lniilo ARTICLES folSAL taunt DhrvnwAYs Telephone PA mt Dlahmhmhd Limited um nrscuu Th mum lanolin Vlrinllu Ciuhu tor the special grin or also er smut Cen at Dudsle strut wai poilie If nNilbrlm to en Ittduetion or inventory loss pill Singer sewing lilehln Centre Dunlap PA prom lush and open In Im vtbbrieithl chbilsc om limo olftrd no off er SCI luhlnl Centre plug $7960 Pawn LAWN Iliaver paired Plow Paton rebuilt Hamiltons Radiator end lain Itoer Sen vleo it Fredlrlek street Burk or telephone PA Mm JUN nrluALIi auiianhoio mah an reduced to V3 price Also on em notion Items such an pinhlng attain and akin mulch or Sowing Centre Dunlap 5t cuABAch ofall tired Vlmun lilsmd Tuiéï¬g an pp and Servlepo Dunlap not PA SM ARTICLES WANTED WILL PAY cull or good gt med turnlturo or any good and antcie Individual or content lots Phono PA W17 FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES Tim APPLE BARN unmmsii WINTui vanms urine your own container EEIUIIAN PM mnuivitr ll soum PA natal BOATS do MOTORS cAslI LOANsssoo at month Tclephonu PA 03 Cnscenl Finlice za Dunlop st West Il PODT runabout tol nit mouh dad unit to hp Mercury motor TeeNed trailer steering controls llghts ctc Apply at 155 vietario street Vesl Allision SFARMERS MARKET Illtonsil on chicken equipment or nio in good condition to Pro psnn Emotion approximlteiy 1200 Ice auinnutlc chain louder and watering equipment Priced or quick sole Telephone Allhlon HE Slim LIVESTOCK 2i PIGS oversin about so let each Apply to George McGIIdJIYr Thornton Drit or telephone ivy mm BWEE and lamb or II Illn urcbrcd Ilm Apply to or ill its star rlno street Colith wood Ontario Io yoizxslmiis Plan or Isle weeks old til each Apply to John Livinztlon or Idieohnnl 31 0rd POJLfltY cnInKs BARRED ROCKS still hsrd to heat or era and meet to yean personal ninth tinn behind our closed flock iteg istnred hutchcry Accredited nook Baby chicks llutdtl chicks and capons TOM KENNY SHANTY BAY DEKALB CHICKS Place your order now tar dulivv cry when desired We lull Daliltalb tar gumwllvgflgw ex ce cnt on al rt me Also lie Rock and Ead Sussex Croispreds Prices and serving on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 EIALINB Pililelr or sale 21 weeks old starting to la De healted and wormed Appy to Iilnurice Hnycs st Edgar Tole phone PA MSW FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES CT SERVICE el Case New Holland crown Bretty rnrm Equipmdnt 17G BURTON AVE PAH rmm Balers Hikers Mowers Harvesters and wsgons SPECIAL 0N mounts MasseyHarris No 10 on you others no so ee the famous New Hoillnd No at SIM nu AVAILABIJ NOW CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Got your lino and pulsan Blane ed now Service on nu lnlikm HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 an IDEA Hay Machinery new and used Paris snd service Ape ply to Henley urns Scholnher gnlarlo Telephone 106W Open pm nuts CHALMEBE comhlnstlon Power Hay Rollo and Tedder in new condition Apply to Mr neg Ilend nt Molten tinrvester delirch Building Copltslown antirlo MILKING MACHIan two Mai heyHarris luteWay milling MI chinoï¬zmAién Ionelinterngtionni can over no runn order Telephone in 161 CASE MOTOR Driven dolor lino Case Power Mower csa Side Rake used two seasons lieson shly priced Also loin rord 2V ton Truck slim Telephonl zasiul Moonstone THREEHDIG MACHINE George White No Threshing urchin Tin on ower er amt ltnoeshhw rut predillsld or illo phone Pit szsoI mm shun GRAIN Aciuis 0F chain In for nil standing Telephond PA coon du tllnn Evenings ivy mm HAY Iron HALE cloverTinio gily all Aggie lounging of by orn dale telephone zlotylo Handy ivuxlsn HAYI0 screl Jar nil stunning Apply it Thermn dtb Concessign On Clo to llighwoy Ii Telephone sm 0rd mm Acuns oi Mlxedflly lar saie lIlnlIinl or union Located atflmhvuy II and