YOUNG SlilOliS plan BIG REGlillA Flyln high are class racing bulls and rigging made and owned by Hllicrest School grade eight wood workers John Sarjeant iii left and Stephen Gundry 14 industrial arts instructor Paul Crease introduced the project to King Edward and Prince of Wales classes Cost per boat is about $250 Vessels are about three feet long 55 inches in meat TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by EFlynu 93 Dunlop st 13 Barrie mammal Asbestos Anlubl Alsanu Sicel Aluminium Alberta Gls Atlas Steel Bk of lllorltreal Bank of N5 bell TeL Brazilian hA Oil BC inu CdnBkolCom can Brewerle CPR Canada Cement can Chemical can all Con rain on Con Paper Consumers Gal Dis Sell imp oil Lanatt Norandu Darn Found Hudson Bay Min Imp Tobacco Ind AccepL inland NG later Nickel interprov Pipe Jockey Club Mae Powell Riv Massey run NonOnt No ore Salads sailrill SlmVlorll Stafford steel of can steianers iorDomBk Tram CamPlpe Trans Mt Pine Tr Hs File Texaco Union Gal walker ka lemma Cali Husky Camp Cbib Compelnla Con Deniaon Cori Hail Sullivan Falcanbrldle Gecn Miner Hoiunser Lamqua Long asarltuner Nerniatel Opemlakl Gunner as KerriAddllon Lat Quemont Sher Gordon Steep Rock United Oil Ventures Wllxoy as ï¬ve Moss ACTIVE srooss iBelliTeleynonunionTarrNorandarSteathnlilyPros Airways nrvmaNn panamarows height Four dozen younglt store are making hulls while mothers make sails on plans dug up by Mr Crease from periodical regatta is planned tentatively for this weekend MdYors Propose iIdeds Far Easing Municipal Loads LONDON Ont CPlThrea support lo motion calling for proposals for government mess uniform end to Daylight Sav urea to case the blends bur lnglnme deleting from Pres den of municipalities were made ton resolution deadline forth Monday as the annual oonven last Sunday inISeptember tion of the Ontario Mayors and Sudbury 7mm on In Reeves Association opened hers dosing byl med Two of the proposals were back for study but is expected made by Mayor Charlotte Whlt to be raised again The resolu ton of Ottawa as part at com lion called for amendment to prehensiva program of rounds the Factory Shop and Office assistance by way of tax re Building Act to remove the re bates She suggested moderate quiremcnt for councils to para lnuease in hospital insurance closing bylaws when 75 per cent premiums to lift some of the load all municipalitlis and provincial tax on liquor licences to pro de municipal revenue May Garnet Newkirk of Claamam association president called for senior government loan fund which would make money available to municipali ties at reasonable interest He suggested this would make possible lower costs and uniform municipal development Mayor Whilton claimed many mimlclpalities are paying us much as 50 hospital construc tion costs which amount to $12 000 to $18000 per bed PROPWES SPLIT She proposed that the senior governments should pay two thirds of the cost up to stated rnaximum However outl pa tients would first have to re ceive the some benefits as inpatlenls An increase averaging $5 year in premium would raise an additional $30000000 to extend short term inpatient and con trolled out patient care she said Delegates gave overtvhelming 57 BECOMES LAWYER EDMONTON CPlw 57 year old professional engineer who was admitted to the has last week said Monday that man shouldnt para up chal lenge because of age Norman Archibald Bradley of Edmonton said in an interview that he was thinking of retiringes an enm gincer when he became inter ested in law STOCK MARKET Market TORONTO CPlThe stock market followed the pattern it set Monday and was down in lightmornlng trading today Led by utiliti foods the industr 307 to 53806 Alli bi Brothers and Consolidated were all down iractionally In foods Hardee Farms Salada Shirrifi Loblaw and Oshawa whole sale had similar drops Bell Telephone 30 Power Power Corporation Shawinigan Gatlneau Powel and Consum ers Gas were off among utili ties On index golds fell 51 to 8274 base metals 16 to 10622 and western oils 27 to 9448 The Down In Light Trading share was listedon the board It was later revealed that the shares which constitute control of the company has been pur chased by Anthea Imperial Co Ltd Antlles Imperial with head of fice at St Catharines is en gaged in the manufacture and distribution of construction pipe and fittings and scaffolding Of fice Specialty with head