Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1961, p. 14

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RENTALS ECU Maulltd an boarDun mmd nutrient nut end utter hum Inn Recently nearled Put smut mm Apartment or rent urn livn room bedroom dlnlt itmrmm Efishl ea In lo film Arulenle ruly Endogen PA eerie lwo lemma unturnldded npertlnent Palmertor end rtolre hundry Included centrel oven loom err end lAkI Iront Elmo In noodle ply ll fllnlkl Strut en lel one PA cutAN three room nniurnlrned heeled dpertlnent stove end rv truertor Sell eontelnod Good nrkinx Availbio July Yul mummy tree Ind Sophie Telephone PA and NEW AND Modern and Ind bedroom lpmenu annexing mull Kunpenleil Bu Hut II tu emu Ina lenitor lurvi Inelo ed Antonetie euntne cllltlu PA 51902 mud nqou unrnrouned It onulnefl nrtlnent Nut end not valor lupp ed Newly decanted mmurnoul 15 per monlh or weekly rate It dellred Telephon PA um um pin mun BOOM Aperunent with rivete nemmom not enter ou eeted ntfllentur end hour duty stove Included Docled on Burton Avenue Apply Cent stml IUBMSHSD three roan Ipub merit three piece both nenvy duty etove Ind rattluntnr mrdwood llIon Sell contelned Annole July Apply Ammnll Kurd were AmAmVI lllna room unlim nlrned heeled evertlnent Redr coulod deli conteined wlth nr eto htnronln stove end rel eo Itur luppUed suite or null nou couple Telephnnt PA Hm AVAILAnm Aurult Modem unlunthhpd two bedroom outed tpertment In stroud eprrtnunt name No allow or Dell rete none suoud ed tor lurthrr in omluon POUR ROOM Apnrlmenl Ind In mam our place Illa bulb IIch end relrlhntor supplied Cenlni loullon NB ohlldren Avllllbll July S70 per mnntll Teie thlB PA 71 or Wind ROI ltd PA mu BUSINESS RENTALS ms nouns Idlers douse To RENT ml 00 alumna In mt hill Iltll mppiled led out end Dunlap Aulllbll Mealelk In harm WID mtloo le pom PA uou or PA um AVAwll Immediately One nullBed mull one wanna tolled Blgth MnBonluged PIA cntld we lune on 33210 Viall1 PA mm ertntent or mt olulnlnx It llvlnl mm bedroom end kitchenette Indee eto nnt Telephone PA mm or Mar Plrtlculln RENTALS WANTED 10 BENT command 10 mt HANDY HARDWARE SUMMER RESORTS 4ARTICLESfor SALE ARTICLES for SALE noun tom bedroom mulnd cm 1an 03mm Point gm oogmu all Ni NEW MANAGEMENT sumo ml tennu llnrt be In turn our Annals TMBW PA 5H Am that or yamrnlshe Sapllnbu or In Or mu tenchon Print cultnu Ind NIB Hal nem homer lwo dram our bedroom prick house elm to repent more with nrue Pnltr on routine annlbil rent Cell tnp ER rderuntu Tllwhvnl Ml otter Pa Ileana bl huh Anlllbll Jill lb Aunt II 71113 PA Hill NICK WAG It Clwlll Ina mnllnllllyndlnm mom mm of and In on till gnu Ind barbecue lulu burl flme PA Gull carnal 1m me dine lollendl udtzrtrunt Ime lm derooln com notch alum wllll In ch mo Peekrd conch lleo rem 1193 Mild Vln Him In lruelt Boo Lem Wobmr Alr Commuter Irltn unk Ines veerouo eer II loot Cobln Elm Pump and Burma BEAVER LUMBER LTD Blahrt udder ANDRADE JR SPEARE bro Pop coolerr REAL DmAYL Crulur Hod hen HANDY HARDWARE PHONE lame moun IAIN Pol nu do token en liecock Ant um 051mm MOI DOMINION TIRE 11 MARY 815 RAM Telephon PA um nunprede Lllnlied cull Pramn Smltll Corone Ru uxo now Will all chuP do letL IL Hill noon Ir dnl in on electrle ntrilen or end no PA mu unlined rpergoenf TnI rent 390153 TO LET emu emuu neu Bud tor odd doors In em nto non nuumymln Arm Gndlnx run Clnlnl iDutlnlL no mouth rennin ete Auueolo An Odd nerd lull net Pond construction M91 nee rerun epeto evrue Tele lAlum mm Mon to It to poor may we lion wen In Iralr be V1100 