Home Huntip lo THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS SlAGUlnEAi the Royal Vic toria llnspltal Barrie no lriday Juno 1061 to Ilr and ill Robert Marvin Mincsingb son brother lnr Alan and ilarion GOOD Nuws smirkwarn on announce the birth or your ud In The name lbsminor clippings ol the none are Ivauhir ior babys hoot Fumlly pre Keenan and In mail your Irlends and rein tl es In those hruwli places To lac liifrha Barrie Examiner Elach lied PA ulIL DEATHS BRJIISHNPassed away and deniy or bi noasc RR Barrie Ontario on Friday loan is Iasl liaior Nchnli anmsua beloved husband Esther Cunningham In his 57m Tll Rciung the Jenncil minerI llomc uarrie ior service on lilnndl June ll pm lnIermclII nonlion Celia iery clmkcluLLpasscd the Princess Margaret Tomato on Saturday June 24 lbbl William Churchill Bradiord street Barrie In his 51th year lusting at the Jam netl hlncrai iloma liarric Inr luneral service on Monday June 25 at 330 pm sIuIIALDAt the Archer Nun Ing llama Barrie Ontario on Thursday June Incl Martha alattida Whethnn ol Elmvale be Iovcd wila ol the isle William slbbsld dear molhcr oi Arlle and Phpn both ol Elmvnlc Alma lilrs Parrccotit oi Blrrle and hay ol Toronto in her 8501 year liosilng al the James Lynn Funeral Home Elrnvalc tor lulp era service on Monday June zii at pm Interment lililsd Cemetery ILOBA service on urday evening at oclock ENGAGEIIIENTS ANnaltsoN KLEINVBLD away at llospilll lilr and Mrs unrry Andcrson nl narrie wish to announce the cur gagenicnt or their daughter Fibr ance Mr Peter Kleinvald son oi Mr and hips iolln chlnveld oi Thornton The marriage Is to take place In Trinity Anglican Church Barrie on Saturday July 15 1961 at Oclock IoNEHOIzNISu Mr and Mrs Cedric Ted uncs In North street Barr1c wish to announce the engagement oi their eldest daughter Winnilrcd Dorecn to nmmls Cumiah son o1 hlr and Mrs Thomas Cornish Gnnd Bank Ncwloundland The mar riage is to take place In st Georges Anglican church Ear pin on July bth at pm IN llmMOEIAM cAitSCADpENln loving snelm ory oi my dcar wile Edith Cus cadden who pinned away lane 25 hflrnarmn Is golden chllllr Death tries to bruit but an In in To hav to love and then topart Is the grcatcst sorrow or 0112 heart Iimc may wipe out many things But this they wipc nut never Tne memory or those happy days When we were both logelher Lovlngly remcmbcred by bus band Percy COMING EVENTS DECORATION DAY BAERLE UNION CEMETERY SPONSORED BY THE BARRIE HorillcliLlUKAL SOCIETY SUNDAY JUNE 25 Placing oi Flowers230 pm Service3 pm For detaus call Burnard PA smile ANN UAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL St Georges Anglican Church Utopia Hall WEDNESDAY JUNE T0 ii PM Program ADULTS v25 CHILDREN 15c Com iIIEAi PLATE MR AND MRS Wu WILLIAM 113 STEELE STREE Will be at home to their tripod and neighbors laid and new on TumDAY TUNE 21 196I i5pm79pm on the occasion at their 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY STRAWBERRY TEA BAKE SALE ORANGE HALL ALLANDALE WED JUNE 28 TO PIM ADMISSION 35c AUSPICE CRYSTAL CHAPTER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver tisements are inserted at the mic III to per ward per insertion for One and two times in per word or three four or ï¬ve times and per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional dinrge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 950 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARGLE PER SINGLE IN SEETION mods oil commTloNS Advertisers aro reminded that all phona Insertion orders aro accept an as convenience to you tho adveniscr Thereroro tho Cllsslflzd Advertising Departmcnt requires all advintiaala tolgindiy rechcck their advertisement Immediately Icr lIrst lamlion In ordcrthlt Iny errors or omlsrlons may he reported bsiors II ma In order that same may be rectiï¬ed Im the tolinwlng days insertion ordar We Willi to hint nut that The Blrrib