FORST not act raanasio Familfes prepare to cvacu ntc their homes in the face of advancing forest fires at McCUliDY Full Military Honors Nagels Hill Nfid suburb of St Johns during tho weekend Nearly 4000 per sons in eastern Newfoundland have fled their homes in sev en communities and num ber of homa have been des troycd The United sates POI Aviation Pioneer MONTREAL CF fun eral with full military honors will be held here Wednesday for John Alexander Douglas hchurdy 14 first British sub ject to achieve powered night in the Commonwealth and for mer lieutenant governor of Nova Scntiu who died in hos pital Sunday In February 1909 the byte tfon pioneer startled his neigh bors in Baddeck NS when he took off and flew fhreequarters of mile in the Silver Dart fragile aircraft of his own dc sign Doctors gave the cause of death as bronchial pneumonia with complications Mr McA Curdy entered hospital 10 weeks ago for treatment His flight the first in Can ada occurred six years after that of the famous Wright Brothers although the Wright planetoolt off with the aid of guiding track The Silver Dart got into the air on motor power alone STAMP CDMMEMORATES Canada commemorated the 50th anniversary of this first flight in 1959 with the issue of stamp bearing the image of the Silver Dart Mr McCurdy became the first to pilot flying boat tak ing off from Long Island Sound He dropped oranges on target to try to interest authorities in the planes weapon In 1911 he flew plane which sent and received the first Wire less message and in February of that year he established ree ords for the longest time spent in the air and the longcst flight over open sea an the approach of the First World War Mr rdy again tried to interest the Cf nadian defence department in Canadian flying corps Sir Sam Hughes then defence minister dashed his hopes with the statement that aircraft would never play part in mod ern warfare With the help of the British go meat Mr McCtirdy opened the Curtiss Flying School in Toronto in 1915 whch be trained 600 Canadians for service in the Royal Naval Art Force without fatal accident He gave up flying in Bill when his eyesight began to fail but never lost his absorbing in terest in it SERVED AGAIN During the Second World War the aviation piineer served as director of purchases in the aircraft production branch of the munitions depart ment and later as special as sistant to the departments fi nancial advuer possibility as In 1947 he was appointed lieutenant governor of Nova Eichmann Recalls No Guilt JERUSALEM tAP Adolf Eichmann today likened his role in the Nazi slaughter of the Jews to that of Pontius Pilate and said he was able to wash his hands of any feeling of guilt The former Gestao colonel arge of Jewish affairs reached back into Christian his tory to describe his thoughts of almost 20 years ago when the decision was reached to exter minate the Jews nsthe final solution to the problem All three Israeli judges leaned forwardin rapt attention as Eicbmann compared himself to the Roman governor who al lowed the crucifixion of Christ The key of Eichrnanns testi mony lay in the Wannsee con ference of top Nazi bureaucrats outside Berlin Jan 20 1942 EGNORANT 0F PLANS tWflS there that Gestapo chief Heydricb said the final solution was death for 10000000 European Jews Eichc mann said he was unaware of this when he prepared the ma chinery for the meeting at Hey drichs request Heydrich who had expected some opposition cxulted at the success of the meeting which required only an hour or so said Eichmann Defence lawyer Robert Serva tius asked Eichmann about his own reaction The defenth re plied HereI felt certai solace and appeasement cons eringi had done my utmost despite my relativelyiaw rank of lieuten antcolonel and had thought of final solution which was not repellent or hideous but which was practical and feasible did my best to bring order into all the turmoil in deporta Feelings tions lily unflinching efforts could be scenin the Radom plan and later in the Madagascar plan for shipping the Jews to myself that in spite of my der termination had to toe the line What was done was not my omg celing of Pontius Pilate felt lwas not guilty What was laid down was done by the elite the popes of the regime Eichmann said he took this view both in the interviews he gave Dutchjournalist