ome Huntin it TEE ham moments Norton mm REAL ESTATE ROGERS 8r CONNELL ANNOUNCEMENTS anns REALISTATE PEOPEET FOR SALE 4an Child LI kit of ICC nleadaya Child la nil oi Wadnudaya Child is hall Chiid Au Ir to Ll Mint Ind 09 in arturdar Child eoriu and tor iLI Ilvlnl Argon than that is born on till ll lair and 51 and good and ay Ciiiornn hearing this verso by Counter Cullen aiw want to know which as vac was their birth on keep this nd othu immanl inlonnation tor not can to luluro Burn amtner nirth Announcement include the name ni your child tht olthe it tnonth and year o7 birth tho weight and bike er vital lnlormatio printad pleasgo Elll bottom DBMIHEEE cord in BIDYI Book or Family Albums The rat to barrio Examlncr birth Notieo is only use To plate notice phona PA Milt DEATHS unlalsrlNPasred away lud deniy at his home ha aarrte Ontario on Priory runs mi hirior Nelson Erlmsun boloved husband or mgr Cunninrhsm in hit 5701 year heating at to haunt ninrral Home service on Monday Juno at pain interment Thornton Ccmbv my IN MEMORIAM PAnzltsoNcbtrlshed momoh lea or our darling ton and twin brother cllrey years who went away lime to 1951 His memory is our keepsake With which well never part God hu him in His ktcping We have him in our boarta Mlsud so much by Mummy Daddy lanriic PRESLEYIn loving memory or dear husband and lather SC mo Cpl Presley Iicll killed in action in Korea Juno 1951 You go by but memoriu stay As near and dear aa ycrterda lovingly remembered by wle Florence 9nd daughter Marilyn 0F stung COMING 3M5 Ugdm cbiriiiéé INDUSTRIAL USINTSSE STRAWBERRYFESTIVAL PRIVATE SALE St Georges Anglican Church ggiggmmggflbuï¬mgflnï¬‚ï¬ Utopia Ha Earth Collegiate owner WEDNESDAY JUNE 28 TELEPHONE 15 PA 68024 ADULTS $125 Crannrzt 11 Ppmm COLD MEAT PLATE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Ft THORNTON REAL MATE nrtoxim WI 1h 1min 57m nAltllm JUNE 28 large Nalnrscj Eli home to SALAD PLATE COLD MEATS PIE AND TAms ADinSSlou ADULTS sins CEILDREN AND UNDER 75 eis SUPPm STARTS 54 Sale Of New Cars Declines In April OHAWA CWSales of new passenger and commercial ve hlcles in April declined for the third consecu month in both volume and value the bureau of statistics reported today April sales fell to 5128 unita from 57775 year earlier de creasing JonuaryApril sales to 165437 units from 180956 in the corresponding 1960 period Sales of new passenger cars in April fell to 43666 units from 50125 year earlier Canadian and US makes accounted for 33355 as compared with 35601 in the corresonding period last year while 10311 foreign cars were sold in April this year compared with 14518 in April 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adven tiseincnts are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times 39 per word for three four or ï¬ve times and Mo per Word for or more insertions 10 eddi tional charge ii not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADlt VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 011 $106 FOR 24 WORDS CiARGILL PER SINGLE iN SERTION Ennons on connECTmNs Advertisers are reminded that an phone insertion orders an acneï¬ts ed nsn convenience to you advertiser Therefore the Classified Advertising or artinent require all advertisers kindly recheck their advertisement immedia alter nrst insertion in order that any errors or omlsriona may he rcportsd betore it son to order that name may he rectiï¬ed tor the tollowtng days insertion ordnr Wa with to oint out that The Barrie Ex er ia rupunavhin for only and incorrectly rotted insertion on any advcr emont and then only to the extant or portion or ad that Involves tbt mispdnt Errors which do not lessentha value or the advertise mcnt are not eligible or some