Sixth Line at PA llamaLy or telephone omrsh running hay Ior gala or can blarranleil orbitlift rod making situated on avadrold Apply to oir Art zoo AUTOMOTIVE moron CABS FOB sans HAROLD IORY MOTORS mi STANDABD DIMll lopLII to All Ills 011 and NM IM Sum 73 um ll Mm PAMIE MMVIAU BLER amowl LAND ROVER 10DOWN 17 GOWAN WET Prism LTD wao ELSE WANTS NEW out any It Now Wth utmost mantrasd 500m PLAN IDAN TEE RANKIN NOVA SCOTIA nu Blich Ionr door hiaek end no in good condition Ilnsonshle flaunter deulh toinpbonll PA use DDDGB lmmseuinto condi tion with new motor excellent tires Teltphnne PA mull Ior luruter Information Nun will Su seaboard Pin ance Your Lending Neighbour mo tor no monthly ill Dunlop wed Fast Barrio Telephone PA less DEDGIt lmmaculstn condi tion with now motor excellent tires Terms smnged or tulle Telephone PA 6010 ior runner intninutlon IDS CEKYRDm Shun Wllnn Ior min inotone radio while walls slim mile one owner Telephone Camp Gordan ins Ior runner details MmlCYCLB Triumph 150 ce twin new point Iob good eondl uon Priced rensonshiy Telephone Sgoud mum or Iurther idiom on 52 PLYMOUTH Sedso Sisv Good molar Need rome body work Can be seen It 83 Watlie street or telephone PA suns Il tee pm CHEVROLET Slfll blul good running order battery new Initfllcr llid hm class tires izo JIwa to Relvle snooty Day less CHEVROLET rtstlnn wagon VI with automatic tronsnlisslo In excellent condition privste nil leio hone PA max or run the dull us chevnohcr rlun condition good runner radio in top running nrdal 53541 also lost Chevrolet rerl good mechanically custom radio needg minor body work mo loot Ford top snip through out recent paint ioh so lost Vston Ford Pickup good runner nnd tins $225 Sprouis supertert Kunmwa 17 one mile rouui of Thornton Telephan ivy lllill dork new Telephone CAMPING EQUIPMENJ BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year AuroMonve MOTOR CARS FOR SA to HELP WANTED muons HELP PLYRDUHI our door two 2°nsdrttm condition Lglszpbnna thb ll Amy PA or lumber Dul with MOBHJE HOME FOR SALE 08 BENT It 1001 cam tuner Sloop twd hunk beds electrical Priced at cos Good clean enn dttlon Telephone PA 101 who 71110 leriniils aluminum rurnlohed oil outer electric brakes uaollent eondl tton 8000 Also in up xvlnruna outboard uo Roa Cowau PA =2 PERSONALS room LADY on going to wort in Toronto wishes to meal eoneeniu pouch with view or Ibuinl Apartment Telephone PA mobetweenlln4pun WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAmDRFSSlNG mm new in this mrnnlent chartered school where on are therourhlr trelnrd in all notches of bounty culture For lnrormntlon write Dmiwa HAmnnrssan school 19 com sTluisr on Palm PA not mm snuP Goldwavel etc by eortined hairdresser in your own homo Phone Bernice ni PA as or PA m7 LOST Er FOUND wusr WATCII gentielnona limo watch last Thursdny er the in at cundios belonging to one oi the nromen Finder please telephone PA Him 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN To SERVICE AND SELL NEWS PAPm cussnrlm ADVEIITIs ING Tliis iNTmisriNn POSI TION ENTAILS EIISONAL CON TACI Wllll mCAI BUSINESS leilS or ALL TYPES YOU NEED NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER wmimcn As WE WILL TRAIN you Pitm APPLIC ANT HAVE TYPING AND an ABLE To Dluvr IF You WOULD LIKE CHALLENGIND Posi TION WITH mNsiDmAaL 0P PORTUNTY For ADVANCE lam PLY IN WRITING To SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARBIE EXAMINER PROOFREADER Required at THE 11min EXAMINER This II lullLima Pnllllon or my with good knowled ol English Tanner Ind spa Pierre apply in your own bandr wrilng to THE IiAioRlE EXAMINER Ell Box 10 11ququ required idr antilimo employment in Milk is Telephone Allutnii ll um for turner inrorxnsuon unusualn wonted for ilth housework on inrrn All conveni oneeL Apply Box Barfll