SIMCOE COUNTY WATERWAYS BECKON SKIN DIVING is gaining in popularity evmy day adding to the depend for outboard more This sport has among its enthusiasts those wbo en in it let study oi marina lie searching for We ltd lost tides spear fish QUADS BORN RENNES France Reuters Quadruplets were born here Monday nkgbt to Mrs Gauth ier 37 The babiesthree boys and girlall weighed more than our pounds They were doing well doctors said HOLIDAYERS Tips For Travel By Car Helpful you are planning trip by auto dont negl the most im prstant item or carefree tra val be sure your car gets thorough checking over before you start on your trip he sure to always have your license and registration along Take along an extra set at keys ior the ignition glove compart mont and trunk he sure to have flashlight trouble lights and sign or some type of warning device ior possible roadside re pairs Make certain all lights oper ate properly check tiru and spares for wear and pressure check the oil spark plugs lub rication brakes battery and cooling system and make sure you have the proper tools or any emergencies ran BAKED axaioanan rumor rum mt 11 Vacation Styles For Men Stress The Cloordinates Gentlemen it you are held ing or vacstlon whether ll be for week or long week 7nd altdhfma cruster or ng or this expenslve wardrobe Coordin ated sportswear ensembles do the trick says Mayor Monroe head oi Jantzenl design depart ment Mr Monroe points up that the rrent trendamong men who tr vei is toward the three and iourpiece swim and sun clothes wardrobe styles that go through the entire day in hand some fashions no matter when or what the occasion With iour coordinated ltylea swim suit walkers port shirt and knit tee shrt lesbian conscious man can pack up essential or swimming re laxlng lunching or active sports and always look well groomed PATTERNS AND SOLIDS Patterns and solids which can be mixed and matched are em phasized this summer Textur es too are very important with the accent on the rugged tweedy look in cottons the hop sacking look in boldstripu as well as solids and wash wear Dacron and cotton blends in both print and solids strong British influence is seen in checks and glen plaids Prints run the gamut from gentlemanly neats to hold bolds Mens fashions tor the resort and season feature lighter soiter colors The pop ular olive and gold tones are prominent in slightly lighter and greyer versions Blue in medium soit tones are good Heres Checklist For Travelling Light The ioreslghted woman who is also knowledgeable about traveling can pack all she needs or to week trip anywhere in the world into one suitcase so CAN YOU WITH nns HANDY CHECKLIST in all iashions stick to the basic colors Take one each gm august thin out oboe CorCoIlier Bayiieldits Barrie Ont Canada oi the allowing topcoat trav el suit preterably in tweed tailored suit afternoon dress cocktail dinner dress evening dress skirt and shirt dress Also packable umbrella or raincoat pair of plastic boots or toe rubbers cardigan pair oi nylon pajamas or night gown travel robe pair of pack able slippers or scutis Pack three oi each oi these pairs oi shoes dressy high haded pumps medium or low heeled shoes and comfortable walking shoes that have been broken in and white blouses two tailoreduone dressy all in miracle fabric Two oi each oi these are need ed hats one iar travel one packable dress hat sets of ny lon underwear sets of jewelry one for day onedressy hand bags large travel bag of shoul derstrap type ilat envelope bag for evening Additional essentlatacosmet ics only what you must have Pack them in unbreakable con tainersl Put in zippered rubberized or plastic cosmetic bag small clothes brush tweezers razor blades nail polish anderemover emery boards nail scissors bobby pins hair curlers gart ers washcloth soap in box aspirin toothbrush and paste emergency sanitary needs need le thread and thimble pair at glasses it you wear them sun glasses safety pins sham poo hair net shower cap first aid and cellulose tape You will also Vwant your cam era and an adequate quantity of ï¬lm laundry soap folding plas tic hangers small travel clock address Iistcigarettesand pos sibly playing cards extra For overseas pack your trav el handbag with passport and two or three extra purport pic tures in case you wish to apply ior visa overseas cosmetic case with compact comb lipstick nail tile eyebrow pen cil small periume container ballpoint pen and writing pad in addition to your own particu larly personalvneeds Pack with go anywhere