tiona by make goods natu had type cunts lor nim dlsplay tinsided may no ob tained through The errminor ad vertising deplrlanent nLlND mun lateralhon regarding advartiaera Isin blind Letter non Numbert ror spline is held atrialii eonflw entiai Replies to better Doxea win no only in days attnv isrtday or publication Coming Events 50 per word minimum charge $150Blrth and Death Noticed for up bus RANCH STYLE ANHA Mn bedroom Mï¬ homo ClDu Ina SL Harri SchoolL Metal PA 818 11110113 mun lol PALdm KARL MARSHALL NDRAB llAIxIS HAROLD Poltsm PA I416 lo Colluhh Cowman HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 1e harem ST PA cots hopper narlh and District Elli E111 85m mums CALL PA was PA won PA com Oro 02 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St ABEL MARSHALL PA MM COREY PA ulna WE WELCOME ALL TYPES rooms bathroom Iil buelnlnl Thin is In Mali hum IDr flan larger linily or could be easily turned into apartments Terms OUT OF TOWN Painhwlck bedrooms ilvllll room kitchen tiled piece bath tiled lull basemcni forced air on lacting Equipped with alu minuln atom and wraps BID age This is the nicest bungalow till luv been tlvln the 091111 tunity to sell for some time you must make an appointment to In It now ll you are in tho man kat or thi or home Down 5313 cam the bullies FAMILY SIZE HOME Are you looking ior larger than average home located just utslde the city limits Thu lea th one bedrooms living room dining room kitchen bathroom lull bueniebt all hcltlnl atom and acreena rema $500 DOWN room bungalow located on well reed lot on good road Just off Number on Highway in the township of ma Heavy duty wiring good well Puu price only $1501 with down payment of $500 and the balance on one open trimmonthlyqu Inclits CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 or Lilo Barrie and Nikki Hui mats Board HENDERSON REALTOR iii coLLIEn STREET PHONE PA 112678 MELROSE AND VANCOUVER charming bedroom Lshapc brick bungalow with attached gm age Features an extra large hulltiill bright kitchen and live has room Divided basement tor recreation room Terms under NBA mtniusive For appointment call kits Scandrett EVENINGS CALL erA sCANDllm PA 64165 PERCY roan PA Misc Member of Barri anli Dliltdot and Ontario Ball mm Shard STOUTT AGENCIESme COLLIER STREET PA boom CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTo PALM BEACH Member land all to one bundle Asking price $90m with limo down comb STORE Hon Buildin rice S1 000 loo Amt mile llighw ron wnybltween Barrie and brillia oz nerekDdILV all under cultiv rtion Good bulidinn Near Lall simcos nndNo 11 Bighw room backhouae 113 CA ll loomed house and one am or Also 50 lake treatise Also room ï¬tment Going concern Books open ior inspec nxtures and melt 11 tape with good buildings Halli mmonmemmm REALTORS Pnornltrg POD SALE ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Firat in Barrio Baptismsr Foremost in Quality bl Scrvloo PA 85558 TRUNK LINES EVENiNGs CALL IL HOORlPANU ROGERSPA $5531 rosinPA In CONancPA ms was HARRIS DISTRICT REAL NATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR S2 MGR BABYLIE PHONES PA 50741 iA 6014 Sinan ClmpbeliPA P989 NORMAN REAL ESTATE EROKB it noniop Stledl Em PA 8995l 0R 68742 nvanNcs CALL lea Loan rA com Everett sbeuweii on this Edward Norris PA ester Jack wuison can lino Leninn PA salvo Normal Sherman PA been it CA RSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Nut door to this imperial Thhltrl PA 66481 Member at Darrin and District Real Estate Board REALTOR 251 allADFoltn 5mm uAlllllE PA 3538703 PA 5633 Still selling terms to lsrnro lor taming Clara WaksmanPA dml naiph noakcPA coco Members or barri and District Real EJtnth Board MOVED May 16 1961 