ru minor Put mull plui room and Bond for Lil with and Charlo ler to do homewor in Dorrie home Apply ID ll Elm klt amlhar moon wanna as mother Intidï¬ ramtili°i to in to Apply in nor is psiri Blush mun alt address one telephone numher MALE HELP BU DGEI MANAGER REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Between tha ago oi so and so Excellent atuiliu ulary and all henehti nip lied Must have Grada io uepiioh or hotter Avply In person to Manager RESTONE STORES at DUNLOP mm WEST BARR canrmnita for part time aiuit ho avnillhln to work evening and suurdue Onlyr experienced men need Ipviy to silver Lum her Computy landlord street 11nt him or pnrttlmo even ing Midlandyr herdy end Wedneld Ior Iioor cleaning ser vice Wrte taunl sge height And wellhl In Box 1i Barri EXI miller slNoLli MAN on so to to tor light and duties looking alter kinu rtnole olbones on print oslhll close to Metropoutn Too nhlu This position enlalil nu gencnl farm work Appuclnt mnrh bo heal good worker and abrulner Dtceilehi livinl cnndl done and sultry for ht man Apply our it hurts miner MALE OR FEMALE PARTTIME CHEF snd dilll wuh cr required immediately Ior lum or months Apply in person to uaons litch Duniop Street Barrie TE PDRAIIY employment Ior nut sppeorinii young men or we men Ior promotional ltlvertlllnl dnpnrimnnt No aelillll Snisry and bonus Phone or apointment Cuiugsn Water condl oping PA H787 EMPLOYMENT WANT sTtmeT age it wants and or other work tor luly nnd August Telephone PA Mm Will LOOK after pro school chil dren In my own borne Vielnll Donny Park school Fenced one yard PA on DEPENDAan Gnu age 15 wi one summer employment baby sitting homework rertnursnt help iclephano PA 51166 GENERAL mnintennnca man quires employment Will Accept any kind or work Can drive any kind of heavy vehicle Telephone Beetou mw lor inlormauom RELIABLE TBENAflIm would like Jon minding children house work em during dimmer hull dayn oriented Please teln nilona 56094 liter pm re Pith2414 SAN1ARÂ¥ olsrnsat TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR hm Tents and Tarps camp Cats and stove coolers BARRIE TENT £7 AWNING CO LTD BAYFIZLD 5mm TELEPHONE PA sot51 DIAPER SERVICE simmers FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly lekil dc delivery 11 FRANCIS slp rim Lm than EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL liP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED ExclvaLItll ind ending witor Delivery enuned none nniz Yard aaclthon for bird DENNIS MORAN to Anna street PA Him INSULATION pick of cignretter dun Emil Alrtlte Insulation X5 IIIIIPY ID announce Lil ldillflï¬ï¬‚ to LIIll ROCKWO0L insulation the All NEW Alumni ilnl chpbolrd siding complex installed with Styrofoam insulat inl banker board in Gilli coin WI Ilia including aluminum doors windows and amulsz SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATE TERM5 write or phone 50011 MUTE211 MINESING COLLECT SHORE YOU BUYGIVE US TRY LANDSCAqu BAEEIE LANDSCAPE sop SUPPLY Frea ortlmntes landscaping lawn rosintensnce Sodding seeding rol ling sprnying codnr Badger nnd Evergreen spooli Ity Kontnciw or Marlon hiue grass lilo Ileld rod delivered duyMlerd iterronnhie rates TELEPHONE PA 61555 Aï¬ï¬SlI slowing WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly iar disposal Telephone Barrio PA 751 long distance Zenith H800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD DRILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Wa hnvo neon licensed to remove your deadvandvcflpploo farm uni innis under the shove Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkWhy soon GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE mCENFE osooi UPHOLSTEEY UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND oDraperies Slip covers Brondioom lOpmmerciai furniture Installation