lTEIBARREWYBIDAYJUNE 13 ml ransom SCIENTISTS AT WORK Iii ARCTIC AREA or LARGE MAP 33 CANADIAN SCIENTISTS are in the third year of an extensive study of the Arc tic lslands and water in the MOST OF THE 70 man working on Canadas Polar Shell project based at Lsnch sen of Ellei Ringnls Island jecL Bola camp in the pm ject is at lsachsen on El Polar bootlncntal Sbelf Pro lot Rinsnes island Supplies in the Arctic hve in iibre glasslined nylon parcolls with tubular metal lrarnes similar to ouonset huts Stor comhm are flownllnto lsachscn eve ry six months from Resol ute on Cornwallis Island GP Newsmop age boxes make up the floors of these parcolls which are heated by oil stova rCP Photo Research Goes On Beneath Never Setting Arctic Sun Canadian scientists like trying to main up or lost time in Arctic research In this story Canadian Press reporter tells of plans for the third year of the Polar Continental Shelf Project By JIIVI WHELLY Canadian Press Stafl Writer lSACllSEN Nwrwmru Hundreds of miles beyond Can adas most northerly bandsoi Eskimos 70 Canadians are pushing into high gear the third year of the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project They live and work in quon setshaped nylon huts clustered in the snow and from March to September operate roundthe clock shifts in an eerie world where it never gets dork be neath the circling arctic sun Most important oi all Cana dian arctic enterprises the pro ject is intended to establish iinnly Canadas sovereignty in members professional scien tists and techniciansstudy for the first time in detail the is lands and the sea ice the ocean and its bottom and the earths magnetic field in the area But not only has cannda leaped into many fields of arc tic research in her arctic archi pelago by means of the project she also is unabashedly using it to develop and explore the tech niques of high Arctic deience sooner INFORMATION Such things as the depth of the sea and the limit of the continental shelf at any exact geographical location are clas sified as security informationT obviously related to the possi bilities oi submarine naviga tion other inionnationwith military applications are being keptunder wraps The submerged continental shelf is that land which slopes off gently lrom the exposed areas to depth of 100 fathoms or about 600 feet below the sur face of the water wherethe much steeper contine begin their descentginta the depths oi the ocean triangle ot three Decca radio transmitting stations in the projects field areaone of them on the northern tip of Ellei Ringnes island one on JMeighen Island andvnne of the north 5nd of Amund Rtngnes ls land broadcast the naviga bonal framewoflr within which the project operates Geographical posi ons FURNITURE THE BESTf lN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE slopes tDeccaradio systelm alEe$sen up and the base campvwili be three transmitters have been precisely fixed and they trans mit constant pattern of sig nals which when charted look like great spider web Whether field party is travelling by aircraft tractor dogsled or on snowshoes with the proper Decca radio receiv ing equipment it can fix its exapt geographical position within the radio web regardless of fog storms lack of land marks or drifting ice provid ing radio reception is possible BEGAN IN 1959 The project is intended to operate indeï¬nitely eventually bringing under intensive study the entire polar continental shelf area between Greenland and Alaska Preliminary survey work ior the project was completed in tha summernf 1959 and opera tions got into full swing between March and September last year First general change of locale of the project is scheduled for next year when the Meighcn Island Decca station is to he repositioned leapfrogging the other two to transmit from Brock Island some 250 miles west of its present ocation Enormous quantiï¬es oi sup plies and equipment for the pro jects operation are airlifted to and from Isachsen eachspring and fall RCAF Transport Command aircraft Much of it ierouted to Resolute oorCorn wallis Island by ship during summer andthe rest is ifted from farther south Chartered for the project four helicopters and four fixed wing aircrait operate tram ground landing strip near the base burning gasoline which costs eight dollars avgailon by the time it reaches lsachsen Crews of mechanics work around the oclg at jlsachsen doing routine backs and tests minor and major repairs to keep the aircrait flying The aircraft guided by the tiiil in the moving and mainlt tenaoce of field parties em ployed in 12 separate projects under the co ordinator Dr Frederick