Wilhelm Sassen in Argentina when didnt dream of being brought to justice here Israel and also in his protrial interroga tion by Israeli police To support the defence claim that Eichmann acted under su perior orders Servatius pre sented Nazi foreign document dated Feb 10 1942 which showed Hitler ordering everyone to forget the Madagas car plan That was the scheme to deport the Jews there and Eichmann claims credit as the author The foreign ministry no tiï¬ed top echelons that the final solution now lay in deportations to Polands gas chambers Eichmann denied any connec tion with Nazi plans for the sterilization of persons of mixed race and said he had no connec tion whatever in even single case of sterilization Servatiusrtold the court he would complete his defence early next week AttorneyGon eral Gideon Hnusner calculates he needs four days for cross examination After that the prosecution and defence sum mations will close the books probably by July 15 The court probably will req us month to six weelts to write the judg ment win msm ruoaucnons 34 different FREE DISNEYKINS 21m iiI9D bag pkg free in so bag pkg McCURDY Pilot of Silver Dart Scotln and served in that post for six years before retiring from public life inAugust 1958 Mr McCurdy was told he had leukemiacam car of the bone marrow and blood llis doctors said most cases of acute leukemia and in death in less than year Mr McCurdy then 71 fol lowed prescribed course of treatment and felt better in six months Doctors said his leu kemia was in remission rar ity occurring only in one per cent of cases at his age Fifteen months later he wrote an article for Macleans Magazine telling of the onset or the disease his treatment and the remission Mr McCurdy is survived by his wife son Me Curdy of Montreal and daughter Mrs Margaret Rad don of Montreal Not Expecting BRUSSELS ReuterslQueen Fabiola qtyBelgium is not ex pecting baby in the near to ture the royal palace an nounced Sunday night which said Belgians should not expect ta happy even at the palace in the near future was greeted by dismay and disap glntment throughout the coun The announcement followed the disclosure by Pope John earlier this month that 33year old Spanish born Fabioln was expecting King Enudouin and the queen have since postponed estate visit toBritain because of her state of health Sundaysf announcement said said she would be completely recovered inar few days if MARY ANN SAT JULY 21 BARRIE cryptic palace statement 5min svhonns use moms restrooms DANCING 845 EM T9 MIDNITE evacuars Air Force at Stephenville on the west coast began on air lift of men and supplieto the area Photo Wayne Shuster Sharply Criticized NEW YORK 1C The 30 mlnute television show starring Canadian condos Johnny Wayne and Frank Shaster that made its debut Sunday night drew sharp criticism today from the New York Herold Tribunes Ma rla Torre Miss Torre described the pro gram Holiday Lodge as fee blc excuse for summer televi slon Canadian cutups Johnny Wayne and Frank Shuster couldnt quite make up their minds whethertbey want to be farcical or satirical it wasnt easy during this improbable half hour to accept the fact that we were viewing the same literate comedians whose appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show have drawn wid ely ecstatic reviews from oven dour critich How could they go so wrong Millionaire Dies In California PASADENA Calif AP Keith Spaldlng as millionaire cattle rancher and heir to the pony died Sunday Spalding was board chairman and trustee of the Rancho Sespc Corporation based at one of Ca lifornins largest stprit ran chos noted philanthropist theft nancicr came here in 1906 from Chicago his birthplace Former Governor Of Texas Dies AUSTIN Tex AmMrs Mi riam Ferguson twice gav ernor of Texas and ope of the first women governors in the US died here Simde She was 86 Mrs Ferguson called Me by friends and foes alike shared honors with Mrs Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming for the honor of being the first woman gov emor Mrs Ferguson and MrsRoss Memento same day Nov 1924 Mrs Rosss selection came ina spe cial election to fill the unexpired term of her late husband Wil liam RossMrs Ferguson won bitter campaign in the general ct after bemg named in the Democratic prim mam ovm Nissan Falls on their honeymoon PLUSH iperrirona