DINNER PARTY marked the 50th anniversary of the Crown Hill WI Siam above from the left are Mrs Atkinson Mrs Acooley presideat Mrs Earl Scott SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND Nous nlc Intended to cover the general social III of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdays comlngOInge pare lies visitors and traveller are all turns of interest to the wornur readers of this page Your help in supplying Itris news will be greatly op prcciaieo Please phone The Barrlc Examiner PA 56537 and ask or the Vnmcns Page SOCIAL EVENING Sixtythree ladies attended social evening at the Burriev Country Club following the Sim coo County Field Day yester day Mrs Marg Hodges was so cial convcncr Mrs Marion Hicks was in charge of flowers Mrs Gwen Lowe entertain ment Mrs Norman Cohan and Mrs Fran Robinson reircsh merit liostcsses were Mrs Beth Koarscy Mrs Molly Simp son Mrs Ruth Vinchesrer Mrs Millie Yates President Mrs Marj Hickling welcomed guests and Mrs Edith Corby Ladics Captain presented the prizes ENGAGEMENT Mrs white Villowdale has announced the engagement of her daughtcrI Miss Alice May white to Larry Johi Boxall son of Mr and Mrs Jack Boxall Scarborough Iormeriy of Bar Mrs OHalloran Hosts Meeting Mrs John OHalloran was hos tess at the June meeting of Sil ver Maple Womens Institute with attendance of 15 members and three visitors The president Mrs OHallor an presided over the business portion of the meeting Roll call was answered by bringing written article suitable for the Tweedsmuir Book The motto for that occasion was given by Mrs Martin from the concise sentence No one is rich enough to beywithout neigh bar Plans were made for having lunch counter at the reopen ing of the new barn at Alvin Johnstons in the near future Mrs French secretary treasurer of North Simcoe WI district gave an illustration on the planning of Tweedsmuir history book The meeting closed with the national anthem and the in stitute Ode Refreshments were served by Mrs Rush and Mrs Tyson Johnston Report of the meeting was by ltlgrs Richardson of Phelps Theongagcmcnt has been announced of Miss Florence Anderson to Peter chinvcld The brideelect is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Ander son The bridegroomelect is the son of Mr and Mrs John Kleinveld Thornton Tire wedA ding will take place at Trin July 15 rie Thornhill Presbyterian Church will be the setting for the alternoon wedding cere mony July Zion United Church Shanty Bay has been chosen as the setLng tor the wedding of Miss June Marie Fisher and George Allan Collins The marriage will take place June 30 ANNUAL DINNER Womens Auxiliary to 102 Squadron Air Cadets held its an nual turkey dinner June 14 The business session was in charge of Mrs Dennis Carter he minutes were read by Mrs Clitord Graham in the absence of the secretary Mrs Eleanor Brett gave the troasurers re port donation was made to one of the members as good will gift prior in her trip to Scotland minute of silence was observed in memory of the late Mrs Corner The next mating will be held at the home of Mrs Doris Farrier in Sep tember VISITS SCOTLAND Mrs George Hunter Glen wood Beach has returned home from visit to relatives in Scot land Mrs Hunter travelled via jet flight Many changes have taken place since Mrs Hunters last visit to her homeland The city of Glasgow is undergoing face lifting Tenement homes apartment buildings and shop ping centres are large and mod TIMELY BEACH SANDALS Addthae colorful beach sandals to your summer ae Icessories and you will walk comfortably These areeasy to make using crochet cots ton and metallic thread whichJs used for the straps The suggested color combln ation red with white yel low and green but you can choose any variation you like gt To obtain the easy crochet structiom simply send stamp Beltaddressed ere velope to the Needlecraft Departme this paper ra questing Timely BeaehSan dais Leaflet No csaoa ity Anglican Church Barrie are being replaced with modern Crown H111 WI Mark 50 Years The Church Hall of Crown 11111 United chizen was the scans at happy occasion lune 14 when turkey ban quet was held to honor the charter members of 1911 speaker Mrs Dunsmore Mrs Thick Mrs Chap pel Mrs Dunsmorc Mrs Switzcr PLACES COMPLETES TERM Miss Lynne Willis is home for the summer with her pa rents Mr and Mrs Walls alter completing the term at Rranksom Hall lbronlo IN OTTAWA Barrle residents in the ca pital city this week were Jud ge MocLoren where no presided at county court ses sion Mr