Exa nor In responsible or only unblnunrmztly rnted insertion On any ad emnnl lnd tilemonl to the oriental portion or that Invnlves til misprlni Errors which do not lessen the value ha Idvuflllo meiit are not ellflihieJor darn tions by main looting hates and typo sryicallor ch clasrlnads may no angling thrash ThbExmeupt an announcement alter birthl HAROLD FORSTEIL REAL ESTATE PROPER FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR COLLIER SEEK PHONE PA 5267 EvmlNGs CALL lier scANDlim PA was Piracy Putin PA 8190 iismber oi Bands and District and Ontario Bul but hoards RANCH STYLE NHA ihree bedroom brick home close to Collulhlr codrinaton and SI Marys Schools Apply rl Eugenia st PA stilt MOVING For complete nsovln service Idler and Inlet Ill COOKE CARTAGE E7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT LI Essa lid Barrie pArkway 5557 PA 58125 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 95 BAYFLELD ST PA 66453 vuno TOWNSHIP no acre ram 15 acre or hush brick house Large barn Garagc and poultry house lrom plvcd road pull Whom 30 acres adjacent to paved road over looo root troutrs on can cenion road $4000 full price LAKE SHORE PROPERTIES Lovely homes and lots on Kcrn pcnreit Bay betwcen Hawkestone and Barrie Contact Norah Rattles Member or barrio and District heal math noard EVENINOS CALL Emory BILLES p11 was so pALlIIEB pa was KARL MARSHALL PA 917 NORAB mums oro this PAL4405 prim CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 824I9 93 Dunlop St ABEL MARSHALL PA Hm canny phum STROJD BEACH 12 acres wooded llhd close to iIkE right on concussion In In nlslil woliid trudu or small house FOR RENT Newly mademlzcd two bedroom apartment 590 Includes beat light and water In this lovely apaximcpt other apartments ior ren ATTACHED GARAGE Two storey six large rooms IIIIIIIS well kept older home on Park side Drive spacious lot most cars GOLF CLUB AREA This beautiiul new modern and spacious house leads liscir to comlortabla living andgra clous entertaining ilrc laces in living room and recrea on room Bathrooms on each floor as wall as charming powder room Beau tItuIrirces on well landscaped grounds with pananrnlc view COTTAGE We have lull selection 61 sum mer cottages on Georgian Bay with choice randy beach $3200 up WE WELCOME ALL TYPES or LISTINGS AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 8v5901 CENTRALIONTARI LARGEST REALTORS BRICK AND STONE DOWNSVIEW AVENUE MODERN $19500 Custombuilt home with invtly vigw of th bay Blal schools and EthPlnE cent Tappan electric range huut In wall with canopy lith and all divider cupboards Hanover opening two ways Double Sink with Delta isucet and garburator Large living room with brain tIiuI rIrcpIace drapes and rug cars1 be purchased lor Issathan 60 Valanca lighting guidan Iighting ior Christmas reen Bathroom has vanity ins kind iAck stainless steel tures and timer ran Four good sized bedroom Fireplace In downstairs recrea tion room boughed In bails downstairs Provision ior two man rooms down as water heater Hot water gas hcutilw By lpypilshllent only call pA 5901 any time IIIEIIIEEIIS OF THE BATIIIIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD EVENING CALL Merv Toniaoro isle Doris NuttycbinhePA saint Edith GalilHn in Harry SlumpPA m1 AmAOTIVE Blinding Lot lor aalcm by 12rect on Letiua Street outs do city Ilmits F01 an ointment to Inspect Ielephuna Ab5llu CHOICEv flood tiled lot In inniatll Townshipilocatnd mila rum Rnllonlhly Friend for iliék its 11W X17 BIT to millet particular llali milc extras Shanda Iml PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REA LTORS ONE pUNbOpelkEETEAbT First in Barrie Balm SpicaForeman In Qllaliu OLScrvice PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Nils lawns kl IL MOOREPA Burl BonusPA EVENlNGS CALL um BARBIE as DISTRICT REAL STATE BEABD CLIFF BROWN smith Clmpbeil Members at Lba Euna Real