Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1961, p. 14

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Home Hunting WdtCIl Exo sec ram mmn winner ItEAi ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS Saturday June at isol flgirluand In hlake constable bl Glflnrd son Alexander Iubn Math Ia Health Ind Rhonda AnniunAt use iioyal Vic toil llospiial Bamaou Satan day lane ml to air and hire wayse achrinor is Pear tang street hassle son Ste phen Douglas lNTiJiPsTlNO FAMILY tumult can be written with clippinngsullrom hal News aper 021 UBIRTIE moaazlintlgtl and WEDDINGS Nation to these events are only use bring them to tho Classiiied counter or tel bone The Earria examiner PA ztie DEATHS DliNSMORBAl the Royal Vie toria Hospital Barrie on Monday June In isol Alex nunsmore In his hind year beloved husband or ibe late Elizabeth Crawiord dear lather oi Gladys deceased in In dear brother at Jennie Mrs crawibrti Mary thin Tanner Nellie hits yan naway end predeceased by Eli bath Sin Brown viiilarn Tom and Archie Dunsmore heat ing at the sieckicy Fuller Home in Vorsiey street iiarrie ior ser vice on Thursday June 29 at pm interment oro Uniled Cem Iery SANDERSAt tho lioyai vie iorla ilospltai Dorrie Ontario on Monday lune 20 isSl Ester lilason beloved wile ct Prank sanders at Seniord Street Bar rie dear mother oi Cecil or us rle beloved grandmother oi iiosa Sanders Geraldine lbirs liloore and Karl Schultz also survived by in makgrnndchlidnnv in her 19th year Resting at the Jennrit mineral Home in lied lord Street Dorrie nlnmi sen vice Thursday June 19 at put interment Dame Union Cemelery CARDS 0F THANKS dillflllWe wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many lrlends neighbors and relatives or the many beauiilul Ildnl tributes kindness and Iym pathy shown us in the loss oi our husband and lather Arthur Smith Special thanks to hooters Grey Watson and Tiitkals and to the Rev John noblnson and the Peihlek runcral Home ior their kindness and etilelent manage ment or the senile lurs Arthur smith and Family ENGAGEMENTS cABTERNEWSON Mr and Mrs Aileed Carter oi Cobourg Oniulo announce the engage ment or their daughter Margaret mixabeht Anne to Donald William Newson son at Mr and Mn Roy Newsnri Barrie The weddinl la to take late in Trinity United church Co ourg Ontario at two pm July 0m 1951 COMING EVENTS BARREE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ROSE SHQW scheduled to take place on WmNPSDAY lime 7a has been POSTPONED until WEDNESDAY JULY 12 at Trinity Parish Hall SAME JUDGE SPEAKER Homl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiiied adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 4c perrwordrper insertion for one and two times Super word for Lhreeufour or five times and 2m per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge ii not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS SET FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $105 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARGbL PER SHIGLE IN SERTIDN muons on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are nose edaa convenience to you advertiser Thererore the Classified Advertlhlng De uncut requires all advertisers kindly recheck their advertisement immediately aster nrst Insertion in order that any errors or omissions may he reported before ain in order that same may be rectified tor the lollowing days insertion order We wish tn hint out that The Burlid Examilser is responsible or only one incorrectly rnted insertion on anyadver meat and then onlyto the extent or Portlon ot ad that involves thr mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the value or the advertise ment are not eligible lor terror on by make loudL filler and Inn ml or Elmi dlsplay elasslnede may be ob tained through The Examiner ad vertising department BLIND mint mugs lnlormailoo regarding advertisers using Blind Letter sex Numbers tor Replies is held strictly contin ential Replies to better Boxes will he held only so days alter last day at oubueatlon Coming Events St per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up