and Mrs Snel grove Theresa Street were also in Ottawa while Mr Snel grove was attending meetings oi the Board of Broadcast GoVlt EIIOIS Miss Sandra Bauer daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Robert Bauer Hornepayno was suc cessful incobtainlng honors in piano Grade Conservatory of Music Examination held at Geraldton Miss Bauer is granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Elliott Cola Orchard Drive oi this City ATTEND GRADUATION Major and Mrs Hersey attended the graduation exer cises at Convocation Hall Thurs sday when their son Donald Hersey BA received his LLB degree from Trinity College Un oparlheid could end iversity of Toronto Lieutenant Governor John Keillor Mackny spoke at the ceremony VISIT NEW YORK Mr and Mrs John McEvoy Edgehill Drive are attending fourday convention of the 0f fico Machine DealersAssocia tion of America or Grossinger New York Before returning to the city next weekendtheywill spend several days in New York city OFF TO PARIS Miss Lillias de Lom who is student at the University of Toronto sailed aboard the SS Saxonia Friday enroute to Fa ris Miss de Lom will be at tending summer course in French at the Paris University JFKs DOCTOR OFFERS ADVICE WASHINGTON AP Dr Janet Travell the White House physicianwho has been treating President Kennedys ailing hack ffer these rules for housewives in YMCA luncheon address Scramble your work Dont spend all of one day cleaning another day doing laundry and third ironing That way you use some musclestou much others not enough Cultivate rhythmic pat tern Dont hurry dont jerk the movements Just do your housework as if you were do ing modern dance Hurry iog wears out the muscles Take short rests at fre quent intervals Dont tolerate bad physi cal aod mechanical arrange ments in your home Dont tol erate chairs that are uncom Ifortnble sinks that are too 0W Counterad housework with an entirely different kind of muscle movement varv iety of exercises it isnt housework that youre doing its homemak ing The details of what you do are less important than the atmosphere in your home Dont kill yourself on house work My impression Dr Trav ell said is the more efficient you try to he the worsé you come out SALLlCSJSAELIES at recomrnend using eparn attendance Mrs Bruce Keffer The program conducted by the President Mrs Leean ley Toast to the Womens Insti tute was made by Miss Eliza beth Rlx ol Barrie formerly 01 Crown Hill The reply was given by Mrs William Switzer Drilllo member The speaker for the evening was Mrs Earl Scott Howkestc no singsong was led hy Mrs Tuck and Mrs Jermcy rhortlsldt compiled by Mrs Dunsmore entitled so years with the Crown Hill WI was presented by present members impersonating the 1911 execu tive Mrs hrelr and Mrs Newson accompanied by Mrs Jenney sang duet Schooldays PW President Returns From Tour ST JOHNS Nfld CPI Una Madman president of the Can adian Federation of Business and Professional Women said Thursday night gt South Alricas system of apartheid can only and in total defeat Mix Madcap just returned from 300tHniIe political fact finding tour of Africa sald in the elimination of the white race in BentonChurchill wedding Rites Held At St Andrews Church Miss Madge Churchill of Bar rie chose gm of white peaude sole for her weddinll to Dr George Renruo of Barrie in St Andrews Presby terlan Grurclr Saturday May 27 The bride Is the daughter or Mr and Mrslrcdnw Chinch ill of Barrie The groom is the son of Mrs Roman and the late Earl Renton of Barrie The bride was given In mar riage by her father Her gown of peaudesoie was fashioned with fitted bodice softly rounded neckline and lin point sleeves Tho bouffant skirt ieaturcd front panel of lace and fell to cathedral train Her fingertip veil of hills Illusion was held in place by rhinestonetiara She carried bouquet of white gordenins pink sweetheart roses and lily of the valley Rov Ross Adams officiated at the afternoon ceremony Mrs Gordon Watt of Barrie was soloist accompanied by Ray Daniels of orillia as or ganist Miss Mary Milne oi Barrie was maid of honor The brides maids were Miss chgy Church ill of Barrie niece of the bri de Miss Judy Craig and Miss home in Tomato The bridesmaids were gown Slralford and London Dorothy Davis at Barrie Kim Taylor of Angus was ring bearer for his aunt ed alike in white peaudesoie with shocklog ink curnrner bunds and hes dresses They carried baskets of white and shocking pink carnations Robert Kenton was grooms man for his brother The us hers were Dr