Ellie Thturir Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday June 27 1961 LOCAL WEATHER Sunny and warmer tomorrow Wink to l5 10W tonight 50 High Wednesday For lull lununary turn to page two ions Teaspooan For ï¬stula2r Want Ads Tole phone PA Hut The tflephone number tocall for the Business or EditorialDepL llPA 5W1 Not More Than lo per Copy18 Page beConstruction In Toronto Frost DEMANDS HEARIN Premier Asks Stï¬kem Remm Covne States Fleming ï¬i9ffl°¥ilWW bers will be Francis Scanlan Goldeaberg Montreal lawyer representing union locals in the and iabormanagementrelotlons Toronto building trades and expert was named today as Leonard Eden viceprcsident of onemun Ontario royal commie the Ontario Masonry Contrao gt sion to investigate the strife tors Association ridden construction industry OTTAWA CP James bring serious charges against on theminlsters statement here Coy angrily demanding the governor June 14 that he hadnt learned The premier with Mr Gold nberg present at his press can premier cl05L announcing ferencc said he hoped the royal Milli CHARGED WITH KESWICK Milli Lowell Guy Tom Widdi field 37 is escorted by pal lce officer after being charged in Kcswick Ont Sunday with the murder of Donna McDoug all 14 tleftt of Hanover Ont The girl died from rifle shot DER in Lake Simcoe cottage Her mother was treated for bullet wounds at Newmarket CP Wirephoto Remand MP For OTTAWA CF Raymond Bruneau former Liberal mem ber of Parliament for Glen garryPrescott today was re mended until July 11 on charges of bribery and obtaining $10000 by false pretences while serv ing as an MP Hemanded tothe same date was Abe aergoron Cornwall service stationoperator charged with giving $10000 cash bribe to Bruneau The ddyeardldforiner MP geron hasnta lawyer to repre sent him and the case may be one for legal aid Thel two defendants were re leased when hail of $500 each was renewed It was posted Igonday by friend from Hull ue The arrests were made Mon day and the men brought to Ot tawa where the charges were laid and both were releascd or $500 bail Mr Bruncau lives in and in various businessenter Former Bribery of Ottawa Inspector Speers of the part owner The federal government paid 8000 to obtain the site for con fice in 1956a year before Mr Eruneau was defeated in the general election byConseiva tiveOzie Villeneuve Inspector Speers said the charges also involved labor ers job that Mr Bergeron ob tnmcd with the St Lawrence Seaway Authority He lost the job shortly after the change of government Mr Eruoeau was first elected in Prescott riding in 1949 and was reelected in 1953 when the riding was revised and its name Monday changed to GlengarryPrescotL He was defeated in the 1957 and 1958 general elections and has been working as translator prises since then State Of Emergency In Effect BighSheihonL01Kuwait can BAGHDAD Iraq Reuters to determine whether Kuwait Margaret 45 Doubt Prosecution 0t Coin Laundries TORONTO CPC Rick chairman of the Metropolitan Toronto police commission said today he doubts that coin laun iIawkesbury Ont so miles east gry operators will be prosecuted He was commenting on Su RCMP said the charges involve PMe 091 Canada Elem the sale of Hawkesbuiy prop 22 Whcrhtgdsalma lg BS COIIVIC III BS my mud ML Berger was case of breach of the federal Lords Day ACL Its not our policy to hunt out struction oi as $170000 post of gicï¬lgais allied Hold Parents KANSAS CITY APiA police offkier found 12yearold Roy Dean Hail chained to bed in the youngsters oneroom home The boys sister Jeanette Hall 15 said their parents had been chaining Roy the last 10 days while the father was work ing as trash hauler and the mother as babysitter Roy Hall 48 and his wife were arrested when theyreturned home and were held for investigation THERES ONE ords Day provided some relief in British parliamentary hearing on his Suggested that govemmelit plans for snap elecuon may battle with the government has have been behind in attempt to accused Finance Minister Flem oust him ing of blackmailing tactics Said the government had and concealment of evidence in undermined the independence of the case ank of Canada directors and left them under suspicion of The Bank of Canada governor acting as political puppets levied those chargesand others fitAccused the government of in hotlyworded open letter having degraded the stand to Finance Minister Fleming Breaking silence for the first ards of public life in Canada time in week Mr Coyne DOESNT AMPLIFY made the letter public during The 50ltyearold governor