To 113 DUNLrP STREET Next to Brown or Go cull GinnyPA 81 number Ln Bush Rut null Baud PRATT CONSTRUCTION iNspEcTOUR HOMES For Workmonship and Value MODEL OPEN 7930 PM 29 MARION CRESCENT FOR INFORMATION PA 66283 loll LlnllA um LTD rims Dennoail ntick mitiga low Living room with lire laee shaped dlnl room and lich en Good ml entiai street All new homer Telephone PA 291 IMMEDIATE Possession Larga income home on nayheld Street 011 heal double garage nicn lower and vegetable garden Ru ronable or quick talc Telephone PA 63515 BREADWINNBB innrlemd must sell lovely hm bedroom brick home to cbablc lamily to lain him Location north end Anyr reasonable ollor considered lz soo Please tcie hono PA Sm Inspection any our slain ROOM brick Home bed rooms dining room not water oil Droplacn bay window lull own and basemcnt garage patio trees com lctcly redecorated Sllhliantial own plyment Pour blocks Irom Fivc Iolnta Telephone PA M431 FARMS WANTED loo 10 and Acluss wanted with nod house and bulldingl Good land with bush and water pre lemrl For luriher dotalis tele phone Ivy soils alter pm BUS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL STORE For sale in nruce County Villag on main highway Last years ulca Issspoo thawing lmproat lind erta living dunrlenwltia all city convenience Twelve thousand down payment required or would exchange ior property in or near Barrie nor name latminer FOR LEASE Modern twobay Service Station in tho Town of nuoirviue ant Good potential ror aggressive per menu For rurther particulars Please contact TEXACO CANADA REAL ESTATE HUS OPPORTUNITIES um mu for all at Houseman beam Mmuunu Irlln reparat entrance on one rent Sirood mm or guy on Concealed 33 tween13133 5mm Teiephona PA or details MORTGAGES mm Arm lrurniahed tam MONEY AVAILABLE You an invited to 61mm your mortg aroairms with us with ont oh on prov tn pertiti an on Pcth plans in or out or cm lnluut at prn vallinx ralu Cali coutta Co can at Darala FA em algo mar Montana wanted immediately to clear up an to tau Apply box barrio Dink lnrr uonmAcxslrt and 2nd boub id and arranged Commoreis residential mono leaned on existing mnmuu arrta Men are broknir PA wot lunar biannual wanted on EIrrId property M71 7000 relight dhcolmt Tclapbuna than ell Canon IL 17 Canon Rial Mtla PA 66ml mothl Mort Loans to nonsoudata debts pa oil existing mortgages homo mrovemcntt etc Discuss your pro lens with us Call tor appointment PA m1 Mortgage Funding over applausen no Dunlap at RENTALS OFFICES STORES ltnNT snobs Pan 11m cot Central incluon lidInd Pu Suitable or any type or am bualnesa Rent up per month Telephone PA 60371 or dslalla APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Faun 1100111 nimisbed Apart ment Drlvllo bath immediate ostenlon Apply to Owen Street PuanhiiEn Apartment ior mt thrco rooms and bath heated month Availbio July Awb bl Worsiey Street TWO ROOM furnished apartment includes not and cold water Suits nbla lor one or two adults Avail able now Telephone PA used ovenlnga ior iuriher details Fullmsuln bcd Siltin Room bedroom kitchenette open an on to balcony oil healed ccntraL Ab alalners Available so lumber Apply 15 McDonald Sreet FIVE ROOM Apartment ior rent with privalo bath ncaicd Downr town location Modern Parking space ltle hobo daytime PA 566 alter call PA been ulna mo bedroom apartment 182 110031 nil healed untur RENTALS ms HOUSES TO BENT room apartment also one bed room lo rcpt Apply at John street or telephone PA Sm or PA sass alter pm on AND TWO Bedroom Apart mnu stun retrlgtrator janitor ram and laundry aciiitita Renting irom no monthly relp phone Leech PA mu nlshed Iplrtmcnt upstairs XIch WWI monthly Pill hail hi iiiaiistÂ¥o PK Owen emu nilaimed lion rooin