Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1961, p. 11

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um emm FILL YOUR FREEZER In them End ELIID MEATS Erc Giunnleld Quilt hudgot Tcrnu on orduI uuo and ever CA Complete lln OI FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES hre Availhie to than who Inn Smut theirordmcouy KLEERPAK FOOD STORE ue Imm archer SAlmur PaoNe PA wool Free Delivery Open mu till Dun Relw assembled PICNIC TABLES $1795 While they last BALL PLANINGMILL ANNE so soon PA was PATIO STONES 159i mum thick WATIuI Piloom COLOUR PAM ISOIrjeonl Co Ltd Mary Street ASPHALT nnIvEWAYS Telnpbonl PA mil nunonIerrnnd Limited CASE Gum Sinth Corona Int like new viii uh cheap clephono PA saw momma ir Bolcock Aptcn M111 summon Hum PA 139 Two NEW Trlp down Promo on us to At pren ing 91 50 Half price ele phone PA 66111 After pm REPAIRS To ALL nickel of row ing mnchiuel For trel eotinmel Singer Sewing Machine Cent as nunlop PA E7960 QUANTITY of logo for sole Aver Age dillnetcr lnchel and out iengthl Telephone 11 ll strand SALES SPECIAL one only Fon erweight portlie gunuteed $6950 sin er Sowing IInehlno Centre ZS unlop PA Amt SALES SPECIAL Complete Clu hler Cleaner III Itinchnieuu only $495o singer Sewing Illen in Centre 18 Dunlop PA GIWII Donne combination storm Ind ureen in also mahogany lllb an on Apply 1o Timn St Errrle SALES SPECIAL New styleo Mltlc lezlf Machine complete decorative toning selection For tree demonstration singer Sew ing Centre ZS nuniop PA S7960 ELELiiuC Relrlfienlor Police in Very good con tlon son ulno Chnnel TV antenna with 10 loot nut 57 Telephone PA 61371 or details 1m SPECIALI Tbl famous sin ger StyleOMatio ZIgziig sewing Machlnc in only misc singer sewing Centre pnnlop Street West arrrle JUNE SPECIALI singer Golden Giido Vacuum Cleaner reduced sin singer Sewing Centre Io nunlop street West Blrrie mm SPECIAL arnnonn Sin ger round bobbin nrthblu with raven stitch Sncc ai $41150 A5 Biy Singer Sewing Methinc unlop street West Barrie mm Zewheel homemade closed In wiLh sheet mm wide long ath from rhino pert otter Telephone PA 55501 More pm me SPECIALI The powerful RolloMilli Vacuum Cleaner lor the Special price or 39950 singer Sewing Centre as nunlop street Welt Barrie SALES SPECIAL Notion itcnu sclerorn uttnchments zippers etc Reduction or inveninry 10 off singer Sewing Machine Centre is Duulop PA 117960 SALES SPECIAL Open arm Fea therweight Machine first time nfrercd $20 off singer Sewing Eights Centre no nunlnp PA lo Mulllon Win ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERS MARKET lo HELP WANTEB To nun um INN dunnoAnn nod ehnlr at In Unit my Ind In no No Boil IIIlulu for quick Ill Dual If ennui cl on cue Vacuum hrs at PawSty one emit2 ISnnlcp But ARTICLE 03 ComteKilt en Table and in oilIII Anni tor locking moir Sin ch ed Ann mitreu App on strut or telephone PA Hist nIVINAM ml 11 cubic foot full WI new curly new tondlilon I115 Kel vlnnlorv Wuhfii delukxe model inn enun or or en min Lind nntomtic nher reconditioned us Ple aisfichrtmu Suite lgoanvez re nriy ton ll ood Pod mm Given dz double mm aura fighio 33 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED momma FOR summon conions HIGHEST TRADE1N VALUE Call McFaddens FOR PRICES PA 89288 CEMENT Mum wanted dud Telephone PA Halo flier pm mm mm wanted Mint be In ood condition And rrnonlbly priced Telephone PA Mm BICYCLE girle Junior blryelc Hunted for tr milIt bl in glod epnoiiion elephone PA on 38 WE WILL PA CA for load used fumiinro or any good uled hrtlele Individuli oi contcnt loin Phone PA FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS PLANT for Into nlrnting now may sovoy white and red ub hue nd cluliflowcr vlu per hundred IIIIlcrclt orrden Phelp lion Coo Fin one In It out 21 lilghwoy Eloiephono Elm volo 1mm BOATS MOTORS nmxcnON nndloe Radio Cone no pun for me New too Earphone Rouvcnwln PA em CASE LOANS$500 nI $22 or month Telephone PA to are Finance In Dunlap