PATRICKS Highlights 60 and 51 staffers Midlacl Crnddock left Grade Grade Gcr Judy Columbus and Carol Ann ONeill Grade look over the studonu Phelpston Children Invade Newspaper Game With Zeal PHELISTON The fourth estate has new member Planned written and edited in on eightweek period by grad es six seven and eight the re cently published St Patricks Highlights wtil at St Patricks Phelpston is yearsend sum mary of all kinds of local and other news Principal William hlclnerney says 44 pupils put out the 50 page Ioolscapsize annual for $6 virtuollywithout help except in idea guidance and overall editing Printing was by Gestet ncr machine artwork by editor inchief Michael Craddock The paper began in the mind of Mr Mcluerney when he re membered his lectures at Tor onto Teachers College from which he graduated lastyear The idea was gobbled by his classes Work began with whistle ENTIRELY ORIGINAL The sheet is broken into the usualncwspapcr sections and is entirely original except for piece from Father Martin OGrady postpr Pupils chose the title by vote from collec tion of 15 They wrote their copy on foolscap handed it in to their editors and had it checked twice by the principal One thousand sheets of paper Former lied Party Member Steps Into Evangelists Pulpit VANCOUVER CF Sam Jenkins will step from the union bargaining table to the evangelists pulpit Aug 31 He decided to make the move duringasosecond wait for traffic light in downtown Vï¬n eouver decade ago The 43yearold former boxer says be surrendered his heart to the change from red to green Since 1951 he has given up smoking drinking and swearing and resigned from the Com munist party which he had joined in 1945 He has quit his job as prai dcnt of the 1700memher Local of the Marine Workers Indus trial Union CLC devoting his time to study of the Bible Sam Jenkins leaves Vancou ver Sept as an itinterant evangelist lor the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada on tour that will take him close to Plaster Rock NB his birth place His union post paid $125 week As an evangelist he will get no salary only the offerings at his church services its not going to be any Sunday school picnic says the former logger longshoreman and shipyard laborer who at one time fought in the ring as Tiger Jenkins Ill earn considerably less money but my wife and are stepping out in faith His wife Elsie set him on the path to conversion by taking him to an evangelical meeting Sam attended several of them and he says he felt the call but didnt want to declare him self in an emotional atmos phcre Instead he waited for the con victinn he says come while he sat alone in his car The biggest miracle of all as far as hes concerned is that he was able to quit cussing which he used to do often and with eloquence SAYS FOOD SHORT BONN ReuterstEast Ger many has mobilized all avail able labor to make up serious farm backlog and shortage of food West German govern ment spokesman said here Sun dny at $5 and tube of ink at $180 were Ihe only cost for publica tion of which the pupils are just ly proud Most are from Dutch and lrish stock says Mr Mcln cmcy Of 160 enrolled pupils only 15 walk to school The oth ers ride in by bus from as for as seven miles out One lad walks more than mile to the bus Editorialstntf includes Carol Ann ONeill Margaret Ann Loi tus Bernadette Stone Jane Coughlin Gerrard Stone Frances Stone Judy Columbus and Bob Burnett Srhool staffers are Jark Hot rum Mrs Calbert and Louis Eelcourt Their principal is graduate of St Michael Col lege Toronto young man of zeal and motion Examiner cor rospondent Mrs Berti Marley noticed the operation and pro moted it or publication IIUMOROUS EXAMPLE delightful example of news in the little paper follows and is by Semone Stone We needed money for bats and balls and our teacher didnt want us to get the money irom home We thought of ways of getting money without having to ask our parents for it We decided on collecting pop bottles and hangers The collec tions were successful because we got 2550 hangers and 1650 pop bottles Writersappearing include ed itorial personnel as well as Del oris Murphy Anna McGi is sa McGinnis Catherine Stone John OGrady SFM bro ther to Father Olflrady Rita Hall Carol Loltus Frances Lof tus James Hall Terry Stone Pet or Stone Ambrose Belc Patsy Hall Margaret Hope John Ritchie Frank Braddock Peter Marley Frank Beleourt Kees Van Laarhoven Erie Stone Frank McGinnis Patsy Lalonde Judy Stone Linda Laioude Faye Burnett Terry Van Horne Marie De Backer Kathrina De Graot An nie Von Vugt and Keven Stone T605 0110 Members of North Simcoe Sdil and Crop Improvement Association toured the On Lnio Agricultuial College Guelph field husbandry plots withDr Tossell of the college nght on June 16 Pictured here with Dr Tossell are from left vid Culharn Stayner president Morris Darby Waverley secretary treasurer