Hut PA um non PA even mer tor tundran rerrueruer lulu PA on further datellc flange wpflfiwlm firan 23 Arm me at re enld one or mu BKLIIJEWgIBm rtmeht Ln very street COTEAGES WANTED mg sghillmn anginal on on or run Dun end our Included with mol mm Btflmml mu or raw oedroanl rotten Private Emulate Pnrt RP mm 11 noted to not on uh Colcol ovumn or in roe ule Am Itnrlln lnr Eeleony overlooking III Adult Telephonl PA ow mu ROD unmmhllld with meat prlvlke lumen lllfll Ind ralrlxenlnr llltlllded plmnl lllllel CenhII IMIUDIL 353 per month AVIIllblC July Tula yhdno PA mt Dunne rnen pnlemd Put me lner lntonnetlon tlepnooe PA um Study belch tumble for nhiidrun Telephone PA um $leI 1531 mrnthesd haul lo or rll on 533m eupplied Ampl we in nubin Loceted clue to Bell1 Pl Telephonl PA 56 ARTICLES for SALE nod lecee 11H Spruce 71 or on to Rodin Hum Strand wentd lol Ilerel 96 M96 NEQ me no dlenaeter locner end tool 1mm Telephenn EW nrll Junlel hlmln lrl In must bl in load tonal on Telephone PA ml cemhlortlon doon dny rue plus nun Iflml on re LLY Aé mm Home noon ht mu forled tore min mhedynou tor rent wltn rum ciudu Borne Auctlon Rooms ooa trimnor land so Ila loot gage up Hammmcm lplrlmellL Itemxerttor uflltan rupplled mot tllllnd heted Apply Bull1d end luck ent nukes Perkin lecllltlee sell cun uu Mirtar Bundlx and NURSING HOMES NURSING HOME diluting em lor elderly or eon Vllement Rubenbl in Plvl Ileplel Nome one normal IVY WANTED TO RENT APPROXIMATELY MICE modelL til Centre on nunlop PA om Centre loeeied Avnliehlo tn Bm medal Tel hm 14 second Hand Stow IALu lrzclAl Complete cm tor Illrum um 51 11gt Coll nrep 91B econ giianegln Iii SleguhEGIELhL neuronAnn thlshld ned PHONE PA elem In Control as lllllnlop 5560 lstIIna llll lwlllglledmmmhg noon pin il to dln on com on mm on our route Perkin nelllllel rereeo do for turtnr lull to no Aply°76 EIUIIIITSE lel one PA who outlaw cm two block ram donr MATS town Comlnrtxhie room In um um vote homo Prkllll lldllel mt mee nuns old home pr1vllerer Itosoluble Tell Med mam hunl PA doere Ior runner de 75c PER Dom elk The Blfll nullliner Mp1 Bufll Dunno TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ROOM BOARD ROM coodeLunener eclted ll deelred Pernod teelllueeplloom 2500 Paydfieilfioldlhfi Elle CASH REGlSlERS sndéQUfiF 55 2931t°wfil°lu $323 sewléuéopfio my IoIEIedmin gafiiglwfié 5d¥5lfislf°llré REPAIRED ulidetaiid lo lor Iurtner delnil By CERTIFIED MECHANIC BOX ll BARRSE EXAMINER REID McCRIM 117 All Examiner WI All co LONGWOOD MBARRIE SERVICE LODGE GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year SURPLUS STORE We have large selection oi sleeping bags tents cots sltr ves etc We also carry approv Lovely sllymund lPelour roonu not In cold wnier Very good lilmnx only one mile to loll Ind tennlr eourt We hive Wynn cuisine DB Telephune PA 82414 opell on end or home uokllll ed lilo jackets Paddles and boat ladders So why delay Very remapbio rem Idem cm see us may anan PAINTING AND 3wvfilrela élreéfiinlifllédlfi yAPEEHANGmG re welcome Clorr to Allanlell R055 SW nousm AND BUILDINGS 1° PA 60622 EDWARD SMITH AND TEEHONE STROUD 61m AND NED Pllrlunl ml p531 USED museums chairmen built under 55 hm $95 00 TI lllxoll WIS 13 RR angles lg HM COTTAGES FOR EV SETS ENDIOUKI name cornea roll EAL or rent two 4900 moorland Po Av um ER Ii3nll°i°i5iiit PEI NEW AND USED close to hire Apply Petaldell APPLIANCES GAMING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT Pan not And demo cot end oolerr BARRIE TENT AWNING 00 um ad l3AYFLELD 5mm WHOM PA Mm DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST tovu DIAPER SERVICE Mc weekly pickup St deltvelv II FRANCIS ST REAR PA 58551 Lee tlun peek of toth Tim EXCAVATING m7 GRAVE OP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exclutlnx Ina GullInt WINK Delivery crurhed none Eel Xeni meno lur hm DENNIS MORAN Ann Street Eelri PA tum FOR SHOVEI WORK ntcAvnmlG EACKKDE cum DRAG LINE cum dusmtd on RAISING sum 55 noon setuvu mom mums an ELLING on aAéltrIIruNG DOZ Int wonrt PnoNE smw ART PA noooz No ANswm curl PA wont INSULATION Alrtlte insulatlon ll hIpPy 30 Announce In Auditlei their HOCKWDOL Blnwlnfl llulllllldn the All NEW Alumin Ipbelrd llillnYl completely Wllh Styrofoun ImIlllb lnl cker hnud lndzhl colon all In 11150 MEI111an Alumiqu oars own lwnlnu WINTER SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ETMAIESI TERMS Write or Phone SCOll mum2n MINESING COLLECT Will You nuYnm III TRY LANDSCAPING BARBIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY Free minutes lmdfllplnl lewn mtntenence Soddlnl seedlnz roL ling lemming Ipnylnz Cedlr Bedlel nlld Everneem peddl lly Kentucky or erlon blue mu nleo tleid rod delivered embers Reerorlnhle rater moons PA mess MEET TIM grazflgx SEC Elihu St MASONRY VCHiMNEYS Rebuilt and Repaired hprutlmmr masIGNII PA eoou rhesrmmu sTUcco STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archvlnye Patched FREE ESTIMATES TERMS STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 38Ciapperlon SI PHONE PA 84562 WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Telephone Barrie PA $7151 Long distance Zenith 32800 at our expense DRILLIA License GSCGI DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT IllLe under tho allon Act FREE REMOVAL PhaneCOLLECI BARRI PArkwny 846 GORDON YOUNG LIMITEDBARRIE LICENSE soco UPnoIsmn UPHOLSTERING TOF EVERY KIND IDraperien Sllpcovers OBroadloom OCommercinl furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAm CUSTOM 00 BAYFIELD ST PA 61611 PA 88931 Dill towncu collect in yqu home CLEANING rug cleaning chII FREE ESTIMATE PA Lilli PA MAI WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRJLLEES FREE ESTIMATES CouplundvDriIIing RR No 3mm 87646 DllCHES SSTUMPS IBOUIDERS oDuG omench ammo CALL KEN WINTER lflMARJAVSl 3mm SANITARY DISPOSAL Removed promptly or disposal ED PECONI AND SON LTD We Invn heen Ilcensed to remove yollr deld Ind cllPPllri firm Inl UPHOISTERING AND RUG Complete nope or hbrlu rhown For tine furniture and MAYFAIR 0F BARRI rt luanfll Plrk MCFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 All Enmlnet Wmt Ad Phone 81414 Bdrm FREEZER with the llnm Rm Ind BLUE MEATS ETC 130 allruined nullity Bud Tum nu olden moo end over Cmplell Lin or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICE tn IVIulDI to llama who will to porchn their order deity et your KLEERPAK lree demoertretloo to Centre to nuoiop zucnlc very road condition Chlllndl for dotIILl lor styiooIdeuc Meehlne ldr onll Suvan Centre Welt Elma JUNE BPICIALI sin Glide Vccuunl clerne sill Slnlcr sownll JUN dPlzclAL lel round bobbin unlov Street Well EAL SPECIAL New Styled ltan lie2c Moonlnr complete decorlive latching selectloll For Sill Sew PA 57960 lpento Pollen in $80 ILIO nntennn with lo not mm Telephono PA 51377 dim szclALl lhe amour Sin lizard Sowinit 6950 Slnldr Dunlap street er Golden reduced Centre 23 Dunlop street Welt anrrio Brand nu sin LoriAble with revorle sutoh to 950 Ely SLllnr Sun on illchins Denial mull 2wheel nomemede cloud In with rlleet meul or ride 93 gIonll QElhl mm nine er er ee one Sm