Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1961, p. 5

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Airwoman Novels Biographies On Air FATE IS THE HUNTER By canesr GANN In this personal memoir Er nest Gann author of The High and ltlightyand other popular novels narrates ser ies of events to illustrate his tbeme that fate is hunter always ready to strike All the evcaLi mentioned took place in the air or just bciore or alter flight lllr Gaan reveals the terror and man experienced by men at such times and also the courage and cowardice which is often shown in the most unforeseen ways He has chosen incidents from his own to years experience as trainee copilol airline up tain and civilian pilot for the Air Transport Command dur ing World War ll lle depicts the rigors dangers and adven tures of flying in all parts oi the world from the cold of Luanda to the heat of Brazil and indie In this articulate masculine account he dramati zes the vagaries of chance and pays tribute to many line pi lots who had been his friends and icllow ofliccrs and were less fortunate than he in the gamble against fate 0N WINGS 0F FAITH by gtVichi Constantine Kokcnes The author télls how she her husband and livayeaerld son became the first family to fly singleengine plane down the east coast of South America over the Andes and up to the United States This account dnnger and excitement of the flight across the continent over swampy jungles and seem lngly endless oceanfhoir ad ventures brought them chance meetings with new friends as well as frustrating problems involving different regulations In different countries The final pages describe the tragedy that ironically enough stnick the Kokencs Lamin while on famine flight alter their re turnto thcUnited States plane crash which only the author survived WIND ON MY WINGS by Percy Knauth Thc author private pilot recounts some of his exper iences as ilier the several stages of his learning to fly the emotional satisfactions oi flying and the comradeship between those who liy He describes his examina BOXER DIES LONDON Reuters Dick Gunn British boxer and oldest Olympic gold medallist died at his South london home Friday at the age of 90 He won Brit ains at featherweight title in 1894 and the Olympic gtle in the 1903 games in Lon on HURONIA ti nIN THEATRE PA 34391 FORESTERS MOST AMAZING TALE OF TRUE ADVENTURE mamu ruwo EIIMEEEIDIUIID alarm CINenflscopE 20 ADDED FDR LAUGHS instillation HEN COMEDY INSURANCE SATURDAY QUALITY wrrn gt liHIllllt liHIlllll Build KEIIUII ECONOMY 34 uURtlaanillliliilii tillliflll ggrgficgznorrgs pM lllll Tlllllll IIIIIIRBIDKII $210M mom WilllltllllliistlllllllSIlllliflll roanch Is 36 IIIIEI llflllMlllll manometer OUR mrsmnss NUMBERS GALLED Muhifiiriisiiigmfl BENTLEY co LEGION HALL Ififllllmmh PA 583 IDIEHTVWIIBIIIII ntures ESafuhoczg ageE TEE BARRIEKXAMINEB SATURDAY JUNE 1361 Adve 0N WINGS 0F FAITH ce his lirst solo flight long distnnce and local trips aadl two man transAtlantic flight to Europe There are plenty of technical details on naviga tion for private pilots liccu llon to interest students and wonldbe pilots but the books primary appeal lles in its ei fective damlotions oi varying sky conditions and the chang ing appearance oi the earth from plane LEARNING T0 FLY by John Holland This manual written by an experienced pilot and mm in structor is designed especial ly for student pilots and pri vate plane owners Written in breezy but com potent manner the guide ac qualats the student with the language and purpose behind the methods which are at first so confusing It tells exactly why and how an airplane files how the controls function and what are the effects of wind and air currents Clear instruc tions are given for controll ing speed and altitude for rol ling the plane for taxiing tur ning landing and taking off gliding and climbing There is chapter on safety in the air with practical advice for keep ing cool in emergencies and landing the plane safely is bustling modern city where the U15 soldiers and there are plenty of them feel quite at home Of course like most Europ ean cities it has many old SingAlong At Heidelberg By DR llOLM oi Barrie GENEVAFrankfurt on Main comparison Somo of the up hill roatk are several miles long with plenty of curves But the trouble and nerve wracking experience of driving on these narrow but wellkept roads is richly rewarded The scenery is liy spectacular with high soothcovered moun tains shining like diamonds in conveys the BARRY CONN HUGHES It View From The Waterfront Yesterday after supper the rain seemed to have stopped Yet down on the waterfront uni ionn grey haze mlsted everything Even the yellow black and red of the pontooned aircraft hugging the city deck was muted The pilot squatted on his haunches on the dock underneath the wing expoundlng the mysteries of herodynamics to bugeyed audience of five The littlest listener wearing tee shirt sneakers and corduroy pants with hole in the knee didnt understand word of it On the other side of the dock boats of all col ors shapes and sizes swung in the gentle hammock of the water Inboards outboards and centre boards The Patron The Skylark and the SuzieQ Punts dories cruisers canoes metal wood can vas and fiberglas New old and decrepit STOLID UNBLINKING It was quiet except for the waves slapping the stolid unbllnking concrete or the dock Bits or flotsam and jetsam bobbed eagerly up to