office at Newmarket manufactures and distributes large line of office equipment 0n the stock exchange Mon day Anthes Imperial gained point at $39 and Office Specialty was unchanged at $16 in other than the special transaction oi retailers sign petition APPROVE RESOLUTION Approval was given Samia resolution secking amendment to municipal franchise extension legislation to permit residents covered by this rezulation to vote for all civic posts and on all questions except money by laws At present they may vote only for mayor and alderman The provincial government will be asked to increase the membership of the Ontario Municipal Board and to review board procedure to apeed up processing of applications Lorne Cumming deputy min ister of municipal affairs told delegates the Ontario govern ment will welcome the views of elected municipal officials on recentlyamended legislation rc quiring disclosure by such oili clals of any interest in munici pal business Cy Elston of local weld ing supply company outlined in the Rotary Club of Barrie the many uses oi oxygen acetylene nitrogen argon and helhun as supplied and serviced by his corn any over large area from the oundaries of Metropolitan Toronto north to Temagaml and irom Owen Sound east to Lindsay and Hallburton Olwgen and acetylene as used by the welding industry have for long time presented ser lousproblem in dlsrlbution due to the weight of the high pres sure cylinders required ior ahlp ping and storagche said While these cylinders are still neces sary for small users an import ant segment oi the trade great strides have been made in im proving methodn and equlpment to take care of large users in cluding steel companies llnd hlispitals such as our own Royal Victoria Hospital The liquid system for oxygen and nitrogen was devised whereby the liquid at about 275 degrees below zero is stored in tank cars or tans trucks for transportation and then either pumped as gas into sioiionnry containers or left with the user to be led into his pipeline or tributlon system The liqui cation and storage under an zeroconditions has reduced the sire and weight or storage can taintera by as much as 90 per cen AUTOMATIC UNIT For steel companies who use large quantities of oxygen in the rangevoi 100 to 200 million cubic feet per month small com pletelLaulomaiic unimath lid of Canada Ltd H15 Plylblo Sept is ex dividend Aug 9°clééi¢ Clb Ltd kpaylble July 10 ex dividend June as Ventures Ltd 15 plus nowaones New 15 extra payable July 57 exudlvldond July is YORK AVERAGES Industrial down 150 Rails down 96 Utilities dowa ronortao noon Ind down 1W Golda dnwn51 exenauoe max Metalsdown in oil down 27 NET EARNINGS Anthes imperial Company Ltd Class common 36 cents July 17 record July lat pid Series $137 Aug liecord July 10 Class commoov710 cents and 2nd pfd shares up cents par value each for each Class share held July 17 rec ord July3 Eaat Kootenay Power Co pany Lulu$175 per cent cu mulaiive pfd 15 record Aug 2Neon Products of Canada id 15 cents July record 30 NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPlThe US dollar was at premium of 116 per cent in terms of Cana dian funds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Monday the noon rate was Loan Pound down 1A NEW YORK CHCanadian dollar 5i higher at 97 in in terms of us funds Pourid sterling nae higher at $270 132 Iry An Examiner Want Ad Science New Shrinks Piles Without government tried to re fown the countrys gyp SIG with Identity cards but the nomads decided he use them as playing cards Very few Moots lmown to men are stronger than film flees peelIdol its Mode is IIth rich fuflvoodled smoking is what you get when you ratiyowownvdthogdans Diqu Tobacco Painor Discomfort Fads Substance llut More Pele And 1th llSlahin Humboldt Toronto so the ï¬rst time lclengelleu foundod naw healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve gain and itching Thousands Ive been relieved at gainer nailo suhbaunoa va homo withorIt my mï¬uvenieno case use relieving aln actdal reddening shnnkagag took place Most ameaio of sllraeulb winesoth chromium5 anode man like Pliae have ceased be be avprobleml The secret is snow healing lub stenoeaiioD egdlsoovaryofo famous men tute Nowthllnewhaallngeubetanee iaodoredinru ryoroinlmnt iorm called reparation HAel forltat 11 ha guaan lmvrmy sterling $237 11 an volume wTs 171000 shares compared