BEN LEE PRESENTS the James Soulcs Memorial Trolt pby to his son DavId who accepted it on behalf of Ms winning team Thisï¬nd the THE TOWNSHIP Trophy is presented to Roger Rix on be half of his team by the Rev Peter Trant These trophies are competed for annually un noaanr STMPKIN pre sents the Barrie Examiner IiGS Trophy to Keith Robert SOVIET EQUIPMENT Soviet aerial engineers claim first in aviation byfitting skis for sun and ice to 100 passeoger Irliner lEGION Bluco SATURDAY JUNE 24 EM $21090 JACKPOT 36 NUMBERS CALLED LEGION HALL 7I counsa 51 other two lnnisfil Township Midget Hockey league cups are on display in the spawn showcase in the township of ice der the supervision of the In nisfil Businessmens Associa tion members of which con tribute time to coaching and other duties during the hockey season son for the second time in row on behalf of his Midghty Midgets Examiner Photos Courtemanche Denies Demanded Kickbacks MONTREAL CPV Senator Henri Courtemanche and Ro muald Belhumeur former busi nms manager of Montreals Jean Talon Hosptil crossed swords Thursday before threeman commission set up by the Quebec government to lnvmtigate the hospitals hf fairs Mr Courtemanche firm to appear denied he had ever asked for or received kickbacks on government grants to the hospital He told tbe commfsion he received 56000 in payment for legal services to the hospital be tween 15 and 155 But he made nodeflnite proposal as to fee for his services Commission hwyor Andre Villuieueva aakd Ms Courie manche why he did not present an account to the hospital or its administrator Vancouver born Charge DismiSsal Publishers Idea OTTAWA CmThe name of publisher John Bassett of the Toronto Telegram was brought into Commons budget debate Thursday night Pickersgill Bonn vista Willingate started it by referring to an on on swcred Wednesday on whcther Finance Minister Fleming had ever received suggestion from ltlr Bassett that Mr Fleming should seek the resignation of the governor of the Bank of Canada Mr Fleming had replied that no such question was received in any formal sense Mr Pickersgill said Thurs day night The minister knows perfectly well that in the presence of good many witnesses Mr Bas sett assailed him because he Mr Fleming did not have the courage to fire the governor of the Bank of Canada Helorted Mr Fleming That is false statement It is not falsehood and the minister knows it Mr PickersgiIl said The witnesses can judge that He added in the exchange about Bank Governor James Coyne whose removal mm of fice is the objective of govem ment legislation being brought beiore Parliament The minister also knows that Mr John Basseit favor ito of this government the owner of powerful newspaper apparently has more influence than Parliament has inmatters of this kind with the present government in commenting from Toronto on the original Commons ques tion Mr Bassctt said tho gov ernment certainly did get suggestion from The Telegram that they should dismiss Mr Coyneas anyone knows who has read its editorial page over the last three years Mr Busctt added in his ini tial comment it may be remembered that in the midst of the last general election campaign the governor of the Bank of Canada issued his annual statement and was sharpiycritical of thevery fls cal policies on which Mr Flem ing and his party were seeking reelection The Telegram thought this was most improper course of action and merited dismissal and said so at the time can only hope that these edi torials did indeed influence tha minister of finance in his deci slon Best Place To Get Sick Will Be CNE TORQNlYJExhibition Park is the best place to become sick or suffer an injury this summer 0n hand for 12 hours of every day at the Canadian National Exhibition wil be minimum of 100 physicians members of the Ontario Medical Association None of the doctors will sport signs listing their names or medical specialty In fact they might not even treat patient They will be on duty at the Hor ticulture Building and the ad jacent old Sports Hall of Fame when the OiMA presents its se cond showing of Mediscope medical exposition designed to take the laynen behind the scenes to View the inner work ings of the practice of medi cme In 1959 Mediscope was viewed by 150000 visitors over sixday period At least double this fig ure is expected during the 15 dayCNE showing August In to Labor Day September Realizing the large task orce of medical personnel needed to man every exhibit from 10 am to 10 pm daily the 0MA ap pointed Dr Edward Massnm of Toronto to be responsible for mustering minimum of I500 doctors in active medical pract lcein Ontario