total more mu PHONE PA wool Free Delivery open Priory uu run TOP SOIL GRAVEL AND FILLI LOADER AND TRUCKS JUN stclALt tne rpeclel Sewloo Car In Welt Blrfld Dunlop PA undo Til powerlul Roll0Kltlc Veeuuln Cinder rd or $4950 sluxer to bump street or SALES sPlsclAI Notion itenu ecirsorr luxchmenu zlpperl otc Reduction of inventory 10 Slnxer SewnIE llIechtnn Cenlro 25 on ltmnmnnmxzx MAYJUNEIH ARTICLES tor SALE or hire suns sPncIAI Open em Per 53n Time er JOHN ELLIS gechlne Centre ungulllopfwfl Construction Im to PA 34300 Indiein portehlo rnrclllnnee exceTlu on Enhelonegtoghrerolg flimrnsigxer en re PA Hm lap rll emu JUNE SPECIALS Buttonhole nuk Ien reduced to price Alla rev enl notion item such plnlrinz rhetrr Ind lltirt merkerx singer Seleu Cenlro 23 Dunlop st BICYCLES Boyr zl childs pedel rtnuon ellin and condition Owen street PA Moat inch wheel nuleclrle ldlldlrd ilzn bicycle wagon ur Apply l9 ARTICLES for SALE mama Inflown1 ulely my dry lull walnut but IMP pen uni end rendtor can pleura and lltoot moulded ply wood but with no denoted concavi end mm PA MY NEW nroitun Chu trreelde nevuoe add coeln 3qu at Driven nedrooln l7th nltlln also nurumton end Slower Apply Hamil church Mm bile Hamel 11o nurton Avenue lurid mvlrulol Refit Sling ll cubic loot teeter mull new candltlnn 3115 Kel Vinlat wnher deluxe model 950 Villa Walla In tale moo med ntntneut lair mandltlonkd It leee enroll Enlto lut ne 50 rerulerly moo lined WI Rudy aseanbled PICNIC TABLES $1795 While they int BALL PLANING MILL ANNE 51 souTIl PA 524 PATIO STONES Ion Ii IM PIG mm and 223 mm mm Iota re ww mucus WANTED sarieant CO Ltd cmm mn Wented med Telephone PA and nun pm KNEE IllYlR wanted Mint in nod condition no reuonnnly pflctd lelcpnone PA Sun We WILL PAY cAsll or good and manure or In and Inca lfllcla lodlvlduel or content lou Pnnnc PA on FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS Mary Street BARRIE HARDWARE roll llu lam IN APPLIANC Wood hurgaflunlly LI Idccllly stove 140 Bully Auto Waller Sm PLAN or llll plum now rudy Suva wait no red ub nue Ind crullnower 11 per hundred Illlterert Gerdeoe Pnelp non and lio one mile at 21 Ill hwly Irelepnon vlln Tom FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES THE APPLE BARN MEMOS VARIETY 311M lflur own wnulnu new PEICII HIGHWAY ll SOUTH PA 591 STRAWBERRIBS or II I11le Picked lmmthl llldln Sold In one qulfl boxes Apply IE III gidr street or Idlaphond PA lm or tumor detour BOATS ll MOTORS Gently wllhll lul plan um PHONE PA um nxw WORM tor ule run duly lute orden houn not in $2 per loo No order too endll €5316 11 Wonley Sinel PA BOX AnKB lulllbll or mill on so some parcelin inundf tub It mlllhll for port or buement rele phone PA two on FURNACE Kenn tor role thermoltet control ex eollent condluon with plpu in cluded Priced It $75 For lurtner lnlornlntlon telephone PA um cImDM TAPE nnd dinLr rot or nlo trey tour chin and leevel on ubie Selllnr renonenltl tor qlllcl nlz Telephone PA 57032 liter DPD llama canvertfidfllor Aaonurnynlle mm V0 hlIV duty 33 sea Apply culey non figurpe OUTBOARD SERVICE 12PM Repairs to all makes of wax STOVE white enmel mo OUTBOARD ans dero chrome trim wnn clot CHAIN SAWS et Incl menu mo IIrner LAWN MOWER electric null eutomtle nvoh Bothln Al condition leltpnone WIN I9 Intelll Puke cor oer nl man no rerodelo Rd PA Moll Ideenlnle ce nod by sandrd POP conned eomerelel Ilse Eonnerlno lnrtltute omnto Bolt mine lopolrd Tullr Im Po PA m2 Ru PA Hole completed lllnch tire end wheels Wented lete model car ELGIN hlvo nth Pleno noye nleyclo