Clive Chamber lain and Ken Beaver of Tor onto and Bill Thlllault of 3hr rie For the reception at River Gardens the mother of tho brldo received guests in sheath of beige satin brocade with green accessories She wore corsage of green or chids The grooms mother wo re sheath of deep mushroom pink chiffon with matching ac cessories Her corshge was of pink orchids For the honeymoon trip through Muskoka the bride chose navy blue sheath with watermelon pink accessories and corsage of white gar denies out of city guests attended from Welland Guelph Toronto Waubaushene Grillia Bala The couple will make their Members of the Kempcn felt Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire re cently presented portrait of the Queen which now hangs in the foyer of the Roxy Theatre Rev Sier ring conducted the dedication ceremony Above members and visitors are shown after the dedication Front row kmmmexw yr comm mm commonerions no to right tev Rid Ahern Mrs 12 do representing Barrie Min isterial Association Mrs Sparham Mrs Higgs Mrs Duval Mrs Tolchard Regent Alderman Morrow representing Mas yor Kinzie Don Kinlock Manager of the Roxy Mrs Magee Second row Mrs Roberts Mrs Idcson Mrs Dean Mrs West Mrs Dobson Mrs ABeach Third row Rev Sheriing Mrs Rodgers Mrs Raml ton Mrs MacDo nald Miss McKinnon of 011 lia Mrs Stanbrook Back row Mrs Klttmer Mrs Ferguson Mrs Roylance Mrs Rn binson Mrs Wolienden 170 Ccincidicin Babies Born InYecrr At RCAF Hospital By BORIS MISKEW Canadian Press Staff Writer EADENSOELLINGEN WCSt Germany CPI About 170 Canadian babies are born each year in the RCAF hospital at this NATO base inthe south west corner of West Germany The maternity word is among the busiest in the 50bed hospital where Wing Crndr Jackson chief medical of licer and live other doctors look alter about 1300 patients annually Many more are treated in the outpatient de partment The babies miist be registered with the Canadian Embassy within two years of their birth to ensure that they have Cana dian citizenship Wing Cmdr Jackson who served in Toronto and at N31 mao near Edmonton before being posted to Germany said hospital facilities could readily be supplemented with an addi tional loobed unit in case of an emergency The hospital is only one of the facilities available to the fam ilies of RCAF personnel sta tioned in this base on the west ern approaches to the Black Forest About threequarters of the personnel are married and BondHead wMs Make Plans POI Mission Band Picnic The June meeting of the Bond Head Womens Missionary So ciety was held in the Sunday School room June14 with good andMrs 13 Robinson led the worship service Mrs Robinson spoke about the new English translation of the New Testament and read The Parable of the Soweri from itT same passage from the Bible was read by MrsW Watt With several ladies taking part skit Planning WMS meeting took the place of the study period and was both humorous and instructive Everyone enjoyed the special music providedby girls and boys nt Bond Head and Dun kerron giris quartette in cluding Misses JaniceElaino Picka TOOLS When making pickles experts alu minum or stainlesssteel coo Your the Triad Economy and Nancy Jean Burton and sang Saviour we Pray and the Rai Mrs Haines and Brian sang Dear Hearts and Gentle Peopl and also Tell me the Storiesof Jesus Miss Judy Barnes was their accompanist Viceprcsident Mrs Watt conducted the business which included final plans for the slraudxerry festival The host esses Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Bradley served reiresh ments The July meeting as planned will be joint picnic with the Mission Bond to be held atthe McLean cottage Wm DISNEV rsooucnnus 3A1 diIIerenl FREE DISNEYKINS Theres nothing like it here incfldiog wives and children the hospitalist responsible or more than 4000 F0 Stella chVicar of Har rington Que and F0 Dorothy Proudlerof Red Deer Alta two of the six nursing sisters at the base hospital agree that maternity cases including pre natal and postnatal care keep the hospital staff busy But the nurses findtime to visit such countries as Spain Italy and Switzerland as well as travel through the picturz esque country ide of Germany and France ere they wish to make shorter iounreys At BadenBaden just 12 miles away world famous casino can provide an outlet for those with gambling cravings Dorothy Proudler who re ceived her training at the Mis ericordia Hospitalin Edmonton said European postings give the nurses chance to see num ber of countries and all take