theshore and were tossed back rejected The boathouses were rusted and dirty Wooden docks stretched out from them into the water like gnarled and aged fingers Their planks were pitted and scarred ringed round the ends with old lengths of fire hose and discarded automobile tires The lower parts or the tires were in the water and myriada of delicate strings otemeraldgreen sea weed uridulated sensuously from them THE UGLY REVERSE Looking back at the city from the for end of the dock you could see the ugly reverse of the brightfaced main street shops Rusty red brick and cold black fire escapes You could see dull concrete and cars and garbage cans and cords 01 wood and piles of coal You could see lush green leaves too and flag fluttering and silver church steeples The bus terminal was crowded with people arriving and people departing end people watching people arriving and departing And the same man we saw there in the afternoon still weltlngior sweetheart the gravy train or perhaps Just Grey hound bus HUMMING AND HONKING At the Five Points youcould hear the cars humming and honking And the it ts bl and winking Eh mung Back of all that you couldnt see You know what is back of it though You know the homes and people the people who are cutting the lawns and planting the flowers and resting or running DIRTY AND SWEATING They are watching television writing and changing diapers They are praying and watching the moving pictures They are spanking their children and looking atthem with proud and loving eyes They are driving cars and washing cars and selling cars they are under gatn them dirty and sweating and trying to fix em They are studying for the final exams or wait ing to fight crimes and fires They are lying in the Royal Victoria being born and dying They are at parties or alone and weeping without sound They are washing the dishes husband and wire or standing whiteraced in the living room arguing And back of all beauty and reading and that is love and truth and Try An Examiner Want Ad LEGION building and landmarks One of the most tamous is the Goeth House with 31110 enters the room of his birth as well as his study where the famous author wrote many oi his best warts Another show piece is the splendid Room oi the Kings where huge pic lures oi all German rulers are displayed and visitors have to wear felt slippers not to mar the beautiful floor Even an abstainer will enjoy visit to some beerhnll and listen to the music and sing song They are not quite the drinking parties one expects merely place where people the sun These are surround ed by blue and grced lakes ri vers and waterfalls old pic turesque houses castles and churches TOURIST PARADISE Switzerland really is tour ist paradise The cleanliness and orderlinfis everywhere is striking feature and the housewives frequently use ap mns wherever they go as if to show their status and never ending care of their family and home Rather oftenthere are female gas station attendants doing mans job and giving excellent service let themselves loose and Nothing is ever perfect and seem to have good time shopping for food here can be newenizeno Irains experience if Heidelberg the old univer you are hum Nearly every item has to be bought and paid for at separate counter Bread butter and cheese have to be bought at sep arate stores an cities in Switzerland are clean picturesque and beauti ful The majority of them have waterfronis with plenty of wild swans lazily swimming around In Geneva there must be hundreds of them Maybe the city council could consider pur chasing few for Kempentelt Bay It would certainly be success with the ratepayers and tourists providing they could survive with all the speed boats UNITED NATIONS In Geneva trip to the Uni ted Nations Building should be on the agenda It is large and pompous with many pieces oi beautiful art donated by differ ent nations In the picture is seen gilded memorial dona ted by the President Wilson fund showing all the Zodiac signs as it slowly rotates In spite of the beautiful setting and excellent facilities it seems to be extremely difficult for the nations to agree in policies but that is another story sity town not far from Frank furt is amost romantic and idyllic place with its beautiful views of the river and mouth tains old castle and famous historical meeting places for the students In the restaurant llbe Red 0x walls ceilings and mm ture are completely covered with names of students and visitors It is one of the few places where the proprietor ap preciates it if agugst uses knife or pencil on the interior The river Nekar which is tributary tothe Rhone is just about as grey as the Nottawa saga River but thecolor docs at seem to detract Tourthe impression SWITZERLAND It takes about one hour by plane to reach Zurich in Switz erland and since this country isnt any larger than few coun ties in Ontario it can easily be covered few days by car Volkswagen is excellent for the purpose since the motor cannot start boiling when going uphill Yes there are indeed some grahd hills in that country many of them would make Mulcaster Street flat by AtomTues nun itIilEit wrunv mun am Ann Inst Supporting Am SEW WES nmmm museum IIImIIlIWlDiiIii 8U$ANHAYWARDanmm Input DEV WID IIIUR FIIIIIIKSIIIAIIIA IIIIIIIIII IIEEII no Supporting Actor Best Supporting Amos IIIIIM IIEIIE III EIEIIIIIII iiiflilli urnnmwnunnumuun Aauurwmummnw EVA MARI SAINT rm Supporting Aim