Iiarrir Examiner Published by Candied Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleid street Barrie Ontario SATURDAY JUNE mi OLeary Recommendation Negative And Inadvisable About 39000300 worth of Canadian advertising each year is going into United States publications circulating in thiscountry Many Canadian mag azine publishers feel these publications represent unfair competition to them and that the present situation is poor climate for survival of existing national periodicals Last fall threemen Royal Commi sion on Publications was appointed to make recommendations to the govern ment regarding measures which might help the increasing development of Canadian identity through periodical press which was truly Canadian The Commission was instructed to make its suggestions consistent with keeping freedom of thepress and to place the problem of competition from us mag azines Chairman of the Commission which issued its report last week was Grattan OLeary president and publisher of the Ottawa Journal and dean of Canadian journalism both by virtue of seniority and distinction It quickly became evident during the public hearings that Mr OLeary was sgin the United states publishers He more than hinted with some iustlfica tion that the Canadlan editions of Time andReaders Digest were euph emistically labelled as such And he was outspoken in his criticism of many other aspects of United States periodicals dis tributed in Canada The two major recommendations of the Commission report were that deduction from income by taxpayer of expenditures incurred for advertising directed at the Canadian market in foreign periodical wherever printed be disallowed and that entry into Can ada from abroad of periodical con taining domestic advertising be excluded under the customs tariff Domestic ad vertialng is considered to include post cards coupons and inserts contained in periodical and indicating the avail ability of product or service in Canada DOWn Memory RESCUE COUPLE FROM LAKE The Examiner of June2l 1936 had front page item telling of narrow escape from drowning in the choplll wa ters of Lake simcoe when Alex Huston brother of the noted actor Waiter Hus ton was sailingin dinghy while Mrs Huston was alone in canoe This over turned in the open lake near Grape Is land Her husband saw her plight and turned inher direction but was driven past several times He lowered the sail and was able to pull the almost exhaust ed woman into the dinghy In thb mean time the rudder broke and the offshore wind blew them steadily outCouncillor James Ashquabe of Georgina Indian Re serve in his launch with two passengers speeded to the drifting boat and towed it to shore SOVIETS DESCRIBED El 1935 most unusual series of articles under the heading of In the land of the So viets was written by Miss Bertha Hel lems for The Barrie Examiner and ran for some time In the issue of June 27 1935 she déait with Russia and Reli gion explaining the many changes that took place Prince Vladimir who was himself sensual cruel barbarian at first had religious aspiration erected wonderful idols and sacrificed Christ We agree with the first item Ws do not agree with the second Every country wants to protect its own national identity to certain de gree Every country Wants to ensure that its own businessmen have at least as equal chance of economic success as outsiders doing business with Cana da encourage what we do want in these respects and to discourage what we do not want But if you share in the benefits of competitive free enterprise system you cannot in all conscience legislate the exclusion of competition Dlscourage yes but not exclude Further if the Dlefenbaker govern ment takes action on the proposal to ban foreign magazines containing Can adian advertisements we might be con travenlng the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Already an official of the us State Department has point ed out that it is debatable whether such an action could be reconciled with this international agreement to which Can Ed is party The managing director of Time Inter national of Canada Ltd charges that the intention of the report was to de stroy Time Magazine in Canada We would not shed any tears over the de mise of Time here or anywhere else but we do think it should have the op portunity to compete hereespecially since itdoes appear true that the Cana dian market is not likely to be able to support major and purely Canadian news magazine for some time We welcome the proposal that Canada should grant free mailing privileges to nonprofit cultural and littie meg azines carrying less than onethird ad vertising content throughout Canada for their first 500000 copies per issue This is an encouragement of the kind we had in mind gt But the exclusion proposed is in our opinion negative inadvisable and threat to press freedom lane to them Later he became Christ ian but first besieged and captured Greek cities in order to become baptized by force but then seized number of priests and took them back to Kiev La ter still he became changed built churches established schools andChris tianity was established after several een turies but gradually the church deve loped into political machine OVENDENS ANNIVERSARY The Barrie