rlephone aro 1m BOATS AND MUIORS lqu ol ell ured Vlcwln 0N DISPLAY eleenele All in zlnt elm the slo 3nd up Apply Hoover nunlop all PA Carle Boat House lull service DE ONSTRAHONS TYPEWRITEIIS Portlblel lnl GED l1froém £51 Etag2 SIMPSONSSEARS Etrufiéée PAS592i writ Co 14 S65 lsso 11171 MAHOGANY Deterrt Coupe lop Boll 76 Ma Johann Motor to pcllon mutant Gn Tull sooturht Speedometer Artnch run Colll Kltcn en Tobin Ind two chnln Lnl Relrlperetor hocking Cln sin lle Bad Ind lullhfll APP Compu Plke Polo Puddle Llfc Ron street or telephone PA Preeeryers IdderAn not2 MISS Kml Phone PA 5401 HQKRAMERT MOTORS LTD MORE VALUE PACKED SPECIALS YOU CANIDEPEND ON KRAMER QUALITY CARS I958 Studebakerll Door Sedan aleIllan blue with mtcnln bluedrlnl In excellent condition red illnlb cer ms or your tn down will get It I958 Dodge Door Sedan shiny red endwhite twn tone ntlio nutometlc tnurmuelon elem cut rourt ncuy lnulllnl on In very good condition 215000 down wm noodle or your tnde I959 Austirl Flelldl grey ln colon wlth smut nd holstery Radio van clalll Edndulonklnz idmflyzcnr $90 down monthly wlll Illnle thin nu I957 Ford Door Sedan Smart two tone brown Ind helge will mulching interior Shndllfl trenstnlninn OnE chIl DWIIH drove thl and $1259 or you tndo down and term ll low ll £50 per Donut 1956 Pontiac4 Door Hardtop andth mm and ll dood touoduulmnohlle euy tome on 1956 Dodge Sedans Wa lhlvn two Ioellods from Bhth Ire Illa Id1n veryelaod coll llltion Down peymente al low undo Inlllndllthly peymentn ot $9150 will be arranged Pol that runner err Extricer on the form Enter cor tor M7 01 JIIIL good Lllniflnflltlfln Drop In Ind lalrolll Mllel lVQlIle releetlnn of and 51l RI Very low down plylnerlld Add 13 nyf notme were peymenu cull hImmxcdHSea my to RALPH KANE VIC TOWN oilellmcz gt Bl LYNCH AKRAMERCARIS QUALITYGAR NORM onto cAanIIm Kira merMDIQrS Lid 97 Bradford St PAS6651 U1 mtoned teldd end willed WATS STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE QUALITY cons commons SERVICE PHONE mm 737 738 AND 241 FAIR DEALING NO GDVIMICKS I960 Meteor Cylinder 2door Hardtopl wttrl eutolntlc drive end custom rrdlo Dweller ulue In mert Ind mlclllnlcnlly sound all i958 MerCury Pdrléldne 4Door Hardtop with dutometlc drive power hrnlm end merlna Thu luxury ur llu both Rodd Ippedrnncr Inrl perzomenee 1957 ChevroIet DeIRcIy Coupe eieen end meeneolc round on ottnetlv donned nude or Kalil I957 Chevrolet 4Door Sedan with Illndlld Lnlllmladlon onwwner car but III II at cure 1956 Buick 4Door Hardtop palform belulllullyl I955Dodge Station Wogonv ondeueendnretul uolt elem out utmtlve pomegon 20 meoome luvmt ln nldch Id Nil best rnu Ioeelly owned our to elem ind Malian trlllb sen WANT MANY OTHER sPLENDm vewns IN USED CARS 0N DISPLAY AT OUR SALES LOT IT WILL PAYYDU DROPIN AND HISPch OUR STOCK mum AL mom Incl SALES LOT uAlN 5mm EAST slAYNmTm No 241 the CLASSIFIED 7USEDCARK Iisis déIIy Ior ihé besi BILL Winnimem need 164 on Benuh 75 BRADFORD STREET SAVE oN THESE CARS I957 Plymouth Plaza 4D7RefinisnEd$895OO USED CAR 37gI ECIALS ON MOTORS i953 quge 12 ton Express $32000 1956 Dodge Regent vs door $695 1956 Plymouth Sedan $645 1955 Dodge Regént SedanAutomatic $450 $395 $450 i956Dodge Regent V8 Sedgng I955 Plyméuth Sedan $199SpeCIaIS I954 Plymouth Sedan Automatic 1953 Dodge door I954 Ford Tudor I953 Dodge Regent Overdrive I953 Dodge Mayfair door I95 Dodge Hardtop I952 ChevroIet Coach CONVENIENTTERMS NOMONEYDOWN iF YOUR CREDIT CHECKS in used 75 BRADFORD ST PA 85971

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