In 25 words Over 25 words per word extra InMemorialn No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra All WANT AD Copy should be in our oflico l1 pm the day before publication On Saturday by noon AND DEATHS Niagara Fails on David Nelson Fielding 88 retired ad vertisingmuiiager of The Eve nln Review Frank Lewis iruro 72 Nova Se is business leader iin director of theNovd Scotie Trust Comphny Beyloll EnglandMaj Eloh ard Palmer who ordered the first shell fired train British Valued during the First World REAL ESTATE Pitorltltu Peasant RD CARSON it ii 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre YOUR PERFECT HOME $11900 lull price or beantiiul three bedroom brlhcrknlimkngkaéow lovely living room to piece tiled bath smart rcerea tlon room with bar Paved are Lovely back Lean with If true Wonderlul noodluon 555 morisare carries ior month interest principal taxes real buy this utrenlw 1y iow pflre To see this house today can Gerry Mallory oiiioe PA soul utter pm PA 01071 CROWN HILL Sir arses with stream running ibrough property Two storey Iix room home with hreeseway and garage Ali modern conveniences with good mm and water loflem er rhsy terms arranged coed basement Per home in the coun try yet close to the city you cant beat this one Cali hlsrg Sherr oiiice PA ml alter pro PA em 3500 DOWN gusto lull price Yes did say H750 iuil rice John St area eomlorta le three room home Limit on lbrgn In all modern conveniences Perle condition And so month wUl carry it call Russell Carson omce PA dotsl alter pin PA H161 EDGE OF CITY Three bedroom home on one acre lot well used Garage mcelient living and business site Pieter esque One minute to the city can Gerry Mallory oiiice PA betel alter pm PA um WHY LIST WTH CARSON Here are some or the houses re cently laid through it Carson itesi Estateoi Napier sLoI Moi rose4o heary4e bothweli Cros eeritos dowelsrut Dorrierm Darrle For not actioncall rt camon itesl Estate oflice PA that alter pm PA soul CODRINGION ST $8500 iuil Price Thats all or modest two om bungalow with gentle Close to schools Nico lot with gesden area Garage Hosted by oil Carrier for loss than silty dollars month Call Morg sherar alter 1585 ALL NEW PLUMBING Yes we advertised it beiorc but everybody wanted plumbing Now its got it iolks Comtortahle two storey home our bedrooms on Iive acres at Crown rlill $59m mil price with only $1000 down $50 month Ono mortgage at Call human Carson mice PA 6648 alter pm PA Hie LOVELY BEDROOM BUNGALOW slzsiio hilt price East and $1500 down Carries or 35 month in ciuding intorest principal and taxes Only two years old brick gopuiar IYPI bungalow easy to uy and easy to carry in good neighborhood close to pub lie and high schools call Russell Carson orllc PA betel alter pm PA set REDUCEDEAST END Now $12500 lilodern bungalow wlIh three extra large bedrooms shaped living room and dining area modern kitchen with plenty nl cupboards steel beam construc tion poured concrete basement beauttiui plan Low down pay ment Call Gerry Mallory oilice PA MAM arter pm PA B7MZ $1000 DOWN yoho st Area No storey rrsme kitchen regular dining room liv leg room tour bedrooms Quiet street Carage Tull price $8900 cell Marg Sherr omee PA soiel alter pm PA 57535 PA 6648 Member ei Barrie and District Real Estate board HENDERSON REALTOR i9 nOLLiER sTRmri PHONE PA Him ABSOLUTELY SPMLESS $16200 rot lhls attractive room brick bungalow with attached garage shaped living and din ing room three rooms Close to schools and trans podutiorl he sure to see this home Nu terms Telephone Rita sesndreot 10EUGEN1A older style large brick home double garage Living room lng room five bedrooms two kit chens three lavatorles Could he duplered is desired Tull base ment Gas hirnace Terms or course New exclusive listing Call nits Scandrett ATTENTION GARDENERS Us acres four room bungalow and garage also greenhouse Lo cated on highway near village only $isiladown Call Peuy Ford RUG BRICK BUNGALOW Veg close to downtown complete wi paved drive Aluminum storms and screens Doe mortgage Phone Percy Pord HERE You HANDYMEN Give me all now to inspect this