aparlmtmt with bath ground floor kparaia entrance largo modern kitchen laundry can month Available July Telr phth PA 36081 HEARD Apartment or rent lellvnl room bedroom ï¬lm one and kitchen ulna atnva and remxcntor central Dualnua cam in prolerred Avaliablo duly elephant PA 5510 Two Emmott uomratahrd apartment nerrmrator and stove laundry Includes Central oven iooking park and lake tront Close to rchooin Apply at as ï¬llIk strect or Telephone PA CLEAN tbm room unmrniahrd tinted apartment stove and ro mgeralor sell contained Good parking AVIIlahle July Peel Strut and Sophia 65 monthly Telephone PA um NEW AND atodcrn one and two bedroom apartments ovcriooidas Icenic kempenleit neat wa ter parkina and la tor servic lncludcd Automatto washing la ciiities PA amt mu llooltl uhlurniabed apart mcnt heat water auppued Lora ted lilako and nunlop Available immediately For turther Ibloh matinn Telephone PA beast or PA Hm AVAILABLE immediately One tarnished apartment one upturn lshed Both sell contained Ono child welcome Daya hoha PA H17 ovcnlnga PA THREE R00 sell contained in lurnlabcd arman or re central local on er mont Parking lplcu icle bona PA Main alter pm or her details ONE DBDltoaill apartment in nice location ltnirlgernlor stova and heat included with ample atorage Private entrance Park ing Balcony overlooking Day Adults Telophnno PA 685 mus AND ball robin apart ment on Napier Street ground floor stove and rcirlgorator nub omauc washcr anddrybr lacllb tiles heated lcicpbone PA 51115 UNFURNISEBD Bachelor rrtmenta or rent Refrigerator and stove lied Located dow town Avaiaho immediately Te cphohe PA M151 daytime 111mm ROOM Apartment with bath acll contained hot water heated rnlrlgcrator and stove available Ten mtnules walls iron downtown Telephone PA Mud mm ROOM sell contained apartment with stovoand retri gerator Located in the east end Available immediately Telephone PA 61093 FURNISHED thrco room apart ment or rent with kitchenette Emma largo lovely grounds Apply in nercry Street clephono 114660 alter pm TWO UNFURNISEBD Bachelor Apartments ior rent Retrlgcrh tor and stove supplied Located downtown Available lrnlnediltcly Telephone PA M151 daytime UPPER nuPLEx spacious three rooms artment with balcony heated oavy duty wiring All rc decoratcd Telephone PA aislo meal hours or evenings Townlnip located 11 mile Write Box 17 or further particulars schools nose stre 581m Hobolpit plate Gold £1er Like nation at Ethaived flirtation ammonia denimT Mun distance mos CALL MervcouldOro 251d Dnril NuttycomhePA war Edith Gould11h 251a watdatover 15 words 5e par word trtl All WANT ord atria In Melnnrlam Nos ices $150 if verse used all per AD copy should be in our oliicoby p111 the day before publication On Saturday by nod DISTRICT REAL ESTATE OOARD Parry SlumPA ems lull not ior roomrrama in 4mm 42Wedrled Memo CHOICE good aired lot in InnlsAl rum llkc Reasonably Priced 01 Ink Barrie Exam NEW niannoolil Brick bunga low attached garage close to an bargain ror arm with good down payment Apply 11m man ELDnnoiia Erick Eunga low with attached garage liaise kitchen combined living dining area patio Near North collea late Runnable down payment STEVENSONS LIMITED 11001113 twod bellixoom aparb or SIIP ALL KINDS bAltitlE ONT piléa Ladder oohc éï¬kiirg aclib ties lanitor service Available TELEPHONE PA coast OR 311 TEMPE PA 5699 PA owe THREE nunnooil Apartment Arrnaenvn building not ior gangs 1m kitchen leundry streetuoutsldexltzltyuleilatitln Ft with Edhiliï¬TTuppilrihEEiltï¬n ointment to inspect iclepnuli FOR LEASE ly located sloo month PA 03381 9561 Combination Service station Snack Bar with living quartelir Highway No 21 Thornton Ix celient opportunity or good in come