ADMISSION $150 ARENA NEXT ATTRACTTONLJULY CLARENCE FORGMAN Hanan Spalding sporting goods com IMPERIAL Day Of Colorful Ceremony For Pioneer Village Opening wussm MacDOUGALL Cundian Press 5qu Writer UPPER CANADA VILLAGE Ont CmThe render of Con adas greatest doshin prov inea Saturday rolled back time to the pioneer days when mans hands bunt his home and kept him alive Upper Canada Village mvnlrt replicaof ism century lifewas opened by Premier Frost of Ontario Rn toured through its 40 homes and ships The quiet cluster of memory tilled buildings are byproduct of 20th century economic expan sioa They were rescued from riverside communities flooded by the St Lawrence Seaway power project and assembled here in Crysler Farm Battle field Park The mooacre park pinned after decisive battle near here Largest JailbreakQi Century Sets Off Massive Manhunt By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian Press staff Writer LONDON CF At least eight of the in men who went over the wall of Londons tough Wandsworth is Saturday were still free early today The breakoutthe largest in Britain this centurystartled heat wave sleepy tendon and set off massive manhunt through the city One of the men was recaplt tured Saturday after breaking his leg duringtho bid for free dom Unconfirmed reports said second was picked up Sunday night in Liverpool 200 miles north of landnn Two newspapers The Daily Sketch and The Daily Mirror any police believe the escape was organized from the outside by man they call Mr Big He is thought to be the master mind bebind number of recent robberies Key man among the escaped prisoners is 45yearold George Madsen one of the topsafe crnckers in the country Several of the others were servingsen tences for armedrobbery THINK MAY BE GANG Newspapers jpeculate the prisoners wcre selected as gang detailed to pull off big robbery in the near future It is thought original plans calledrfor only six to make the break but the others came along at the last minute cartoon 2000 Scotland Yard has thrown every available member of its crack flyqu Wad into the hunt Police were uestionfng fricnds and rein was of the es capecl men and combing Lon dons underworld haunts They have been warned that at least one of the prisoners may be errand The escape started with mock fight in the prisons sack making shop Three guards who tried to break up the brawl were overpowered bound and gagged The prisoners then walked to the outside wall looking like anordinary work ins party SCALED WALL Using ropes and homemade grappling books they scaled the zofoot wall and dropped down the other side One man at yearold Leslie Travi broke his leg in the felts Dragging Trpvi with them the prisoners battered down section of wooden fence made their way across bowling green and piled Into waiting car The car took off athlgb speed Moments later another vehicle drew along side and stoma of the men climbeLinto The prisoners are thought to have made for acentral bead quatrers changed their clothes and acquired money then headed for separatebideouts Canadian SOldiér By ALAN linemanr Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL CPI rne parish priest of small NorJ mandy village in France has wondered during the last 17 years about the identity of Canadian soldier who captured 2000 German prisoners in the community Abbe Launay of Tournaisur Dive tells his story in the June 10 issue of Paris Match going on sale in Canada Tuesday It was Sunday Aug 20 1944 that the hamlet was liberated by Canadians probably mem bers of the 9th Highlandt fabtry Brigade of the 3rd divi sion The action around Tournai was during the closing of the Falaise gap south of Caen The German 7th Army was caught in vise between the United States 151 array shooting for wardfrom Argentan and the Canadian armies fighting their way south from Caen Hundreds of pieces of artil lery were massed along the River Dive and both RAF Bomber Command and the United States 8th Air Force bombed the area heavily CONVINCED ENEMY in Tournai nearly 500 civil ians burie themselves in rub ble On Aug 20 Abbe Launay convinced German anaiorhhe 1M Normandy HerO abouch surreaderand Abbe Lau aay accompanied German sob dler to the Canadian lines Canadian soldier possibly an officer was delegated to ac cept the surrender Atthat time Germans were being taken