Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1961, p. 6

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EVEN THE KIDS EN This is themonth when all across Canada its strawber ry festival time Organiza tions working for some wor thy cause in their community set out tables and chairs and serve the traditional fresh red berries and cream Wo men oi the community of Greolel held their annual event Saturday at the Com munlty Centre Three of the Quacks Operate In OY simmers FESTIVALS youngest guests getting their tummlea lull are threeyear old twins Misses Brenda and Bonnie Scott and Master Danny Mohiaster than inor Photo SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Notes are Intended to cover tho general social ufa or the city and dishlet Wedding nnniverenrlu bridge parties birthdays comingofage pan tics visitors nnd traveiitrl are All items of km to the women render of this page Your help in supplying this new will be greatly ap preciated Please phone The Ba lie Examiner PA 56537 an ask for the Womens Page STRAWBERRY TEA Crystal Chapter 50 is spon soring Strawberry Tea and Bake Sale to be held in the Orange Hall Burton Avenue Wednesday afternoon to oclock Tea convener is Mrs Hurst Tea assistaan are Mrs Fllrzacott Mrs Con it Mrs Tompkins Mrs Carter Senior Preceptress of the Lodge will eceive the guests Pouring tea at the event will he Mrs Aiker and Mrs Gardiner Mrs Baker and Mrs Robson are nonvers of the bake tables and Mrs Wynes candy convener Ticket convener is Mrs Semmens ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs George Jeffer les Perry Street celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary at the home of their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Lambert Willson Conkstown Mrs Jefferies also celebrated her birthday Guests included Mr and Mrs George lihomson of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Jelferies and family of Lindsay GRENFEI FESTIVAL Women of the Grenfel com munity who hosted the annual strawberry festival event last Saturday evening were Mrs Smith Mrs Slack Mrs Ford Mrs Howard Mrs Harris Mrs Howard Mrs WTWai tou Mrs Harris Mrs Dobson MrsH Parr Mrs Smith MrspW Wheeler Mrs Brown Mrs Harold Matias tor Mrs Jack Taylor Mrs Cloughley Mrs Baldwin Mrs Cole Mrs Sulley and Mrs Garnet McMaster Mrs McGirr ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Cedric Ted Jones North Street save an nounced the engagement of their daughter liliss Winnilred Doreen Jones to Thomas Cor nish son of Mr and litre Tho mas Cornish Grand Bank New foundland The wedding care mony wllitake place in St Georges Anglican Glurch July TORONTO WEDDING Barrie guests who attended the wedding of Miss Pat Cos man and Rev Stephen Tilley at Toronto Saturday were Mr and Mrs Les Cooke Mr and Mrs Jack Blaclmlan and Mr and Mrs Gil Weston The hed ding took place at Dauiorth Pentecostal Church An even ing reception was held at the vBethel Pentecostal Church Mui caster Street Barrie TROUHSEAU TEA Mrs Alex Harvey Tor onto Street entertained at tronsseau ten for her denyi ter hrideelect Miss Dorothy Harvey Mrs Stanley 13 James Goldwater mother of the groomelect assisted the host ess and Miss Harvey in receiv ing the guests Pouring tea were Mrs Clarke Mrs Corbett Mrs James iir ronto and Mrs Tuchtie Tomato Tea assistants were Mrs Nutter Mrs Clarke MrsW Houghton Mrs Wal ton Toronto and Miss Doris Thompson Hillsdale Assisting in drawing the trousseau were Mrs Jensen Collingwood and Miss JoAnne Clarke Miss Lorraine Clarke opened the door to the guests Harvey will marry Da vid Stanley James at an even ing ceremony at Trinity Anglllt can Church July BLAST HITS BUILDING TORONTO GP 50yard sectlnn ofiowntown York Street was littered with glass Sunday when an explosion in the base meat of alarge parking garage blew out the buildings ground floor windows Firemen were at tempting to discover the cause of the uplosion No one was in CNAAlumnae Social Evening The June meeting 01 the Con tified NursingeAsslstonis Alum nae was held at the home of Mrs Fern Drive President Mrs Morris chaired the meeting Minutes Beer Downsvlcw Indian VANCOUVER GP No Canadian women docten have come to gig with quugkary corruption superw fight against disease in tiny villus in indie Doctorr Judi Xaln siddoo Ind Snrfit Kalil Siddoo daugh ter of retired British Colon bis iumberman were back on visit after more than two year operating ubod hospital near the Putin village of Aur Quacks are numerous in In dldfithcy said because anyone canset up as doctor without licence Tbese charlatans spread propaganda about us that took long time to wear oti said Sariil ad like her sister grad nete of the universities of Brit létholumbla Tomato and Mc And slaw many of the prop erlytrained doctors are con rupt the villagers shop around for doctors on the basis of the seer they charge added Jagdls