modest investment reason able terms For particulars PHONE BARRE PA 84110 OR WRITE PO BOX PAmNEl WANTED with $2000 for summer business investment could he earned in so days Apply Major 10 Darrin Examiner AmItLEY ONTARIO Beautilul summer resort on Lake Slmcoe Tera units with Conveniences plus winterized home and garage Tele isi NHA mortgage Telephone PA DAILY cnosSwonn Am LOW BERLI 1311131 gold 2123523 léVEgéz EEE 11331101 8111de Pltoo PEN PR lingo Ehm 3533 that STEP oLoyni 6ankey Com topinoeot ethereal 3411113 Seepggniu mm mu LAT LOP lunatic Mamba 25Pigs ANS 25a emanation pennnnro dammed Putativec LEatflaly 27Pm 15311511 msovletndwa noun WI Wreath agmey allFront 370mm 11 subjoiaa 11601305 3Botuew9 SEW3 lemmas myth accession winbo inmates coin AMElame mnxclamo idemthorn 353me one El IEIIIIHE gillaullllu DIIIIHEEDII lfli nuan ghanpnnlnll ï¬ï¬ilflflafllflpj illlï¬ifliflï¬g an Ell rillllflï¬ï¬lllr can ElanIg phone Marie Cuhnln am PA 551 11 moDEltN throe room apartment recently decorated beating and wnter suppucd Parking and laundry facilities Avaushis July 15 Telephone PA Show evenings utilise th yeara old bed rooms neat steel st and st boon icad Schools $15 monthly Avau able July 15 blunt be responsible tenants Telephone PA 68961 TWD DBDRDDM unmrnlshed heated apartment living room kitchenette bathroom separate Pntnrlcr parking No children Available July 15 Close to West End Plaza Telephone PA 61161 msmsthrce roam summer cutthge Refrigerator stove and space heater Hydro included outskirts nt Darrin on Kempentelt Day will rent reasonab Avail able immediately PA bids THREE nooivr Aptirtment with rlvat bathroom hot water oil ea duty atovo included Located on ailing Avenue Apply MCcntrd ree ROOM apartment stove and refrigerator supplied use at wnher Ind dryer Dont miss 592 ion tbia one Telephone PA 4150 or lurther details refrigerant Ind heavy EBNTRALLY Located newly dr curated titres mom ground floor apartment nclrigcratur and atova supplied Front and back ent rauccs Parking facilities Sell con tained heated Apply 1a Daydeld man IaABGE anm Apartment private bathroom on ground near Pflvak veranda Warner and dryer included Free parking Telephone PA 6098 or PA 54931 In GVEBIMS FOUR LOVELY large room apart ment with bathroom ample stop aga room in apartment thxcu room round flour rtment with outudo door openng on back lawn suitable for couple with one child Also and bright bedroom with cooking prlvilcgcs aultablc or one Telephone PA 66164 irnna 12 to and to pm WANTED TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 2500 SQUARE FEET Suitable for light industry Cell trally located in Barrie Write lull details to BOX 14 BARBIE EXAMINER TWO STOREY brick house close to separate school with garage Prelcr all heating Reasonable rcnt can sup ply Eudd rercrnnces Telephone PA 35241 after pan DEPENDABLE Couple wish to rent or bedroom house prefer lyo rapartmcuttwllxyardnear school and downtown Rental starting July 15 Write Mr Hewitt 12 McDonald Avenue North Bay ROOMS TO LET FURNISHEDEPdlnbm in quiet home east end Home privileges Available now Telephone PA 134131 ior luriher lnrormntion TWO FURNISHED Bedroom21 rent two blueka from downtown Bushes men preferred For inn ther iniorination telephone PA ONE nnltiuT turnished house keeping room ror rent stove and reirlgerotor suppued Ample park in available Located close to Barrie Plaza Telephone PA 66301 PullN111 Housekeeping Rnnln for rent with rangette includes use at refrigeratnr mdlBendix Centre located Available in mediat Telephone Promo for lumen detain COMEORTAHLY Furnished Ded sitting room for rein with use or kitchen Linen supplied Located on bus route Parking acuities Tel one PA dolly for further culm four