RENTALS noon on BOARD Bliltl COOKING Lorelle packed it neared Pectin incinuu hoop my ho had ultoout More do IIrod Turpin PA ma Avuunu Roomlnfl horrd Enihhio tor enllenien or two lllll to than room RclulIr our service Loenlec In mt end or do Telephone PA Hue LONGWOOD LODGE lnyrrouno IchiouI room at Ingosloid Inllxrl Veryuloo lil onumonu In on onnl We ilovI Eurnnun Iuiiiuc zoo UNI cool Ind oil homo coaxial EU IIllnnlble flies Bizl uh lune11 Ill limes ror outdo en Weekend west and nixqu are welcome Close to Aunndnie loll round rwuoNr srnnun 521m gt ï¬w COTTAGES FOR SALE CmAOE Ill SALE or mill iwn bed conveniencu Winr lullislll Illk Apply Pelenen ll lnniuIl Park CABIN FOR SALE Comm two and sized rnomi wind Must moved on lot Slllllu reuonahly Tnic hone PA L29 rnr rurther dnln II aliANIy on Pnnoun Llrln wintlrlxed wrlermnt col In portnoure drilled mil bathroom small mi payment Apply John nonn Cotule ist eonmrlon eut silan lily PA SH COTTAGES T0 RENT Faun BEDROOM Cattno nt Thun der auth neor Procterll on lhl Wllnrlmnl Avnllooie Iirit Ihm weeks oi luly II Hell Dun donnid Siroel Bunk coIlPLmLi Turninhcd Colin It Leonards Bench or rent Irom July 15 Ind July 29 until LI hor Dny vlli alrnp olgnt perso Telephone PA 54491 THUNDER BAY Io mller rill on Georgi Boy nlnoly Iitll wall lumlsned three bedroom tenront Coilgo with Ill city con vonlentH stone droolco Tole phono PA DWJJ carnal FOR RENT Lliin slur coo inllrnddl waicriront tour Shedroom eoltngc hotcold runnan wntor pleco wunroom olectrlc roirlIereior end Itove clone Ilroplnce near unirlo tor Ihopplng ctr Avnliable Aumt to Labour my 3325 Ross Cown PA 84521 NEWSPAPER MATS idoni tor llnlnI hon EIIIIH etc Size 71x18 houru attltr perient insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Birth Examiner BIme Ontario BUSINESS LAREICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE HAVE You run Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store ll DUNLDP Sr wm FHONI PA F3411 FILL YOUR FREEZER llh lhl Slut In In ILUI MEA IS ETC CurrentId Duallb lfldlli Tim on old $5000 and over Cami Lin FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN Ivllhblo to than who wilh In pmhllo inhlir onion dilly It your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE Tim anur auxin PHONE PA Will Free Delivery Dpln lrldny till pm PATIO STONES 1H6 Aqulro thick WATER PROOYED COLOUR FAST Sarieont Co Ltd Mary Street VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED rv SETS $4900 RERGERATDRS $9500 McFADDENS IZ8 PENETANG ST PA 89288 nnDitoDlIi SUITB tor role elude syrlnl muttrors lied vln on Teir lty druscr Ind cheat oi suitable or colll I75 Phono PA 159 FRIGIDAIRE Rdrlï¬cntor 11 pi net nlIu rrlcl nlre stove lnoh doluxn modal lion lunhor deilill NEARLY NEW Furniture Ilrflridl Dlvdnol nltu lilo hetrigarntorn Stoves Apply anrrio SERVICE DIRECTORY ASk About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 VS CAMPING EQUIPMENT BARRI GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE ior the hert prices in nil CAMPiNc EQUIPMENT GENUINE WOODS 9x5 TENT $3495 COMPLETE Aim tarps bolt cnvorl lilo inch eta Iklrl diving equipment ROSS STREET PA 60622 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Pointing Ind Pnpnr Nnnzlnl Bnrly Pulman service since mo rut Win WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly lor disposal Telephone Barrio PA 87751 Now condi Slcililce prices as owner moving Telephonp PA Mm for Chen Odd Chlirs chem ol Drlwerl Brdrnorn Fill In Rutell Church lilol bill Hum in Burton Avenuc PA I56 SANITARY DISPOSAL 11 ARTICLES AIPEALT nuvzwnn Telephone RADIO TV ELF PA 6617 Dbntrilmnd and Clguukllalllllhlï¬miihu Douro In new to Tlilvholl PA Ml momma AND Cronin run Pond summation AJDIy Ill Hm PA pom No MORE rv REPAIR BILLS aor New on Now Nita lament Llleinrum scom PLAN LOAN Inn BANK or NvVA scam 020 15 Illliiion Win Iuh to it unit price elo lian PA um nilr nan am Intent Sinner Golden ollde Vuuinn on reduced no sin et suing Cnnln II Dunlap eel Wm Dorm WAIBING MAciuNu tor uil nod urchin order nho airman nluo nod our ehnln Idni Inr mime senior ruminbly rein phnul crnrp Borden lliR BOATS tintarts cAIn Lon manlfl TGIEDDIDI Crucuut Finance 26 WPIL noAT rhon lAlE itéool hbrznfl now run Pym run sumo peamlulun Telephone PA 51357 tor Iurther inicrnnttop cAn mr nOAT iuoot ctdlr rLrlp libulilu covered 15 nine nirreury hp Outoorru Iloior eon iirrgnln prim Apply Anne street limit im ilrr MAHOGANY neierut Coupe iop port 15 Johnson Iiotor on union nenl Gu Tint Spotutht Speedometer Comonu Pike role Plddiu urc Proemu udder Anehor onpln lirhu Phone PA mil no uvoor Plywood with port lrnller and np Vlkint mo tor very good condition om comnlnln Mercury it lop moior eonlrolr included Ilso mt hallotn on Ixcoillnt condltlon RcI Ionbio roiapnonn lA mac SFARMERS MARKET Livnsrooii It pet PA moans humor ELECTRIC Rolliderllof PnIIco in very good con lino Ml IiIo Channel TV antenna with i0lt tool nut VI Ttlwhono PA LIST Ior dolIlII JUN IchiAL The llmoul sin gr SLinOoHIiiD Zi ZI stucqu lshiul or only 3595 Singer Elwin Clnln Dunlap Sire Well Elwin JUNK UPICIALI Th anllfui xenonno in Claim to to rpeclni oi woo sing Sewing Cour to Dunlop strut Wen Blflil JUNE IPBCIALII Sultonholn innit noticed in ii print Aim Inv nounn iloms inch on plnlrlnr and run marten singer Slwiul Centre 10 Duulnp St BICYCLE for me two girls DoyI Molar Nile Ilw VI llvp citc trlc motor with on rotary Pump All In good cond iion Tele phonn PA Mind BICYCLE hoyI thrempeed cell with kick stand nlio lugglnr CIh Tenl 10 Bolh In cxcollont condition Telephona PA 875 IUNE IchIAL anud nu sin er rounfl bobhln fortnhlu with rdvnreo ntltch or al $4353 It ly Slnlor Snwnli Mochln Bunion Street West Barrie COMBINED Gouge Conical Antenv no douhio melted on Hoot tale Bnndolior Wyityoles 1nd 181410 lias calm to stay at Rock and Roll Ranch RR Thornton Ontarlo lie In Mr Angus himsell Come and see him Dr Edwin Wilson nnd Son 21 Pics overnging nhout do lhs coon Apply to coolon lIloGlndrey Hfgglon Ont or televhonl Ivy WORK llausls for hilcit weighing nhout HOD pounds quiet Ind load to work Telephono PA H545 or lurllicr dctniis WELL BRED tierlord Ball for sole years old Apply Joe Johnston Phelpston or telephone Euovnle 7601152 iioLaTsiNcow lol ule aw yeorl Old MinInd dIII to Iresiien July APPiy Keith Kell Gilloni Telcphonn Lorroy Idlltlz POULTM onions BARRED ROCKS Siill ilIrd to hunt or em and mel to yonrspersonni Eclec tlon blhind our cloned iloek Rex lsternd nniohzry Accredllod lock nnpy chickI rlnrted ciliokl ono canons TOM KENNY SHANTY nAY FARM MACHINERY Timzsllma MACIUNE Genrzo White No Thrtmllll Mochine