with 542000 at the same time Monday In base metals Falconbridge International Nickel and Steep Rock fell Quemont and Nor anda had small gains Golds were quiet with McIn tyre Porcupine and Giant Yel lowknife both down Purchase of control of com pany in the late alternoon fea tured trading Monday special size transaction of 87000 shares of Office Specialty Manufacturing Co Ltd worth $1309350 at prlée of $1505 nnvunl Silicon donrslLo COLLIER cranes maimed Filletus gPreaideï¬nt gt Tuesday EVENING JUNE 21 an In other market action all sections failed duringmoderate trading On index industrials went down 275 at 59113 base metals 201 at19ï¬38 western oils 114 at 0175 and golds 29 at 0325 Volume was 2053000 shares compared with 2010000 Friday Woodward stores took the big gest industrial loss down at Canada Melting gained at Ease metals and golds were weak Noranda dropping 11 at 48 and International Nickel at 78 humus initialization oi nrrlcrlls causally PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION We HALL nannrn Evaryoneewelcome Who Is Good OovErnmant vised This unit produces its own oxygen and no attendants are necessary he said Nitrogen another important product is used by the food hi dustry tnprotect products such as shortening margarine salad dressings and other with high oil content from deterioration due to exposure tooxygen in the atmosphere Powdered milk and evén coffee are now packed un der nitrogen atmosphere Even paints with their high oil cone so nanny Fire Fighter uco Gains Commission RCA Station Camp Borden Group Ca taln Hilton CD Commas lng Officer RCAF sta tion Camp Borden has announc that Flight Sergeant redy has been granted com mission and promoted to the rank of Flying Officer Flying officer Brady native of Ottawa la fire fighter and presently employed on the staff of iralnin Standards Evalua tion Dets ent RCAF station Camp Borden Flying Officer Brady served with the lian and Canadian Army during World War and prior to his reenlistment In 10th was employed by the Civrl Ser vlfo Commission Ottawa Ont ar Describes Strides Improving Welding Methods Equipment gen is used for protection during manufacture said Mr Elston LOW TEMPERATURE Because of its low temperat ure liquid nitrogen ll being used to preserve the semen In artificial insemination of cattle and the medical profession is finding that whole blood can be kept under liquid nitrogen re gégeratlon for long periods of Another interesting develop ment by the Linda Company suppliers of oxygen nitrogen etc to the local company is the manufacture of synthetic eaplt phires Although first uses were for hearings in defence equlpv men and laterJar phonograph need as and ball point pens it is now possible to produce star for the jewellery trade as beautiful as the rare gems found in nature he said BarberIo Pay Not Customer TORONTO CHPersona on gagcd in the business oi render ing service are consumers and not vendors of the tangible per sonal property they use inci dentally in rendering the serv ice according to government ruling regulations ape pondedtodayto the Ontario Re tail Sales Tax Act In other words barber or beauty shop operator has to pay the threepercent sales tax on the hair preparations he uses on his customer and not the cus Jamar EDT INNISFIL NOTES Shanty Bay Firemen Reseni Criticism By Shanty Bay Fire Prevention Association are resentful at the criticlnrl they received following the fire on Barrie Terrace last week They claim that within seven minutes from the time the can was received by thorn they were at theine The time might hsye been even less had not car been lelt par ked across the road into the Tar ra They kept water on the fire with one hose and with the other doused the fire which had begun along the cave of the house next door which was only few feet away They worked allafternoon although the call came before they had dinner and with the ex ceptionof some sandwiches aup plied by neighbors they had no thing to eat until they left at pm The fire kept bursting out and residents did not want them to leave They had pump into the lake and plenty at wster available RAISED MONEY The membefs of the Associa tion raised money within their area to buy and pay for the equipment as wall as the fire hallwhich they erected themsel ves Chief George Sutton said there was no ueltlon about go in to err Terrace even though it