CRIS service was taken by Mr Weat hm ity Min Della Agnew whose Mrs Vershuur and Mar garet of wack 80 were recent visitors with Mrs Versh uurs sister and her family Mr and Mrs Harry Ploege Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ed Buic and Ana were Mr and Mrs Arnold Van der Vald en of Barrie Mr and Mrs Gor don Strath and Betty Mrs Jam es Strath Sr and Jim Strath all of Saurin and Mr and Mrs Vern Gordon Debbie and Mar ray of King City Several farmers from here en joyed th eNorth Simcoe Crop Improvement Association bus trip to Guelph to the college and experimental farm on Friday Mr and Mrs Johnlfood had succesful auction sale on Fri day Owing to the illnes of Rev Mr Ritchie the Sunday church erlrolf former minister of the Duatroon charge Mr and Mrs Harry Ploegc and family accompanied by Mr and Mrs Nyhnff and Mrs Vershuur spent last Friday in Niagara Falls The Bates families atlendcd tho Thornton reunion held at Springwater Park on Sunday UTOPIA Mr and Mrs Bennett ler gus were guests of Mr and Mrs Bell during the week end Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons Mr and Mrs Vern Welland and children Mr and Mrs Don McFadden or Barrie were guests of Mr andMrs Jack Ellis at the weekend Mr and Mrs Allan Glbson and family Alliston were gueer Tony Martin Fulï¬lls Dream But It Will Cost Him $75000 By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD AP Tony Martin is going to Hill dream this summer even though it will cost him decade or man ago the producers of then forthcoming Broadway musical offered llouy the starring role Tony newly married to Cyd Charisse turned it down Cyd was under contract to MGM he says It would have meant that we would be living continent apart So turned it down and have wasted any time since making money lve often dreamed of what would have happened it had taken the show Now Im going to find out at least partly The show was Guys and Dolls Tony was offered the role of Sky Masterson played by Hob ert Aida LOSE MOVIE Pans Later when Sam Goldwyn made it into movie the vet eran producer offered the part to To ny This time was ready will ing and able Then Joe Mankie wicz was hired to direct Ha fa vored an actor over singer so the part went to Marlon Brandol Tony who has never worked the legitimate stage before will finally play the role in summer stock if get stage fright Ire says Hi just tell the conductor to switch to Begin the Begulne 875000 DIFFERENCE Tony estimates the difference in pay between summer stock and cancelled night club en gagements will cost him 575000 And its worth it im singer and gambler Once it cost me $2000 to walk across the Sands Hotel casino in Las Vegas to buy newspaper Once during the war he got involved in hot gin rummy game in plane flying over the bump in the Far East Jap planes attacked us but none of us looked up from the game he recalls And that should make him ideal casting for gambler Slq Masterson Crop Prospects Poor on Prairies OllAWA CP Serious dc terloration in crop prospects over wide areas of the Prairies was roportcd Wednesday by the bureau of statistitx It said the setback has been caused by two weeks of high temperatures and lack of rain bureaus report is based on field reportsreceived here up to Tuesday night Good ri weather has made for excdleot growth of pastures and all field crops the bureau said Trrrvrsronrnocnsns CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE may arms 00 Popeye and Fall up Junior Roundup Cannonth 100 News Handlint 601 Daredevil Dan 014 iann Th oun on own 930 Perry Mason Danger Man am sun will Travel argonop 1100 CBOTV Nan manna Walth Todu ln Spam Community Nawl 1135 Movie To Lat for Tall SATURDAY mm as Test Pattern Ner and Welthu Cdn Track Held Ohm lat gaming Air Show Denntr The Menage Tho Peoples Choice 58L Httko assess uniquemum may mm Professor Eldoawny Men Into Spun orts College awn Weather and sport utdoon Leave re To Beam ran Third Man series Brother Branixln Two Faces Wen ï¬n 5T1 rt em as eran 1111 Better Late g5 Night 111 tr ea Cahanden Ship Haas apuurna sATrmnaY more 21 100 rnm murmu 1100 Promsan 1145 Boys raw Hausa 1215 nysn Reports 123015acrnr Credit Program our Channel Nine Theatre Count of Monte Cristo hfgxuaBaï¬ebabilw or resz 0on1 own er 13 Palladéum Sh anurn aw Mo Twenty Quetron City 1030 Juliette Nb Sn Hunt 000 Great Mavch 11 Crow CEO Nam rern News Weather SportI 1115 Georgian cum rwrn nru rm Staps to Dunner Franchise Alltr armour mm as nus no Pattern 1100 Faith For 19on 1110 is the we 1213121 gum modvymnu OPENB In 1715 mm Time 1210 Pratt interview 1011 Good Life rneatr ran Country Calendar 100 Junior ngsnnn 100 Comedy Playhunu 130 Cdn Open Gorr coo Men of Action uo Music by an wuds 323 01 all son Rollin flood 100 National Velvet 730 World of nun 1100 Ed gum Show esen Background Meet McGraw 11 €ch TVwmvdl rt ewp II or 110 1115 Mam Eight oclookywulk CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO 100 Flat the Week 1050 Johnny Esaw snow 1100 News Weather 5me LLIE Manhunt 1L6 Saturday Night nut Boots Malone 115 tioguo SUNDAY JUNE 25 1030 Youth and neugrun 1050 Stories or Sunday 1100 For Your Entertainment 1180 Around the World 1100 News Packan 1206 Bravo Theatre Pilrhauselfllght WsItDrL Major League 13min is flaws ahm er In Great