lor solo IlA Iiiaon Harris loot Power 13 hour AFPIYDIENM Knoeshnw RR and out or tole ohnno Pit Mdnl Itopln mast guy wins and lend In Dicoiidnt reception on Elï¬n Hair Ind 15 Toiopitlm PA um MoPrAT RANGE 12 like now two your old lint ollor nootty Washergood condition Hohner Accordion 12 hm like now Best ollon II moilull inlo lplrtlnenl Telephone PA 60569 Em ARTICLES WAN in non TuAiIBii Imlii Immedlntoiy Mort on rusonnplv gricdd ielopnono PA om Iiinr pm role ill wanted cu WE WILL PAY CAEHJor land used tumlture or my good usod runiclo individual or content lou Pnono PA 51427 BAan liecrcallcn Lilo Gunrd lng wont to huy rent or borrow lwo not bottom row honle Tolu pllone iiiorsop PA Lam DOGJ do PETS TOY TERRIER healthy ternl2 Iwo can old Will nell lol 20 Telap onn PA 50569 ilJlllES soven German shop hord Pupplos ior sale six week old purebred All mnio Telophona PA 01290 Ior rurthcr iniormatlon Aberdeen Angus FARM htACHINEM 73M caoï¬c FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cm Nu nonad llll magn Iquith 17E EUR AVE PA MS Tut rail EAYlNG Innlrilm Brien linen lawm molm and good snow 0N HALE llunrflorrll No lo one you old No Id Olim In the lInaouI Now Nournd No Au AVAILAisut Now CASH TRADE TERMS NEW BIA HIV Michlnory now Ind mad Pam Ind IrrvilI AP Fly Io Hlull BEL Sellath gillI10 To an iOIW Open pm MILme momNu ltwo ucp llyIIInnl RiIeWIy xlllrlnr un enlnw Also on internatioan un Ifllk cooler in good running order Telephone Oro 51 cm moron Drlnn BIlo cm Powu Ilow side into need two loom lturoo Ibly priced Aim ma Porn 255 ton Truck mo relnpnon mini MonnIinun FEED SEED GRAIN ACRES 01 Choice Ill or II rtnndlnr hone PA sail uxnn men on ivy mm HAY FOR IllI Eiovlr Tlmo lily Ind Allill lilndlnl of hy In hlie APPLY lo Lornl Dar Ilnle inputin Zimvlil llR hilan luv in core or role riendlnguApply It Thtrrlen 6th Concouiau or Oro Cloi In llllhwlydl Telephone Dro Tiiiunr ACRES of Mixed my or standing or build Loenled sixth Line or or telephone unwny li Ionlnlil PA 52151 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE MOTORS IVIAU LTD RAMBLERI HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER DOWN il GOWAN STREET PA W88 isle DuncE and lid Lmnueninln onndl uon with new motor excellent um Teienhoul PA om ior mnher Inlomluou rofsAL 5rAItMrns MARKET Is AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE i952 PLYMOUTH on It Good motor Need some body lurk Cut ho seen would ï¬ll or llilyhonl PA HI ear you lose cnmom Sodn olue good runnto order pottery new null and um um um to Silvie Bhuly Burnt use Mmou Knuth We on our door Vl nulomtte rn end new tire in ercniicni oondluon rernu no no Immod Tcloohono PA 32m nmr pm Done MI motor and um portuulo radio No Including radio mo without ndio ieiophono PA um or up My 17 BIyBIId 1552 BUICK floodinullr Intona uc radio urnii nod Ilnl body Ind Inlllerizzr yangme rnorv Ii IIV Bl new dirk new day Phone PA DODGE tour door den or me lwo tooo blue ltu Poul coach lot nle two innblul Toiur in die Ind new not no in nod condilion IIlap or lurther inlnmuuon TRUCKS 5L TRAILERS om itsTON TRUCK or tale It to tim sun Totnu an be lulu Good condiiinu Tillphono PA HMS MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT Pour cAniN trailer two Bunk hell circirflli wtrinn Priced It 3295 Good olun coir diiion Teiovhtml