5x lt tr1i 1651 my er ragt1 11 names on it My 39 39 ossmeéahsswsï¬e reervhegan in Wildied Mon NEWLYWEDS lame and Marilyn Hall of Sarnia drop ped huo the Lakeland Recep tion Centre recently to obtain Kr THE RECENT Lakcland Reception Centre opening the lion Brynn Oathcart with lndianChiet at microphone Wm made an honorary chlet oi the Ojibway bribe He was named Chief Kc Kum Sea The toinist information centre is on Highway 400 adjacent to World Béckons The Holidayers Ah the summer arrives it marks also the beginning of the vacation seasnnl Throughou the country talks will he look ing forward to theirweek or two or more of timeoft for play More Canadians than evertbe are will be traveling to Europe seeing the famous sites in England France the Scandina vain countries and allhhe other glamour and scenic spots at the Continent Many European travelers are planning to visit the village of Oberammergau the worldrenownedrlassion Play is being presented this year Many Canadians will be visit ing Russia as more and more restrictions are being lured and Canadians are extended many special travel privileges Enticing many Canadian trov elers will be the exotic ports of call in the Pacific and the or ient Safaris through Africa pil grimages to the Holy Land and visits to the LatinAmericas in fact Canadians will be going everywhere in the world this year gt Alaska and Hawaii the new American states will attract countless travelers and West erners will travel East and the West will beckon in the Easi emors Cross the country our many national sites forests and moo uments will call to the many travelers as they visit many historical and scenic landmarks Such tourist activities as boat ing motoringycamping trailer ing and sightseeing wi keep folks busy during their holidays Many folks will spend eii leisure time in their own back yar enjoying cookouts picnicing golfing hiking and other sports right around home Whatever activity is yours or the vacation you will enjoy it will be fun and pleasurefilled you plan lor it properly it you travel with regard home safety of yourseli andgothers have the proper wardrobe and luggagel And wherever you go you wl be welcomed East or Way North or South at homcor abroad AVIATOR PASSES PARIS AP Belgiu eborn Helene Dutrieu 84 pioneer womanaviator whose flying ca day Mrs Dutrieuwas piloting ohm aircraft five lter the Wright brother con iniomiation about the holiday possibilities ol Simcoe County The Halls were two at some travel lnlormution at the cen tie since it opened in May They were received by Miss Jean Madam Sailing 11 BARN mm WESDAY my 21 m1 Gains In Popularity Weekend and alter five sal lors enjoy the magic of the oil ent swift acceleration of their boats gliding over the waves with minimumo oust oi in vaunent Sailing now too is popular water sport in many areas the novice or occasional sailor on rent his boat from local yacht and sail ing clubs or nominal ices usual ly on an hourly basis weekdays oiicr the cheapest rates To rent boat Just as to rent an automobile the sailor must prove that in is qualiï¬ed op erator Safling lessons are avail able during the entire season at who marine and yacht clubs With the exception of one class on land in knot tying and term inology the lessons are held on board Students do the sailing under the guidance oi an instructorskipper skipper certificate is awarded upon com pletion oi the classes LONG 3000 tourists who received it doesnt take long lor the novice sailor to learn that mast is the vertical spar on which the soils are hoisted boom is the horizontal spur to which the lwer edge the mainsaii is fastened port is left starboard is right bow is forward stern is back alt towards the stern jib is the trainguiar sail set lor ward of the mast and jibe is to change course An experienced skipper inter Britain Has Dollar Days Dollar days have begun in Britain Canadian visitors can now buy season ticket to history or $1 which entities them to visit any or all of over 600 historic monuments The ticket is valid or such places as the Tower of london Edinburgh Castle Stonehenge iintern Abbey Hampton Court Palace and hundreds of other historic monuments castles and palaces cited in having his own boat needs to decide between the keel boat and the centerboardcr lhe keel hont does not tip over quickly because of the outboard ballast which keeps it afloat The centcrhoarder on the other hand will float when capsized thus providing something or the crew to hang onto and pre venting posible loss oi the boat MORE ECONOMICAL Cenicrboarders are generally lea expensive than keel boats They may be hauled up on the beach or on float instead of being kept at mooring which necessitates having mwboat or dinghy in which to go back and forth The centerboarder is adapted to shoal or shallow water The keep in deep water boat Costs depend upon size and construction of the boat Hulls may be made at single plank ing with calked scam very diillcult to maintain or oi hard glued sheets oi plywood which present surface practically like solid piece of wood De pending upon the local dealer or bostyard molded plywood and iiberglns are sometimes used Sail boats are available with only malnsail called the cat ring or with roslnssil and ilb calleda slooo Most of todays soils are Dacron for quick drying and easy care To visit all oi them individual ly would cost fair sum oi mDi cy but with the Ministry Works season ticket the vistor has curto blanche or 12 months Season Ticket to History can be obtained by sending $100 to the Ministry of Works Lorn heth Bridge House gtLondon England Several are among the most popular attractions in Britain in 1960 the Tower had 1182000 visitors Edinburgh ll most popular in Scotland 442 900 Hampton Co urt 395000 Stonehenge W300 and Chern arvon Castle PLAYTiME Positions run innit EiiJ0Y7 Younsrtr WALKEBSCHBEFBFF SPORT Tons Misses Sleeveless Blouses Drip Dry Cotton Sleeveless Blouse Open Neck Small Wing Collar Colours White Lilac Mint Yellow Sizes 12 to is Misses Shorts Bedford Cord Shorts with two Booklets Wash and Wear Colours White Willow Gold Lilac Space Blue Beige Sizes 10 to 20 Cuffed stan of Crease and Stain resistant Chino Cloth ColoursWhite Black Lilac Turquoise Gold Green Beige Sizes 10 to 20 Misses Sport Slims Popular Random cord Wash and Wear Slims Colours Block Purple Gold Willow Antelope Hot Pink White Sizes 10 to 20 uest of the air fsrone hours so out or 51 PA 221 be plun to build an LthVOCflilGn home THEHm Theres modern flair to this striking yet practical cabin Suiting lor almost any Desgn cluelva bedrooan with ample storagcmpaee plus bathroom Attractive terrace otters additional living space Mlowai 54000 PER MONTH WE WILL HELPARRANGE NHA new MORTGAGES DENIS SHEARD LTD PAINSWICK PHONE COLLECT STROUD brings to you the besiin VALUE PRICE SAFETY Planning onrtravelling this summer Why not drive with iheassuranceancl confidence that all GOODYEARTIRE owners have iooooflyenn TUBELESS NYLON 150 14 and 670 15 AllWeather GoooflEAn TUBETIYPE NYLth s7ux15 um AllWeather renewable the TUBETYPE RAY eunx 16 95 670 15 plus Marathon mappahlo up CHEAe TlRE cANcosr7 irEMEMiiER citlens your Lives You ANpr BEERsrTIRE SERVICE LIMITEDH 37 66443