looking like mir liun dollars and carefree without all that unnecessary ex tra baggage to look after NOTES FOR TRAVEL Unlike most in who overdo man very often doesm pack enough at the right things for his trip The iollowing is hate ward robe needs ior the man all will lit easily into mans two suiter bag topcoat hat suits gray flannel dark b1ue1 sport jacket pair slacks inr travel folding raincoat belt or suspenders shirts cotton dripdry longsleev ed aport shirt pairs of shoes each of understh andshorts rtin cotton or miracle tabric ties 12 handkerchieis pairs of socks pair garters pair oi pajamas tpreierably miracle fabric robe and slippers Even if you use an electric razor take along this shaving kit saietyrazor blades brush less shaving soap or shaving soap or shaving brush and soap shaving lotion you need special electrical plug adapters abroad WATERPROOF KIT In axwaterprooi utility kit pack thesa items clippers scis STR Slims Shirts PlAYTIME FASHIONS ANSMAN LADIES WEAR 4rd PUNIOP 51 VI Shorts is to °u Bathing Suits Blouses too Accent colors such as or anger grape turtuolse and bright blue are be shown with new and important new tral color coconut making its debut Summers swimwear has tapered clean lean and uh cluttered look Bucklelront boxers and alpiita in man lengths with the look of bel leas slacks are seen to be very popular Dramatic atyllnl fiesta col ora andosw emphasis on coI ordinated wardrobes promises to make this most tasbionabis vacation over in mens sporta wear Luggage Has New Concept Everincreasing auto vacation travel has prompted luggage manufacturers to develop new concept oi packing and trans and now companion bagsw and thread asp porting clothing expressly suit ed to motor travel Many motorists have preter red tohang clothing irom rods or hooks within the car rather than iold them into suitcase This 0iten proved embarras sing ior the owners when bell hops attempted to untangle wire hangers usually resulted in great deal oi dust and dirt fall ing on the garments ripe and tears were otten ed by doors opened and closed on alav over and henis Consequently the traveling garment bag has come into its own It protects is easy to ban dle and allows the traveler to carry many garments on hang era as well as to iold up the en tire bag lresultlag In very little crushing oi clothith or carry ing like suitcase when preter red it may be put in the trunk when the caris lett unattended loosely hangings garments have proved rgreat attraction for thieves It eliminatesa grea deaI oi repacking at sthver points asit can be hung in the closet come any sizes ior shoes extra lingerie cosmetics toil etries etc in iashions new est colorsand pattemsl sors nall tile washcloth in plasA tie case toilet soap and soap box or individual cakesoi soap deodorant shirt uttons needle toothbrush and tooth paste and sun glasses According to the place and the season you may want to substitute the allowing ior summer summerWei ght suit shorts sport shirtsand bathing trunks tor winter gioves snarl and sleeveless sweater Make sure your suits tiesiand shoes match up with the top Futile shoes to take llgent For Help ialed seeking more than just renal vacation wishes and hud holiday expert aid is needed to get He can make all arrange keep irom winding up behind merits or you in advance is the fight ball lining you oi on speculation Rely on travel apart for and WOW ï¬ezihodkinlormailï¬n He knows rcka nit tlade wha ahlpsroutes flights hotels and Mm excursions best fit your pen Phone stem Consult Travel For seasoned globotrotiers making their own Itinerary or trip is easy But or the uninit ï¬oPularHy jPOLL itll $113 On Quality You will ind at Gard Roach Mens Shop superb selection oi short sleeve lport hairts Cool and casual with styling and tailoring joy to behold For easy liivng wear holiday clothes irmn Gord Roach Mens Eiop Your favorite style shop From 400 Lipson Fonyth Mcregor Deacon Bros Stanfield BARRlSOMT were long on WALKING SHORTS Its like walking on in short from Gard Roach Mens Shop There is style and pattern for you with contrasting Bermuda sex to match Sin range 30 to 44 ENJov vounnounavs MORE in rue GREAT ournoons CAMPING AND SUMMER EQUIPMENT Tenrs HlKEIt TOURIST TENT $2150 STaNinAaoTouaisi pELUXETOURIST TENT TENT 9x my $3995 9x9x7lz55495 it CAaviNroualsr TENT PlcruitEvaNde 12 $70100 TENT irony $8800 caanasasHEirEg an of 7Izfs4950 ALI ABOVE tears include ROLES rand recs ix IerNJ ANpiCAMPING EQUIPMENTTFOR RENT IHE WEEK Lungsnnno prom ORIMONTH crioun nap