02 osozwwuvislt 13 BAï¬Rm EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE fl II AN rxnnanarmc SPORT The bigger outboard motors are largely responsible for the growing popularity of water skiing its an exciting new MINEO GOT BURNED BARSTOW Calii iAFlAC tor Sal Mincn and actress ModA lyn Rhue vere treatdd for se vere leg burns and heat exhaustion alter mock battle scene got too realistic The two film stars were running com on enemy plane Monday when they stumbled and fell They landed next to string of det and exhilarating sport easily leaincd by people of all ages The special ski hitch shown keeps the tow ropes clear of the motor and the wake onator caps just as they were exnloded to simulate machine gun fire from the plane SEEKSELECTION CLEVELAND APlMiss Al bina Ccrmak 57 Republican Monday announced her cant didocy for mayor oi Cleveland She is the first woman to run or mayor in the citys history All your Here are Suggestions Suntan lotion Bathing cups Sunglasses First oid kits summs lust few ALLANDALE DRUGSLtd Essa Rd PRESCRIPTIONS PA 82823 Planning ii Vocation Enjoy it More With Station Wagon eslsnAorono sr Water Skiing FaSi Growing Water Sport Water skiing with itsexhti crating combination oi spool spray water and sun is lots oi tun Thousands of people are taking up skiing making it the countrys tastes growing water sport Almost anyone who can swim can team to ski well enough to enjoy the sport People at both sexes and all ages have no dif iiculty in picking up the tow simple techniques hat enable them to share in Ihrills oi water skiing Almost any kind of boat can be used provided it is suitable ior the motor that powers it Motors ai to HP can tow skier weighing up to about 110 pounds and 25 HP or more is usually needed to get nitpound man up The skis are equipped with adiustable toot bindings made oi rubber that slip oil easily There is no record oi anyone being seriously injured in the usual types at water skiing The best place to learn the technique at getting up on top oi the water no skis is on dry land The trick is to keep the knees hent arms straight and weight balanced over the loci while allowing the rope to pull you upright The movement is sim ilar to getting up evenly mm low chair and should be re peated until it becomes easy and natural TRY IN WATER Then try the some thing in about three feet of water The important thing here is not to pull up on the tow bar but to keep the arm straight and lot the bout do the pulling Skis are steered somewhat like roller skates by leaning the body in the direction of the turn When the new skier has learned to turn from side to side inside the hon wake he is ready to try crossing the woke To do this he pulls to the opposite side and turns shar ply toward the mound oi water at nearly right angle with his knees relaxed and bent to ob sorb the shoCk his weight slight ly iorward Stopping is the simplest part of water skiing when near the shore dock or float the skier merely lets go of the tow bar ltiost beginners master the technique oi starting turning crossing the wake and stopping with only an hour or two oi practice Then they are ready to join in the iult of wonderful water skiing ï¬shermen still buyanoro than half oi nil outboard mo tors modern outfit con stating oi ltiootaiumininn The thousands oi Canadians who enjoy boating should al ruies ior boating safety Carry an approved lLte pre server orcushion for each per son aboard This is required by law in most states and on fed eral waters Children and non swimmers should wear life vest ntnll times When using the cushiontype life presever wear it across the chest NOT across the back Dont overload the boat Know its capacity in pounds or per sons the number at people it can seat is not sale guide Balance the boat load Dis tribute evenly from side to side and from how to stern Keep all passengers seated on the seats not on the gunwales or deck Never stand up in small boat unless you are sure it is big and stable enough to support you if necessary to change positions keep low and hold on to both gunwalca Dont overpower the boat Too PlioriicsTPiiéiiridé Family Funfqre Picnics arevalways fun tor the family the small iry or the Junior crowdi With so many types of prod ucts available designed es pecialiy for the picnic youll find it easy toplnn and prepare your meal insulated picnic chests keep food fresh and tasty for over 72 hours and picnic jugs or bottles keep liquid re ireshments either hot or cold Sandwiches are easy to fix and always popular with the kids and dont forget the pickles big bowl oi potato salad plus potato chips and mustard are other picnic iavor ites Especially welcome in the summertime are waterrn and lemonade other delicious picnic treats are weiners ham burgers and tried chicken along with hardboiled eggs You can even prepare hot food if you wish picnic stoves portable gnili and