older homb with seven rooms Could be dllplexed Reasonable terms Phone Percy Ford Evmmm CALI luTA scANDRm PA 3456 PERCY FORD PA Milan Member or hasrte and District and Onurio Real Ellie Board TAYLOR REALTOR GLAPPEETON sT PHONE PA 51101 uses close to Hallie with small bush and stream Pull price only yslfiso Hurry for this one loo acres with large bank barn do in condition Trout stream and 20 acres or timber One mile on paved road Only $70 per acre seen down and name your own terms for thls neat room cob tags op iprgo trced lot 7oz loo close to Barrie Dimdont rcntthis lovely three bedroom home Three piece bath C135 to Camp Borden 33300 mi oliiee PA 401 PA Endd size bed BAmilE ROGERS 05 PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL First in Barrie Hana 51me Ill Quality III service PA 85568 1900 Set In ML wide rounds molt hillkcth lidJinx Cnlonl elevation The genus ll Pro lainblan inspect immediately slum la xixglen it has iulbslie builtin Esori age Now vacantimmediate lut ong Phone PA 5566 today Slum one the driest homes on right or sumnits Poster PA 56666 oi as Bedroom sires tien and with tached girlie kept it has the cove ceilings and bnuiln Vlilrices has large table area with racemes divided and has good recreation and you cln hlvo quick poucslion OAKLEY PARK MR bl MOOREPA 55 iioGEIisPA also BOWMAN nation room Hesiod lovely hcdle Ind BIN1 GROVE ST EAST lenoed Lovely living roorn larg piece bathroom Pull baseman to inspect with low down payment 01053 Re downtown real boy at runner information LOT QU Smith CampbellPA Hm Mamba Workmanshi 29 MARION FOR INFORMAT dormers stairs The house was built in ml and is true gown wtih It living room lovely droplace and iarg dining room with one or harrieia Anesi sweeping views iron 62 MEIME AVENUE LARGE BRICK BUNGAWWGARAGE AND BREEZEWAY cash required to 65 hank mortgage 112800 itepresents top value on tadyl market lbedroom brick bungalow is especially well located onlchonll an extra large kitchen combination livingdinlu and divided hum ment with partly ilnlshed recreation room Vs good with mill morlllle that carries or PM like Cali PA 55666 or mil lulurmlllon EVENINGS CALL Five room brick bungllow Ill yeln old kitchen bedrooms lane tiled bathroom mil basement with rec orced air oil furnace equipped with aluminum sloml and screens in llml ll curd hla landscaped The monthly menu are $75 per month principal interest and taxes TRUNK LINES BEAUTIFULLY TREED NATION SUNNIDALE ROAD DISTRICT ensuring ricet rivaey plan witaSay willan do spousal ill and lhllhllll chsd with walltin enlnnto in basement or beauty and real comiortaud exceuent terms are ob irltue sail PA 555B lr Rogers 425 73Dme STREET ONE MORTGAGE ONLY31500 DOWN innit lttracllvw location overlooklnl Kunfienlllt Bl hid Li Headroom bunglo with llvlnAlnInl column on Infl link will concrete floor Vt term alleroddlliy 81500 down and the balance on one open posessloh le weortunlly woot on 01 out Ell hdl ulcer linzlll This is pro ert anyone would proud to ownand the price is much larger than the av Fiend call Mr DOWNSVIEW DRIVE NICELY SilUAlED AMONG FINE QUALITY HOLES $16500 Very attractive ion flush bunlllow mild bflck Nulluln Tbo whoe Property is neat and well Ilvourllg moped ll nxdlnlng combination with llanover kitchen in natural birch tor Aspillhcul The basement is Dam lily $1500 down LI mired 5E 11 Now Phone PA SCHOOL AREA This neat tie dept has Mm amnlfid per month including PosmPA but CONNELLPA moi MEMBERS BAHTill Al DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60242 AVENUE KAI llvlnlmhm load Ilu ll insulated And ONE YEAR OLD Five room bidck bungaldw with attached garage on lot complelely spotless kitchen bedrooms tiled partly ilnished recreation room Heated by forced air gas This home will please you Call this omen BUNGALOW CAT ST PAULS $3500 full price or this room bungalow miles droid Barrio Three piece bath basement and pressure system and oil lurnlee girage Lot 60 253 This home is in immaculate eendiunn and may be bought BUILDING LOTS $300 each thct this office for EEN 5T Good building lot Asking $2200 Call us anytime or details