PA D9101 hiouiLl HOME ior nln II eel No down pymenl required Complelnly equipped Looted two miieI put Shanty ney School on more sleep CABIN TRAILER ll McGinnl lliiminum lumithnd nil hll IIIcIric brakes excellent cond 0W 10 hp Evinrude Ron Cowln PA PERSONALS LGlea Ton Winnipeg about July Would like lady compn ion coin to drive honllcn ihornlon BUSINESS GIRL would like to share cost or npnrtnlent or college with another girl Telephon PA Emhotweeu Ind Tu or Thundly dmrr wonxnn requirnl ride dolly to Comp Bordn work Itnru It no and Il lm Iitornhie Ilizuzyzl Telephone comp lordn INTL on mt METEOR Nlaznre or II our door Buoliuit condition $415 Low lllllclln Toiopiionl PA 603 or further pIrllcuII loss DODGE immaculate nndl tlon win new molnl ucalifllt llks Tenn arranged nr lrlde Toicpilone PA mm or iurthcr lnlnrrnnUnn mi ciinvnoinr SIIIlon We on or role uvotono ndio whle wniir mm mile one owner iclophonc Camp Bordon use for iurlher onlelu MOTORCYCLE Triumph 350 cc lwill new mini inb land until timt Priced rluunlbiy itiwilono Sltmud mum or iurthei iniolol on telephone PA 092 WOMENS COLUMN BEAU SHOP oideV II by unund illirdnulf your own homo Plume Damian It PA om or PA new LOST FOUND wnian WATCH gcuIIomInn Reeve wnlth inst ihurllily It Iii in Ii Ckndiel Dliflflflifll In one lilo roman Finder Diluo Try Au Exaniluer Want Ad Phone Pn azm USED CAR9 WANno 1H KRAMER MOTORS LTD MORE VALUE PACKED SPECIALS WATSON MOTORS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE QUALITY CARS COURTEOUS SERVICE FAIR BEAM NG NO GIMMIUKE IIIDNI NUMEEIS 731 78 AND 241 ID HELP WANTED TO HELP WANTED FEMALE MALE on FEMALE RETAIL nitsmun can Ind dish Inh CLASSIFIED tli1° SALESWOMEN Queen Hotel De Dunlop Street To SERVICE AND Stu ruzws Burie PAPLR cLAslyim ADVlï¬ilS ING IEIS ma Push EMPLOYMENT WANTED Illegi LITIï¬umcï¬oun CDN swamr Innis rann or DUELNBS or Fm l3hgerir IutyIna AquIL onmmnsmu wooing II II hnol TRAIN YOU dun in my own phonI Viticniilh ANT Onaiey Plrk school reneed one yud PA em nierNhAnLB GIRL ll nhu runner employme Ilium housework tilInt help Telephone PA no new is Au out looking tnr work qt any pd tor Iuminer monthr Telphone PA as or runner lnlomlllou GanxAL mnlotannnen mu iv quiru mpioyman Wiii to any kind or work Can drive any kind or heavy vehicle Toinpitoul Ecelau 199W or inloflnlunn RELIABLE nmAaBu Ilka loh mindiul children hour outin ounumr hoih work eta dlyl Bxlfloncod Pinon lulu Phone um utlr non HOOKKEEPI AECDHHIIII tired on flhflfln II la YQIII IGWIGI Wm ID Ii mm Illiillt flip éiï¬ ill PA ml COUPLB tor Iununar wort Imp hind could llko lull chitre ol mlintonlnsl We or housework Ind Dilill all Hulblnd anhl Preach nuently Also one ohlld gun aid AFN OX 83 Elmo Kl IloN WITH caNsxnmuu on PORT FOR ADVANCE um PLY IN WRITING To SHRIER Anvonrismc MANAGER illE BARBIE EXAMINER anOGRAPnIu required tor IrtLimo employment in Anlo Telephone Altltton 5110 or lurlher lnlnrmnuoo uouszmun IunIod ior lint homework on ram All ronvoniA onen Apply nor Palri xx rnuner £25 Put wan plus room and or ill with Dad ch ter in do however in home APply Bat ii Bur minor TEENAGE WANTED II mother old or Iummor month tIiIlIII with blhy dish bids rum to in ply to Boll ll Irrlo Exlmindr liliLnl Iddreu and telephone number anths IBQUIRZD or housework round at stnthcunn wood JulyMull 0m