Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1961, p. 4

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arrir hammer Published by Canadian Newspapers mauled ld Hayfield street Barrie Ontario MONDAY JUNE 161 Pne The Atlantic Provinces Working To Improve Lot The Atlantic provinces peopled by hardy race of AngloSaxon and French Canadian individuallsts are fighting their way towards economic prosperity against conditions as harsh and dis couraging as those which faced their forefathers when they struggled to clear the land to establish fishing villages The Canadian imperial Bank of Com merce devotes its entire current Com mercial Letter to an appraisal of the economics of the Atlantic provinces and the struggles they face to regain meas ure of the prosperity they once enjoyed The complexities which have plagued the whole of Canada at one time or an other have been magnified in the smaller Atlantic unit the Letter says It com prises large physical area with small scattered population Capital has been lacking to exploit an abundance of prim rary resources Small local markets can not support large secondary industries and distance to mass markets renders competition with mass producers dif ficult The fishing industry has witnessed im proved technology and increased produc tion but decline in the labor force The pulp and paper industry one of the most important to the Atlantic econ umy hasbeen gaining momentum and has bright future Farm mechanization developing at slower pace than the rest of Canada in the last it years is making itself felt by decline in the agricultural labor force The coal industry is depressed and un doubtedly will continue to be Manufacturing industries have tended to ignore the Maritimes in favor of Que bec and Ontario Secondary industry Is expanding slightly but mainly to serve local needs Development of the Atlantic Prov inces poses very difficult problems which it is unrealltic to ignore Simply stated they are the questions which have to be faced in promotineregional economic development and the price that has to be paid to bring about any required level of development Perhaps the most hopeful sign is the increasing realization of the effort which will be neededfrom all Canadians to build up prosperous Atlantic economy The people of the Maritirnes have much in their favor the Letter says Theyre working on their own initiative to improve their lot and they have the sympathy of the rest of Canada And it is testament to the stature of their character that they have welcomed assistnce and are not hostile to it Other Editors Views THAT SUMMER JOB Christian Science Monitor The holder of high government positiona Cabinet post in facthas taken time to write letter to rather young man or is it young lady who could be member of almost anybodys family at this moment when the end of the school term approaches The missive is described as an open letter to youth seeking summer jobs and it carries the signature of Arthur Goldberg United States Secretary of Labor Among points madeby Mr Goldberg is thefact that with more and more high school graduates entering the work force everyyeaf boy or girl needs more training and education to qual ify for the jobs that are most attractive Thlsvleads to the Conclusion that one of themost important things about seekinga summer job is to resolve to go back to schoolor college when the vacation is over But for those who find it impossible to do this the Secretary notes that through night courses and the like it is possible to carry career work and school work together or there may be parttime work outside school hours that will make the impossible possible Some temporary openings offer exper fence that will be useful later Others may help only toward eliminating possible vocational choice Whatever the summer joband there is long list of suggestionsit need not be just an interruption in the learning process but rather another kind of learning MACHmES 0R WAGES Hamilton Spectator Harvard professor James Bright warned group of Canadian industrial ists recently against plunging too deeply into automation without knowing what it was all about The advantage to be gained by automation he stressed was elimination of waste whether in time or materials Automation was only one of many ways to achieve the same objective others being design proper selection of materials and improved plant layout some of the force of his own arguments by admitting that further mechaniza tion would depend largelyon thepat tern of wage contracts It is certainly common sense to try other methods of reducing unit costs before investing in expensive machinery but admitting all that we come finally to the competition of men against machines of capital investment against wage costs If machine can do the work of three men with equal effl clency the question becomes one of mathematics It is bald fact of life in competitive society that the lower the wage costs the slower will be the pace of automation and the less be its impact on employment Down Memory Lane VICTORY LOAN TOTAL5 Barrie and orlilia rival towns of similar size had subscribed to victory Loan about $250000 each to date and the campaign committee have decided to stage battle to the end of the drive for total of $400000 each following challenge from Mayor Pack Oril 11a and accepted by Mayor Robert son Barrie WESTERN READER Eivroys Riots letter to the editor in the June 21 sue of 1935 reads Dear Sir in the is rsue of June notice that the writer of lnnisfll Notes invites comment on those ates To me they are real interesting and hope that RGS whoever thatisl Wfll continue After six years of hearti breaking drought this district is get ting plenty of rain The crop looks good although late Yours truly Sam Beatty gtClarkbridge Saskatchewan COPACO WEEK IN BARBIE An interestingwnouncement of neary 