CHECK OUR PRICE $$SAVE$$ MAYFAIR CUSTOM AND RUG 64 3xme sr PAEIGH PA stool out or towncoil eoueet Complete rungs of fabrics shown in your home CLEANINGI For fine furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE mm PA 64611 PA noun lWELL DIGGINI MASONRY CHIMNEYS Rebuilt arid Repaired Prod uninte TERSIGNI PA won PAlNTmG AND PAPEREANGDIG EDWARD SMITH AND SON Plinth IndPaper Emllnl Sprly Fainting Service Slnca 1920 RE BARRIE PA mu REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON or hunt or Tolthono PA EDP3667 mg EXAMINERKWANI ms PHONE PA llMll mmomrloh SERVICE WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BYjLiCENSED DRMERS FREE ESTIJIIATES Couplcind Drilling Illa NO BARRIE PA 87545 WELLS BLASTING ODUG ODiiCHES IDEEPENING ISTUMPS OREPAIRJNG IBOULDERS CALL KEN WINTER MARIA Sl BARBIE PA 347182 Its Wonderful Hid wayg 1d einpperton St Pnolm PA um ClpIssified Ads gel re sulls Phone PA 82414 County of Simon soundness Accountsnt ro urod on rennon mar so yeln lorvlca wtb Iocli arm netting ï¬ll or srttimn employment John hnlog High street Tnlapisonl FAm3L II LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNimt AND lay VIRTUE or Writ or Pied Fncllas issued out or ThdSupremd court or antrio wherein The Cnrla In Bank or Commerce in tho niyronxorn la the Ddendhnt nnd to me dlmcied egninst the lands Ind tenements or the said Dr Iendont Myron Kent hm selud and taken in execution on the right title interest nd newltLoLriidemntioiuoL ltlyron Koril in end to iho rollow Irlg lands and tenements ALL AND SDIGULAR that con tnin orcnl or tract or und and nrenncs situnte lying and hello in the Town of Penetnng in the County or Simone being composed or hurt or lot 105 me on the west side oE Church street but lying East or rox street In the said Town or Penotsng recording to Pin No 70 more pmieulnriy doserlhednr roiiowr COMMENCING an the Westerly limit or sold ion at point all that Northerly iia teei from the southwest corner or slid Lot lot Tamar Easterly and pinuel with the southerly limit or laid lot 1031217 45 lee mmcc Northeriy and pursiiel with the westerly limit of Said lots comet Tamale Westerly and with the mid outher It of said not me to ill westerly limit laid ioBI Tmcs Southerly along said wateriy limit 50 feet to the PLACEJ BEGiNNiNG oi which held right title in terest nnd equity or redemption or the sold luyron Knrrl in and to the aid lends wtllotrer tor nld by public auction it my on let in the Court House EllIll ohmto onWednesdly the nth day or June As lost st thd hour or 130 oclock in the utter noon nAm ttho my or horde this loin day or lures AD losl pass stream sherlu 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWAN AND COLWIul LTD VICTORIA EARIEOJII soilth ram Rates 27 Plus Advertinng Professional service Satisfied customers AUCTIO SALE FRmAY NING household Iurnituro oi MRS MILLER At mDuliiop Street west Barri rermenmh No renown aa Mn muerr home in ror ula JEERY COUGHLIN AUmDNm For Want Ad Service Dial or iziiij srnilel msmmm noNosr suit at not ii I3 AUCTION SALES AUTION SALE at good llouaehoid ruroiiuro Tan nnd netlonecr an retained on trom llEIIZR VlCKS LOT card it INNISFIL lo munkoin town mill uh house put liopm Cabin To all me Ihuowtng IIIrAIwrw ON WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 28TH Pollen nelflllralnr lt cutie it 00 ll now Wadinghbtnn Hour issx metric lime um rue oud now Cum KIWI shio end efulrn good now runs Cabins with mine enh IAII on mums lild compute edroou pm or moo climactic shite comeloll Ith chain Chill CI hlne antique la singr Bow tnr xenine Power Lon lower God III stromhere Cuuon indie ennhm ltyir Small End rnpl childs containnon rwinr com plot with stand Ghilda Tricycle atrtr hitycle ood as new unne Chair to mllreu Pol Bods with nuttrur com piste ithl leio