to ii in perlenced young Kiri wee end Apply no Blrrll Exlur Iner CLZEK TYPlli or Jam null nlorn olnee ring mint etc Pemlueni pull on with III quIi employer henonto Apply In writ in to floral Barrio hummer Kivlnl mrtltulln ol munion Ind nlll experience MALE nnLP MECHANICS Renuifld immedilio Guy or rlllilt lhiluly em ll xpcrienned mechnniu Ilmilill with Ford mulls Indm punch for cor holdinl their Povlnciu lconcr oood working condiuonl Ind Izan Conllci Mr Seloir ELGIN MOTORS COMPANY LIMITED 636 Bay SI Toronto PHONE EM 67494 Alwlmllsmfl Money ulnl Imnrt men with Ilivl nhlltidI AUCTIONEER Ind sale experience Barrio Drlminel my ggngylmmls rlarnmknon no LOOK rno SlurdysnonlvrrxpIinlell IN YOUR men need lppiy in newer turn ATTIC Cm on GARAGE ber Compny Broillord Shoot SINGLE IliAN In so to tor is there anything there you can sell or cash Hundreds or um urn dune inolrind alter or none on private to Motroynlitnn Top People usoExamiuor Want Ads to sell lartlcles they no longer need want or use CLASSIFIED ir WANT ADS PA 824I4 would on l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOnIMAN AND mo CULBWLJ mu Vicinï¬ll iiiizémfl th Farm Ill Phil Aflolullllj Proloodlonnl Iorvico satlslied customard AUCTION SALE MONDAY EVENING JULY 10 AT PM SHARP Auction nil IIIn etoelr menu hey lumber and tonic hourehold erroctr tor CARL PEEVER Al Lot ii Concnulon Tecvm Idtn Townhip PA miles could conkntown inllen Illnight wen oi Hililwly 27 Term can No reserve Is the Join in oio JERRY COUGHLIN CIIIIhy mule nhrloloer Excellent living condi tion and ulary or right nun Apply Box Bllri Exunlnor ADVERTISE iN EXAMINER THE BARRIE SPEW ZERENCH Long distanct IQSO Meteor Cylinder IIIdoor HardIop TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT Fon RENT Tents nnd Tarp Clmp Cor nnd stove Coolers BARRIE TENT C7 AWNING CO LTD at BAYFIELD STREET TELEPHONE PA pom DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE do Ms mono only PA 63551 Less than in poor or clguetter dny EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excnvnlnl nnd ending WItor pnuvery ornrhed non nou YIrd Blcknnn tor hi DENNIS MQRAN 29 Anni Strut PA E1907 INSULATION Airflle Insulation happy to announce in addition to their ROCKWOOL Iniullliofl in All NEW Alfl um cildpbonrd lliflns completely inï¬lllio with Eiyrn ohm Inï¬llla lug bicker bolrri in Bilhl colnn Va Ira I150 including Aluminum dean wLnIiOWI Ind anlnll hf WINTER SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED mu ESTIMATES TERMS Wriln or phone scOn Mum211 MJNESING COLLECT EEO YOU BUYGIVE US TRY LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY moutlmten Inndtcnplnr lIwn nulntenrnce soddlno trading roi ling Iartliitlnx IPrI inl Codlr anode and Ever on npaol ity Kentucky Or nrlon oiuo niro tleid rod delivered nnyw Roalannhle reton TELEPHONE PA olssn MASONRY CHIMNEYS Rebuilt and Repaired Preoeslinlnler TDRslGNt mum LICENE 95061 UPHOLSTERING Barrie WELLS DRILLED Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69161 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Wu Lava been licensed to iEmDVI your dead and cnppled lam col null under tho Iimvo Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT nAnRE PArkwny 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE contusion OF EVERY KIND Drapetiea OSIip govern