Thieves Target Threobreak ins here last night gave thieves amlll rei ward Reliable Linen Service 143 John Street was hit and lost 32 when window was smash ed and metal cabinet forced early today Routine police patrol dis domd twootber breakins at about thesarno time imperial Eastman on Vesprn Street was entered by forcing door Desks inside were ransacked but no money was reported missing Scbandlens Fina Service Statlon 13 Anne Street South was entered and lost $15 to FLT LT MODONALD GRINS TO PHOTOGRAPHER BEFO Bdrrie Native Shows Skill IngAir At Camp During Air Force Day Throughout his career Flt Lt Alfred McDonald has thrived on competition He has taken honors in many flying tests and each success spurrcd him on to greater challenges The greatest challenge was the Golden Hawks To fly in that precision team was the ultimate He volunteered He was one of many officers across the Dominion who want ed position on the team He was accepted Flying with the Golden Hawks gives him sense of grave res ponsibility It is the task of the Golden Hawks to demonstrate to the Canadian public the effective ness and calibre of Canadas de fence forces WATCHES AGAIN His wife Modelcinc saw one performance and decided that she had seen enough Then one day she watched him fly again Today she has adjusted to the performance and is not as in clined to faint You will see Flt Lt McDonald In the number six position tomor row That would be the right low er comer As the six jets thund er past he and the other solo pil 7ACLAIMSTJHEATED7 VANCOUVER CPD ficial here of the Cana Pos tal Employees Association says the federal Civil Service Com mission is cheating postal work ers out of two holidays this year The commission is violat ing the Civil Service Act by denying postal employees holi day overtime provisions for Do minion Day and Remembrance Day Johnson said Both holidays fall on Saturdays this year BliRRlE Outgoing Lions club district board of governors chair man Harold Forster right is seen at the recent olst district convention with new interna tvanal president Per Stahl Es kllstuna Sweden The district last year donated $12000 to ots will break away and circle Flt Lt McDonald will bear in from the right at 650 milesper hour The other solo pilot will be comingfrom the left at the same speed They will go into an arc and when they pass at the crest there will be lï¬s than 50 feet separating them AT BORDEN TOMORROW In the summer of 1948 as an ldyearold Barrie high school studentMcDonald leittho halls of Central Collegiate in search of an air force career Tomorrow he will thrill thous ands of Earrie and area resid ents as he puts his F86 Sabre Jet through its paces at the Camp Borden Air Force Day celebrations Flt Lt McDonaldscareer took him to Camp burden for basic training and then to Cell WILL CONTRIBUTE The city will participate in the cost of new registry office at an estimated cost of $160000 with 169 per cent share or $27040 DISCUSS AMALGAMATION The parks board and recreation committee meet July it at 730 pm in city hall to discuss am algamation of the bodies CHOOSE CITY ENGINEER Monday Earries new city en gineerwill be mosen at aspee ial pm meeting SUPPLY CHLORINE pow Chemical will supply for next year chlorine at $1450 per COUNCIL BRIEFS hundredweigbt as is presently paid CARE Most important of sub jects discussed was Lions un derwriting of $3501100 recrea tion eompfor the blind at Nor thern Ontarios Lake St Jos eph Lions ubs are now in llalcountries organgraobic lo cations withmore than 625000 trails where he received his wings in August 1949 After Centralia he spent two years at Trenton in pilot at tack instructors course He then left for Lecon Field England Macdonald Manitoba was his next stop There he spent two years as fighter weapons in structor He was made Cblef Operations Officer of 438 Fighter Squadron Auxiliary at Montreal He filled that capacity for our years Zweibruckcn Germany next on the list There he was Deputy Officer Commanding 434 Bluenose dron of the Fighter Wing In October last year Flt Lt McDonald moved his family in Chatham New Erunswick He is giving instruction in tactical op erations there CUNDLES SEWERAGE The city engineer is to submit plans and estimates for sanit ary sewer system to serve the Cundlcs aran VSIDEWALKPETITION The titio for si walks from property owners on the south side ovaampbell Avenue from the southwest corner of Anne Street up and including Emms property has been receiv ed by public works and abylaw is in order PLUMBING INSPECTOR Fred Churdlill has been hired as the con building and plumbing inspector on part timetemporary basis for $150 hourly IONS ATTEND conrrnisncr members Mr St at Hookah fice in Atlantic City last week at the international meet at tended by 35000 Lions Past