Examiner of June ll 1986 told of Vovenden Colleges 21st anniver pary with many of its old girls fore gathering for the occasion very happily despite heavy rain which interfered with the outdoor features of the pro gram Twentyone years had passed sin ce its establishment in Barrie was an nouncedln very modest manner the three principals Miss Elgood Miss mg ram and Mlle Shopuff began their work in Barrie and unostentstiously but vmost efficiently they carried on through the years From small begin nings the college grew until second property was necessary and purchased for the junior school The fine spirit of the college was well expressed in slot ter by Miss Elgood to the school maga zine which began We work not for school but for life Other Editors VieWS COSTS OUR PROBLEM Fort Erie LetterReview The only thing wrong with the Can sdfan economy is its high costs The oosfstare almost entirely taxes and wages There is little hope or reducing wages The union idea is that it is better to starve at $3 per hour than it is to eat regularly at $1 per hour No one is likely to induce any organized wage groupto reduce their prices 50 the alternative sources of possiblereduction in costs are taxes and increased productivity through more efficient machinery and skill in management The Barrie Examiner Authorifld on second elm null not infco neonrtmnnt 0mm only Buildn airs salutary Houdm excepted auburn WALLS Publishr aalAN stuoar General Manner DARBY CONN audit anug editor cnmas WADGB annou Manager noaam airman Advmun mum walls batons circulation MAMIOI subseti on us eh fit3° is misfit all ï¬lls hi Criteria v06 um will 01 m0 ii adl slam orrieususlvrl Av or streetifeutruli list at ifilifaï¬Ã©i vol ilsbe Association AlldliBlfillllJl of tie is closing entitled to tho news use are it in Also gsuters andalso the face all pnbimd ml or purchases Reclaim 11th in many lubed ln Ill THIS Mionr WORK Cleveland Plain Dealer Traffic authorities generally agree that far fewar motorists would be killed and injured in traffic accidents if every oneiused seat belts Thus fardespite conclusive evidence that safety belt save lives they have not become popular Now New York legislator has rec ommended that insurance companies reduce premiums at least on cars equipped with seat belts Fewthings aremore attractive than bargain and this idea which ought tosave money for the insurance com paniesas well asbeneï¬t the motorist might do more to popularize seat belts than anything yet suggested COST0F CREDIT Kitchenerwatcher Record credit buyinghllkc so many other ood things can beoverdone Hillel Back author of Buy Now Pay Later gava statistics recentlyito back up hisclaims that millions of Canadians are living on thecuff and tryingto keep one step ahead oftheblllcollectors He wasnt opposed to buyingon time But object to peopi be stances more profitwas realised onrln ance charges than onthe saleof me chaudise itself Mr Black heothis sound advice to offer sible It is only fair and reasonable to Become Pawns Of Big Powers By PETER IMABK VIENTlANE Laos Reuters While anxious minds aroundJ Geneva conference table mull the fate of this tiny strategic Soulbelst Asian kingdom most Laotian are thinking ofiestb vets and the courts of love To all Mil few who nub ere most merrymaking not warmekiag wins and laughter rather than armaments nose and In MRS OLElillYS sou KICKED OVER THE illiviiiliiv THE WEEKS sews Feuding At Parliament Over Coyne Arid Gordon iNDENl EM andEN Budget night is tense time for any minister of finance For Donald Fleming the slim ation was doubly tough as be ï¬esented his delayed budget csdsy night Less than so hours earlier Bank of Canada Governor James Coyne climsxlng runningicud with the finance minister had offered the pub lie 24 pages of political dyna mite His own ideas on wile the government lhould be doing Coyiie who has balked at government request to fuel said he had presented is package plan to the finance minister four months earlier He didnt call it abudget but as one commentator observed it invited comparison with Flemings proposals Nor COMPATIBLE As Fleming roiled through his lungI limoward budget address he missed few oppor tunities to stress the theme that this budget and Mr coyne simply were not com patible But in one malor area the twa men were on common ground That was ill Flem ings intricate plan to push down the value of the Cana dian dollar to substantial but unspecified discount in lore 11 exchange dealings and there belp Canadian produe ers Elsewhere the dial reemebt was sharp The ban gover nor iiiid warned against beaVy red ink financing Fleming forecast deficit of $0000 ooua peacetime record Coyne hadealled for tem porary increase in corporation and personal income taxes Fleming avoided malai tux moves except to wipe out IIgperAceut excise tax an au tomobiles move that out about 5150fmm the price of an average vehicle at lite manufacturers level nouns naors There were number of other immediate effects of the budget The value of the Ca nadian dollar in relation to its US counterpart dropped three cents overnight the Cshadibflwhest board added five cents to the veluetf all grades of ex ort wliest Prince of Calls fail iiiiiusln shares es eelslly those still big expor era lumped