St es CEDAR STRIP Runabout lol Elie IA not complete with 45 IAJI Mercury motor and All lcceIsora It included Perfect condition Selling unnuhty PA in BUSINESS BOATS do MOTORS BOAT II doe hnronn In hernia for can Chine And no this on Al Comp Avenue cumr nan now conolion Alto luxury motor 1V LP wtu uli ponto No uncouth offer rumco only Agnes street Ic rom ruoibont for nit moph fled hull co np unrenry incur IrmalininAlulyIt TE Vet watt pAiiiethL 5FARMERS MARKET new on Chicken cool ment for Al in good condition In Broaden IPprwximniely line not nuiomuc ehun near one valuing Poulpmenl Priced tor wok uic Telphone Aluinn In In LIVESTOCK Ilium for Ill comic in non Temhon stronci mm Inf further information In PIGS wzm old or role Wecned Ind rirted Tolephoo PA cocoa for further inlornntlo FIGS Averflog IN lb exalt Apply to Geor IlsGlldrey Eamon not or eleohon in Is EWES nod luan for IIII hllo Inbred um Agpiy to II 10 on In Plno treat Coiling wood comic ROI511m cows three Imu torod two do In two Icoh two floutin registered otters one due in October one IMld Mr Nnnull im urchin Telrphohe wmy infill FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Cr SERVICE Ciro New Ilolleno nrvld Brown nutty Form plpniont 115 BURTONVAVE PA mm min Pall ammo EQUIPMENT Ellen IIIkorI Movie Harvester and wagons SPECIAL 0N DAMS AlleyHum No 10 on year old ollvor No on the flmoul New Holland No It 95 ALL AVAILASLE Now CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Get your lino and huilltorl clean ed now Service on All milieu HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tentl and Tarp Bamp Cola and Stove CoolerI BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD EAYmD 5mm TEIEPHONE PA m1 DIAPER SERVICE BARRlES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery ll FRANCIS ST NEAR PA 68551 Lei then pool of clgorette div EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL Tili Snl SEPTIC TANKS EUMPED Excuvntlng no Gnrliul Wnter Delivery Crushed stono uni Yard Socrhoo ror hur DENNIS MORAN ioAnneEtreet PAmm mSULATlON AIriIIe Insulation happy to announce in lfliLlLlnil to their ROCKWODL Blowing losnhflpn the All NW Alumin Ilm clapboard leing compictel instilled with Siyrcloom lntullb lug backer board in eight colore In also including hlulnioum Barrio doore Windde And lwninlo l3 WINIm SEAL ALL AhANmn FREE IsmAiEa mus Write or phone Mum 211 llilINESlNG COLLECT Biron YOU BUYGIVE us Trill LANDSCAPING uNE SPECIALS Buttonhole mak ers reduced to IA price Also Sev enl notion items men he plnkinl herrr and Skirt mrrherr Singer wsewinz Centre as nunlon St TRAILER for sale new loot with lounge root rinks Idjunhble dun wheels on tongue and lights new tarpaulin In root Telephone PA onus SALES SPECIAL only three trldeIn portable mldllnll excelir ont conditon from 995 Singer sewing Machine Centre 28 Dun lop PA 7950 BICYCLE Boyl 24 inn wheel hike ll Standard Liza bicycle ail iii 00 can on owon sireet PA mm nun MUSImooIr old 79 rest iAnngood condition moonhie on one Table mud on limiter gnure $15 eiephono PA um utter pan now WORMS for nle trerh dolly large olden boure not ice 52 per ion No order too mhu Clli 11 Wonley street PA Hose noon FURNACE Kenn nil harmoltct control in ex cellent condlilon with pipe in ciililed Priced at $75 For lurtber intonncticn telephone PA 611 NEARLY NEW Furniture cou ternclc Davenol ood Chain Chests of ammo Bedroomrun nIture ollo Iteirigerolor nd Stovcl Apply Russell Church Mo ror hIIc Homer ml anrton Avonuo Errrlc ELEmlC IzANuE Norge coupon one condition deaf well and uutomntio clock no Genenl Electric nudgorltor revolvln lhelvu $135 Apartment hire ocuic nudge no ernger Wuh or $25 Rohluaon Hardware teir phcnr PA ml BARRIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY Free estimates iAudInptu llwu nuintennnce Sodding leed roL ling fertiitxing oprnying Cedar uedgu nnd Evergreen rpeclnl Ity Kentucky or Marlon hlue gru nun tteld Iad delivered anywhere Reasonable rotor