II wick er rockinl Ilium to lit intnl room ubll and Inn Mn seal Diced ietner ultu Bod ll new IllBl occa siona chair good as new and many other mile truth no Mmomill to mention Term Cub manliuy he re serve no home is odd Notbilu to be Insults untiicï¬tieo for my woman Auctioneer PHONE PA 49 BARN Freedom Riders Arrested Prompliy JACKSON Miss AF Iwcnly rnnro Integration testing Freedom Riders arrived in Jackson Sunday bytrnln Nino minutes Inlerl they were to route to the police station The group of Negro and white riders were arrested in the dcpots white waiting room Most had taken seats Police Capt Roy ordered them to move out of the station MillInn Kendall the groups spokesman no we cant Police charged them with breach of the pence Tilelrar rest boosted the number of Ira vellcrs taken Into custody here since May to 164 mm New Orleans TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA owl Cannes Film Festilrcli Air Of ComrnercialiSm By Pullers Villaino Conath Pteu Correspondent CANNES France CPI Alix locingï¬ movie in 10 days many mpcndents analgod disappointed Iron the lath Cannes Film Festival Some of the films seemed to be more propnganda nr melo drama than art end there was xaJ ccnstaul air of commercial ml The mayor of this pleasant resort city on tlie French Riviera bowevcr provided welcome diversion for the 500 visiting journalists by treating them In civic luncheon at the Mondelleu golf come The at Iracilvo landscape was bracing experience alter watch ing movies for four to six hours tiny Other highlights were the well spaced arrivals of film stars from various countries and the neveronding parade of Ilaiieu In bikinis Gina Lollobrigida was here telllull reporters she now re gnrds Toronto as her home but has no time to live there French film Idol Yves Mon tnnd accosted by reporters at dinner Iortba stars said only Lets eai first The biggest stil was caused by the arrival of Sophia Loren who won the festivals bast nctress award for her role in the liailnn ï¬lm La Cincinra and of Alain Delon another French Idol The latter was surrounded by con lagers on the beach clamoring for auto graphs other film notables Included Anthony Perkins British winner of the bestactor award for his role in the French movie Aimezevous Brahmsi and the American stars Ingrid Berg man Van HeIIin and Richard Widmork and the French stars Simone Signoret Dunlel Geiin The mag came 1° Jackson Francoise Amoul and Pierre Vaneck Peter Lawforti and his wife sister of President Kennedy came on their yacht and lived aboan it during the festival The prize or but in was shared by the French movie Unis Autsl Longue Absedco and the Spanish movinevlridlana The Punch movie Is the story of nnaiHown vagrant suffering troitl amnesia Cain proprietor Ibereso Langlois be lieves be In her husband Albert warilrne deported to Germany who was olficiaily reported dead 15 you earlier The Spanish reaturoir the story oi girl who planning to enter convent makes the mistake of accepting an invita tion to spend night at the barns of widowed uncle The American entry The Hoodlum Priest was popular rutcm allhough not well rd celved by the critics It is the story of Jesuit attempting to befriend and rebabllilatn ax convicts CANADIAN WINNER Among documentaries Chip adas National Film Board won one of the grand prizcs with The Days of Whisky Gap The bailhour film deals with settle ment at the Canadian West luilI tho trek of the Northwest Mounted Police to restore low and order when whisky traders and horse thieves were causing trouble among the indians and settlers Ottawa Statues Under Close Guard OTTAWA CF Statueson Parliament Hill have been sand blasted nrid clcliiied alter being defaced with lipstick and pencil markings The cleaning operation fol lowed complaints in the Senate