loan LangPA 8576 ergus GarveyPA bTesz oi the Barrie Real lstate board PRATT CONSTRUCTION INSPECT OUR HOMES LTD For and Value MODEL OPEN 7930 PM CRESCENT ION PA 66283 NORMAN ShelsWeII REAL ESTATE BROKER Dunlop street East PA 8996 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL Joe Longtin PA ems beret sheisweil are 1919 noward Norris PA asset Ihizk Willlun PAB4631 rllm Lemur PA 5H Norman Shelhwlll PA 399 4Girie m9 55185 school student 133mm Pym Immune rayon $le3 9500103 hilltop loMrBoaoh author 14 edit 13 19Pause 201ickdre 211ququ ERACI distance ACROSS Leonaemu Clsyey 1L0vatheafl 120onsciotln 13Require 15th V16 Glildafl highest note 17 mechlfled pdlfielee 19Mellloduf learning mocking 239it9dal ZSJDODIE newcomer 295moan seaport 806reeis island disaster 38MlHllBlbg asPostpohs Bellows garlands 370mm 13Popeo 40Timbfit woi 4me Ouhigha 41lRubqu Whitesthe rightsad only down Has large tread lot Dont miss this one nxecall FOSTERPA dials milesPA will MOOREPA Mm iiemher Toronto and an srio Real mat is aids CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MARE MEAL PA LED canny PA asses WE WELCOME ALL TYPES or LISTINGSv IREme FABMS COMMERCIAL ICOITAGE CINDUSTRIAI BUSINESSE DAILY cnosswoiib 3131 PM honey Mme obey 256mm in Vader 375w shoe 1nole sheep 8SSa1lhlaa compile merits 358mm Attic arBookpage WIMP as otherwise 39 German river quuuzuuuuu Illllfiflllll illlliflillpv flilfllfl fifififllllfifiifi REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Poise RANCHSTYLE NelA three bedroom brick home Clue is consiiale codnagtoa and st Illy sebools Apply e1 meals at PA ems PRIVATE SALE seven room boaslow one and onehail years old dmdowo Vicinity North Couchta Owner Hindured TELEPHONE PA 68024 Por appointment MOVING or nnlpllll martin MC lull and All III COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD yous ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Me Elmo PAkaly 875 FA 68125 ROSE REAL MATE Bllom TilTIN mm BARRI $8900 $3900 lull price or this 32 brick home located lust oil load st bedrooms and bath plus living room dining room end kitchen lull basement and garage Terms and the balance on one open moflllle WEST END bedroom homo Ill living distill roam kliic ell and IT in nsli basement creed air oll lhl Louted on large lot 73 Down plyment 91500 ALLAN DALE 38800 room Ind bath lnml brick aiding almost new root Located close to school and on Muir ALLANDALE sturdy brick bedroom Iiiinc room and dining room kitchen with bulibin cupboards bath elec trln buiibln Brepllce hardwood loan mmhouh lull basement all heating laundry tubs large recreation room wth mahogany paneued mm and tiled floor lcely landscaped lot plus gan den partly avcd driveway gar age Pull cs only limbo This home is well located to stores schools and on bus line BEDROOMS BATHROOMS Bungalow brick bndruuml liv ing room dining mom kitchens hhlhruomlr completely llnlhheli recreation oom panelled in ma hollnfa la wlh paved drive way eluding cement curbs pro ieuloeai landsca ice bath in the front yard Ind scaling in back yard Iiiardh coin Pleiu privacy You must see this home lnr yourslil as words can niit describe it sully to use best ldvliitne CODRINGTON ST AREA lbs storey rooms and bath dre Place mu basement forced air oll heating aluminum storms and screens Located on bus lines and very close to codrington school ACRES DWELLINGS Gentlemans Estate located about mues lrom barsis on main high wa about acres or blah dry land having about acres el landscaped lawns the balance is lightly wooded All buildings are cobblestone house has bedrooms living roomdining room kitchen mnpomh piece bath and Zpiene wash soom with vanity Garage Sepah ate building lor servants or that extra ramlly has rooms and bath circular driveway ALLANDALE About 1V2 years oldlbedrnolu brick bungalow large living room kitchen four piece but with built in vanity Aluminum storms and screens lull base ment diced Ill hullus llrxe lot bl Fair down payment required CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 llember or the barrie and District heal Estate Board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 