mists Board Inspect REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA Hm PA ma PA Hm Pergun GarveyPA 07953 LT PRATT CONSTRUCTION ur For Workmanship andVaIue MODEL OPEN 7930 PM 29 MARION CRESCENT Joan ungPA uial FOR INFORMATION PA 66283 NORMAN HEN RY SheSweH REAL ESTATE alloKEli nunlop street East PA 8996 OR 68752 EVENINGS CALL lbs Length PA 601a Everett shalswell Oro 291p Howard Norris PA 356 lack wulson PA H51 in Lemon PA H173 Norman sbciswcu PA weal ROSE ml ESTATE BROKER 1h TIFFLN STREET BARRIE GROVE AREA BEDROOMS iuii price bedroo llv arrears kitchen and bailiffI hill basement new lorced alr gas lup nacc well located to an schools CENTRAL storey brick homo located very central in the 62 area bed room and bath upstairs Largc living room and lamlly size kil chcn downstairs Fuu basement all heating ncw rooi This home is in exceuent condition both lin aidc and out hilly landscaped lot with planter at front or house Full price only 510900 ALLANDALE i3 ROOMS BATHS Income home The upstairs rents at $105 monthly lcavlng room apartment for the owner down riaun Fbxceri air all heating Large garage 70 as This prop guy located very central to stores and bar line Pull price $11900 sHANNON STREET bedroom brick bungalow with altached garage large living room and extra large kitchen lull base mtnt with completcly iinlsbcd recreation room iuIIy ianoon and landscaped lot Apple trees and bzrry hushu this Is very olcc home and well planned and ycu should make an appointment to sea it now DOUBLE HOUSE Double house Each side has rooms and bath Located In good rcnidenthlaica ldcal Ina veslment ranting at present $135 monthly Pull price only $10800 with $1500 down payment CGE AREA $6000 run price rooms mil basement gas healing Good In vcstment Terms cush to Owner CALL DAY Oh EVENING PA 82379 number of the Barrie and District Bell Etta Board Two TRIPLEXES or saleln the east and Na reasonable oncr fused Tclcpbona PA Mind or DAILY CROSS 0RD DOWN ACROSS Trail Slide caution ZOpeu work El ls Willie fabric Brandta 813m chamber city 11Wash Spiders supra 12 Suiup 13 North sMerant Atlantic $me lizard at 2y 152mm 7Inter Illinoan IGaerijng language implement Tepid River Zodiac sign in Elbe IE Blunder 10 Close in 19 Give 14 Choose 3L Farm 19niacuas can 2431110 27 To ascend MEMBER BARR IVAHII ELRICK AND MICHIE lS OwenSt Barrie PHONE PA asses REAL ESTATE OWNER LEAVING THE CITY Benutitul landscaped bungalow In one or Tiarries best residential districts This home has uving room with Ilrcplaco alto large kit then bedrooms and tiled piece bath Nawly decorated This is one or our best buys pleaaa Inserti gate Prlcc 513000 Terms 58 NAPIER 51 Living room kitchen our bed rooms iwo place bath and show er full basement Lot 67 lpii with irult trees pull price not with am down hllhncl 37 per month NOTE We arrange Victoria and Grey Trust On brat mortgages 507 or apprslscd vnllle No bohlu After hours phone Paddy MilesPA 05200 Bob Ficweiliug PA 85833 BOAKE REALTOR ill EEADFOILD 5mm BARBIE PA 85387 OR PA 85833 suli aching tarma to union or arming Clara WakemsnpA 37451 Ralph BonnPA soap Member or Edirib Inri Didirid lieal Estate Board $300 DOWN 49V acres of llnd an plved rand at Baxter about iiir miles to camp Borden Irom this property ideal location Ior building that hands or homes Owner will hold open lnaortgage on balanca with low halt yearly payments Fill price 525002 Contact Emory lulu er representing Harpltb Forster heal Estate 98 anheld street or call PA 50476 MOVED May 16 1961 TO 113 DUNIJP STREET Null to brown is ca STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE PRIVATE SALE Seven mom bungalow onu Ind onehalt years old 51990 down vicinity North Coiiegiaie Owner trdnslerrcd TELEPHONE PA 68024 For appointment 20 Plin gent vege table 21 Min chievous one 22 Sound aath 23 Jolie Stars 25 Kind of skating 25 Guided 28 Encla sures 80 Greek island 