TELEPHONE PA 61555 FOR LANDSCAPINGV Sodding Seeding Lawn Maintenance CALL ARNOLD DEES PAINSWIOK mom PA 32909 Free Minutes MASONRY CHIMNEYS Rebuilt and Repaired irreo eltlnnfel passion PA ME PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archwaye Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFEOYI 60M PHONE COLLECT PAINTING AND pAPEpnANGnvc EDWARD Sluiln ANITSON Printing and PlpcI Imaging Spray Printing Service since 1920 RR EAnlIIE PA Mose SANITARY DISPOSAL Ihrthcr into PAEM MACHINERY menu by Indianath iyto tuna 1m AI Ink be Toilp one new open ALuI munu comhlnouoo Power any Bake and redor in new condition pl io Ir and II Iker um Service Building comicII Obtain marine flo It NIHmot Andean or em Iiiu Cooler in good nnninl order reloonen oro on ml DIlVIn all llrlB pom lover 6110 old Rik Sui A°Iollemr Bring or td duet coo relphone mill loomicpe mums MACHINE crou White No romping Inehln for me no uruey Harri foot Power hinder current KnuthW hit an or talk noon Pa mm POOLn onions BARRED ROCKS Still hard lie but or flu Ind in lurl penooll lei6 tlon behind our elmdtiock hee irtered hnicimy Accndltod flock Baby chlch Md chick And you gtTOM KENNY SEAN BAY mLINB Pollen for 21 weeks old stung to In he notes nc prom App to Mourleo one it Edgar rein phon PA um FEED SEED GRAIN ACRES or Choch my or running Telephone PA mil time Dlenlul Ivy will BAY FOB SALE Clover Timo thy and Alftn rtnnding or by the hole Apply to Lorne dale telophonl linoll 1mm Itnxzn iIAY to ncrer for role Standing APPly It ThuHen oil Conceulon of On Close to Highway ll Telephone me on mum email of Mixed my for me running or oiled Louied highww II nnd sixth Lino or Innirol Keiildly or telephone PA um MIXED nodding buy for role or cu be Arrlnged for blilnl Ind floating lltulted on lvod rold Apply to air Art tier Creig hunt or Telephone PA 35667 AUTOMOTIVE moron CABS son SALE MOTORS VIAU LTD RAMBLER imLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 11 GOWAN STREEI PA cocoa use BUICK four door block nnd rod in and condition hensonnble Explain er doulln telephone PA me son 1356 DODGE tlpn with no tiree icleph immaculate condi motor Excluont some in Allah I358 DODGE immlculnte condi tion with new motor excnllent tires Terms Arranged or Lnde Tclcphone PA HIM for further lnrormntipn lose CHEVROLET stutIon Wagon tor nle twotone rcdlo white woils 358w mile one owner Telephone cnnlp Borden lass ror rurther detour WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATILE HOGS Removed promptly ror disposal Telephone Barrio PA S7751 Long distanct Zenith $2800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been unansedto remove your dead and crippled nrm Ini male under the above Aci FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLELI BARRE PArkWhy83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 TRADE SCHOOLS ATTENTION MEN 18 49 HEAVY NWT OPERATORS Are In demand for hulldozele burpen graders dngliner And lhnveu If you uniY you will be Lrnine op inotructoro right on ed by tho ulprnent DON DELAY lNQuIhE Now Write including address and tele phone number to NATIONAL SCHOOL or HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATiDN Box 23 Barrie Bromine Out of town enquiriell invited UPHOLSTFIRY MomuCYCLE Triumph 150 ec twin new pllnt loo good condilt iion Priced reasonably Telephone Shroud 27am for further inform on 1552 PLlnvlnuln Sodn $150 Good motor Need Inme body work Can be Seen At no Woreley street or telephon PA mood or ter pin mo caavuopszr Sedrn blue good running order new battery new mother rnd first ciaIs es slu Apply to iteevle snnnty Ely ISIS CHEVROLET diction wagon v43 with nutomntle lrlnsnlilaion In excellent condition privnte sale leie hono PA Ssanl for ur ther detn is 1954 PLYMOUTH rour door two tone green rod white Take over poyrnentr $550 per week In good condition Telephone clhh Boil unv PA om ror rurther put ticulm 1951 CHEVROLET clean condition good rubber radio in top running