against the markings and lack of police supervision to protect statues from vandals ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY am to pm PA 871 The NFBI Frenchlongtime documentary Telcs Blondie was well mired it was pro duced by Guy Cote with com mentary written by lacque Godbnut and narrated by Therese Arbie in addition to the festival it sell the March international du Film international Film Market organized sort at border this year where dia trlbutorn and dealers could sen movies by lhe dozen and place their orders At such place obviously artistic value tool second place to boxolfice ap PG Valican IlSsails Castro Regime VATICAN CITY AP The Vatican Radio Sunday assailed measures that Premier Fidel Castros regime has taken against the Roman Catholic Church In Cuba The radio said Castro consid ere the church the personifica tion of the counterrevolution ihe Vatican speaker said Cas tros regime has occupied Ca tholic schools preparatory to Is suing decree for their nation dilution The Cuth regime has lorccd hundreds of foreign priests to leave and In recent days the term counterrevolutionary has been even applied to native priests the radio said adding Nearly all the clergy of the diocese of Camaguay province has been ordered to leave the Island In 48 hours George Bullies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 34186 Yo Gét IELIE Service When you advertise in your daily newspaper The Barrie Examiner there are many hidden but neverthe less Important advantages These PLUS services are all designed for your benefit or without RESULTS your advertising is waste or money These PLUS services give you the results your message deserves txrriliiiilcr III in SIIIFP The ad stall is trnlnedln writing copy making layouts and In merchandising This is continuing process Through the direotlon of Thomson Nowspapers head office all mem bers oi the ad department are continually getting ideas and you move merchandise methods that can help rend yours your installed ions about mammals and take be good hands IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIKIIOWLEIIGE £25 NEWSPAPERS Ass or tile ThomsonGroup The Barrie Examiner has at its heel and can the com blnedknowledgoqt the tithe 24 Canadian Newspapers Through our Director or Advertls lng Ofï¬ce information as to successful campaigns and new ad ideas is constantly being sent to your Examiner ad start this can help you great deal for other merchants In your line in other towns are doing the some problems 35 you are Their solution can bu1 beside your ling bowling hockey etc you denoo this in ttmcts readership which most in Mywijlmh might beirigilt besidepltl TWO Mill utusiltliiou starlets Not justone little Junior Service but two Senior services metro andstnmpd Conhnlm Fourteen monthsoi these mats thousands of Illustrations are kept on file for your use AT NO EXTRA CHARGE To YOU You can illustrate your sales message with ease get better sales results tiliiwroulrivirnrï¬ In addition to new modern building The Barrie Examiner has spent thousands of dol lars to Install the newest and ï¬nest kind of printing equipment All this equipment was all this money spent so that you can have your stiles 1393833643165 nutl easily EXPERIENCEIICIIMPIISITOIIS Many of the men in the back shop have been with The Examiner for years omen have spent many years working in other fine printing shops All or them are conscient prlde in good clean newspaper Your sales message +1 iiiii liiliii iliiiiiiii or TIlIiIIEWS Parserinn day the news stories of the Barrie Examiner both local fund has bionnl are get better This Is great concern to you because good news story For instance story on the sport page about our oltrlliorfitesrutrs Datum prior eniln town will rendcan attract attention to es flIIII