COUNTRY BUNGALOW Three miles from Barrio on paved road on well landscaped lot 100 200 feet This Ittrnctivtsl brick bungalow Is nearly new has liv ing room with droplace and heat alator dinette and kitchen three bedroom four piece hell mid full hasunent FAo Full price slopeoo call Norahnalkes SHANTY BAY one lot 150 125 lest the lake Tibia is an older house with llvingroom and stone are izlaec kitchen dining room and three bedrooms three piece bath There are two space heaterscart or heating Pillow Lokibl price mlwith osno down Plake an toilet to Norah ltalite LAKESHORE PROPERTIES HAWKESTONE BARRI PW Wni°mifiii° to mm ra ture and boat include ilemher at barrio end Dletrlct noel Estate eoard WINGS CALL EMORY mums PA been you PALlidm PA was KARL MARSHALL PA 9911 NORAB itAncns OrnJiIZS mom Ponsm PA Mid LOTS FOR SALE LOT Poll SALE 50 is zgs indup trill in Ailludlie Iouted all Brock tract Toihplloul PA 66331 to War plrticuil stores bus line About lull cull min sell yard Landn close to REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE tom hill pelt tor more ram been discs bath iorced air oti beetles loealee Stoddard street nonstop TELEPHONE TVY 2mm BOAKE REALTOR ael allADroaD Eranr nAIlluz PA 85337 OR PA 55533 SLIII lllllnl hm to mull lug firming Clare WakemanPA lTtsii Ralph BornPA 60m Hubbub oi Earri uid DLllflcl deal but Board MOVED May 16 loss To 118 DUNVP smear Next to Brown li Ca STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE IMMEDIATE Possession Luge income home on Bayiield street oil heal double garage also lower and vegetable garden he lunlblo or quick Ills Toiephonl PA 53515 lPur LEVEL Home with three bedrooms drilsbed drp douhla garage in excellent residential dis trict Substantial down payment required Telephone PA um lnr mriher details Tunas hennoom brick bangs low with attached garsgr large kitchen combined living dining area patio Near North Cellos lat Reasonable down aysaent 21 glut mortgage Tolep one PA dialse ROOM brick llomo bed rooms dining room not water oil droolcc bay windows lull attic and basement gsrsse patio trees com leiely redecorated substantial one payment Pour blocks irons rive club Telephone PA um PROPERTY FOR SALE on new Two BEDROOM oil heated house In central location occupant luv ing Barrie June ii not sold by Thursday Yilne 29 win rent Per 84505 930 to soil through Priday noney lurlher particulars telephone PA RENTALS APTSu HOUSES 10 BENT CamiLY Located Pour room apartment sell contained unlnm tailed Available yuly Telephone FA um lur runher pknieuun Two Boon rurniabed apartment includes not and cold water suilr able yer one or two adults Avail able now Telwhnu PA use evening or lurtbsr details PUbNislllin Apartment spacious three rooms with bath bolllih cupboards Parting Central loca linnvaiou to no flapvlfll Bligh Apply mill Smut Nonm VI BOOM Alum or rent with DerIll bath lltlitd Dollie Uri luullnn Hoderu Flrflnl space Telephone daytime PA I45 alter call PA 5290 Two blnhoohi nnmmlsbed house in Angus to rent or July and August so month including hydro Telephone Hemlock or nrrtber Particulars Two uNruilNilnxD hseaeior spartnients or rent neirlgerstor and sieve rug lied Located dined lowb Avalls to immediately Tel ephone PA Hm daytime ROOM salt coatsined apartment with stove and tem gerator Located in the east to Avllilbld lmmldilkely Telephon PA Hm yumsm tare room apart mull lor lrent Im Unbeheuglée are arge ove groan HEIDI Apply 31 heresy street elephone woo alter pm UPPER DUPLEX spsclous three ronm arlment with balcony hosted not duty wiring All rm decanted clephone PA 5610 meal hours or eveningL MODERN two bedroom apart ment sieve and rsirigerator any pued Laundry and parking iaellllt tics ianiter service Available July Telephone PA Hon Tlmn BrunooM Apartment garage Isrge kitchen laundry tub washing machine Hydro water and heat luPPlied Central ly loclled $100 month PA mfl emu sell contained one on lurnhhrd apartment beat and wa ter laundry trays in basement lio realty decorated $55 monthly Ap ply Peel street Apartment 0N3 ganglion Apartment ior rent heated and listaimed