order 3350 also lost Chevrolet dark real and mechanic11y custom radio9gieerdgrdsiinorsh bndym mg $150 op Ape roll out recntplint lob so 1952 $540 Ford PIChIP good runner and tlru 5m sprouls Supcrten lehmway 21 one mile South cl Thornton Telephone Ivy llRii MOBILE BONES FOR SALE OR RENT in F001 CABIN tniler Sleep two Blink beds electrical wired Priced at 3295 Good clean con dition Telephone PA 89701 CABIN lS McGlnnis Aluminum furnia ed nil heeter electric brakes excellent condi tion $1000 Also 10 hp Evinrude Outbound Ml nan Cown PA Mm PERSONALS UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND IDiapelieS 5111 covers OBroadiooin nCommercial furniture installation CHECKOUR PRICES SAVE 35 MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOISTERING AND 3116 C0 64 BAYFIELD Si PA Mal PA 39931 Out of towncall collect Complete run or flbricl ehown In your home CLEANING For fine furnitureand rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ETIMATES PA Mm PA com WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DEILLERS FREE ESTllIdATES Coupland Drilling RR N0 BARRIE PA 87646 YOUNG LADY ego IS going to work in Toronto While in meet congenial person with View of Shailng opariment Telephone PA Elmo between up pm WOMENS COLUMN smug gngagmwmfi etc co nor our aim home Phone Bernice ItyPA Hafiz or PA 537 LOST FOUND CANOE iart eon including puddle llle page and cushions ht Loire Slmcoe Will uncor plane Telephone Toronto EA 50522 WRIST WATCH gentlemaul hem wnich inst rnundoy It tn fire It Cundlcl hellmill Iaona of the firemen Finder telophnne PA BZNZ lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPEER required ror arttime employment in Allin nTelePhone Alillion In 5770 for further inlormetlon 25 PER WEEK luI room Ind loord Ior girl WIII good chum ter to do homework in Barrie home Apply Box ll Barrio Ex llnlner TEENAGE WANTED umoihnre lid for lummer month he in with baby dlahel bedl elm rum in to iApply to Box Exllllnel stating Age hddreu Ind telephone numb piean Barrie mum RETAIL CLASSIFIED SALESWOMEN ID ammo AND GINO Poor wrm coNsmnAnLl OF OR ADVANC Hm PLY 1N WRITING SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARRlE EXAMINER PROOFREADER mouthed ma sum nAlmrzn Pleu cool in your own hone writpg io Tfll BARRIE EXAMINER PO BOX HI TYPIST Required AFTERNsz ONLY SDAY WEEK Pleasant air conditioned otfice vin leuoe etc to 53 slid 533° mumm MALE HELP mall scnoon have noted for turnip tom Arty in Van ner Itoony Soul hit strouo Telephone mu Stroud or put time Must be hullbio to work evening And Seiurdcyo Only experienced men and MD to Server Lm her company in Brtdford street Tum him or partLimo Iveu in work Handy nieldly Ind weallend for floor oleping ech vice to Still helm 11 weight to nor Al Bcrrte Exe or SINGLE MAN 30 to In Ilght llrm done looking After ltlnnll Alibi of hour on PIlvlle all close to Metropolltn Tort onto This poxiuon entllll no lenenl farm work Applltlnt mult bl out good worker Ind lluhinel hceuent llvin nondi tion and llilry or rlél mm Apply pox Ia nlrrie minr MALE on FEMALE PARTTIME our end dish men or required Immediately for rum Izfii 3hwln Wyn Imiir on East Barrio up TEMPORARY employment or heat Appearing younl men or wo men for promotional ndvertioing deplrthdent No soiling Salary Ind bonus Phone Ior pointmeni ailing Waili Condl ODIN PA EMPLOYMENT WANTED haugmkgedg wontl firm or wor or on Telephone PA Mm WILL Loon After pro chooi chil dren in my own home viclnlt Olkley Pnr schooL Found in yrd PA Sozhe GENERAL Inllnterlance nun re qutrel employmentvul nccept Any Itlnd of work can drive Any kind of heavy vehicle Telephone Benton mw forinformation nor AGE 11 high school slud ont desire summer emplovnicnt Io Srrrio Will accept any Itlnd unemployment Telephone PA nooKKEEPEIz hired on Iorviro full or Accountant ro rennon After In your in iocnl orm aeeklnB Mime ampiayinnnf John Idling filth Street Telephon PA Moll LADY In early torile would like