did the opening stages ofCommons not elaborate on his black debate on the governments bill mailing Charlie to have Parliamentfirc him from his $5000oaycar job In his public statement June 13 rejecting the governments The latter alsodlstributed by Mnyvilo request for his resigna the central banks agencies in tion Mr Coyne said he had eight cities across Canada been told by Mr Fleming that came out at about the than Mr one reason for the request in liernlng was flatly rejecting an valved an increase in his pen opposition request that the issue sion 16 months ago to $25000 he referred to the Cameos from $12000 by the central banking committee MARES BITTER CHARGES banks board of directors flit said MrFleming told Mr Cay in his most bib him the cabinet was renewing als Suggested the government teri phrased statement to date gï¬gagaï¬ggï¬gï¬g In the Commons two day Mr triedto terrorize him into rev Fleminlidwiel haVi id signing last month date of Mr Coynes resignation Charged Mr Fleming wiih related to the cabinet decision smear Vtacticsr Accused the minister of indthe sheltenoroo on the pension Mr Coynes accusation that Mlanieming hadconcealedwvr parliameatary inimiinlty to idence was an outright attack of the pension increase until this spring He said Bryden of Tor onton bank director who re signed this spring told Mr Fleming about possible change in the pension provisions six months before the directors made the change Feb 15 1960 CHARGES CONCEALS You have alleiter from Mr Bryden to prove it which you persist in can sling Mr Coyac said He added that Deputy Finance Minister Kenneth Taylor was told by Mr Eryden about the move week before the direc tors action was taken Yet you Mri Fleming Pre tend that thesechanges were hidden from the government Mr Coyne added that Mr Fleming Has an opinion on the legality of the directors move by Deputy Justice Minister the lntrnent aled for commissioner could complete rniunfpila work byppï¬om 7500 his work in two months but Mr striker use walkuuu have Goldenberg said he felt that was spread from residential building glunistie in Metropolitan Toronto into NEW LABOR LAWS such projects as on expressway the subway and hydro and tele phone construction Mr Frost indicated the out come of the inquiry by Mr Goldenbergwho has engaged It isurged that work he re in many Industrial relations in sumed in all branches of the quirks in Canadacould lend to construction industry Mr new legislation Frost said to reporters as he announced thoroynl he said the difficulties that Commis have thrown the Metro construc sion establishment of which mm Industry in mm duh W05 P3 WWW PW ing the 28 days of the strike are 811th promised 5W9 commandomany other large centiy He also announced implenicnl centres in North America if we are successful in find atlnn of named poinlin his ing solution the premier Peace Plan by satungP said we will be leading the threemnn board of adjudicators way in goodigbormanagement to assess complaints by work relationships ers and employers in the build ing industry here Meanwhile develupmcnts on the actual strike front were ob The board will be headed by scured by conflicting statements Ralph Presgrave chairman of from union and management see Little Relief For Firefighters By rue paranoia press the distance heroine of heavy Forest fires continuedtheir smoke Light but steadyroin brought paths of destruction through relief in the Gander Lakenona timberlands in fiVe provmces vista area early today Monday despite light rain which Columbia Saskatchewan parts of Newfoundland VNo relief wasin sight for fire The rain eliminiited tempor arily threat to string of com munities along dontile front dam at North Pond about ï¬ghters in Ontario and Mani 1° miles Gm 35 toba where total of 76 blazes raged in Newfoundland the any community of Dover in the Hare Bay area began evacua stroyed atthe height of the fire Mondays nightjust before the frailincome Officials fear the rush of water from the burnedAout darn Al Driedger which you have the governments public service also concealed both from the grievance board Other mem leaders on prospects of immedi ate settlement and from the public He said the government is trying to prevent him from bringing his case before par liamentary committee He lle scribed his main point in these words The position of governor of Candasmntral bankwill be destroyed and the whole insti tution will become merely an to without any issue of policy ernment stating its monetary monetary policy 23 in West Japan the coast of