in cludes private entrance and park ing Fer iorther details telephone PA 3406 DUNGALow with three bedrooms double llrue lituth on lllll lotHotwaier oil heated in min utes drive irnmciw Barrio tele phone Teiephona PA briu Two BEDROOM unlurnisbed heated apartment living room kitchenette bathroom se arata entrlnce parking No ch dreu Available July is close to Wu and Pibu Telephone PA 51157 PROEEETY WANTED WHY LIST WITH CARSON Here are some or the houses re cenil sold through CARSON REAZ NATE54 Napier street nuclease Avenue 33 Henry Street 14 Bothwell Crescent Gowan street lift Barrie Nil Bhrrle For fast actioncall Carson Real male oiiioe PA 5648 alter PA belel FOR LEASE Modern twohay Service station lo the Town oi Huntsville Ont Cood potential or aggressive pen lonaiilyv Por mrthcrpsriiculars please contact TEXACO CANADA LIMITED BARRIE ONT TELEPHONE PA Dom OR PA om FOR LEASE Combination Service Station shack bar wthliving quarters highway No 27 Thornton rm eellent opportunity for good iri eomc modest investment rerson able terms For particulars PHONE BARRIE PA ExiOl OR WRITE PO BOX 534 GENERAL STORE for sale at housesours beach liepayments as rent Telephone stroud 12841 or apply at store 9th Concession and 25 sideroad ATBKRLBY ONTARIO beautqu summer resort on Lake elmcoe Ton units with conveniences plus winterized home and garage Tele $6 Marie cuas ngham PA MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE as DUNLOP ST WEST 13mm PA solos 31200 mar MORTGAGE wanted immediately to clear up In es tale Apply Box Burris Exam Inel MunTGAsnsist and and bought soid and arranged Cnmmercih and residential inane leaned on existing mortgages arrie Mm gsge brokers PA sesoi IMMEDIATE Mortgage Loans to consolidate debts pay oii existing mortgages heme improvements atom Discuss your problems with us call for appointment PA 60991 Mortgage Fundlnl over gimplosuseln 129 Duniop 52 est RENTALSvg NURSING HOMES NURSING HOME Nursingoareloi elderly or con velescent Reasonable rates Pl Maples Nursingaome ilhornt PHONE WY tom OFFICES stones RENT gross FDR mom is lest Centre location lieated Parking Suithid forRY type of small business mags Per month Telephone PA 71 lor detahs rAPTSn HOUSES T0 RENT blouse FOR RENT seven rooms bath is minutes drive irom bar rle in village or lllllsoals Avail eble My us month with lease Can be seen anytime yenalnss ml or are Whiter on BUS OPPORTUNITIES FURNISHED three room summer will Refrigerator stove and space heater Hydro included outskirts oi Barrio onKeinpenielt Bl Will ilnt neinnlhly Avail abs immediately PA 54945 mm ROOM APmmznt with rivatu bathroom hot water all sated retrigersto and heavy duty stove Include Located on Burton AVElull APPU can street ROOM Apartment stove and rclrlgdntar supplied Ultt oi wlkher and dryer ant ruin lee ino this one Telephone PA so tor lurtber details gasT END new modern three room unrumlsbed apartment ped room large living room kitchen with dining area three piece balli room seli contained heavy win iag PA omen THREE ROOM Basement Apart meat tarnished or unmmlsbcd heated soil contained ideal or business couple Will decorate to suit tenant ApPiy 15 Newton st after CLEAN unlurnlsbed tbre room apartment overlooking bay Close to bus and stores suitable for couple or bachelor Available at once Rent 55750 monthly Tele Phone PA ewes FURNISHED three mom apart ment linen Pllfil bath heavy duly stove and rosrigerator hardwood noose Sell contained Available tuly Apply Armstrupsa IIrd warn CENTRAL Located Upper Dup 115th or unlumlshed belt and electricity supplied Available in mediately Telephone PA 57062 alters MODERN selfcanthlned apart ment to rent ground floor untur nlsbed= centrally located Reason able rent oil heated imipedlnte Possession Telephone PA 02566 or luruscr particulars ATTRACTIVE med room llnhlll alsbed nested apartment node corlieii sell cuntnlned with Priv ate bathroom Stove Ind refriger atdr IIIPPllell Suitable for bull aese couple Telephone me some FOUR ROOM Apartmeht unfurn ished heated private bathroom trout and back entrances heavy wiring laundry room Chudren welcome Available July