prisoner by the thousands and the figure of 2000 doesnt seem far fetched to men who were there during the action One of these MaiGen Roekinghnm then brigadier commanded the 9th Brigade which fought along the Diva The Highland Brigade was made up of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders cam manded by Lt Col Don Forbes the Highland Light In fantry of Canada from Gait commanded by LtCol Phil Stricklandand the Stormont Dundas and Glcngarry High landers from those three On tario counties and commanded by LIEngol Roger Rowley the war Colonel Strickand now is practisinglaw in Tomato and Colonel Rowley now is brigadier and commanding the Canadian Army Staff College at Kingston CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving andstorago Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 NOW SHOWING during the War of am received the premiere official blessing rim naming axauman MONDAY JUNE 86 1961 Healsoopencdallofthe Quinta St Lawrence Parks 6000 acres of vacation land spread over 17o mile from the Bay of Quinta to the Quebec border it was day of colorful cer emony for thousands of spectat 013 cuss soon stiff breeze fanned them as the smallanus and urinary of Kingstons Fort Henry guard sputtered and boomed fen do Joiean ancient ceremonial to commemorate occasions of na tional signiï¬cance The ceremony consists of tho firing of zlgun salute punctu ated with smallarms firing dur ing the playing of the national anthem was preceded by ceremonies an dais in front of the battle memorial building which contains mementos of the part British and Canadian troops played the battle The building contains Cann dian and British courts of honor declared open by Federal Dolt fence Minister Darkness and Sir Geraldicmpier former chief of Britains imperial general staff and colonel of the Royal Irish Fusiliers who officially represented the British Army After each of those two core monies muzzle loading 2+ pounder atop longrise behind the building was fired and the Canadian and Union Jack were raised ACCEPTS COLORS Premier Frost then accepted replicas of the colors carried by the Duke of Edinburghs Royal Regiment formerly the 49th Regiment of Foot and the Royal Irish Fusiliers tfornierly the 89th Regiment of Foo1 dur ing the Crysler Farm battle The colors were marched to tho battle memorlpl building where they will remain on dis play From the dais the official party which included several Ontario cabinet ministers and other dignitaries moved to the memorial to Loyalist American regimeiitsand an adjoining plaque commemorating Sir John Johnson United Emper Loy alist leader There an unveiling ceremony was held presided over by Sir John Johnson sixth Baronet of New York and descendant of the original Sir John wreath was unveiled in memory of his ancestor Tv Not To Blame For Delinquency HALBURTON Ont CPlA Jewish youth group said Sunday juvenile delinquency should not be blamed on the television in dustry Referring to current inves tigation by the United States Congress into TV program poi icies the Bnai BBith young adults said TVs heavy schedule of crime and violence may have some effect on juvenile behav ior but it is not major cause of delinquency The real answer to juvenile delinquency in more effective parental control and greater community responsibility Delegates fromCanadn the United States Mexico and The Netherlands ar PEACE WORK Rabbi Abraham Felnberg retired from Torontos lion Blossom Temple planned to step up his campaign for Mr clear disarmament in June 1961 The 61ltyearold rabbi regular participant to disarm ament rallies also intended to write book about his reflch tion on life man and the world Photo USE NEW DRUG ANN ARBOR Mich 0APA new general anaesthetic lrnown us G29 and reported to leave patients free of nausea or other effects has been used on more than 300 pitients at the Univer sity of Michigan Medical Cen tre Its use is restricted to aborbferm operations HURONIA muvam THEATRE PA 80851 warms mammm itltfmh QNemScoPE l0 ADDED FOR LAUGHS RBERTYlluNIhmo WHEN COMEDY was KING DAVID liWEl WEIDYiiillEif last Artur Supporting Anus 5mm mm autumn nnnnmm can HAYWARDmm DIED Tllllil acnotMv flldliliSiliAliiA IlfliliiA HEEII Bust sownthunder Ian Summon Anita IiEilEiii iEiiiliY than uraniuminnovator pour namnmm union EVA lam samr 3m ostSowonlogAnus Awnnns