western Japan to and destruction Police said 13 persons were Eichtnann Denies Deportgtion Link JERUSALEM Reuters arm of political machine if Thirty children of Lidice sun the governor is to be terrorized vived in Poland at least until into resigning whenever the gov 1945 affidavit on behalf of ernment of the day wants him Adolf Eichmonnelnimed today The Nazisin revenge for the being raised Without the gov Czech partisan killing of mm hard lleydrlch Nazi protector Pulley in Parliament 01 9159 of Bohemia and Moravia where and without the govern razed the Czech village of bid ment accepting responsibility for ice in 1942 killedlts men do ported its women and children and expunged its name from records Typhoon cola K1115 Among the charges against former SS LLCol Eichmann is that hetookpart in the deporta tion of thELLidice children to TOKYO Reutersl Typhonn Poland and their killing there Eichn1aiinwhom Israel is can weaken and movej trying forgoompiicity in the war Amber lineflde Eegh$mÂ¥ï¬ min from Indies whose parefits come under his department weak but asked that the court accept it so that the witness could becailed to come and give oral evidence The court permitted the affi davit to be admitted into evi dence but Israeli AttorneyGeno eral Gideon Hausner who is prosecuting Eichmann asserted that its legal weight would be extremely dubiousif it had any weight at all Mrs Freiburg native of Riga Latvia now living in Bremen West Germany said in her affidavit that she had lived in Pushikovo near Poznan from 1941 to 1945 There saw on children from almost every day she said The supervisor of the school told us these were chil hnd been shot Mrs Freiburg added thal when we had to flee the su snw canan naive state of emergency was re wants British aid in meeting ported in effect in Kuwait today as Iraq pressed its claim to the ich Persian Gulf sheikdom of 200000 people Kuwait radio Monday night broadcast statement saying the sheikdom would defend its borders and expressing confi dence that sister Arab states would support its independence which dates back one week The Egyptiansponsored Mid die East news agency said state of emergency had been announced in Kuwait formerly under British protection SEE ARAB OPPOSITION It also claimed Arab reaction was generally opposed to Iraqi Premier Abdul Karim Kassems claim that Kuwait is an integral part of Iraq and its sheik 66$ yearold Sir Abdullab asASalim Assabah is governor only at the pleasure of Iraq In London diplomatic ob servers said AngloKuwait dis cussiuns under way in the sheikdom were clearly designed Iraqs move The Iraqi foreign ministry Monday handed all diplomatic missions copies of government memorandinn cl aiming the 5800s miie sheikdom sandwiched between Iraq and the Persian Gulf Baghdad radio Monday night extended its broadcasting hours playing martial music and car rying intermittent statements by aspeaker declaring Abdul KarimKassern has said the bor ders of Iraq extendto the south of Kuwait Kuwait radio broadcast statement declaring the sheik dom isan independent Arab state with full sovereignty lec ognized internationally The Kuwait gave ment is detemitned to prolec and de fend Kuwait territory it said Kuwait radio also claimed the sheikdnm had support from Kingllbn Saud of SaudiArabia Support for Kuwait from Jordan and Iran also was reported PeiieetihietflrgesLegalization Oi Bookinaking Ils Only Solution LONDON Ont CmPolice Chief Knight Monday call or legalization of book making as the only solutionfor controlling the alwaysbooming business of offtrack betting Bookim have always been with us and always will be the chief said and convicting them is an almost impossible problem Control could only be achieved by licensing AttorneyAGeneral Roberts said here Monday he is undertaking study of the whole picture concerning bookmaking opera tionsbut that any action to leg alize such operations would be federal matter Mr Roberts here to attend the meetingnf the Ontario Ma yors and Reeves Association said he has instructed his staff to collcct the latest information agaiiable on bookmakinz He indicated the information would be collected in Britain where bookmalung is legal and in other countries Chief Knight luncheon me est City Kiwanis Club took long look at the lawand found it wanting several respects from the point of view of those called in for its enforcement Bookmaking many years ago ran openly but bookies now have gone underground so suec fuily that its practical possible to apprehend and con victï¬ bookmaker