Apply glslugayfleld st or telephone PA iviOhnitN iour large room spart msnt heated Three large closets stove refrigerator large storage space garage and anClmlS YIN Allaodsle Available only 85 monthly Telephone PA segue North Day lex ior rent two bedrooms le al BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA KERNs lEWELERY lo PLAZADRUGS POWER SUPERMARKIST I=w WOOLWORTil CO IyENiJs coIFFuREs BRUCES BARBER SHOP ROBRAY RESTAURANT pISO open all day er Want Ads RENTALS APTSL HOUSE T0 RENT murmur Bed sil Poem bedroom kitchenette we on so balcony all beatd central Ab miners Apply at mnenaid St Nitwu Decorated three room Apanmlnt him In Pile Nth and private laundry room APP Inc 721 51 Km Strut Lanai TWO bedroom apartment with separate entrance en ooad noor garden Available lat Ap ly at as Ca bell Avasoa or Tellpbooa PA or details mm Arm burnished three room lpartment also one bed room to rent Apply at John street or telephone PA one or PA Loose alter pm CENTRAL Location Low tllree room mrnlshed apartment or rent sell contained vnvsle eat rlncl Ind parklnl Avalllbll July Telephone PA sun Tank 2005 oil healed unmi niahed apartmeul uplulfl heavy wiring menu plus hall hr illsitiei€s 3X lam CENTRAL mruhhld threa room rtment with bath ground floor separate entrance large modern kitchen laundry sea month Ava able July Tele pbeoa PA soon New arm illodarn one and two bedroom Iplrtmlnll overlooking Kellie Kempgnlolt Bay Hill ldr arising and llnltor setrite inciu ed Amaranth In cum pa asses m2 ROOM bested sell eels tamed artment including stove and re gamer Silulted II III eut end livllilhll lmmedlllliy Telephone PA Elm or will Particulars meg n60 uaturnllhed apart ment heat water supplied Lo ted Biallelnd Dunlap Avauahle immediately For lorther inios matlon Telephone PA met or PA um AyAlLAllu immediately Ono tarnished aparunoat one union lsbed both sell containd one rtth welcome My phone PA um evenings PA we on Blmiioohl apartment In nice locallom Relrigeraior stove and heat included with ample storage Private entrance Park ing balcony overlookinl Bey Adults Telephone PA 03550 Timile mag Rodin Aprrtmen private bathroom on groun floor Private veranda Washer and dryer included Pres trains Telephone PA ml or Lion in evenings AVAibAhu immediately Largo two bedroom apartment soil can telncd stove and retrigerator sup llod Laundry and Partial lull Lles East end Telephonl PA UNPunNislum three room apart mcnt sell contained parking and laundry heillun Available July is Water and heat summed New ly decorated One child welcome Telephone PA 68907 Pours Lovatr large room apart merit with blmmum In ll DP ago room in apartment three room ground iloor apartment with outside door opening on back lawn suitable lor couple with on child Also one bright bedroom with eonldng rlvileges suitable for one Telepliono PA HIM rain in to and to pm WANTED TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET Suitable for light industry Cen trally located in Barrie Write full details to BOX 14 BARRIE WEE ngPianABLE Couple wish to rent or bedroom house prelen ably or apartment with yard near gelatin and downtown Rental starting July 15 Write Mr Hewitt 12 hiicnonsld Avenue ROOMS 10 LET ONE liltiGEl furnished bonu keefegéng troom 101i nmtian as era or supp ar ins available Located Elosg to Barrie Plaza Telephone PA Mm FURNISHED Housekeeping Room or rent will nugelle ln¢ludel use of reirigeratnr and Bendix Centrally located Available im mediately Telephone PA Mod for War details anmAl Location bright bed room and kitchen or rent sully iuraished Reasnnlbio rent with heat and light included ideal lor Egg person Telephone PA COMFORTABLY Furnished Bed Sitting room for rent with use kitchen Linen supplied Located bn bus route Parking facilities Tale hone PA 64130 for mu per euiars ROOM BOARD MARY STREET vicinity Room and Board Gentleman preferred Will pack lunches Homeprlvli egos Close to downtown Telde Ilillllna PA ossoslor rugther de TRY EXAMINER wANT ADS PRONE PALM Open WednésidayilJune 28 SATURDAY AND SUN DAY lon Istfe 2nd

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