To MISS ROBERTSON MRS ORR MISS GOODFSLLOW MISS GREEN AND MISS HUNTER MISS CULBERT INSTALLS MISS GOODFELLOW MisslVl Goodiellow Installed Members of Toronto Venture Clubs were among the guests who attended the annual insttl lation din of the Borne Clubs executive last evening At an impressive candlelight ing ceremony Miss Wilda Cul bcri of the Soroptimist Club in stalled Miss Margaret Goodiel low as president Miss Evelyn Hunter first vicepresidcnt Miss Joan Frcethy second vice president Miss Jean Robert son recording secretory Miss Ruthmnrie Green correspond ing secretary Mrs Jim Orr treasurer Directors are Miss Amy Lee Miss Janet MacPher son and Miss Marilyn Caldwell GUEST SPEAKER World traveller Mrs Clifton Ward was speaker She outlined highlights of her voyage around the world and recent trip to New aniand Mrs Ward stressed the im portance of planning ahead for the sake of economy Travelling the way do pro vides better opportunity to meet the real people of coun President try and not just tour of the state buildings embassies and new sections of an old city said the speaker Mrs Ward described in detail her trip to India and of the con trast in life in Bombay While in this city she was guest of wealthy family who were living in the lap of luxury yet eoroute to their home the traveller saw families living on street corners Mrs Ward displayed articles purchased on her trip and ans wered questions on travel fol lowing the meeting Among the guests at the dim nor were Mrs Ward Goodfellow mother of the new oresldent Mrs Welsh Miss Macinnes Miss Amy Sargent Miss Kay Webb Miss Dianne Pratt Members of Toronto clubs attending were Miss Pot Long regional secretary and Miss Audrey Haifyard past president of the Barrie Venture Clun EARLYSTARI About half of all the girls in East Pakistan are married be fore they reach nge is YOUR HEALTH Change In Habits Could Mean Trouble By BURTON FERN M1 DEAR DOCTOR For four or five months my intestines hove been stopping up for three day and flowing like water on the fourth Could thisbe cancer7 Dear Mrs EL Any sudden change in bowel habits might mean cancer Your intestines have to be proven innocent This policy worries lot of healthy people but it also saves many possible cancer victim See your doctor at once Only hie can lighten your canch wor esi BRAIN waves GONE Dear Doctor remember hav ing brain waves but dont seem to have them any more Whats happenedf feel quite confused Mrs Dear Mrs You can stop worrying No one feels brain waves Theyre tiny electrical currenu that can be measured only with special superscnsi vice machine Perhaps you mean brain storms Most minds calm with agel LONGLASTING AILMENT Dear Doctor Two months ago came down with infectious mononucleosis glandular fev er feel cured but my lymph nodes glands are still swollen is this serious Mrs Mini HAWORTHSMAIL ItIto Accept Innocent Victim Think Of Childs Welfare Deu Mnry Bavaria How docs oneoccept retarded child vWe have granddaughter who is coming to visit us None of our friend knowth is re tcrded Her mother and have almbst had nervous breakdowns thinking about her future In it because of selfishness that we cant face up to this tragedy Nothing of this nature has ever happened in ourfamtly before VC Deu VC How does one ac cept retarded cbildl Well first of all you must think of the chlldl best inter ests bore and now and not of yourself as person supposedly disgraced by being related In may bulge for weeks or months after youve recovered swol len spleen an enormous lymph node in the upper left corner of the abdomen can cause trouble Ask your doctor when he ex amines you That completely cured idea can go up in smoke if smoldering infectious mono nucleosis suddenly flares up ognlnl SOHENING TOE NAM Dear Doctor How can soften my toe nails to make them easy to cut Mrs Dear Mrs Warm Water works well to or 15minute soak should do fine hot bath relaxes you softens nails and ateadies nerves before the trim Clean under each nail with an orangewood stick Then trim straight across flush with the end of the toe to avoid ingrown trouble CAUSE OF SENGLES Dear Doctor at causu shingles Do they appear on only one part of the body Can you get it more than once Mr 113 DearMr The shingles viru us infects nerves Along each branch of the infected nerve painful blisters break out and overlap each other like shingles The virus can strike anywhere but it rarely attacks two Dear Mrs Swollen glands tant areasï¬ Stretchy