today Bookies use smallstores as fronts he explained and never take bet from stranger Ive hroughtiin undercover men for as long as three months at time he sai fand had no success at all They couldnt get anywhere they werent known On solitary hike man sabotage in the district decided to explore cave and became lost After several hours sources minister said arson was he found theentrarice and rush ed into thesuaiight shouting that levelled 25000 acres of spruce and fir Im free Im free Datsnothin said small voice The man saw little Bay fire hose was cut at the iteiitiaries Act 111 define certain rights of prisoners The Ontario senator said the not passed by the Commons inces fires were believed to he takes from prisoners their right 11 to clothing and food among around the community of Trin ity but no one could he sure of other things 12 houses and carrying straps on portable water tanks mysf Senator Charges Bill Denies Rights 3333 iiiméiacdiiiiiiiï¬ 32 the fire They said the evacua OiiAWA CplLiberal Seli tion of Dover residents was at Arthur RnehHCK charged precautionary measure because Monday night that the new Pen of the smoke WORST NEAR TRINITY teriously disappeared The provinces re elieved responsible for fire In the commtinity of Hare boy at the entrance to the cave height of blaze that destroyed Im four foiciaissaid smoke hanging ver the Bonavisfa Bay area The most serious of the prov urning in threemile circle Nfld destroyed Fridayhytho fore firewhldl forced the av killed 31 missing and 45 in 8m FEWTS 5° and may swamp the Garnbo budge juredMore than 82000 persons were homeless and block transinsular traffic on the TransCanada Highway only provincial artery In Manitoba 37 tires were burning most of them in the northern part of the province Twenty were out of control large fire was burning eight miles from the Western Manitoba community of Cowan but forestry ofï¬cial said the village was not yet in danger Lack of rain has caused sev ere fire hazard in the province Rain reduced the fire threat in Saskatchewan andfBritish Columbia Fortyfive fires were being fought by 300 men in while an estimated 25 were still in progress in Sos katchewan The twin threatsof smoke and wind joined forces against small army of men supported by waterdropping planes who continued to fight Ontarios 35 fires killed as floods hit Manila today amid heavy monsoonrains in the northern Philippines Eighty nor cent of the city the country in 1945 was estimated to be under Today Eichmanns West Ger man iawyer Robert Servatius submitted an affidavit from Three persons were resorted Mrs xnlise Freibur 54 who said she had seen of the Lid ice children ahnost daily near Poznan Poland until she fled Servatius admitted that the water evidence was at pervisor of the school did not know what to do with the chil drcn in view of the advance of the Russian armies Mrs gs afï¬davit said The woman telephoned the Poznan authorities and was told that she should only worry about German children and the others should be left IjIBsr errands Oct to Institutions gFOr Co TORONTO CPlApnlidation forms and rules and lions for Ontariosthreepercent re tail shles tax willbe mailed to some 121i000retaiiers today The sales tax effective Sept was outlined in detail Mon day at press conference held by Piovincial Treasurer James Allen and PKT Clark comp troller ofrevenu In 69pagefbooklet the re taller is instructed what goods re taxable howitocollect and out tokeep record For workpf collecting rcnuttiag tho ta tothetreasdry hc Will bepai onehalf of one per cent to fo percent of his eolleolt dependiaggon tab based gros sale th numbe of rockinghorse all that qugleft one hellre GP in tax Issued national Tax Aug An initial sales tax staff of 450 persons Will bere quired to look after the vendors The tax applies to every On tario resident who purchases tangible per of property and takes it home whether the purchase is mad Ontario or in some other prov or coun try In other words person who buys set of golf clubs in New Yorkshould according to the Sales TaxAct report his purchase to thecomptroller of revenuoand pay the required Mr Clark said he holies the government can come to some reciprocal agreement With the other provinces for reporting sales made to Ontarloresidents who want them shipped back home Quebec has shownpmlor est in such in reciprocal agree ment Another oblem facing treasury officials is the sale of goods perhaps second han refrigerator or radio to another dlvlrdua periodi checks of 99 paper advertisements to wheth th