one if in Friday the government moved formally in the House of Commons to oust blink dova armor Coyue In an earlier television speech Prime Miiu lager hielenbsker lied given the reasonsi Givli servants are entitled lo givetlielr viewebut flow GVEl exalted AM not AbbiB the elected reprreetlalivsi oNLif coo For 10 weeks Adolf Eich menu sat in glass cage in Jerusalem courtroom its wil iless multimedia horrors of the Nazi urge of there ihenion Iisedsyl1c attention swora migbtyflad totell the lyul all launched into his collie uanltliat he was oulyga bu eaucratvinr the death For the renbf the week the former as lieutenant Ionianei rnned on With pet of ihe ference meanwhile External as JAMES COYNE massive operation that sent some 6000000 Jews to lheir death could not influence he said My slalus was too modest norc eon LAOS The princely leaders of the three querreiiin Laotian fac lions put their EadSJOEGUIET for four days in the Swiss oily of Zurich this week and rescued partial agreement on formation of new natlunal government tinderole plan King Savaug Values iwould QUEENS PlillK WGraiitsNeéd Middle Path by non OEEARN monoo select coin mittee on municipal affairs has been talking about grants some members have been pro poslug that all grants should be unconditional that is they would not be given specifically for roads education etc as they ersaow They would he handed over in lump and municipal councils would speud them when and how they saw fit REAL ESTATE The present arsuisayilam undoubtedly is far from perfect There never could be an as sisfance system which even ap proached perfection ideally the only justification for rants would he to insure love off in web basic fields as education welfare To insure that in are fieldsliiere was basic minimum for all citlzensof the province But our present system has been principally concerned with removing tilelond of textiles from real estate This has meeut that lhepro illoii of municipal costs borne the prouinee lies grown be yond reason more than 30 per cent And this in turn means that the munlcl allties arent really financing emseives Which all tomatlodily mulls in an lm perfect situation And we are notalone in All provinces now are neck if pick government with rep resentatives of all factions At the Geneva llpower coil Affalrs Minister Green in two hardhitting speeches called for adequate sir equipment forthe international Control Commission in the troubled Indochina kingdom MYSTERY DOCUMENT The FiemingCoyns fiscal dispute wasnt the only Par liament liill ruckus oi the week On Monday the Com mons railway committee went into an uproar alter CNR President DonalrlGordon charged that committee member was usin ua appar ently stolen docuniut to back up hostile question The dociuncul produced by CCF member Douglas Fisher purported to show that some gtCNR truckiugfirms in West erii Canada lost 5400000 last year Gordon liadraiu earlier that all the trucking firms taken together had small profit The CNR head said the doc ument Was not complete and appeared to have been stolen Fisher so if be strongly doubted it After brisk eve ning of charges and counter claimper the committee finally voted to make the doorman part of ill perineum record in the grants system then Ontario with 359 per cent of its revenues last ear going to the municipalities in deeper lluui any NEED CONTROL There arenasy many facets es in whether there slinulli lie strings ontbe grahllmr not out the very fact that suebs big poilieu of our revenues flow is plug rule them would seem to proof positive that its paymentspsnt be completely unconditional You never can tell whalsnme shown Throughout the swampy noes lands dense Jungle and lush hisbiaods of this varied kins dom the peoples minds turn to thoughts of festival and fun to celebrate each event of life iiirib or death planting or harvesting arrival or departure cscb be its festival encore mony in this land of gentle relt lured people who have become as it were pawns in the game of International power politics LOW LITERACY RATE Although the literacy rate in Laos il amongst the lowest in the world and the powers of the sorcerer are greedy feared Cili dial cultures Ire blended to produc rich lull culture which ufleu pm face is always warm and vivid Festivals and ritual vary greatly throughout Laos but mainly in form not in spirit Although many festivals are intrinsically religious you men and women usually are obietc take advantage of op poriunltles for courtship and lovemaking after the religious part of festival has ended Courtship and funmaking al ways seem near at hand in Laor with usllonui ultilude of After work play BAT1 MOST COMMON Of all tbeLaollan festivals and ceremonies the heel or bcunis most common and most expresses the willingness of the people to shrug off every dy elm life bad il held for many rea sons To wish newborn child happy life to bid traveller about to undertake long Sour noy godspeed to welcome on oldfriedd returning after long absence or for almost any we song all gt There is general belief in and wink leniil IS LsoLthll the soul loves to leavelbc body and it Is neces nry to recall it at least once imolb by offering it the de lights of beef Foodwine and flowers are packed by the hosts