bedroom mom to Bonito EAST END new modern three room unmrniahed apartment Bed roolrl lug livinl room kitchen with dining area three iece bath rnom deli contllncd eavy wire ing PA moo THREE RDOM Basement Apart personality 43 mg 38 Female 144 Juno hug Sandpiper 47Muslenato iï¬ï¬‚ll aw Eflï¬ilill Priest meat tarnished nr unlurnlshed business couple Will decorate to suit tenant Apply 15 Newtotust alter pin CLEAN unluroished three abut one to bud andstorer Suitable for Available at nent 5150 monthly Tele apartment overlooktng bay coup or panbelnr once phon PA ms FURNISHED three room spart ment thren piece bath heavy duty rtova and refrigerator Hardwood floors Sell containe Avr11ab1e nga Hard luly Apply Anna ware Amnmvls three room lxxnliart corated rel contained with privu ale bathroom Stove and retrigerr Ilnr supplied suitable for busi ncag couple Telephdna PA 55156 Palm BOOMAparhnent and anti tile blth atnve nlihed heated apartment room our piece and milligram Supplied Cent location No children PA 112411 or England Real mate PA W71 heated sell contained Ideal for Avniilbla July no per month Telephone DOME CDDKINGLllnnhes packed il desired Parking acllitles Robin may be had without board Lt de sired Telephone PA 32196 MARY STREET vicinity noom which EXalliiner Wctrit Ads Gem It TAYtoa mwamhrg ArmeAceorep out mamawt mmmscm AG attiteAtvnnVEGoldfoost EEGUIPPED WillTIE ocaiPANTS COOKING WES51er AIDPAN IS FINLIIRE TO MAKESURENOGE WAï¬BFOOD MWM COTTAGES FOR SALE CABIN FOB SALE Consiita at two pod aired rooms wired Must moved on lot Selling reasonably Tole hone PA 52945 or lurtbcr deta imam BAY Pahdua urge winterized waterrront co talc and boathouse drilled wcu bathroomu Small cash plybent Apply lohn stnoa Cottage lat concession out Shanty hay PA 54111 COTTAGES TO RENT COATAGB or rent Vat Big Bay Point Darrin only 10 muca New with modern Convonlencul lain bathing beach Avallabin July is August 16 Tolehone PA Hui COHAGEFDB ILENr Lake Slim coe Tollsndai waterfront apoc loll lbedrwm edible hauold running water piece washroom electric refrigerator and stays atone drupiacc near Darrin or shopping etc Av ablo August to Labour Div 915 Ross Cown PA 511 COTTAGES WANTED mflon Form bedroom cottage wanted to tent on Lake Couehi ching from July 29 to August Sandy beach suitable lor children Telephone PA N137 ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms ahd Second Hand Store 65 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHoNE PA dram EWSPAPER MATS Sim 21x18 meal or lininl lien houses alum llfllelt CIA perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tho barrio hummu narrle Ontario BEAVER LUMBER Co LTD PA e55 odd doors an size 5195 Dada odd hard 3125 each iv ww hermarr $1200 Utility Spruce ixsnts soapcrhi up sea per rat sea per rd and the per in see her at it to $88 per 2000 piecestHSDUICLfli be EM 01 and Steel Rooting toss square New TV liablnels res $895 Now $495 Combination doors any size $1495 Odd trimany kind lip loot Reg $949 Cottage Fireplace $11195 each FOR SALE AT DOMINION TlRE STORE 21 MARY STREET BAlmlE USED REFRIGERATORS $9500 TV SETS $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES McFADDENfS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 morphine lieirigerator 12 no bie reel also Frigidaire stove 30 inch deluxe model New condi unii Sacriiice prim an owngr and Board Gentleman preferred Will pack lunches Home privii egca Close to downtown Telee Sand PA 56665 ior lurtlicr de SUMMER RESORTS LODGE Lovely sluground spacious rooms but an coldswate very goo ï¬shing Only one mile to golf tennis court gtopclia chat and all home cooking not course Tim HONE mono621121 COTTAGES FOR SAL Founikoolvl Apartment uniuros Dflvutn