82 Dish 33 Northem Stimuli navim Yesterdays Answer 34 Melody as Walked 37 Delta temua 88 Em plays Exclaa mation as close to II ï¬ï¬‚ll AVAQHIIIHQQ tube all 52 LilliVial li IIWAHIIII VAï¬lllillIFIï¬‚ï¬ momsde Indhbldl 42 Captain nldd form iicavlty Giuel Pom ï¬ilflï¬llï¬ï¬iï¬ Iflillyll lllï¬llfllll Illlï¬wlil REAL ESTATE pnoanT Eon SALE Aï¬Ã©dN Ii A1 45A DUNLOP ST ragpm Neal door to the Imperial neatro CONNan was PA 66481 Member or Barrla and District Iicsl butt Board INCOME HOME C10 to st floor am Ills home MW was Two lovely quiet street Wcu Ideal extraa Private llit THREE bmnuohi lirick Bunn low Living room with Iiro lace an ptd dinlb room and Itch Gnod real cnual strut Ail en new homes lclaphana PA b1191 Nllw rim bedroom Bunxllpw hardwood floors our piece tile bath on healing lot audit located at palnawlck Low taxes Telephone PA MIST NEW BEDROOM Brick liunra Iow attached gangs close to on schools bargain or one with good down plymnnt Apply 110 R05 Street lilulzmiim Possession Largo income home on Baybeld street all best double garage nice nowcr and vcgclabls garden lira sonable or quick sale Telephone PA 5515 Tribal uBnrtooilprick balsam ma kitchen combined living dining Near North Concil ayrnent 66381 mortgage Telcp one pA low with attached garage Lio late Reasonable down It it IS lest Eduiypc windows and screens moved iron present site seen at the rear at in hit street Telephone 756 BitEADWLNNER Transiarred must sell lovely thren bedroom brick hours to enable lamily to inib him Location north end Any reasonable offer considered 12 500 Please tell bone PA 37032 lulpecuon tiny but Biam noon Erick Home bed but water iuli attic and basement garage patio redecorated rooms dining room on hrnplacc bay windows trees tompietely substantial down payment PA 04427 BUS OppomIINITmS GENERAL STORE For pain In Bruca County Village on main blrhwsy Last years pach $55000 ahowlnr 11 proht Mod arn living qulflcn with all elty thousand down payment required or would cxchbnse tor property In or near narrle Box ii name Examiner convenience malvn FOR LEASE Modern twony Service station In tin Town of Huntsville OnL Good potential lor aggressive pen aohulity For iuriber particulars please contact TEXACQ CAN LTD BAiihlE ONT TELEPHONE PA W1 OR PA 32229 PARTNER WANTED with 02000 lor summar burlners lnvutment could be earned In on days Apply to Box 20 Barrie Examiner GENEBAL Smith for sale Sideinad Amy ammo peaullhsl summer resort on Lake Slmcoo Ten units with conveniences plus winiellzed home and garage Tale PA phone Mallb Cunningham 55100 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FlNANCE its DUNLOP ST WEST BAiqu PA 5020 MONEY AVAILABLE You arr Invited to discuss your mortgage problems with us with out ohugatlpn providing thb pm parties aro ob regirtered plans In interest at pro vaiiing ram call Cilng 01 out of city in 00 round St Earrle Miss $1200 FIRST MORTGAGE wanted llnmedlutely to clear up an er Iatc Apply 50 barrio Exam lrIer MnthAGESistand 1nd bougullit1 and residential moneys loaned on existing mortgages Barrio Mm sold and nrrmgad er gnu Broken PA HEEL HILST MOWIGAGE wanted tats PA M101 nvnvluniATE Mortraga Loans to consolidate debts pay alt existing mortgages hnmg improvements Discuss your problems with us call in appointment rhodium over pualop SI etc 60061 Jddrtlale SirnpsonsSears Em MONEY To LOA MOUNTAIN or DEBT my am oar Now With Lowtor urnInsured pLANmAN THE BANK or NOVA SOOTIA PHONE eryl church Bal rla Sci coutunpd apartment up stairs with piece bub ilain aprelour rooms private bath Good basement new ins lun lou wlta IEPI spot lnr ebllnren PA RENTALS puma Ior business an at lit nunlcpstxni Rut can venisai in tho Avaliaaa rar sue weekly our in setup OFPICES STORES BENT on Volt IL is lrct Central leeurn HeatedParkiiig Soluble or any type at small purines heat 55 per month Turpbans PA ml or drlaiis APTSe HOUSES T0 