mumnu acAnch swarms my IIISAT Wildft THE APARTMENT firmwnmuuom sacADEMY museum AWARDS Anon lNrrnAINMENI llunrlnmsrrn SHIRLEYJIIIIES reuse nanppmnutms mammal manner wronrsnnvz an FEATURE TIMES Want To Live Separate Tables nsr TIMES TONIGHT Colller st sane 7I CQLLIER ST lcllvnanrnnnn no many anrs STAMP CORNER By KEN KEARSLEY RPSC Barrie The wvolope as we kmw it today only came into general use in Canada less than 100 years ago Before i340 letter wribers twually confined their communicaqu in single sheet of paper which dicy fold ed tucked in and sealed and then wrote the addres oatthe other side in some can the letter was sealed with seating wax and the writers signet ring wu tmpmssed in the was There was no demand for en velops for the simple reason that it such were used with the letter the postage rate would be doubled for an enclosure or letter consisting at two sheets cost more WRAPPED IT UP When people did find It neces sary to use cover the usual method was to take an extra sheet of letter paper and wrap it round the sheet on which the aaunl letter was written As the postage rate for send ing letters in the old days was expensive and out of reach of ordinary people more than third of the mail in use between 1800 and mo in Canada was dcspatchcd by bootleg mail That is by other means than thereguar mall SATURDAY GUIDE DANCING cabaret style at VPlnecrest tonight turn left off Highway 27 at sign south of Elmvale BINGOat the Legion Hall on Collier Street There is $210 jackpot Some 36 num bers will be called ALAMOriver is featured in The Alamo with John Wayae Richard Widmark Laurence Harvey and cast flow playing at the Imper al JERRY LEWISstars as Cind erfella at the Roxy lie is supported by Ed Wynn Judith Anderson and Anna Maria Alberghettl LAUGII RIMat the Huronia When Comedy Was Also playing is Sink Toronto To Barrie Service Is Same Its 110 Years Ago BOMLEG MAIL This lbootleg mall wu car ried by different ways on land in Ontario drivers oi the var ious stage coachs usually car ried more bootleg mall than the paid letters About me various detachment of British Redcoats paholled the hlgbo ways such as theywcre These soldiers on horseback often carried private mail for small fee and favorite routes were from York now Toronto to Kingston and onward up the St Lawrence route to Montreal and Quebec The writer has several of these letters and certain Cap tain Howard biarrlot ot one of the British Anny companies seemed to spend more time dc livering these private letters than time on his military du ties Captain and the crews oi sailing ships were regularly sol icited and nearly every ship that sailed from Canadian or American port for the British Isla and Europe carried its share of these bootleg letters The crew would carry letter for the fee of about one penny at 12th of the regular mail fee ENVELOPES During the period from IMO and sometimes earlier right up to the time of the Issue of the first Canadian stamps in Aug ust 1851 envelopes were In use and widely used Envelopes banded into the post office were marked in the following manner it the post age was paid in money when the letter was posted postmasters or their clerks would stamp or write the word in red ink paid and the amount of the postage paid on the envelope if the letter was not paid for the word unpaid was stamped or written and the amount of the postage due marked usually in the right corner AAWAKE VzASllEIDm Mm m1 never is get pod our reel 11 has and turn inbedflhenlrodullnndlistleudwin do we nany slow down mice and uuu in in the man now rut feeling admonished dont rutwellltaightilyoufrel Jillian daytimeurn Dodda Kidmy nu Then an hotterml um wnrlr better You can depend on Mr the Bismark FEATURES AT 31010 130 Kidney Pills apparat Hydro lines carry electricity oi extremely high voltages up to two thousand times greater than the volb ages used in the home Any model plane or kite enthusiast holding wire wirereinforced string or even wet string that touches hydro line can sufferserioue injury or loss of life The dimger is increased if part the sin home object is made of Ina REMEMBER these safety rule Always keepito the wideopen spaces well away from hydro lines and electrical ap paratus Warn others todo so Do hobuse wire lines Towers orother electrical PARENTS Safet education at home Be eurayour children follow However where the uopald letter system was open toabuso ws the simple not that it the person to whom the letter was addressed had no money or re fused topay the required post age due the letter was not de livered Title earliest stampless cover writers possession post failed in this area Barrie are Letters from um on certainly describe in detail the trials and bcarthrcak that the earlier setderssuffered in their efforts to develop Canada telephon TV and radio automobiles were unloan in that period letters were the only means of cznrnardcation between these early settlers and their irientk and letter that we take or granted today delivered in hours might have taken three days bad In mo although Moat iy letters from Toronto posted in Barrie b1350 usually took one day And no you later the same letter route has hot been improved on although an air letter can cross the Atlan tic in four and quarter hows IMPERIAL STARTS MONDAY To Wm ADMIIANC LAST snowmo TODAY JOHN WAYNE me ALAMO cocoa pr wirerein tho above safety

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