info pbeku Ins trays covered with ba nana leaves and topped by flow ers An unfrocked Buddhist monk of senior rank celebrates in religious aspect of the cere many WINE JMWB FREELY This done the rice wine flow freely Jud laughter diffs out into the nlsbt Young men and watched by indulgent parents tail of youth and life The young men strive to furn compliments which will fall sweetly on the ears of the young women receiving their court The girls turn away the compli meats offered with prolesiitions of unworthioess Tbs wine flows onibe laugh ter becomes little louder the compliments little more ex travagant the smiles little more frequent This now has become court of love Perhaps as the night goes on there is more ardenlnote in the suitors poetic protestations of love perhapsmore accept ance than rejection in the glrls answers Theu the couple slip away from the circle to walk and talk of love Ilnne REPORT rlioM ilk Building Hard Ior Britons Mme noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON For an individual to make plans in build home and secure the peaceful per mit to do so ll cilildL play in Canada compare with me obstacles which stand in the way of such developments in Britain so long as me plans conform to me lanai bylaws in Canada it is quite simple matterlo secure building per mit But it is not so in this coun try First of all planning pernue lion has to be secured before the prospeciive home builder gt dares to go ahead willibls planning This is sometimes quite lengtbypmeedure as many factors such as suitabil ily of lha house for the rile whether its character will fit in with other properties in the district and the distance from elher developed areas are con sldered before planning per mission is given oiice dial is secured the plans have to be prepared There have lo be studied by the iiiuw gulcipal architects and the planning committee of the council slid tilese bodies can afelect the plans or order them to he shall edJin some cases these bodes have objected even to the color of the tile 10 be used on the roof BAN fEOLATEIJ SITES Peple who pita to build house in the country may milefrom anywhere and with only the birds and beeafor rumpauy are now coming in for run 0n the advice of the minister of housing local pldnhingduiiiorilles in some areas are refusingappllcdtloul to build fdreaui homes or eept in exceptional circum stances councils might do with the ihouey Put gold plated fisb bowls in the tool Cadillac for every councillor At the same time the present procedure has many faults Just one of them is that with subsidies available for roads for lostauceievery municipality will buiiu reads need liieni or not somewhere there is median path Perhaps the cummlllea will find llsihough one cantibe any uiuslnstlc about the possibilities Let us of lean hope however that ltidoesnt recommendthat there should be grants com pletely without strings CUBA GETTING CAME MONTREAL CPiiour liilfl dreii and tWenty dive head of Canadian ayrsliiie cattle left Montreal for Cubs li day aboard ills German freighter Alondra passrorur Janie uadros 44 was lil Jail 31 as president of mill The South Ameri can country had population ofss0oo000 ice Photo Essex Surrey Herifurdshire and many other county plan ningchiefs are working out firm policy to prevent this type of development across lbs countryside in Norfolk the county plan ning committee has just is isued policy statement for ihe guidance of all who may wish to build new homes in rural areas This statement says We will wantfn beprovid ed with firm evidence of need WiIiCll could not he sails factoriiy met by development iii village or town The council is resisting pro parole in extend isolated groups of existing houses outside towns or villages or to extend ribbon of houses along country road unless agricultur al need ennvbe shown What we want lo dofotha ointment goes on is fooling about constant improvement in the design of hours late put up in the country We plan al so to impure tillifiliiohlfellllef that trees at prereutgrowing Ou the property shall be re tained or that additional trees will be planted an that the bull iiliigs harmonize with their surroundings But life main pill on of lhe rules is in some stss far as possible new houses are builtoniy within the confines of already existing towns and villages Br Manufacturer Gives Fellowships LONDON OP leading British manufacturer of rlieiiimzl and surgical supplies his estab llsiieu six new fellowships lobe awarded annually io ddclors from life Commonwealglr and developing countries The fellowships each worth 421200 are offered by Smllunhd Nephew Associated Companies Limited seoulslanding gradu ates in any branch of surgery or associated research can further their education Candidates Iniist bold medi cal qualification meeting British also bras and flew had at least twa years of general clinical ex penance since registration lheymust airframes lo re turn to their home country to practise within your after completion of their studies in Britain fflliOliGliT in list this greslhubyim 7cm have built by might of in power and for file gainer of my majesty fhsiiiel sinuer vainly delights to show out his honor raising to acknowledge Gods gift to liim of life audstrength