Roots of Ottawa Dr Roots says that the parties gain experience work of the project will be speeded SAVE 40 on mono Now CLOSEOUT moved every second year The naval lab group is study ing undertheicemeoustics to 111th to submarine detection and is located on the sea ice about 50 miles from lsachsen it was attracted to the area by the Decca system but has so air been unable to use it be cause of temporary shortage of receiving equipment Worirwdf the main project involves so many fields at science and research and is producing such quantities of in formation that it is unlikely it ever will be included between the covers of any one book So far most of the youth ful scientists on the project have produced for the public press little more than jottings which still sit in their brief cases They are far too busy at the thrilling job of pushing badr mans scientific horizons to sit quietly behind typewriter and just tell about it JUSITOLEIVWKN immunizationDouala onns 606a HGHWV17 HRSBARR MadeRite Potato Chips ara the munchers dellghtl rTasty crisp and oh so free Serve plain as tasty snack or with dip as party treat Three big flavours to choose from Salted Bar BQ and Onion Garlic SU son nouns moms More arc when is Moan more grain or truth in this sign posted near landing strip at lsadlsen NWT 600 miles from the North Pole base camp of the Canadian Polar Continutol Shell Prolt ject RCAF transport com mand planes fly supply mis sion into Isachsen only iwi cc year in the spring and LalL Photo convexniale CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS SCOTIA NY APlA ï¬lth gradc class at the Sncandaga School celebrated Christmas on the evool summer vacations All 23 pupils received gift Wrapped pencils from their teacher Miss Cecilia Dowllng who wished them Merry Christmas while music box chimed Jingle Bells She said the party had been delayed be cause the gills she ordered last Decoran had just arrived MODEL 83 GALLON TANK ONLY Manson sPEclALs TANK BIZ am In GA 11 GALE 10 GA CAI3 IMPORTANT Please Skelly Correct Model Number When Orderlnl All above nfleo quotes APPROX RETAIL SmPPING wszIrr 90 L55 IN L35 III L38 155 135 Convert Your PullADuy Iollcl System HOW mournsrs onouns No Visions sewnas PRIC use am pm mm TAKES ONLY MINUTE TO CONVERT To HUSH TOILET BYSIEM SIMPLY REMOVE YOUR Par5m now mun WITH In chipping charm extra FOB HOMES FARMS MUFEIJ ETC DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL JET PUMP For all lifts up to 701M designed to couvsasloa UNIT MODEL 1300 Come Complain with an item Illusirltcd Above Tho Septic Tank Ready To Install $6995 Including it Plywood am 595 rovido tile time at trou lo free quiet operation COMPLETE wna ammo PLUMBING AND HEATING DEPT Complete with gallon tank and hp motor and auto matic controls deep vull conversion kit foot valve pressure gauge full instal lation instructions ready install $7995 TANK AND marmnon an 2ND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG 259 INNISFIL ST BARRI PA 66531 LIALucats ail JUNE 22nd 23rd and 24th Two slur ot one lowihlc mm so standards and flisiqthlity low priced Big ihick Balh lorries Spore Duration Houidhold 5Iu 22x42tnnd bigger Linen sale Usually 93 No99 Ouch each Luxurlcuxl um um both twin to took up yobiondreobr of water Specialty pmhuua hem leadan Makers lama In Subltandnlds with only lltnht detect and com lull kind pu swarmammome and unï¬tymn ll Gui 00 alustvntlll fh UL Moursnoip LINEN ms until 711 My TERRY FACE CLOTHS continuum and any ppm 12 12 STORE Dolor 15 am 530 pan an to 1200 Noon othan Nth Light WeigYet Cosy Worm Double cholee of six washable colors Blue eoch bound with wldelmotcblno co or satin ribbon Doubll bed size 72 Wahasso Dependable fluality ShEeiS and Pillow Cases Household Linc Solo pair Bocauso they or sheet and rilliowsecsu by Wabasso youron be sure of quality product of tlrmwecva muslin for good satisfactory service and during Walkers Solo priced so you can buy for loss Two sizes to flt most beds Double bed8I 300 Inches Usually 499 or three quarter bad 72 Inches Usually 475 now both or one low price poll 449 mfiiiiw PILLOW CAS ES Of some fine quality cotton in full standard 42 36 size Usually 119 HOUSEIIIOLD LINEN SALE pan Good serviceable dual itry muslin move Two sizesBi double bed 31 00 us ually 499 or 14 had nine 72 100 II uolly 479 Plain hemmed sin 72 84 Sixcolon satin bound Houléhold Linen Snug weightless comfort tor Summer and all round tbosc om Reg 59a 99 Solo each looking bionkstsare firmly woven blend of Acetate and nylon yarns can coral yellow pink unturquolsc £4 Packed in poly bag Reg 598 HouuheId Linen Solo cash 499 550 concurs sin PA 60221