advantage of this while over seas Stella McViear graduate of Montreals Royal vVictoriaons pitalsaid she likes Germany and the other countries she has had change to see bulpshe added miss Canada and the Canadian winter For Harr Style or Distinction VISIT loon gorrrck tram srmsrs 13 Mlple Ave PA H551 tree so bag pkg tree in so buy pkg proved quite interesting AN AWARD for operating room technique was present ed ta Miss Noreen Caldwell left at the graduation exer iclscs held at the Royal Vio torla Hospital Barrie The award was presented by Mrs Lorne Wass Miss Cald well is the daughter of Mr WHATTHE Ry EST FOR TOMORROW Generous influences will gov eru personal relationships on Sunday The day will be line one in which to encourage new friendships strengthen old ties and participate to social and recreational activities of any type During the RM look for some good news FOR THE BmTIIDAY iftomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates happy and prosperous year You are lly in cycle which should be excellent from ma terial standpoint if you retuse to indulge in extravagant whims particularly during September and October Carelessoossthcn could offset the gains possible this month and mldvneccmber Good opportunities for business expansion are Indicated within the iirst thch months of 1962 Job interests will be under fine stimuli during mostof the next 12 months and there are splendid influences for domestic relationships and affairs involv ing family security The current month midDecember May and June will be notable for senti WI Members Hold lune Meeting Crown Hill W1 met at Mrs la Gougbs on Tuesday even ing The president Mrs Acon ley conducted the business session Roll call place would like to visit and why The motto was explained by Mrs Dumont You do not find time for community activities you make it More was devoted to the WI skit to be presented at the stub anniversary of Crown Hill W1 Tea hostesses Mrs Quinlan and Mrs Beuant assisted the hostess in serving tea TASTY PRESERVES preserve consists of whole small fruit or pieces of larger fruit cooked in syrup until clear and somewhat translucent 14 cowpu Photo and Mrs Ivan Caldwell Thornton Right Miss Anna Husband received the bed side nursing award present ed by Miss Glenna Downey on behalf of ti Nurses Al umnae Miss usband ls Ihs daughter of Mr and Mrs Ha mid Husband ol Oro Sta tlon STARS SAY ELLITA mcotal matters and early Janu ary gives promise of increased popularity and prestige on well as new opportunitws for business expansion child born today wfll be versatile gregarious and ex tremely generous DAY AFTER TOMORROW Maintain downtirearth atti tude on Monday Dont go to extremes but follow routine with care An excellent Mercury as pect may bring unusual news by mail or other form of communi cation gt FOR TIIE BIRTHDAY lf Monday is your birthday your chart promises occupa ilonal advancement and very sharp uptrend in your financial status during the next year Do not however allow undue opti mism to lead you into extrava gance or speculation during Sep tember or October or you could weaken your position Domestic social and senti mental rclationships will be un der excellent aspects during most of the year with empha sis on romance during the bal ance of this mouthfin midDe cember next Moynnd June During September try to avoid tensions and dont overtax health child born on this day will be versatile ambitious and loyal friend riosRGLAss wrlvnow AWNINGS 24 to 36 Over 36 to Over 48 to Over 60 to 72 DOOR CANOPIES 48 Canopy $11195 54 Canopy 2495 now no MEASUREMou ure wldth or window and or door casings from outer edge to outer cdgu and al low in supperuh bracket placement on easing or Wall BUDGET TERMS BEAVER LUMBER 127 BRADFORD ST PA 55541 PRECRIPTION IRSERVICE Available if by mail LSAVE inonuo PRESBRIPTIDNS 15 102595 LESSIHAN AVERAGE PRICES For Free Quotation mail prescription to GIIAINEIIKASIIIN CHEMISTS 530 Bay Street Toronto EM 40171 gtGKSPECIALIZE in drugs and drug prod ucts only Byspeclallz lng GK have become more efficient able to affect econo GKHIGH VOLUME kaaps waste at mini mumunlike drug stores that discard high percentage of drugs whlch have gone stale It GK LOW OVERHEAD saves you the Indirect costs of services you dont use GK ls onsh andcarryorbymalllrcm simple austere stark white layout It GENERIC NAME FRE SCRIPTIONS on your Doctors approval Whera two products of equal quality exist GK wlll use the less expen sive product We Invite you to show thls ad to your Doctor