91 full page in the June 21 issue 1935 was headed Copaco Week in Barrie This was centred by large squarewlth ja greeting to the shareholders ofthe Ifirst Jooperative Packers of Ontario The Barrie Examiner summer condensequ rm office Dapartment on Dally Spud no statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Pullth BRIAN SWEET General Mlnlnl nBAllllY CONN HUGHES Managing Editor CHARLES wanoc Homers Manager ROBERT SERIER Adnnlnng Manager JDEN IDLDEB ckculztlon Malian Subscription only by carrier 350 weekly raw your 51an 1c Eyfmall in rio Inn year no man 5259 three moon rod mouth bnm tlrlo $900 your auto ua sum year officerJZil Unlvsrrlt ltn entree 112a var Member Canadian ou New umn Aublclation Tho Clnldlln Pun Audit Burcu of continuum The Canadian Press is exclusively Intltlld In on ragubllcatlori no news on etched In uu gloat as to it or The Arse otad Press or cuter And also thl local no pilblllhld Illnth All Hm II lib tioa US dl lichen herein nunmine Ave Toronto outs in on learns sirst Vangou and their friends and welcome to Bar rielfhe frame was of 17 advertise ments including one for hotels restaur ants and tourist homes combined other merchants were Brennan Brown and 00 Wisdom and 00 Aft Brennan Frank Dutcher Kinds McCulloughs Grocery Bothwell George Shannon Heppleston Ear rie General storeJames Cheesman Bingham Cole MUSIC BATTLE AT ARMOURY In the same issue under local news was large crowd attended the music battle on Tuesday night in Barrie Arm oury sponsored by Simcoe Foresters between Bob Powells Melody Men and the McMartinPorter Harmony Kings The verdict was draw and the battle will be repeated at an early date INCHVERATOR LEASE ENDED One Examiner heading told that However he destroyed THE FIRST COLUMN ByKBNWALLS JAYCKES auto be it initiatlvaand in movidlng the Cltonf Bomb with live mus marten Saturday July to cam Dominion Day the birtde of Canada This fea ture aquatic and land evmts and other attractions at St Vincent Park followed by flmorks and during in Keml Ihouldbe llnsiead Of Three 1th In The FountainlNell lust Let This OneGo Down For The Third Time QUEENS PARK Many Want Frosts Position By DoN oanarm TORONTOWell theyre say lng once again that Premier Frost will retire One day the premier is going to really fool them and actually quit But for now one would say not so not so Barring something unknown such as serious ailmentcue would rate the chances of him cleaning oulhis desk fursome time now as slim indeed PARTY DOWNFALL Mr Frost can be pretty dim in his judgment of men at times This is recognized as perhaps his greatest political wealmess But even with this he must know what it would mean if he were to drop out of the leader ship now His beloved party would turn into bit of prize meet for bunch of Kilkeuuy cats Provincial Treasurer Jim Al lan probably would take over the leadership on an interim ba4 Sis But it is assumed he wouldnt want it permanently And there is nobody else around who could handle the job at this point despite the number who want to try Town fathers will and lease of incino rator following objections following petition from 64 residents nearthe Agri cultural Park on Bradford Victoria In Enisfil Sanford Eccles and Vespra Streets After discussion the following motion was passed by council That we give William Livingston six months no tice as from July Ist 1936 of the in tent of council to calico the agreement with him as of date March 23 1035 Paragraphlceily Speaking Imstlll trying to pursue happiness said OldSoreheadbut it locksas if Im on cold trail Authorities Refuse to Grant Man hic ence toWed His MotherInLaw him for being loaded to the gills Eusslan publication claims th street car was invented by Russian Bress report What The man Whoaay reled with his wif lo liar street can eluded ilttie beach op Ber Headline Is that all Didnt they arrest rch of coral forms illeenirauce to this se It WasGodfrey Hudson at the Globe and Mali who started this latest speculation Godfrey is nice person But he should be given few belts over the backside for the high hopes he is going in breed here For some time ambitious members of the cabinet have been straining their gussets in trying tobulld up their chances for the leadership Health Minister Dymond has baconavailing around with photographer who snaps him as he speaks hither and yon all across the country AttorneyGeneral Roberts has been hitting the north harder than Dan MoGrew Commerce Minister Nickles public relations staff have been BIBLE THOUGHT Let my counsel be acceptable unto thee and break on thy aina by righteousness and one in iquiilu by showing mercy to the poohDaniel 427 If man will allow God to judge his sins nowand repeat of themho will avoid Gods fquro judgmenle pvmjmmencu mudac south shore Haney mooners for years have turn ed tiny coves like tllls one turning out prom releases by the handful But what will they do now There could be just enough chance of truth in the rumor to setlheir dreamtubes alight Mr Frost would not tell them if he were quitting And Lord only knows where the dreams may endand how liqu dozen men all ambi tious for the same job may be able to get along for while and in this case there are at least half dozen cabinet min isters with an eye on the icoiier sbipbut it cant go on forever Perhaps one day then will be riot in the cabinet room And in that case of course Mr Rob erts would be the winner For he controls the police Ban Correspondent From South Korea TOKYO APiThe Soulll Ko rean military junta has ordered cancellation of an entry visa is sued to United Press interna tional apnndent Charles Smith it was revealed Satur day Charge dAffalres ChangJun Park of the Souih Korean dip lomatic mission in Japan con firmed the order and said understand the reason is that Mr Smith wrote on article that was rather unfounded and very harmful to the new govern