hlthromni Medl halted rant and back Entrance wiring laundry room heavy Children welcome Available July Ap ly a1 Blyï¬eld st or telephone Al CDATAGB Fon SALE or ront tw bedrooms ali cnnvenlencc terizcd Located at lnnisiil park close to like hle Paterson at lnnltni Park LONGWOOD Ind We have mropean cuisine Eun Very lenlbil Patch moi can be served at all times or outsid ers Weekend guests and lanolilea are welcome Close to Allandalu Win moving Telephone PA 34254 lurtbcr dctaila SALES SPECIAL Only three tradcln portable machines exceiln ent conditoh from 53995 singer sewing Machine Centre as Dun lop PA c1161 nnbnooyl gum tor sale Ial eludes spring mattress bed van ity dresser and chest or drawbrai Suitable tor cottage 515 Tele phone PA 54159 BICYCLES Boys an inch wheel hike Girls standard size bicycle childs pedal station wagon car all in good condition Apply 115 Owen Street PA on Skyddso Cotta display model SALE em SUMMER RESORTS ARTICLES for SALE FILL YOUR FREEZER with tho linen RED Ind BLUE MEATS ETC local Consulted Quality Budget rcrhu on olden moo and over gt Complete Linn 01 FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES aro avallablo to thosa who wish to purchase their order daily at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE 1M llbPIN 5mm mills PHONE PA 60601 Free Delivery Open Iridly till pm Ready assembled PICNIC TABLES $1 95 While they last BALL PLANING MILL 48 ANNE ST sourll PA $2496 PATIO STONES 151 square thick WATEn PROOFED COLCUP PAST Saricanl Co Licl AA TOP SOIL GRAVEL AND FILL LOADER AND TRUCKS for hire JOHN ELLIS Construction PA oaooo OR PA 726 east nndlsrnn Smith Caron inst uke new Will sellrlsea Telephone PA com DULLDOZING AND Grading Fish Pond construction Apply Ihe Hurt PA D3119 Two NEW Triple niuilion Win dows lrame and sash to ï¬t eu lng 91 50 Hall prico ele phone PAbsz11 alter pm REPAIRS To ALL makes of rew ing machines For me estimates singer sewing Machine Centre 38 Dunlop PA 57960 QUANTITY ol logs or sale Aver age diameter inches and loot lengths Telephone 32 11 Strand SALES sPEcrAL one only Fea erwelght portrlie guaranteed $5950 Singer Sewing Manhinl Centre is Dunlap PA Sloan JUNE sPEclALi singer Golden Glido Vacuum Cleaner reduced sill singer Sewing Centre 13 Duhiop street West Darrin SALES SPECIAL camplcte Can iatnr Cleaner all attachments Dlaly $4950 SingerSewlng attach the Centre 28 Dunlop PA omit nouns combination sin and strecn at do also ma agony slab at on Apply 1a riifln st Barrie WASlllNGr MACHINE or pale good working order also Kitchen Table and tour chairs ideal Tor cottage Selling reasonably Tele phone Camp Borden 16111 ryPewanm Portables as low as abut1 your guarantee Terms 54 down 51 per week stu dent rentals repairs star 14 liradlord st writer Co costs NEAltLr NEW Furniture Chess terAnids bavenos Odd Choirs Chests oi Drawers bedroom Fur niturn also nelrlgerntors and stoves Apply nuisnu Church Mo bile Homes 110 Burton Avenue Dorrie FREEZER 17 cubic io chest type used loss than one ycr siio New 22 dbl Freezer lully guar anteed includlnE alitettmc guar nlllee 0n unit and thrccychr 00d dpnllnflfl fluarnnlue 5279 ilolllll PA SALES SPECIAL New StyleD illtic zlgZag Machine complete decorative stitching selection For me demonatratlon singer Sew inl Centre 28 Dunlop PA Mean nLecrnlo netrigcrnior Phuco in very good condition can also Chnnnei TV antonno with in rnot most 97 Telephone PA S1311 lor dntoiis JUNE bPEclALi The lamoua sin ger styleoltlalic zigZag Sewing Machine in only $16050 singer SvewitrigBCnntre Dunlap street as JUNE EclIlL brand ntv sine gcr roun bobbin ortnbles with son Hardware tolnpnonc bZï¬l reverse SIICh 509 i159 Ar ply Singer Sewing Maehlnt Dunioo street West Dorrie