RENT THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location stove and re rrigcrator but and elrciricll supplied Pllvlu1entnncr Ava abe Jilly $68 per manila iELE PHONE PA asses Am PM IOUII knoll Punished artr spent bath Imm Ia possession you 60 Owen Strce camuni located air room honor or rent uniuraished ou heated Also garage Tclrphc PA awll Ior IIIth partialn muubimoill eating or apart meat to ram year round partly tarnished iclephnbs ml Way Beach enl conveniences lnr runner particulars le now Telephone evening for titular flei iii IIIIIMSIIBD Ecd sitiln balcony ou hralcd central Apply in IIcDonald rstreat pAluI HOME in rent with mail luilsdale vicin Telrpbone Monnsinnb Mill TWO Room runsishcd apartment Includes hot and cold water Suit tile or out or two udultr Avail PA 57396 Iioom bodrcom kiichcnolt open rig onAi rialacn Availbin Stplembcr with mind To be re lly bu empen PA Four blocks lrom Plvu °ointa Telephone at aonreconrr Beach Replymcnin as rent Telephone scrond will or apply at stars ntbconccsslon and on Barrie property Wano $1400 Ex cellent discount Telephone Illus cli Carson Carson Baal Ei EXAMINEII wnmmia Irva R0051 Apartment ior rent with private bath Heated Down town location Modem parking space Telephone daytime PA uses alter ii call PA mu Timur AND hall mm apart inept on Napier street ground Ilnor Stova sod reirigcrator aut omatic washer and dryer llctllr tiles healed Telephona p11 amt Twp UNPUBNIsliED Bacbblor apartments or rent heirigeralor and stove supplied Located downv town Available Immediately Tris aphonn PA 83751 daytime THREE ROOM Aplmenl wilt ha rep captained hot water ntflzoninr and stova lvllllhiz Tan mlnnlu will from downtown TIlEPhana PA Mm 11min liooll self contained apartment with stove and refri gerator Located In tha east end Available immediately Telephppn PA 6109 FURNISHED in room mcni tor rent with kiiehe sit nlelace large Iovcly ground or lng Apply i1 narcry Street elepbona PA W0 altar pm TWO UNFURNISHBD bachelor Apartments for rent hclrigera tor and rtoverupplied Located downtown Available Immediately Telephone PA 84751 daytime MODERN two bedroom apart mentaiovc and reirigeratnr rup pUed laundry and parking Iaclll ties Ianitor service Avauabla July Telephone PA M022 T113315 BEDIonII Apartment garage large kitchen laundry tubs washing machine Eydro water and heat supplied Centrall ly located 100 month PA 60392 MODERN three room apartment recently dacorated nesting and water supplied lng and lailmlry facilities Ava able July 15 Telephone PA 68907 evening IIIoDEIiN two bedroom apa mentl east cad Automatic laun dry taciiltlcs Available luly gcielbono PA 32929 or timber upplm 111mm spacious thre room apartment with balcony heated heavy duty wiring All rc decor tell Telephone PA 04510 meal hours or evenings mu boom Apartment with rivan bathroom hptwltar olI eatcd reirlgerstor and heavy duty atova Included Located on Burton Avenue Apply Centre street SELF CONTAINED uniurnlshcd beated two bedroom apartment Private bath and entrance cen trally located In west end Good parking Available July 1st Tols phone PA 85145 ROOM apartment stove and relrigeraior supplied Ilse as washer and dryer Dont miss lee ing this one Telephone PA 4750 lbs iurihcr deuiil $75 To 90 Heat Included choice pt apartman each with rooms iuily sell contained Avhflphle July Apply Rogers at Council Real tors phone PA 55558 LOWER DUPLEX sell contained Our Iargc rooms and bath Pri vatc with fontkund hailikclene snce Goo par ng an or down town Telephona PA 7527 THREE LAEGE Rubin Apartmot private bathroom on around 103 Prinllitf ivyPugh pbzrakslliur er cu ee Telepdlfoyne PA bowl or PA mm In evenings EAST END In modern three room unmrnishril apartment ped room large living room kitchen with dining area tbrea lcce balls room sell contained Envy wir ing PA mic AmAcmE three room surn lshed apartment lots or cup boards