is not within their Ioclatlon area They even have an arraole ment that the women can take the truck out if all the men are away in the daytime We have saved much valuable property since the equipment has been on bond Mr Sutton said The limit of their area is about thresmlles and insurance com panies for asmall extra prem WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at am Synopair high presmre area centred south oi LakeErle has become almost stationary and promises to prolong the spell of fair weather which pre valis over Southem Ontario Lake Erie Lake Huron Nia gara Liake Ontario aculhem Georgian Bay Haliburton re gions Wlndaor Hamilton Tor onto Sunny and warmer today and Wednesday Winds south in southwest 15 Northern Georgian Bay iima gaml regions North Bay Sud bury Mainly sunny today be coming partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday with scattered showers or th storms warmer winds southwest 10 to 20 Algomo White River Coch lane regions Sault Ste Ma rle Sunny with cloudy inter vals and warmer today few scattered showers Wednesday sunny with cloudy intervals and scattered showers or thunder storms Winds southwost 10 to MARINE Marine forecasts valid until 11 am Wednesday Lake Huronand Georgiarp ium pay the volunteers 8100 it they save the property They feel they do not deserve the criticism they received last week and that they are capable of fightlng tires as well as any other vol unteer organisation ihwiadmlt that Ore Township should make some overall ar rangements for tire protection but where the centre would be located is difficult to know as all the men who run the townv rhlp live hack on the hilll was one comment Picture shows the fire truck with the 000 gallon tank and rot Iry oilmp Also the forestry type pump used to fill the tank and which can also be used tcpumo water from the lake or any av ailable source Four members of the brigade are shown CONFIRMATION Bishop George Snell oi the 13lo due of To attended St Pauls Church innisfil when class of 25 was presented to him by the Rev irant for confir rnatlon Following the laying on of hands service his Lordship gave the newly continued mem bers talk on the obligations they had taken on and stressed the point that it was not some thing that should be forgotten in their daily lives Followlng the service social hour was enjoyed in the base ment hall The congregation fill ed the church as the class was made up of adherents of St Pet ers Churchill and of St Pauls as well as one boy from Alliston brought by the Rev Bridle as thefamily is moving to Scotland before his own class would be meeting the Bishop FORECAST partly cloudy with scatterel showers or thunderstorms north end by late Wednesday Lake Erie South to southwest winds 10 knots Fair Lake Southwest winds 10 knots Fair Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Wednesday 80 85 Windsor St Thorn london Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catherine Toronto Pcterhorough Trenton Klilaloe Muskeka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Kapuakasing White River 75 85 55 80 05 85 85 El 00 so 80 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Among customers at Alis tralian hair stylist Andre Au dald are women whose French poodles also receive dya treat ments Service enterprises are banks advertising agencies commer cial artists launderers ciean ers harbors beauty shop opera afors tire repairers taxider mists undertakera shoe repair men bootblacks lawyers nr chitects engineers accountants and similar enterprises Such persons become ven dors however when they ac tually sell tangible personal property to consumer Then tent are improved when nitro OPEN ti All Popular arena Kean fjllllitilfi01illl£llf Carnation cvnronlulzn man Minced illllfilillllll Smut etandln summer values clennrms they are obliged to collect the tax and remit to the treasury sures MARK on Dev ONLY wsolyus 23 an tinl innit an 29 Wateh iortomormws two page spread ï¬out Agents Bayrsoutherly winds 10 knots inereasin to 15 to 20 north end this even ng Sunny becornlng CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage ICommerrial Warehousing for North American 4Van Lines George Davies cousrnucrlon 11 rap 80555 Barrio PA HUG WHEN You Donit worry THINK OF 5t slew twilllesvo Cottage ortho yoil Smea is as nears We can boot um aui phone inane olslluniéf ouster STw res21m