to play in this quiet rural village Tile villagers just do not want lien Their only conrment We dont want parish ouncii and thats Then comes defiant sil Village edema Want CB until This anarchy on the part of the villagers of Pagiesham has the Essex County Council wor riad lt is making enapproach to Henry ErouXE minister or housing and local govemme to include in new bill prov inns which will enable the oil to deal with thesituatinn new Local Government Bill is expected to be introduced at the next session of parliament The Essex County Council is asking that it include powersto allow the appointment of num ber of persons to carry out he duties of parish council where local people refuseto or to elect council DAYS LAW FLOUTED spokesman for the county ilouted in Pagiesham Thai coun council declares the law is be cila present powers he and permitted only temporary sp poiutments in the case of recei citrant villages He said the pre sent position in Pagleahain was farcical The village had also re fused lovelect parish council in 1558w1th the result that the normal functions of such coun all were not being carried out in other parishes where in sufficient numbers had been nominated to form council elections fill the vacancies were being ordered But Pagin ehsm will carry on without parish council until change in the law gives the county council power to remedy tile situation oolNojwesrT skeiidut CNI Ll lNCLUSlV plan to Winnipeg and west micro fo LuslVGovby Train solm GILBERT travel

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