Hunter Russell Midhtirst past president and John Hewitt Drillia direc tor DAG Photo srmrnn YOUNG Don Pedro Calderon he 17h century Sp sh dramatist wrote his first play at age 13 STARTING INCOME DEPENDIMG ON QUALIFICATIONS Agc 25 39 years resident in Barrie Matriculation standing or equlv alent Married owner of an automobile BONUS INCENTIVE plus opportunity to progress MUST Be presentlyemployed but feel your ability is not being recognized or selfemployed AprchNrs Will be selected on basis of capability and aptitud training given All replies treated in confidence mix 19 Barrie Examiner Sports games drama crafté Barrie Iaycees Urge All Flags WaVe Saturdy Barrio Joycec president Burt Popp said this morning that Canadas Bath birthday being celebrated on Saturday should be made day to remember in Burie newspaper with their prinel pal William Melnernoy Ex am or Photo Mr Popp said that every business and every bane should show appreciation for being able to live in tth wonderful country by decoratinngeir businesses and waving flags He sold that the Barrie Joy ce have organized Dominion Day festivals since 1957 and lame that by 19W Canadas Centennial they will have celdxotlon worthy of our noun kinds years festivalwill have the largest parade yet mem bled by the Jayoees and we hope that Dunlop Street will be sea of flags bonds and floats mar ching towards St Vincent Park he said The mammoth parade is schelt duied to leave the pram grounds at 10 cm HURT NEWARK NJ APlThirty eight maple were injured Suture day when two buses and two cor were involved in colli sion over the Passuic River on the New Jersey Turnpike rnsr conmooonn wut lam Hillier aboard Anomaly congratulates commodore of Lelroy Yadlt Club Bay Mar shall in shipboard ceremony lust before sail past flip Dorrie Examiner CITY AND COUNTY NEWS MONDAY JUNE 26 1961 2CarCrash lit Highways 2627 Send Barrie Couple Io Hospital Two persons are in the Royal Victoria Hospital this morning as result of twocar collision at the intersection highways 26 and 21 at 210 pm Saturday They are Mr and Mrs Charles Ernest Fletcher of 32 Henry Street in Barrie Both received back injuries They were reported rcsting comfortably this morning The other passenger in the Fletcher car Debra Mlscamp hell at 26 Henry Street received lacerations to her forehead and was not ndmitthd to the hospital Lloyd David Williams 35 of 198 Robert Street Toronto was driving alone in the other car He received no injuries The Williams car was head ed south on Highway 21 As he drove over the bill at the approach to the junction Mr Williams saw car making left turn into Highway 26 He braked and lost control of the car At this point the Williams car struck the northbound Fletcher car which had been following the turning car Estimated damage to the cars is $600 Charges are pending Day Camp Program Is Planned Forlllliston District Children ALIJSTONDuring the month of August an educational four weeks is planned for the child ren oi the community by the volunteer Day Camp committee of the town of Alliston This group of citizens mostly womgn of the town began this project last year and had tot al of about 200 children It was almost more than they could handle but it pointed up the great need for summer planning in the interests of youngsters in the community Many parents are away all day working to provide for their offspring and it gives them peace of mind to lmow that their children are un der proper supervision Last ar the committee struggled through the problems that arose and with the exper ience gained thereby have been able toplan on better basis for this years camp Each camp period lasts two weeks this year and all public school children in and around the Alli stoo dmtrict are welcome There are no barriers to anyonh and the cost is very little Any child may aotend the camp from am to pm ev ery day Monday to Friday for $3 for the twoweek period They are expected to take their lunch each day and be at the Alliston Public School each morning at 830 am when bus transports the children to the Earl Rowe Park They ar rive back at the school again at pm to return to their homes There 10 days of full camping acti ty cousxsting of nature lore music and swim ming The coordinating direct or althe camp will be Wes Nel son teacher at the public 194954 can notions We will install genuine FORD Re built exchange motor for only $2 90 day or 4000 mile warranty it tionwide rwarrauty protection Easy terms avdflahl not an Morons MARKE gunmen rs yam school Senior and junior unit camps of 50 children each will have their own staff of four leaders headed by unit direct or Each director hos bad ext perience in day camping and teaching Registrations will be accepted in the order in which they are received until the limit of 100 children for each camp has been reached Prior to the final arrange ments for the