Dr Massons first action was to appoint sub chairmen in stra tegically located areas through out the province Each man was suppliedwith details of the up coming Mediscope and urged to enlist the aid of all possible doc torsinthe area to man an ex hibit for fourhour tour of duty Bulletin boards were we pared for the doctors room on more than 200 Ontario hospitals and regular Mediscope corn muniques are provided hospital medicalstaffs IMPOSSIBLE AT FIRST At first the problem of find iIig 1500 doctors to volunteer theirtime at Mediscope appear ed impossible We realized that no community could heleft without medical services We also knewtbat most doctors have far too little spare time to IMPERIAL Now Showmg NOADVANCE IN PRICES FOR THIS BIG ROADSHOW ATTRACTION PLEASE NOTE Due To Its Length ALAMO STARTS FRI AT 630 and 915 SATAT 100 345 830 and 315 devote to their families or for recreation especially during the summer vacation period But my confreres throughout the province recligmized the ire mendous educational value de rived by the patient who attend ed Mediscope in 1959 Today an air of competition is developing among medical branch societies and some areas are planning to take over the complete manning responsibilities of Mediscope for one of the 15 days the CNE will be open The best medical brains of the province will be on hand to help erase many of the mysteriu associated with medi cal progress states Dr Mas son TRANSPARENT WOMAN One of the highlights of this yearsMediscope will be Lehra the transparent talking woman who displays all the organs of the human body and explains their function Another will be an wfoot exhibit explaining the birth of baby from the time of conception to actual delivery Medicine in sports the fabulous workings of the human heart the progress in anaesthesia which enables the medical spec ialist to take over the breathing of man or woman on the ones am able use are but tion of office on June 21 1957 few of the unknowns in the minds of laymen from which the veil of secrecy will be lifted dur inpMediscoper an exposition which cost the doctors of Ontar io 3300000 to assemble sir Mlllllillili snow Kettle At wai Iki AT 12 Plvs cAaToou PROGRAMME focus on norms STARTING Jana LEWIS BRINGS EVERLBgDYS FAVORITE $TORV ro FABULOUS NEW LIFE NMUUS PlflYEFlS Tlliillï¬i Dr George Kori for services rendered It was not the type of work that could be evaluated Mr Coarternanche replied knew wild depend on the geoem ityl oi ghegiori and was our as Mr Belhumeur Eugreed re posting his tes by that Sen ator Courtemanche asked for and received Io per cent commission on all grantsfade oral and provincial made to the hospital The former administrator said he personally had handed the Senator payoffs totalling 829000 nu NUI KNOW Quebec Health Minister Al hfny Paquettc Mr Courte manchcs fatherlnlaw ap parently knew nothing of the deal at the time Mr Bel bumeur testified When we gave the senator the second $10000 payment Dr Hori found it too expensive he said He sent me to Dr Paqucttei When told Dr Paquetie his soninlow was receiving the It percent cut he was surprised and annoyed He told me not to pay it any more Mr Belhumeur sad Mr Courtemanche was extremely annoyed when told of the visit to health Minister Paquette From that time on the for mer business manager said we reduced the payments to five per cent Senator Courtemanche said he knew nothing of the dates or amounts of government grants to the hospital and person ally never saw any of the cheques sent to the hospital as payment of grants Lawyer Velieneueve then pro duced letter under letter head of the Quebec health de partment addressed to fMon cher Hear and advising that $50000 was being paid to the hospital as the first instalment of grant DENIES GETTING IT Senator Courtemanche denied receiving such letter or if did dont remember receiv ing it He admitted his $52000 house in Montreals north end was ti nanced by two mortgages worth $22000 and $20000held by WP investment Company firm operatedby Dr Hort Mr Belhumeur said Mr Courtemanche later refused to make payments on these mort gages Ha quoted the senator as saying he owned nothing to Dr Hori Senator Courtemanche was appointed to the Senatadan 28 1960 He was member of the House of Commons from 1951 to 1958 and from 195 to 1960 For time during his latter period he was Deputy Speaker of the House and later secretary of state in the Diefenbaker cabi net Celebration Marks Years in Power OTTAWA CPLPrime Minis tar Diï¬enbaker and the mem bers of his party intho Com mons and Senate celebrated four years of Conservative rule on menu of roast beef