builtln breakiast nook Two blocks From shopplng plaza and beach Lover view Telephone pp balsa CLEAN uniurni ed three room apartment overlooking hay close to busand stores suitable for couple or bachelor Ava able at Once Rent $5750monthly Tele phone PA S9793 traumatic three main spart meat threu plcca bath heavy duty Stovenlid reirlgerato Hudwbnrl nobrn Sell contains Available My Apply AmtronfllHlnb ward amAchE three room unlur nIshrd heated Ipnrtment Radar corated rcu contained wllh priv ator sup ncsr conlile Telephone PA balsa Avmnnu August Modern unlucnlshed two bedroom haaicn ent In siroud apartment house No children or pets Tele phona Siroud is tor iurlher In srlrlngtion EouitnoDM Apartman and sun room iour piece lileha stove and lnlrileutor Slimllied CeilLTII location Nonhlldran Available July 10 per month Telephone PA 02471 on England Real Estate PA 6037 POUR LOVELY large and Ifllfir mont wlIn bathroom am is stor I18 room in bpdrtmelii thus room lmund floor apartment with Dublila dflfll oanlhl on link llWlI suitable or Cuupi with and Ehlidi Aim on hIiEl htfllDIIm with napkin privileges lullhie or an Tclephond PA 11nd to Watch Examiner Want Ads mm REAL ESTATE ELEV IT on NOT by Ripley IKE SHIPS lJalDhuuwd RENTALS APTSn HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS noonwnonnn LAIKEB TWO hcdruom apartment with pepnip nllilllcc nll Kmuhd noor garden Available July in Apply at on Campbell Avenue or To aphooa PA am or details nitAlED AND Punished three room apartment also one bed room to rent Apply at 69 John street or telephone PA 6636 or PA H155 Alter pm IIEMBD Apartment ior rent Largo Ilvng room bedroom din cm and klichen wiui rIovc and remgerator central huslncss cou El prelorred Available July elephants PA 50515 mo anIloollI unlurnlshcd apartment TteIrlgcrator and glove laundry tacllitles Central Oven looking park and lake iront class to schools Apply at ca allfa street or Telephone PA cLEAN tbrco room unturnlshcd boalcd apartment Stave and re lrueralnr Scll contained Good parking AVIIIIhlu iulyi Peel street and Sophia $55 monthly Telephone PA 612 NEW AND Iiiodern con and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kampenialt any llaat wa inr parking snd ianltor scrvlcc Included Automatic waahing la clinics PA Ill20 TullBB BOOM uniurnisbed Ipart Eleni heat water supplied Luan ted like and Dunlop Available Immediately lor inrtber infob mation Telephona PA 09054 or PA 05417 AVAILAIILE immediately One lilrnlshed apartment line unturn lshed Both scll contained 0n cblld wclenmc Days phonn PA 03270 nvenlngs PA 34808 ampliq II self contained un iurnlshcd apartment ior rent Central location 50 per month parking space available Teln phone PA 597 utter pm or lunher dcial om BEDROOM apartment in nice location karrlgnralor stove and heat Included with ample storage private entrance park Iag balcony overlooking nay Adults Telephone PA 50559 THREE IiooM unlurn shed apart ment privaia bathroom stove and reirigesator Included parking 1a Iillitles Central location 365 per month Available Tuly Tele phone PA Em CENTRALLY Located nawly dc coratcd thrce room ground flnur apartment hetrigeraior and stove supplicd Fnirlt will back ent rances Parking iaciiitics Self con lained hcstcn Apply iii Baybaid WANTED TO RENT APPROXIMATELY 500 SQUARE FEET Suitable for ighl industry Cen trallylocatéd in Barrie Write full details to BOX 14 BARBIE EXAMINER WANTED Apartment lurnlsbed or unlusnlshcd by September lat iar two or three tenehersprivata entrance and bath Apply Box ll Barrio Examiner Two STOREY brick house class to separate school with garage Prefer all heating neasonahio rent Can Sup ply gond retcrenccs Telephone pAaszil alter pm ROOMS TO LET EOENIEEED Bedroom In quiet home Bust end Home privileges Available now Telephone PA 54737 or lurtbcr inmrmutioll LARGE EEATED Rubin to rent furnished rclrlgcratpr rangetta and