organization of the summer camp programï¬the committee consulted with Miss Louise Culley of the Simcoe County Receration Service and were greatly assisted in their planning FinanciallY the camp is sup ported by local church groups Lions and Rotary clubs Canad ian Legion WomensInstitute individuat businessmen of town of Alliston SaladaShi ritfHorseyL Baxter Laborator ies and many others This local Barrie Firm Gets Defence Contract OTTAWA Special to Barrie Exomincr The Department of Production has awarded 137 contracts worth total of $10199280 for the period of May 16 to May 81 it was an nounced here this week In ad dition there were 12 contracts worth $390792 awarded by De fence Construction Limited dur ing the same period The contracts are all unclas sitied and for more than $10000 each Among the list is one to Walk cr Painting and Decorating Co ltd Barrie for exterior paint ing of buildings at Petawawa $21570 Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Co Ltd for laundry services during the year ending May 31 1962 $1100 Pembroke Shook Mills Ltd for librcboard boxes $16170 Petowawa Deluxe Cleaners and Launderers Ltd for laun dry services during the year ending May 31 1962 $43000 and for dry cleaning services for the same period $12000 Polymer Corporation Ltd Sarnia out research contract in the amount of $25000 Die In lirea In May OPP Di rict No of the Ontario Provincial Police reported this morning that total at seven persons were killed in traffic accidents inthis area during May The total number of injuries in 115 accidents was 47 During the some period the detachment checked 9134 cars issued 1962 warnings and laid 7551 charges Lefrfoy Sail Past Is Held Saturday Instal Commodore Commodore Ray Marshall saluted proudly as more than million andn half dollars wrth of yachts and cruisers churned put Saturday after noon half hour earlier he had been installed as commodore of the Lefroy Yacht Club His Sea Mist 38foot yacht wns anchored few hundred feet off shore As each vessel cruised past it dipped its stern flag in recognition of Mr Mor shalls elevation In return from the stern of the Sea Mist the new commodoresaluled This was the second annual sail past of the club largest of its kind on Lake Simcoe It was organized four years ago and since thattime has swelled to fleet of nearly 150 vessels The ceremony got underway on schedule at 120 pm when William Hillier of Toronto passed the commodoros flag from his Anomaly to theSea Mist other officers jimtallcd include Jack Bailey vicecom modore Nick Carter rui commode and George Choir 01 St Iohns etes BridetoBe ALLlSTONOn Tuesday eve nlng June 13 the choir of St Johns United Church held social evening in the church parlors inhonor of Betty Lou Cox who is being married in the near future Color movies taken by John Mooreof Alliston were shown to the group and Ralph Ellison played recordings of the United Church Choir in Summit 11 JeEfs secretarytreasurer In the sail post waves from the boots lashed the shore to the south as far as Do Grassi Point and to the north as far as Little Cedar Point The impressive ceremony was eontrodlction of the fact that just few years ago or dent young lishermcn patrolled the banks of what used to be small stream for bulllrogs Find BreakIns Here On Weekend Barrie city police report two breaking and entry incidents over the weekend Constable Clarence Johnson discovered at 507 this morning that the premises of Park Mot ors on Bradford Street had been entered Cpl Reg Neathway investigated Nothing was sto len police said Later this morning police found that two adding mach ines with total value of $600 had been taken from the oifices of Kolrnar of Canada Ltd 149 Victoria Street Detective Ron Pickard in handling overall investigation of both breakdos MAY JDlN LONDON ReutersThe pm slbility of federation of three British East African territories was reported Sunday Agree ments that could pave the way for future political federation by Tanganyika Kenya and Ug page have been reached in weeklong talks on the future of Britains East Alricn high com mission delegation sources said MELCHERS new 60 uï¬ LONDON IN 1H5 new CRVSYAI DRY GIN oovrtr support and interest shown by the citizens and taxpayers of the community is the key to the successful operation of this pro ject Further information each obtained from Mrs Dren non Queen St Alliston uyhe Warning Bockaha is often toured by luy kidneycoon thnlridnayuetoutot order urea acid Ind Iulll rennin in the Iyrtem Then hduche dh lirrbcd ml or that tiledout and bury hended feeling my loan follow Thnts the lime to hire Dodds Kidney Pills Doddr Ililnllllklhe Hdneyl to Iinrnul action Then you feel betterdun betterwork better Get Dodd Kidney Pith new no 22500 comnnyid BAREIE rues wEo WELL THIMMED PORK eHoPs SHOULDER VEAL cnoes MEA one town 31an impugn SPECIALS mesaunease19 coachs 3mm