and baked potatoes Wednesday night Members of the two Houses threw the party to mark the Conservative cabinets assump fallowing the June 10 general election that year He waspresented with book containing the narnes of all Conservative party members of oItIooI of Rum snow Noon rearune diction agonlas usually mifered was reported flunoday by Seattle research physician Dr Paul OElllorul die staff of Shade Hospital laid amazing success had been achieved inexperlmental treat ment of addicts with rub stance known as DPN OHallaren laid the use of DPN an abbreviation for Diph osphopyrfdlne Nucleotide had enabled addicts to stop using narcotics immediately and per manently without going through the agonies usually experienced in withdrawal BARREKXAMTNKB rumor JUNE Impose Maximum Life Sentence To Stamp Out DrugTraflicking WAWA CPL Legislation to impose maximum life sen tences on drug trailickefl and stamp out the illicit goofball trade in drugs was made law Thursday The bills were among it given royal assent in the Senate by Chic Justice Patrick Kerwin oi the Supreme Court of Canada acting for Governor General Vanier Amendments to the Judges and Exchequer court Act adds new member to the Ex chequer Court two more pulsne Commons ApprovesLegislation WAWA CF The Com mons committee on private billa overruled the objections of CCFmember Thursday and gave its approval to hill changing the name of the Ca nadianLegion to the Royal Ca nadian Legion The bill which alreadyhas Senate approval now needs third reading in the Commons and royal assent before becom ing law Arnold Peters CCF Timis kaming said the declson had come from the Dominion com mand level of the Legion He wanted the bill deferred to give the rank and filo members chance to air their opinions Aa nmember of the RCA during the Second World War Mr Peters said he had no ob jections to inserting Royal in the name But can see advantage in it either ML Peters said the Legions badge had been changed to eliminate the word Canadian and members he spoke to were not in favor of the change The same might be true of the title change wrnLnANG QUESNEL BCCP Ran ald Dennis Witkavich Iayear old mill worker was found guilty Thursday of murdering former employer and sentenced to be hanged Sept 19 Over CCF Members Objections Don Thomson secretary of the Dominion command told the committee that the name change had been suggested by former president of the legion and that all to provincial com mands approved of it Ba said maple leaf on the new Legion badge was symbol of the word Canadian LETS BE FRANK mm norm IN wants us was in nu awn cum awnnow on gun nruwro nuna Mm RICHARDSON spams SERVICE PA68971160VESPRASl ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE coin ltlllllt om Township Sllllllllll JUNE 25 III pltl Speakers REV BAULCH Barrie REV LEGGETT Uptorgrove Oro Central Choir Music By McCuaig Organist EVERYONE wawom judges for the Quebec Superior Court one more for the British Columbia Appeal Court two Ontario court judges and one distrd court judge in Alberta Made law was the rural re habilitation and development measure new one designed through federal provincial municipal pmgrams to chum net marginal farm lands into more productive use work out extensive soil and waler comer vation programs and assist marginal land communities to increase incomes through seconlt dary industry tourism or re creation The Farm Credit Act now will have loan fund of 3300 000000 up monsoon bill including more than 40 amendments to the Shipping Act was given royal meat Main point was the extension of exemption from compulsory pilotage dues to United States vessels in tho wholly Canadian waters of the St Lawrence be tween Montreal and Cornwall HURONIA DRIVEN THEATRE TONIDONLY ORIGINAL THREE STARTS SATURDAY Sink The Bismark when Comedy Was King KEEP your PREMIUM DOLLARS AI IN YOUR OWN COMMUNITY THE SIMCOE COOP ERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES 15 Clopperton Street Barrie Ontario TelephOne PA sIzsI 3ng THE COLOP ESSENTIAL PACKAGE PLAN TO RESIDENTS 0F SlitIGOR COUNTY Surgical Major Medical and Life Insurance optional No medical required no age limit on surgical andiMajor Medical RATES Single carom Family Contract husband wife and all dependant children under 19 Iils NollW communes owned $2900 gem $5300 Yearly by the pulley holders It isgoverned by Board ofDlrectoIs elected by the members rathecaOp has neean business fifteen years olsva service to tamembers the colon acts as collector Group for theOntarioHospltai Services Commission elep nethe office it to thertnfo noncomplate thesectlon below andm ii to lieabove address