hibachis are easy to operate inexpensive and take up little room And it you travel by auto wherever youre going theres sure to be pleasantspot along the way where you can stop to enjoy the scenery delicious meal and funfilled picnic Save Yourself another by butting Your Car orStation Wégon Now Beforei the Sales Tax New 1961 ironmo 9V PASSENGER WAGON Automatic transmission rear arm mu mid washer and wipers as low as 41mm ron llllilIG THE 31 mas Safety In Booting Is Simpl With These PewBasic Rules ways tollow thesofew simple No Place Like non For Restful Holiday boat and 11in outboard mo tor enables the ilshrrman to read dutant waters swiftly then throttle down ior slow trolling big motor may cause dam age Watch the weather Get ashore before storm breaks caught in storm keep passengers low by having them sit in the bottom at the boat Head into the avos at low speed ii the boat capsizes stay with it and wait for helprDont try to swim ashore Keep your speed down in her bors or anchorages or when pas sing close to swimmers ï¬sher men or other hosts Head into waves or the wake of another boat at an angle Dont ride parallel to them or take them over the stern Never leave the dock without basic safety equipment pad dle anchor and line iire extin guisher ham or whistle bailing device and the required runninr lights if there is any chance You may be out after dark Know the marine rules oi the road and inllow them in passing or overtaking another boat Keep sharp lookout at all times for obstructions orothe boats Watch your wake it may swamp another crait or damage shore installations Remember that courtesy and common sense are the basic roll es for safety afloat CROWDED AREA The crown colony cot Hong Kong with population of nearly 3000000 gets about 200 new refugees every day Warmer longer days signal the move to backyards every where Now more and more entities rediscover the act that theres no place like home The reasons ior the more using pop ularity oi backyard vacation ing are many Mostimportant is convenience American families ï¬nd that they need not tight traiilc or spend hours traveling in order to enjoy outdoor living lbey can have both their out door ion and the comforts of home weekends and every day by just adding simple and inexpensive innovations right in their backyard Baclryard patios terraces an barbecue facilities pay great dl vidends in family inn and loior mai entertaining Portable barbecues ranging from the mint expensive deluxe kind to inexpensive hlhachl WM enable Iarnilies to enjoy barbecues in their backyard or on outings And many cue aid on the market help make the cookout an epicurean SEC ior even the novice yard also otters privacy Tram shrubbcry and tearing give the homeoer as much privacy as he wishes The swimming pocluooce ex clusively ior the wealthy is finding its way into the back yards of more and more aver age income homeowners as new construction techniques and mass production have brought down the cost The beneï¬ts of swimming pool are many swimming is good healthy ex ercise and fun ior the whole ionuly Many iamilies with small children find that portable above the grormd pools that can be dismantled and stored during winter months are an inexpensive way oi keeping the Vacationing in your own back small iry cool and under moth ers watehlul eye at the same time enthusiasts ï¬nd that many games such as badmin ton table tennis volleyball bas ketball tennis archery horse shoes quoits croquet darts howls shuiiieboard and lawn golt can be played in the back yard An allourposo hard rur iaoe can be easily imtalled to accommodate many at these sports or concrete drivew ennbepnintediorlseasash ileboard court Almostevery over at the out doors will iind that he need not stir from his backyard to enjoy summer living at its best from last game oi badmrnton to relaxing sunbath PHYSICAL mm Japens iirst postwar caliy tbeniis festival in May 196 had 1600000 participants at 28 athletic centres uhnnprv COTTAGE WITH YOUR PRESENT SEE THE NEW 1961 DISPLAYS ON OUR LOT OPEN MONDAY TOFRIDAY UNTIL PM These beautiful colleges can be either precision built or Fiï¬all pending upon your requirements We will be happy to erect your ml cottage or you can do it yourseli on any weekend See Us Forlmprovemeni Ideas etc We carry good selection of cottage and home ideas such as new rtable hurri cane docks exhaust fans picnic tabla assembled knockdown type barbecues coolers marine railway andtop quality paian in attractive colours to beautify your home mp not mm 4s ANNE ST BARBIE co LTD PA 82496 Trailer Tents Regularly 39900 Has 13 Quality Buiitin Enron Special Price eaoh 53499 mis honie on wheels features waterrepellent Blue cotton drill tent about 126 78 74 high that sleeps 5pelsons in zippered dutchstyle door nylon mesh window and sewnin floor Trailer has alu minumaldes and plywood top Overallsize about 14 is