eranammnxnierlzn of the May meeting were read The 45th annual conference by the secretarytreasurer Mrs Pink Plans were discussed for wiener roast to be hfld in July to reggae the regular meeting Mon meetings will rennne in September Following discussion of business matters members par ticipated in game session prize being won by Mrs Marie McKay Following adlournment of the meeting refreshments were served Members present included rs Beer Mrs Morris rs Grant Mrs Mc Kay Mrs Van Kooten and Mrs Pink GRADUATES Miss Gail ShanksBarrie was among the graduates of the Royal Victoria Hospital class of 61 Miss Shanks is the danghter of Mr and Mrs WalterJ Shanks Worsley Street Women Grads Outrank Men SASKATOON CY Women figured prominently in the 50th annual convocation of the Uni versity of Saskatchewan The Gov ernor Generals medal for the most dis tinguished graduate of the 1961 class was awarded to Janet Ann Randell of Saskatoon Mrs Katherine Eleanor Mac Miilan received her degreein education at the same time as her sons Vernon andArnold and civil yaduated in medi engineering respectively Mrs Marian Alice Wedge of of the South Slmcoe Deanery WA of the Anglican Church of Canada was held June 13 at St Davids Church Everett The conference openedlat 10 am with the service of Holy Communion with rector Rev Thomas as cclebrant Harper rector of North Essa parish the Rev McFarlune rector of Mono Mills and the Rev Trent rector of innlsfil The business session opened with an eddresa of welcome by the deanery president Mrs Edward Gapp of Bradford to which the rector the Rev Thomas replied Mrs Hetherlngton president of St Davidr WA also welcomed the visitors There were 136 registered delegates and total attendance of over 200 at the meetings and the luncheon Mrs Watts diocesan president was introduced and spoke briefly to the gathering Other members of the Toronto diocesan board present were Mrs Bagley first vice president Mrs Barnett diocesan educational secre tary Mrs Lighthourn officer for deanaries Mrs Dlnham Little Helpers sec retary and Mrs Davis Mrs Dinhnm was the speak er in the morning sndoutiined Ithe dutles of the Little Helpers secretary on the parish level Soviet marrow APiSoviet Cul ture Minister Ekaterina Furt seva revealed new Buslan objective female elegance duringa short visit here Fiftyoneyearold Mrs Furt seva said in an interview Our ambition is to become even more elegant than the women of tbeIWest Not in silly way however but with sound stylish values In contrast with her last visit toLondon five years ago ma dame minister appeared to be setting the pace She arrived from visit to iceland in very feminine light turquoise linen suit under beige gabardine cost her fluffy blonde hair Her stockings were sheer but alas there was run down her shapely right leg And she has pounds NEVER DIET isnt it marvelous she asked the reporter Diet Hea va no never diet leat ev flwmhmn Tennis she explained Tennis is the secret He was assisted by Rev ii Milligao black bandeau held back lost nearly 15 illages demands in an eye discoe that is milyulrodiniteearlyrtega Yetwhenwetcllthemto some to outiron eye clinic they wont became their house keeping and Lam chores would be neglecwd uid Judie Superstition role in the spreading of disease noon the peasants oi ladle The Aur viiigen wont come to the hospitalgon Thursdays be cause they think it an un lucky day instead they try to cure themselves by Wing scraps mung around their arms end But were gaining groimd in spite of it all said Judie The hosptai built by their lath Kn Singh Blddoo now cares for more than 400 petlents month The Siddoo sisters came back to visit their parents Iand to unit Canadian drug manufactur ers for free samples of drugs for use in the hospital moanAWE South Simcoe Deanery WA Hold 45thAnnuai Conclave and theaim of the department which is the introduction ot the young child to the life and work of the church during the years from baptism to the age of seven years MAKE DONATIONS The roll call for 196i dierred lrom those of previous years in that each branch as called presented gift of household linen for the Church of the Good Samaritan the Anglican home for elderly men in To ronto The branch of Trinity minich Bradford presented cheque for $53 the amount re nuired to equip bed inhonor of having their own president Mrs Ga as deanery esi dent thlspyear Approldrrlldtely $115 worth of sheets pillow slips towels and wash cloths was collected for this worthy cause Mrs son of Everett in troduced speaker of the afternoon Mrs Kathleen Slade en writer and expert on the training of children in worship Mrs Sladen discussed methods of teaching and when to teach children to pray and stressed the use of visual aids with the very small child The speaker showed an efiec tive way of teaching the Lords Prayer After the talk many questions were asked