IBroadIoonl OCommetciai furniture Installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM urnmsmnmo AND BUG co BAYFIELD ST PA G1liz PA Mm cut oi townonll collect Complete range or nhcltn Ihou In your home CLEANING For fine furnitureand rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ETIHATES PA rbidiz PA Iwn WELL DIGGING olemin olue wilh matching hiue trim IIIexcelled condition real inmlly car silos snlny reliant while two tone out nrnrrt Smart two one trnnsmiulon Loud oi lerll Lidi ono SIDS We In two to chooso rrnm not are flu err in very nod con nmon 5795 Two to choose lrom 3211 Vlllll Il nus For that summer on routine or innt good lrnnnporlntion Drop in und on our halter then We go rolootlon ni good no on In Ind vory on our rnler rtt RALPH KANE VIC TOMKINSON PUMPS INSTALLED BY LiCENSEDDRHLLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling BRNO2BARILIE gt PA 87646 KramerMoIorsj I45 Eradford St PA 82449 Coir lul Want Ad Section Accepted until pm Day bolero publication You CAN DEPEND ON KRAMER QUALITYCARS i958 Studebaker Door Sedan I958 Dodge Door Sedcn rodlo automatic transmission clean raooy looking car ln very good condition 1395 I957 FOrd 43Door Sedan illown nn balsewlih mnlcnion Interior stondnrd One local owner drove 9bit one H095 1956 Pontiac Door Hardtop 7° Ind nod Inluld cutomolgllo Vary oily term oil 1956 Dad Sedans tibia and mechanlc Ihzdn of gold wun rlnnda at we Twotoned in bilck and perrornu perutttuuy SEETHESE USED icons ON PAY Youre culPPs With automatic drive and custo mechanically Iouud cu I958 Mercur wuh nutomatlo drlvz both good appenrnne in radio Excellent nine in smart Ind Parhone 4Door Hardtop pawn brnkel Ind licorinl Ind pertoimmtd Thll luxury car iiu 1957 Chevrolet DelROy Coupe 311 bound EII attractiver Aniliied in rich 957 iChovroIet VADodr Sedan hi Cunlmilsicn DiiIOWIIOI tint hll had tho but 1956 Buick 4Door Hardlop white Thin locauy owned car in clean and 955 Dod Station Wagon AND nerol TelfNo 24 Wnsna Bench I950SIMCA ARONDE Two biuo All ucoilen Olin ownar on real lpecili II S139 I957EUICK2 DOORHARDTOP Automtlo tronminim unto really warty carr no On the rum Extn err tor the Very low down pnymeots monthly budlatrvlyfllents cln Irrlnfld Sln any or CLARmCE MYERS aim LYNCH Lid NOiiiu wnLLnn NORM CAMPBELL KRAMER CAR IS QUALITYCAR 97 Bradford St PA 6652 Barrie Ont hi nli Hill 11 clnlll Ind alklflive iï¬iidior Emmin invuttncnt ntoeunl lrrno MANY OTHER SPLENDID VALUES IN ISPLAY AT OUR SALES LOT IT WILL ROP IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK SALBMEN SALE lth MAiN 5mm nAsT srAYNERFrEï¬n BILL ruLLnaToN wum Buck No 24 Wasagl Bllch 75 BRADFORD STREET SAVE ON IHESIEVCARSVI I952 GMc ill wn cea nod IhIIIiI moron condition I953 DODGE V2 TON Six oyilndcr Nomihed I956DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN Automollo tnnlmhlw wilni VIII thoroulhly checked ovor I959 RENAULTSEDAN 14v mug on condition 91958 DODGE REGENT doorudm Gold nod novor Whito Radio wooei covere VIJntinu an ownn on 1954 DODGEROYALSEDAN Morinum VI automatic tremminlou Wheel coverI I951P0RD SEDAN Ii cylinder do Whitovlnd bill Economical Lrlnlpartluan 959 FORD SEDAN 61x oyiirldlr I955 PLYMOUTH Vson oluh noon Pintonil outer Automatic unnmlvsloo I95T FARGO IzTON land you nniIhId pine runV CONVENIENT TERMS REDIT cHEcks