Hymns of all Time News Weathar Sports The nur McCoys Donna need snow Agdemé Pergohrflimul ray sigma ca ormsncc 33 11 Bitter kw WilythEFPï¬ï¬‚l ngrap 11 Things We sea Sunday mm rnum ï¬gure of the Arrow trrrnrrn MISS You If your carrier has not arrived by 11111 lease phone 30As2433 And copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home Turks N0 cHAaGr roarHrs gm VA oerInersHe¢torn1m Mrs Jack lch and mother of Barrio visited Mrs Donald Coutts Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull attended the Hood farm sale at Stayner Friday good crowd attended pleasant community event Sat urday night with Mr and Mrs WI 011 as guests at community shower in the halL The Bantam ball team were defeated by Strond Saturday night by score of 139 hardball team came up with 77 tie at Creernorc lnday nignr Mrs Jack Hirons Toronto and nursing staff friends from Humber Memorial Hospitnl acid surprise visit to Mr Hirons parents Mr and Mrs Jack Ei its Tuesday night Congratulations to Mr and Mrs George Catt proud par ents of another son at Pm toria Hospital Barrie June 19 SUNNIDALE Mr and Mrs John Harper and children of Cheltenham wore Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Morgan and famll Hugh Fisher of Stayncr was Fathers Day visitor with his daughter Mrs lvan Harvey and family and son Craig Mrs Lewis Allen Mrs Cook and Mrs Hellan Carmich ael were among the guests at tea in Barrie held in honor of tamer teacher of this commun rnarriage inks place shortly Mrs Walter Middleton has re turned to her home in Eimvale having spent two weeks with her daughter Mrs Lewis Allen and family Mr and Mrs Norman Taylor and Cathie of Toronto were weekend visitors at the Bristow home Douglas Knox of Stayner is spending few days with Roger and Murray Harvey James Wilson and Cul tram members of NSSCIA went via bus tc 0AC Guelph on Friday Mr and Mrs Lewis Coolr ac companied Mr and Mrs Ray Cook on recent trip to Nlag Bfll Saturday visitors with Mrs Russell McIntyre were Mrs May Young Mrs Ronald Young and daughter Mrs Norman Young and daughters all of Shanty Bay During the weekend Mr and Mrs John Weatheer entertain ed Mr and Mrs George Hiltz of Listowel Mr and Mrs Robert Sheardowa and family Elmvale Mr and Mrs Allan CarrollJr ael and Miss Lillian Carmichael Collingwood were Sunday visit or with Mrs Relian Carmich Sunnidale United WMS oele hratedthe 40th anniversary in the form of supper in the Stayner church Speaker for the occasion was Mrs Robert Gra ham wife of former pastor Rev Robert Graham CONTRACT BRIDGE JAY BECKER You are the dealer both sides vulnerable and have opened One Spade Partner responds Two Clubs Wh at would you now bid with each of the follow ing four hands amount 09 W2 429m vxa Mus M84 Aims vars OKQG 48 401354 weeAm MW Four clubs The opening bid of one of suit may have from 12 to 21 poian in high cards Since there is such wide range between minimum and maximum opening suit bid there isa strong obligation on the part of the opener to identi fy as soon as he can the qual ity of his opening bid This he does by making minimum re bid on mrrurnlm type of hand maximum rabid on maxi mum handgrandmn inbetween rebid on an inbetween hand This hand16 highcard points and good distribution is not of the minimum class to begin with and grows in value besides when partner responds inrclubs The extra values are shown by jumpraising the clubs It is un necessary to rebidthe spades once good club fit is discover ed slam is distinct possib iii and this message is con veyed by jumping to four clubs Three notrump Here also we are well beyond the require ments for minimum opening bid The jump to three uotrump in this sequence shows 17 or re highltcard points as well as hlrrndzwoll suited for notrump aY No spades The value 01 hand rises or falls depending upon the nature of partners re spouses Thus if partners re sponse to the spade bid were two Spades we would have the values to go right to game in spades Hanoie that fit well risa sharply in value In the same way hands that misfit depreciate in value The two club response even though it is constructive bid does not help our hand at all schhurts it All we can do at this point is rebld the spades urn quantity to show minimlrm type of hand part ners hand is such that he pas ses two spades the odds are that there is no game Two diamondsHere the main effort is directed to identi fying our distribution 1hatn tention is to raise clubs at the next opportunity and in this way having bid spades dia monds and clubs mark oursel ves with singleton or void in hearts We have 17 higheard points which would seem to justin jump bid of some sort but the best policy in hands of this where the ï¬nal contract is in doubt is to move slowly in order to be able to send partner the greatest possible amount of information Tnmurntw disastrous mat is IN HIS BimnAVpSlIilt LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES pAmr nor NEED Park 1961 METEOR DR RIDEAUS BUZ SAWYER muses AND SKEETER TRADEIN 0R STRAIGHT DEAL s2 99 or SHoesmo Bur wrtom GOING mGEr COMPANY owner rash on warms accrues HE HAS AN IMPogrAsrr ALE loo BRADFORD 51 BARRIE FREE AUTOMATIC WITH MERCURY COMET WINGEY says Vbu CAN HAVE triplets Ma UP Aacur SEVENf WITH EACH $500 MEATruncHASI WHOLESALE HOUSE