which were answered by Mrs Sladen The vicepresidentLMrs moved vote of thanks to the speaker Culture Ministers Visit isNeuLEemaieElegancL Some time ago felt very poorly felt tired not myself Then realized it was from too much sitting around and an ex ercise So she continued her sea green eyes lighting up turned to tennis and now love it play as oiten as can with anyone who will play wontr say lln brilliant but Ive be come pretty good at it only wish could stay here to watch the games at Wimble don That would be wonderfuL But he got to get back to Mos cow Wejre terribly busy you know Mrs Furtseva theonly women member of the Soviet Praesidium wore plain black gown with touch of mascara as her only makeup when she was guest for an evening of Lord Earewood first cousin of the Queen For Hair Style or Distinction inunglhrriok HAIR STYLESIS Mrs Switzer Hosts Crown Hill WA kown all United annr Amciation held the June meet in at the troupe of to Harold Swims Prairies Mrs humore conducted the busi ecsejeesion Mrs Roy Partridge read or very interesting letter from EevhdrMuirinChlnl Roll call we rcedjooasecoiivelya chapter in the bible Plans were laid for doing mg repan on the cburch Emmanuelvest re freshments at the dose of the July land usté meeting were Sir Tyrone Guthrie To Tour Britain SIRATEORD WtSir 17 robe Guthrie announced Friday that the Stratiord Festival pm ductions of HMS Pinafore and Pirates of Pmanoe will go on tour in Britain early in real HMS Pinniore was presented at the festival last season pad Pirate of Penance is to open at the Avon Theatre hero July Sir Tyrone was directorior both productian He said nearly all the princi pals oi the Pirates production are expected to be available for British tour NEW 3055 Mrs Edith Moore who sue ceeded her husband Joseph as mayor of Dorchester England appointed him as her deputy Noon day prayers were con ducted by the Rev Adam of Cookstown and the Reg Cathcsrt of Beeton opened the afternoon session with de votions Silent prayer was ot fored in memory at theiate educational secretary of St Davids Mrs Henderson whose death took place that morning NEW APPEALS Minutes and treasurersro port were presented by the sec retarytreasurer and adopted The appeals for 1961 were pre sented by Mrs nghtbourn overseas equipment for the medical college at Ludhiana India and at home camping equipment for the diocese oi the Yukon motion followed and was carried to divide the collection equally between the two appeals Mrs Lightbourn answered the 22 questions in the question box motion of thanks was pre sented by Mrs Milligan to the nrral dean for his support the ladies of St Davids for their hospitality to the rector and cholr of St Davids and to the soloist Mr Thomas and or ganist of the church to the members of the Diocesan board who were present and to nil the drivers who brought so many to the conference The rural dean the Rev Bridle of Ailiston brought the afternoon to close with prayer and installed officers for the 198162 season as fol lows Honorary president Mrs Ed ward GsppkBradford pres ident Mrs Miliigan Tot teohamrvlceprealdenW Brown Thornton secre tarytreasurer Mrs Loom ard Stroud record book secre tary MrsW Wood Everett for money Just phone BeneficiaL Gettbeceah you want fast One phone call and one visit to the oflioe does everything Call up or come in today OURE THE BOSS AT BENEFICIAL 15 BAVFIELD STREET Phone PArkway8593l BARBIE to month contracts on loans on leoo on an moo Your loan can MiscInsurer BENEFICIAL Save 3201 on Famous Skippies by Formiit Reg $650 Now s449 Slimline Skipples by Fermi for fashions smooth look generously proportioned body and leg line poweroet with 21A nonroll elastic band satin elastic panels front and back nylon tricot crotch sizessmall medium large ordinarilyasso SPECIAL $445 SAVE $105 on New Rave Brn by Fotmfit Reg 350 Now s245 Saskatoon mother of mm and figure gt 33g°°d 3s Maple Ave pa nest nuance no0 cannon daughter of Chief Justice Em mett Hall of Saskatchewan got gt 13W 19°13 PLAN Now To TENDTHts SEPTEMBER New Rave by 25mm leaturesdashions low Uscoop hack elastic treatment in front hand and around the cups gives you youthful flatten ing line fine cotton broadcloth circle stitched hthaeupsSiaesA5236Eand03238 3245 shlp MarleErika strontium is ESTABEISHED not 1x Marry of Ponteix Sash was 66 TORONTQ srltslajlanltalr named winner of the Copeland prize as the outstanding gratin COMPLETE counsels FOE GENERAL orator AND nusINEss ENELOYMENI unto hi the college of artsand science massacres PARTIQULARB ABOUT Your acaoor WITHOUT ANY OELIGATI ONlMYPART DATE tirdinarily$350 SPECIAL cmmsmaio Industrial Photos Portraits 4s WALK oi Bliltlilli PA 60221 915 nm5io pm Wed 915 FRI 915 amit00 pm sooulltorstw sroaalloues mm 55 Annie enemass connects so TORONTO smear narrate

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