international to director Bill Garner and wife And Mrs Forster all of Barrie also at tended RE TAKING OFF ON TRAINING FLIGHT HEMIMSCING outside col legiate doors Flt Lt Mc Donald rests up for Air Force Day flight Show or Stiength Brings surrender CARACAS APA 250 man army garrison revolted briefly Monday of the port of Barce lona and 40 persons were re thieves No arrests have been made Orangemen Unveil New Banner lit Ivy Orangemeo of L013 450 had an unveiling service of their now banner at the Orange Hall in Ivy Wednesday night June 21 Worshipful MasterHarold Russ sell mnsterof ceremonies call on George Banting past master to unveil the new ban ported killed Armed civilians oer Mr Banting spoke briefly rose to the defence of President about those who had marched Romqu Ectancourt behind the old barmcr Halsald that show of force by squadron of Canberra let Frcd Cook of Bradford oast Grand Master of Ontario West bomers over Barcelona barracks addressed the group He was in and threat of annihilation by loyal troops and navy men con tributed to the rebelssurrender All the rebel leaders were re ported captured OBITUARIES MELVILLE FEW Melville Pew late of 56 Eeaty Road Ajax died in the Oshawa General Hospital Friday June as the result of heart at tack He had been in poor health for the past three years es Alfred Pew and Annie Jane Jennie Rocha be was born at Vasey Ontar June 23 1895 When he was sotmonths old the family moved to macro form on the 5th line of Essa there he farmed with his par ents until they died The other members of the family settled in Western Canada Mr Pew moved to Whitby in 1938 and was veteran of World War 11 On January 29 1941hc married Etta Carson of Town to They moved to Ajax where he spent the rest of hi ite Surviving his Willow and an adopted tar Lila Mrs William Onisl of Toronto He was predeceased by three bros titers Henry George andNor man and one sister Llewella Mrs Joseph Dunn Included with the many floral ARTHUR ALEXANDER SMITH Youngest son of the late Jam Funeral Home in Pickermg and interment in Erskine Cemetery Dunbarton Ont heart condition proved fatal for Arthur Smith at his home in Midhurst in the early morn ing of June 14 1961 He was 72 He was born Christmas Day 1888 in London England son of the late Arthur Alexander Smith and the former Caroline Jane Bennington also deceased He came to Canada in 1905 and worked at Smiths Falls and at Aonan Ontario before mov ing to Midhurst in 1924 where be operated general store in 1930 he became employed at the Forest Station Midhurst and heldthat oriuntil retirement in 1955 in addition he was caretaker of the Town ship Hall in Midhurst from the time it was built in 1927 until year ago For many years he waschoir leader at id st United Church and for several years he was also member of St troduced by Mr Russell and thanked by Wes Cochrnue The ceremony was opened by Harper with prayer fol lowed by hymn and Canoda Ladies servcd luneh after the closing Ellie name Examine Randy Jcnnctt has lot of years ahead of him In which to be thrilled but hell prob ably never forget Sundays experience That was the nightlthe fiveycarold landed onepound 14inch Rainv bow Trout Already an avid war 44 fisherman this was the first fish hed ever caught The thrill was accentuated as dad Lyall Jeonett of 56 Maple Avenue caught noth ing The prize was token from the Nottawasaga River near ivy Examiner Photo CITY AND COUNTY NEWS TU aycees Seek ESDAY JUNE 27 1581 More Eiitriés as Festival barrio Jaycees are looking for more contestants for the events being held in conjunction with their Dominion Day Festival aturday July at St Vincent Park The amateur show being held TmthflithOshawo Fen tributes from friends and relat ives were those from Starks El ectronics John Northway and Son staff Oshawa St Pauls United Church Ajax Dorcas WA of the United Church and others The pallbearers were all rela tives of the deceased Lloyd Ra char of lvy Lloyd Arnold of Port Credit Russel Webster of Fenelon Falls Wilbert Pogne of Lindsay and Clarence and Mur ray Greentrec of Oshawa Friends and rel sifmm elon Falls Ivy Big Bay Point Barrie Orillia Midland Agin court Etohicoke and Port Cred lt attended the funeral Services were conducted by the Rev Rex Norman of St Pauls Unit ed Church Ajax on Monday June 1961 at the McEachnie Georges Anglican Church Choir in Allandale Arthur Smith was noted for his cheerful disposi tion he was also keenly interest ed in baseball hockey and foot ball and as young man played soccer in England and in Can ada He was also avmember of the independent Order of Odd fellows On April is 1916 Ontario fonner Miss Christi hard and theyï¬dï¬voichlldnenk Tnï¬oli James and one daughter of Toronto There is also one sis ter Mrs David Cooper of Dun das and four grandchildren