housekeeper position Ciel re liable nnd ood Ipinin cook cheep rul disposi on erronrhle wlgel Will go anywhere Anglvrto Box 11 Blrrlo Examiner 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEER ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND 0me LTD PHONESBARRIE PA cacao VICTORIA HARBOUR snailzz Finn note 27 Flu Advaiflfldz Professional Service Satisfied customers BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE MONDAY JUNE 26 1961 AT PM SHARP Sale will be held at 151 TlFFIN STREET Ennkrupt auction ral oi form supplies equipment including feed ouice equi meat em mn nhlnery and true Terms cosh neanitoly no Iervo the honkruptcy must no Settled For Author information phone PA 55449 Elmo Jerry Coumlln ReportCrasll Of v5 let SAULT STE MARIE Mich AP United state Air Force Floi jet fighter plane was reported to have crashed Thursday in western Chippewa County of Michigans upper peninsula Michigan conservation depart ment otficials reported the plane was last heard from at 105 pm The plane was re ported to be based at Wurtsmith Air Force Boseill the upper peninsula lew day at Hamilton also called on Mrs Francis in BASEBALL 37 cm ASSOCIATED P185 America now WLPSLCBL 453 653 415 401 353 58 3334 3087 237 Detroit New York Cleveland Bolton gainith cage wuhiuiou Klnlu Olly HILLSDALE Mr and Mrs Plain Spent Mrs Prank Playford daught er Patsy and son Bob spent lost weekend at Scuit Si Mario with Frank Playfnrd The annual banquet of the Wo Irans Teacbcrs Association of Show Region 5A was held at St Andrewl Presbyterian Church June The pruideni Mrs Jean Scott was in charge of the meeting whldi followed Guest Speaker was Mrs Kil gour of Toronto president of iWTA ol Ontario MISS Ev Rumble Song two solos accom panied by Mrs Richardson Mrs Rowct has returned to her home after spending the winter in Toronto Mr and Mrs Alvin Drcnnsn attended banquet In St Pauls United Church Midland June in honor of Mrs Frances Bell who is retiring at the end of the school term Mr and Mrs Douglas Dawes and family of Peterborough Spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Thomas Dawes Mr and Mrs Edward Dubie are spending some time in Tor onto Mr and Mrs Gernld Ganton and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fisher Gau ton Mr and Mrs Chambers Mr and Mrs Wright of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs John Grange Miss Margaret Thompson and Mrs Frank Piayford on pc tientS in Penetang General Hos pital Mr and Mrs Don humble and family Barrie were guests of Mr and Mrs Ralph Rumble during the weekend Mrs Gordon Rowat gave miscellaneous Shower for Miss Nancy Grange June 17 Assisting the hostess were MrS Robert Scott Miss Patsy Playiord Mrs Oslcr Copeland Mrs Charles Thompson and Mrs Gordon Thompson Miss Carol Train and Miss his Lockhart have gone to the Drillio district to work for the summer months CROWN HILL Mrs William Edgerton visited in Toronto on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bart Junker 5nd New Toronto Hon Drury attended the opening of the new County Court House followed with luncheon at the Golf and Country Club Rev Fred isomer of Baysle Ie during his recent visithere called all Hon Drury and Mr and Mrs Harold DrIIry Mr and Mrs Sam Axiord of Ottawa visited relatives here during the weekend and attend ed the Paddison reunion Miss Hickliog accompanied them on their return trip to Ote town and while there will attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Jarvis on June ZS Mlilllllli INSURANCE mos1s cameras RUNABOUTS INBOARD OUTBOARD BROAD FORMS comm FACILITIES PRICES BUILDINB RECORD WI Mona £le York Mlhnuotn uhliimn Chicago Detroit 15 Cleveland Boston Kcnm City Baltimore Los Angelo Pitch1 Tod Deooit Lory Ioo nt Clove ilod Gro lvl Wuhingtnn Mailllu 00 at Chicago Mlth 36 New York Sheldon 32 at Minnesota Krallck Boston Nook It Kin Oliyv Archer 51 Baltimore Fisher At 10 Angelo lGrba 51 Guine Sundny Detroit at Cleveland Washington utChicngo