mentf He said he did not know what penfolt Road But the highlight of the day will be the alluhum plao parade along the main street to Hubert Everybody loves parade Elude miss the Yanks and there quite number of than north of the bards that WAS lLAlllIRED the other day to receive call innn tho Jaycm parade converter Dwg luck with request that my 2an Band be induded us hope they are not that hard up for music But it brought back memories IT WAS WAY BACK in 1949 that reactivated Chambcrfif Conunem mercbnnis commit tee decided to have Santa Claus parade in town So ii To min with little help from Euions can do it why not Barrie Beg Welham with such as Sarxh Coutls Norm Clarke and other eager Senior ooes set out to organize same TllE PARADE committee had some succes in lining up floats but none whatever in obtaining bands not cven ONE hand There was nothing then at Bar den nothing available for var ious reasons inBarfie Mosi oi the Cilizcns Band which was at low ebb then anyway worked on Saturday The com mittee sadly decided in settle for sound truck BUT Art Harrison sales manager of CKBB then operat ing just three months called up the business manager of The Barrie Examiner of that time who happened to be the writer of this column and made sug gestion Why not dig up do en men not necessarily musicv inns outfit them in clown suits make noise and at least pro vide some color to the parade and eruertain the kiddies OF COURSE if you have in be clown you have to have is suitable suit Aqulck uiveotl gation revealed there wasnt single clown suit in Barrie This was solved by renting set from wellknown Toronto com pany lilost of its sluif was de signed for Shakespeare but dozen clown suits were local edi There was one problem Ono oiour bass players Cau thers had to be outfitted iutwo suits SANTA CLAUS DAY dawned in early December snowing and below zero Our hastily recruit ed newspaperiadio combinailon of clown musicians had to be thawed out first and inspired secondly This was accomplish ed by assembling the group at the armoury where suits were donned malreup applied and antifreeze installed Yes Sir by the time that clown band as rived at the arena grounds on one was cold The first rehear sal was held in the open air stirring rendition of Showboy in which all irstruments were pitched differently but at least it was loud OFF WENT the parade and to our surprise there was an estimated 10000 people adults dispatch the junta objecteiliomndkbtfiinbrgBmdopandeo adding think there were sev rlier streets and spilling out into are articles harmful to the gov ammcut into their Town private beach for day Bermuda also has long stretches of plnktlnicd the pavement The floats were remarkably good but this outfit ems beaches Wile twain swimmers find thelr funan waterside patios and huge was the only alleged music The occasion being rum and the fact that Harrison had arranged to have the parade broadcast live from the downtown studios and of come all artists per form best with large and up predative audience anyhow this particular eriemporauoous band without any music began to perk up in fact by the time it hit the Five Paints those with discerning musical taste could almost recognize the strains of Santa Claus is Cooling to Town rare SUCCESS was too much There came requests for the Barrie Clown Bands services from Grillia Elmvale Coiling wood Bradford and Newmarket was always burl that we never got an invitation from the Can adian National Exhibition THESE INVITATIONS were always accepted and performed There was only one stipulation No payment no expenses Bar rie goodwill gesture dont you know Of course it being early winter antifreeze was neces sary before the parade and little food after it got so that in order to join this clown band you first had to pass test menial not musical and wait in line if the number got over 12 the director found it difficult to control the band Often there would be half dozen playing one number and flu other half playing something else THIS AGGREGATION went on for about seven years Rarely was it ever invited buck to the same town for second per larmance That is except Elm vaie where tho management of the hotel must still shudder ai ier the second engagement it was is below zero and during the parade the valves on the wind instruments and the slides on the trombones froze solid so the entire music consisted of Shepherd on his sax and Powell on his clarinet plus the thump log of Harrisons bass drum and Baxters cymbals The rest of the band retired to the hotel to thaw out but must have over did it because that was its last performance at Lknvulel This was an annual event to be awaited Each Saturday monun for four weels Santa Claus came to some town and the popular Barrie Clown Band should we say notorious was part of the parade We got snmvballed and we got stoned and do mean pebbles But there had in come an end People have habit of gelling older and slower THE END came about six years ago We were due to per form at Newmarket it was bit terly cold and snowing so you could hardly see the road was driving and picked up Liv ingston Wiley and Churchill no not Sir Winston first Then we come to the home of the lead trombone player His wife came to the door and fixed me will an icy stare Dont you old fellows lcnow enough to quit she said WELL we did the Newmerkct job all right but that night began to meditate and after much soul searobm took the trumpet up io the alt alid put it in cold storage its beeu there ever since BUT now with this parade coming up and that kind invita tion from Mr Chick Ive been thinking this over again May even be up in the attic emit ll an up the old lip again if we could only get that lead trombone player out of retirement tool ilDDTO BERMUDA CHARM sandy areas dolled by multi colored umbrellas

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