The funeral on Friday June 16 1961 was from the chapel of the Pethick Funeral Home Bar Tle at Anoan he Was married to the na AnnMay ot Barrie Mrs Kelly OTTAWA Special to Barrie Examiner Dr Rynard Member of Parliament Tor East Simcoe willtakepart in the program otrthe National Com mittee forthe Prevention of Al coholism at Washington DC late in July Tbeaorillia doctor is believed to be the only Canadian who will be playing prominent role the program of the meeting which is expected to attract many prominent men from sev eral countriesiof the world Dr Rynard wbo has oeen an Ontario medical officer of health for more than 40 years will speak for about an hour on the economic factors of alcoholism He has secureda large amount DRIVEY0 be 30minute CARMEN MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Win Be Delivered clam name THEkE IS No CHARGE For unsrLE CLARSAND raucks by writing tlr Box No 24 The of material from the federal and or by phoning provincial departments of as well as reference works from the parliamentary library to assist him in the prep aratlon of his paperlFollowing Barrie Examiner PA 88734 in the evening FOR HORSESHOE FANS from to pm still lacls eo ough entries to fill out the pro gram which is being divided into two groups one for adults and one for those 16 and under Cash and merchandise prizes are being offered and anyone who can sing dance play musical instrument or has any other interesting talent is invit ed to enternow MUll SHOW Entries are also beinginvited forthechildrens7Mutt Show being held at 10am before the big parade Cash and other priz as are also being offered in this contest which is open to boys and girls 10 years and under and their dogs The dogs must he on leash and should be mixed breed types More contestants are also be ing ght for the marathon ILSimcoe MP To Play Big Hole midlife aims limit Park Ill Conference In Washington ogtll°lslifltsslsiiaitl Local horseshoe pitchers will be pleased to learn of another delivery of the papér there will spama ent mm was made question and dis cussion period Dr and Mrs Rynard will be going to Washington July 26 and Dr Hynard will give his paper on the morning of July 27 MAN CHARGED Barrie city police today saidtlrat they have arrested Robert Campbell of 93A Donald Street and charged him under The East simme MP has been section of the Criminal Code of gaining agraduahy rrfounting reputation as speaker on wide variety of topics both med ical and political and he is in wide demand as speaker by many organizations in Ontario Is ssnvlcs Canada connected with abortion Commercial Printing final yesterday by the Jaycoes special events committee Allan and George Crawford of Mine sing who are reported to really know the fine art of throwing horseshoe will be playing game pr two at the park start ing at pm This is an event that horseshoe fans will not want to miss Plans have also been compleb ed for street dance featuring time dancing on Kempenfelt Rd starting immediately after the fireworks display on Satur day night St IohnfsStudents Entertain Adults Last night was talent night at St Johns Separate School The children rehearsed for month to present entertains merit for the last parent teacher meeting of the sea son this one runby the children with student Joanne Garvey acting as mistress of ceremonies During the productiontop grade eight children were pre sented with looseleaf binders by the Kinsmen Club This was in honor of Tommy Collins 12 grade eight stud ent who came in fourth for the Simcoe County Scholarships Barrie division Last yearhis sister Kathryn now 14 won county scholar ship and also took the Jef ery award for history and geography Theyare the pnly two winners in separate schools in the Barrie district us BASTION Okinawa greatUS military base since the Second World War is one of the Ryukyu is land chain south of Japan 0F Toungster Drowns Visiting Relatives KESWICK Danny Gordon Leydon 29$ of Toronto was drowned near his grandmother cottage on Sedore Ave Willow Bench last night The youngster was staying wrth his grandmother Ruth Leydon while his mother was in Tomato hospital giving birth to another child Danny was being looked after by his grandmother and his uncle and aunt Mr and Douglas Leydon The child was missed at 615 pm and found 10 minutes later by visitor to the cottage Gor don Repath 25 of Mimico who found the small body in three feet of water approximately 1009 feet from the cottage Danny the son of Mr and Robert Gordon Leyrloo of Tgonto has one elder sister MINING If someone you know is moving friendly call 1ny the Welcomeanon cam will help them feel at home Joinin carrying on our communit traditional irii of boswtnlrty Tell Welcome on the name and all of fnrnsh eayou know who on movmgr PA 6630 WELCOME WAGON