Fabrics Make The SSiiit By ELEANOR moss Every time we slip into comfortable twoway stretch or formfitting swimsuit we stop and muse for moment on the wonderful advances in the world of fabrics Bathing suits and foundation garments of the type we take WAGROUPS TOUR COLLINGWOOD INDUSTRIES tour of Collingwood indust ries climaxed the year for on members of Groups and of Collier Street United WomV ana Association yesterday Mrs John Millward Donald Street Group leader wei comes fellow travellers prior to departure From the left is Mrs Harold Cooper Mrs Norman Synnott Group 34 different leader Mrs Stewart Haslett Mrs Lottie William and Mrs Marshall for granted today were com pletely unknown less than 30 years ago The garments of that era are practically museum pieces today so strange and antiquated do they seem The real secret of this dra matic change and improvement is elasticized fabric Yesteryears girdles were fashioned of rigid inflexible ma teriais frequently boned with uncomfortable spring steels Formfitting bathing suits were made either of woolknit or of rubber which was ciammy when wet and embarrasingly apt to rip Today however things are happily different Whether we fare forth to buy aswimsuit or dainty lace tnmmed girdle allinone or bra there is wealth of beau tiful garments made of elasti cized fabrics fromwhich to choose The comfort is built in as are beautifullincs And the gar ments come in many woven patterns in handsome print andare available in wide range of beautiful colors and tones It is just matter of individual preference Bathing suits bras and gir diet were only the firstand the most obvioususes for elasti cized fabrics The advantages of flexible fit have been utilizedin many things such as bathing caps stretch boots belts chil drens wear and numerous in dustrial items less obvious but quite ex citing idea is the concept of using elasticized fabrics as up holstery materialin homes in offices and in the field of trans portation slxrsrl 47 PLUS DEPOSIT this innocent victim of misfflf tune You have to be big enough in spirit to grasp something of what that famous humanitarian Dr Albert Schweitzer means when he says that his religion is based on reverence for lift This compassionate unossum log medical missionary and Now be Prize winner thinks so highlyof all forms of life as coming from God though suffer ing from the fallof man that hellke the saluted chandl wouidnt gratuitoust hurt mosquito or fly Indeed have heard he even goes to some lengths to avoid making war nn could harmful bacteria when he can ï¬nd constructive ways around it ALL HAVE FAULTS gt To accept retarded child with good heart in the right dis position you have to have enough round common sense and sufï¬cient humorto realize THE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE that all humanityincluding Ihc imugiy competent walled av erage man or woman must tram Gods viewpoint look like retarded children as compared to the selves we are supposed to be is it because of selfishness that you cant face up to this trial Not entirely It is mi lure of several things False pridethe assump lion that persons worth is to be measured by his claims to good fortune as defined by snobbisb standards ignorance bowing little knowledge or understanding of the various causes of retarda tion in children if you were wisely instructed medically on this score you would put aside your feelings of social stigma Ww gm and tonguetied embarrassman about the problem you slut with thousands of other families Seliishws yes in the sense that you resenllily dls like having to readjust your atv titudes from the ground up to make hospitable place in your life and heart for damaged child nor can The 9loofoot Ruapehu voi cone in New Zealand has boiling lake in its cruler For Hair Style Of Distinction VISIT loan gurncir HAIR STYLISTS ll Ilnpla AVE PA I4 complete balanced in gravy+coatedj meaty chunks How easy to get the hearty goodness of real gravy Just turn on the warm water tap give quick stir and suddenly you have brown gravy swimming over bighusky chunks Yourldogs to love the savorygoodness of New KenL Gravy Chunks And its nutritionally balanced formula provides the meatV protein vitamins and minerals your dog Ineedstet thebright orange package of New Kerri Gravy Chunks soon BARBIE BEVERAGE HOMPANY Division of SevenUp Ontario Phone Barrie PA 89279 Drillin Midland and Penctnng Zenith 11100 FREE DIS satisfy your pets hunger completely