New York at Minnesota Boston at Kama City Baltimore Lot Angela Games Monday New York at 14 Aug Ni Boston at Kennel City Only games Scheduled Nationl Lelgue LPctGhL 427 336 403 58 3678 563 8228 533 4851 2931 338 4651 Cincinnati Loo Angeles San Francisco Pittsburgh Milwaukee St Louis Chicago 2439 391 1w Philadelphia 1940 322195 Fridul Relulil Loo Augclel Cincinnuli ii San Fred SLLOIIIS 10 Phllo 12 Pittsburgh l1 Chicago Milwaukee Probable Pitcben MA Chicago Bobbie in At Mil waukee Cloulnger San Francisco Lemay 00 or goalies 55 St St Louis Gibson in Angeles Roulnx IN At Cincinnati Maloncy Hi Philadelphia male at Pittsburgh Mlzeli 45 Games Sunday Phlla at Pittsburgh San Fran at St Louis in Angeles at Cincinnati Chicago at Mllwaukeo Games Moody San Fran at Pliilc Milwaukee at St Louis Only games scheduled International elm Pet cal 25 3625 so 27 35 so 81 23 28 32 Columbus Charleston Buffalo Rochester Jersey City Toronto Richmond 27 38 115 13 Syracuse 20 to 303 2W Fridays Result Toronto Jersey City Rochester Richmond Bulfan 54 Charleston 64 Syracuse 41 Columbus 54 Game Today Toronto at City Buffalo at Charleston Rochester at Richmond Syracuse at Columbus Guinea Sunday Toronto at Jersey City Buffalo at Charleston Rochester at Richmond Syracuse at Columqu t2 BALLSTIIRS Pitching Camila Paschal Twins Yankees only second shutout of season giv ing up six hits and one walk while striking out eight for 40 victory Hitting Harmon Killebrew Twins drove in all four runs with three hits one homer in 44 decision over Yankees 615 590 557 588 525 467 NOTICE TO ALL EASTAND ALLA sciss BED spom WIN RACE FEAT TORONTO CPIOur Slrder the steady sevenyearnid cam paigner owned by Frank ShemInn of Summon won the featured invennere Plate at Woodbine Fridny In 189 Our Slrdll paid 3331 SD and 37 The dolly double of Three won and Scotch Fairie paid only moo as both horses were favorites The quinella of Real Gentleman And Papa Pheasant paid $5600 BANKS TAKES LAYOIl CHlCAGO AP slugging liar Ernie Banksrnf Chicago Cube benched himself voluntar ily Friday for at least four days because of an ailing knee tth ending his chance of set ting National League consecu tive gamer played record He played his 717th consecutive game ThursdIy The league rec ord in 896 held by Stan Minial of St inuia Eonka left knee box pinched cartilage which has bothered him for several years TOPS COLLEGE GOLFER IANN ARBOR Mich AP The University of Washingtons Judy Hoelmer staged late comeback Friday to win the an nual womens collegiate golf tournament Judy best Karen Schull of the Unlversity oi Kun eas iup on the par71 Univer sity of Mlchigun courle DEL RICE HURT LOS ANGELES AP Vet erau catcher Del Rice of Lon Angela Angels suffered badly bruised collorbone and will be sidelined or at least live days Dr Robert Kerian club phys ician disclosed Friday Rice we hit by foul ball Thursday night BALI ViEliDllliS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League AB Pct Cash Detroit 221 53 82 371 Brandt Haiti 161 37 66 359 Klllebrow Mind 201 39 70 348 Piersall Cleve 254 39 as ilu Romano Cleve £340 78 g35 RuneMantle New York so Rm bailed illCull 60 altoPierson BS noubiee Power Cleveland 20 HillelWood Detroit Home munerll Now Yorit 27 stolen hue Apcricio Chi cago 2i VPiichingVLstman Cleveland 61 SirikeouteFnrd New York Honk Pitta Aaron Mil Clemente Pitta Moon Loo Ang loin is Altman Cbicago 17821 57 RuneMays San Francisco 55 Rune batted inCcpedl lei Francisco 55 niLePinson Cincinnati 31 Doubled Colerrian Cincin nati 16 TflplesVlrdon Pittsburgh Home rune Robinson Cin cinnatiahdCepodn in stolen bagelPinion Pitching Padres Loo Ange les 875 shikcoiiteKoufax Loo Auge les Ill BUS PATRONS NDALE ROUTES The following in the new Schedule effective from Jilly 196 for the East and Allcndhle Bus Routes Daily Service Except Sundays and Holidays Leave Dominion Leave Five Points reeveessseé Leave anvil Five

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