bedding supplied Use or washing machine Apply at bl Mary street Two FURNISHED Bedrooms to rent twolllnulu tram downtown Business men prcicrred For lilo tirel Iniormaiion telephnnu PA Milli ONE ERIGBT lurnlsbcd housc keeping rnom pr rcntstovc and rcmgeraior supplied Ample park ing available Located closc to Barrie Plaza Telephbna PA 56301 FURNISHED Housekeeping linoni Ior rent with rangette Includes use refrigerator and Bendix Centrally located Available im mediately Telephone PA 35001 for further detain comonTABLY Pilrnisllcd Bed our bedroom Sittingrlnomrfor rent with use at kitchen Llnpn supplied Located Dll bus mute Parking facilities Telaphone PA 50130 or further particulars CENTRAL two blocks mm down town Comfortable room In prlA vaie holne Parking facilities home priviicgcs Roasonabic Ielc phonc PA 05210 or iurther de taili noOM litpomp AVAILABLE Room and board Suitable for Kuntlemcn or two girls to share rbnml Ilcgular bus service Located In East cnd or city Toicphonc PA Spout Mimi STREET Vicinity licom lnd Board Gentleman prclcrred Will pack lunches Homujnvlla egcs Close to dcwniown Tele IllIona PAILBGGS ior luriher de 1mm COOKING Lunches pasted il desired Parking laclntisa Eoom may be had without board it de sired Telephone PA 705 SUMMER RESORTS LONQWOOD LODGE Lovely playzmund rplcidlls rpm hot and cold water Vary good ï¬shing Only mil mill in oil Ind icnnia court We hsvo Dinopcan cuisine inu opcan chat and alibomo cocking Very reasonable rater iieals can be served at all time via outsid cls weekend guests and lardlliel ard welcome Chm to Ailrndsls poll course mantra STEIOIID amid COTTAGES FOR SALE COTTAGE FOR SALE or rent two bedrooms all conveniences Wlm terilcd Located at inntsdl Park close to lake ply at InnIsIIl Parlt1 qu CABIN mu Snl2 Consists or two good sized roonrs wired Must be movcd olt lot Selling reasonably Tell bonerA 81345 or lurther dcta Is SHANIY any pahnurna Largo winlerbed wrieriront cations and boathouse drilled wcli bathroom Small cosh paymcnt Apply lohn storis cottage lat concussion casi Shanty Bay rA Mill COTTAGES To RENT cDflAGE lar rent at Big hay Paint name only 10 miles New with modern conveniences sala bathing boacb Available luly l5 August 15 Telephone PA 661 NICECOT1AGE Clwljl Béach Last week In duly and last two weeks in August Three bed rooms Mushll mhitmssu mm our kitchen cupboards fire place and barbecue Sandy beach Telephone pA soup chTAOE FDR ism iakoSIns coe Tollendai wateriront spac Ious ybcdroom cottage hoocold running water piece washroom electric relrlgerator nlId Stove stone iireplace naar Birth to ahopplng etc Avauablo August to Labour Day $25 hora cawao pA 34521 COTTAGES WANTED THREE on Form bedroom cottasa wanted to rent on ma Countri airing irorn July to August sandy beach suitable or chudron Telephone p11 mm ARTICLES for SALE IEAVE YOU mum BarrIe Auction Rooms and Second Hahd Store 55 DENLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 17 NEWSPAPER MATS Stub 22x13 mm mz he houses um IllZ CLL pasirct Ionuator 75¢ PER DozEN Apply Thonarrle Examiner Barrie Ontario HANDYHARDWAR UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ANDRADE JR SPEARE ISis Packard Ooaehisso Fargo Lton curbside Van Hydro Lino Truck nody Two Pop coolers Largo Webster Air Compressor withtapk lvss Vanguard car It not Cabin cruiser Mud Hun Sludge Pump and Engine HANDY HARDWARE PHONE loitla sThouD BEAVER LUMBER CO LTD PA 55541 odddonrs any sine odd bani sash 10 Izzir utility Spruca 2000 pieces 2x48 Spruce 315 per Iii or Air leach Sieel pooling slips sonar New Tv cabinets reg $895 Now $495 Combination donra any size slips Odd tiiIrIhny kin ac lill not skyrldgc Cottaga nispl loader neg ms SALE $749 Tp Cntiugb Fireplace 3095 each niumAmE Refrimirltoi 12 cu blc loci also Frigidaire Slave Inch dcluxc model Now rbndll ntloll Snciiilcc prlcu an organ mavinr Icle aria BAJMM lurlbar data Is